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Race: El'Karin
Clan: Shishoti
Age of the Pack: 66,000,000,000 Years (1st Age of Creation)

Details of form: El'Karin are actually massive Dragon's forced to disguise themselves as Elves with dark skin of either Black or Violet texture. Their skin is always smooth and supple with a slight oily gloss to it. Many attribute them as "Demon like" due to their Silver hair, and the dragon like horns jutting from their heads, wings and whip like tails. Though a rare Violet or Sky Blue haired El'Karin is heralded as a Priest/ess of the clan, almost all El'Karin are devout practitioners of Clerical Magic and the most powerful Spell casters on Eluris.

Because their bodies were made for a different world where 'Ether' was the very air, they can not sustain their True Dragon form on worlds with less Ether in the air such as Eluris. During the War of Perfection, their true home world was destroyed before they were able to claim it and since Amelia's final spell ensured that the El'Karin could not function without their Rishishka counter parts, housing them on Eluris meant they had to take on bodies that 'burned less Ether' and adopted their Elven-Dragon like visage.

First King & Queen: [No Current King] Queen Aliandra Ashinni

First Princess: Princess Furina Ashinni

Normal Life Span of an El'Karin: Immortal Life Span

Religion: Arison

The Gods:
Melina- Goddess of Creation and Destruction, The Wolf, She is represented by the element of Fire.
Larah- Underling to Melina, Goddess of Birth and Fertility.
Tamren- Melina's Second in Command, God of Neutrality.
ScarletRose- Goddess of Love and Truth, The Fox, She is represented by the element of Water.
Cherish- Underling to Scarlet Rose, Goddess of River's and Sea's.
Riowing- Underling of Scarlet Rose, Goddess of Forest.
Bahamutt- God of Wisdom and Health, The White Dragon, He is represented by the element of Earth.
Do- Underling of Bahamutt, God of Intervintion.
Perish- Underling of Bahamutt, God of Future Sight.
Tiamatt- Goddess of War and Power, The Black Dragon, She is represented by the element of Air.
Calista- Underling of Tiamatt, Goddess of Death.
Flamedra- Underling of Tiamatt, Goddess of the Forge.

Language: Draconic, Elven, Common, Faye, Arison

Planet of Origin: Eluris

Original Home: Appareal

Current Home: Rinsari Islands, Eluris

Technological Advancments: High Advancment with a Mix of Midevil Technology.

Alignment: True Order

Political Structure:

Royal family:


Royal Council:

Royal Advisor
Five-star Guard
Path Generals(4)
Court Jester

Religious Council:

Melina's Couver
Scarlet Rose's Petal
Bahamutt's Priest(ess)
Tiamatt's Knight Of Neflihame

Natural abilities: True Elemental Magics, True Clerical skills, Natural Grace, Incredible Strength.

History:Born during the War of Perfection, the El'Karin were forged by all of the Ancient's alongside their Twin race the Rishishka. They were created to be the back line support for their sister race's front line skills. Adding healing and magic use to throw against the Perfect Being Amelia Farice. But before they were even released from behind Avalon's gates, where they trained and learned their powers for over a thousand years there, their 'Future home world' Appareal was destroyed in the fighting between the Ancient's and the Amelia. This world was made of pure Ether that could handle the El'Karin's physical needs for the Life element. They were forced to shrink and confine their power in smaller bodies that could better support less Ether for their own survival.

During the War's final moments, Amelia - the Perfect Being - cast a spell that striped the El'Karin of their free will. They could not function without commands to even move, but worse still the commands had to come from a Rishishka and not one of the Ancient's which stripped the El'Karin of their true callings as Priests of the Ancients. Their home world was lost, and so was their natural forms, now their free wills were taken as well. The Rishishka offered up their Home's to their sister race and spent thirteen thousand years working on a way to free the El'Karin's minds from bondage. Unfortunately that cure has yet to be found, but a way for them to Function naturally without command was discovered by Demesia Fairwind when she ordered the El'Karin she was responsible for to "pretend you are free". The El'Karin began sleeping, eating, bathing, and living semi-normal lives in a basic needs sense; unfortunately they could do nothing other than those basic needs to live. They still require 'orders' from Rishishka to perform tasks, jobs, cook or clean through the day.

Despite this need to still take orders, the race is not enslaved or forced in any way. El'Karin are a female dominated clan. Females hold all of the power, being Warrior's, Political figures, and Hunters. Males are considered as breeding means and home makers, never allowed to touch a weapon or even wear clothing. It is often seen in many families to use males as bargaining chips or ways to pay off debts, seeing as for every One Female, their are Twelve males to go around.

The El'Karin are the Counter to Rishishka, born at the same time - both races were once thought of as Legends, referred to as "The First Born".

Powers: El'Karin are masters of Magical and Clerical Combat. This ability, combined with the Rishishka warriors, make for ferocious battlefields many refuse to engage with.


Currency: Their males are the predominate manner of currency in this culture, however trade goods are also accepted quite often.


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