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Omerian Clans


Race: Omerian (Oh-meer-E-in)
Clan: Nomad Style Race
Age of the Pack: 180,000,000 years (5th Age of Creation)

Details of form: Omerian's naturally look like Anthropomorphic bats, though their wings can either be part of the arm or disjointed and resting along the back. They never grow bigger than four feet tall until the day the take a mate. When they do take a mate, their bodies rapidly grow and change, females will often range between seven to nine feet in height and become quite bountiful in physical attributes, while males will top out at six feet, though their musculature mutates as well giving them stronger flying muscles and super-human strength. Their bodies are genetically inclined to monogamy in such a way, that when they take a mate, their bodies remember that mate and will ensure faithfulness naturally. Males will be unable to become aroused by other females, and females bodies will literally 'seal' their orifices temporarily. Because of this, there are no forced marriages within their tribes, marriage is for true love. Though very rarely in the past Arranged marriages did happen.

Omerian's may be nomads formed by thirty to fifty individuals, but their communication network is vast thanks to natural telepathy. They are also among the greatest of mages Eluris knows, weaker only to the El'Karin. They see the beauty of Nature and live beside it without using technology at all. There are some of the race who have turned away from their culture during the choice known as "Asvila" which translates to "Life Choice" much like the Amish society of Earth. It is uncommon for an Omerian to take a mate outside of their species since they are keenly aware of their bodies natural chastity and believe fully in faithfulness to ones love. Their culture often keeps all children away from most adults during travels between camp zones, and when near cities the children are hidden away from all except the Elder Females.

Devout followers of the Arison Religion, Omerian's boast the most powerful Clergy and influential Priests. It is often said "When an Omerian Speaks, you had better listen." as Omerian's are unable to speak lies, however this also makes them cunning Merchants, which is how many tribes continue to thrive. They can not eat solid foods, so their fangs serve as a method to deliver a strong acid in to their preys bodies, much like a spider would. They feed on Blood of animals but never feeding more than is needed, and Fruits. They have only two teeth, very sharp fangs that secrete a powerful acid that melts the fibers in fruits and muscles making them somewhat vampiric if needs be. With the natural immunity to poisons and diseases, Omerian's are often asked to purify other races blood through transfusions specially designed with the Omerian serving as a filter.

Each Omerian is nearly blind when it comes to their sight. Glasses can be worn to improve their vision in the day time, but at night they are as blind as the bats they look like. They do have sonar that resonates up to two hundred feet around them and paints a landscape picture so detailed it is believed they see everything as echos even with their eyes. Every tribe is lead by a small group of elders, all female. These females are the wisest of the Tribe and lead like Gypsy's. Males are hunters and gatherers, while females tend to the camp and decisions for the Tribe. Every Winter fane, the tribes meet for the Elder Council and set new trade laws, help to move males and females between Tribes to keep their gene pools from stagnating.

Another curiosity to their genetics, and a reason so many seek them out as a life mate, is their bodies ability to 'adapt' to their partners race. For some reason they pull power from their non-Omerian partner that enhances them. If an Omerian partnered with a Dragon, Rishishka or El'Karin, they would take on the Immortal like state, unable to die of old age or grow past a certain point. Likewise if the Omerian took a Ferisk or Wyntara as a mate they'd gain the powers of shape-shifting to hide. It is a curiosity many scientist have tried to understand and replicate through technological or magical means, but have always failed.

First Leaders: Unknown.

Normal Life Span of an Omerian: Between 300 to 1200 years

Religion: Arison

The Gods:
Melina- Goddess of Creation and Destruction, The Wolf, She is represented by the element of Fire.
Larah- Underling to Melina, Goddess of Birth and Fertility.
Tamren- Melina's Second in Command, God of Neutrality.
ScarletRose- Goddess of Love and Truth, The Fox, She is represented by the element of Water.
Cherish- Underling to Scarlet Rose, Goddess of River's and Sea's.
Riowing- Underling of Scarlet Rose, Goddess of Forest.
Bahamutt- God of Wisdom and Health, The White Dragon, He is represented by the element of Earth.
Do- Underling of Bahamutt, God of Intervintion.
Perish- Underling of Bahamutt, God of Future Sight.
Tiamatt- Goddess of War and Power, The Black Dragon, She is represented by the element of Air.
Calista- Underling of Tiamatt, Goddess of Death.
Flamedra- Underling of Tiamatt, Goddess of the Forge.

Language: Dragonic, Elven, Common, Faye, Arison

Planet of Origin: Eluris

Original Home: Unknown

Current Home: Unknown

Technological Advancements: Midevil Technology.

Alignment: Neutral

Political Structure:

Elder Council each year, otherwise the elders of each tribe

Religious Council:

Melina's Couver
Scarlet Rose's Petal
Bahamutt's Priest(ess)
Tiamatt's Knight Of Neflihame

Natural ability's: Elemental Magics, Clerical skills, Natural Muscle and Grace, Toxin Immunity, Echo Location, Hearing Lies, Flight.

History: Very little is known of Omerian Culture as they are secretive and Nomadic. Even when asked, they will ignore questioning of their history, and change the subject as quickly as possible. They are the counterparts to Harpies, and as such they are the youngest of the Elurian Races next to their Harpy counterparts. The only information known of this race, is their love for Nature and the Ancient's.
The Harpies and Omerian races are joined together as the youngest Races of Eluris.


Currancy: Dul'rin and Trade goods.


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