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Rishishka Race


Race: Rishishka (Ra-shish-kah)
Clan: Multiple Clans made up of Families
Age of the Pack: 66,000,000,000 years (1st Age of Creation)

Details of form: Rishishka range in appearance for the most part when it comes to fur and skin color. However, these Rishishka have several 'forms' that they can take on based on their natural abilities. Young Rishishka can only be in their natural state which appears to be an Erdite appearance but with Fox like appearances such as ears, a tail, clawed fingers, slit eyes and sharp teeth.

Rishishka whom have passed trials of age can earn the ability to take on a full fox body either Morphic or Non-morphic with all of their tails showing or only one. This is an advanced use of their magics, but does not require their concentration to control. Much older Rishishka can remove their fox parts by 'pulling off' their fur to take on a complete Erdite appearance.

Rishishka are mostly known for three things on Eluris. Mischief, Multiple Tails, and an uncanny control over Mana. Their Ability to manipulate Ether, or mana, has given them a natural control over Elemental and Spiritual magic that has also lead to their superiority complex. Rishishka have long believed themselves better then all other races and constantly cause problems for the other races of Eluris, so called "Mischief" to them often results in deaths or dismemberment of their apparent target. This stems from the fact that their name literally translates to "Children of the Ancients" and they were the very first race created by the Ancients.

One way to tell the age and abilities of a Rishishka, is from their tails. A Rishishka is born with a single tail, but that tail can divide and grow in to extra tails every 100 years and if they pass a test of Knowledge, Skill and Control. The tests become more difficult as the Rishishka advances up to a maximum of Nine tails. During the wars Rishishka have joined in on, it has been learned that Rishishka can only be killed in two ways, behead them or sever all of their tails at the root in one swing. Failing to cut off all of their tails will result in leaving them alive, and pissed.

Their political structure is known as "The Council of Nine" made up of Nine Divinely elected officials with Nine tails for at least three hundred years after they attained that many tails. Now days, there are Nine head families that have one member chosen - bred - and raised to be a council member.

For the last nine thousand years, Rishishka have been extremely Reclusive, venturing in to public only in small groups and traders once a year as a sign they are still around. There are 'lone wolves' such as Allester Darkflame, Matsuyuki Minyamoto, and Koichi Asikadi; that roam the world as adventurers or explorers. Since there is no lore of Rishishka ever being created by the Ancient's, though they Worship the Ancient's, Rishishka are well known to be the very first Creations ever made by the Ancient's, not before the Perfect Being though.

Their community structure is made up of "Houses".

The Council of Nine:The highest Ranked Nine families, selected by the Ancients in the beginning, have full control over Rishishka society, but still measure their Families power with the number of "Slave Houses" that serve them, Monetary Income, and Diplomatic Relations. Council Families have no limit to the amount of "Slave Houses" they may have, but currently the Darkflame Family is Ranked Supreme thanks to the Matron Sarahsyn's personality and charm to lead, and Allester's sharp money making schemes backed by Syn'Afaye's skill in courts. These families are also the only Families that may have a Ranking Religious Member, and are in fact [REQUIRED] to have a Member of each of the Four Ancient's Priesthood.

Conria Families:These Families are Diplomatic Families who's sole goal in life is to keep their Council Families lines of communication open. Each Family may have a maximum of 10 Mariso Families, 5 Lumina Families and 5 Breeding Families, this total does not include the families owned by the lesser lines.

Mariso Families:These Families are Militant Soldiers, training in Warfare and Magic, even healing is learned. Their entire family structure is meant to keep the Rishishka families protected. They are permitted to own 3 Lumina families and 2 Breeding families, these totals don't count the families owned by the lesser clans.

Lumina Families:These Families make up the brunt of the Rishishka work force. Laborers and Craftsmen form the core of these families and are often homes to the greatest of Artists. While Lumina Families are at the bottom of the barrel in terms of power, they are allowed to have 2 Breeder families under them.

Breeder Families:These "Families" are disgraced members of Rishishka society, law breakers and Families that violated rules of conduct and other such issues have created actual "Slaves" as punishment. These families have no rights in Rishishka society and are used quite as the name implies, as Breeders. Because Rishishka have such a low birth rate, these Families do serve an important role and can earn the right to become "Proper" families again.

First Leaders: House Arkrim; House Du'Sinri; House Lamfyre; House Orm'rail; House Farthrin; House Darkflame; House Zimlearin; House Shadowmoon; and House Farewind

Normal Life Span of a Rishishka: Time has no effect on them, their Deaths and Ceremonies are viciously secretive.

Religion: Arison

The Gods:
Melina- Goddess of Creation and Destruction, The Wolf, She is represented by the element of Fire.
Larah- Underling to Melina, Goddess of Birth and Fertility.
Tamren- Melina's Second in Command, God of Neutrality.
ScarletRose- Goddess of Love and Truth, The Fox, She is represented by the element of Water.
Cherish- Underling to Scarlet Rose, Goddess of River's and Sea's.
Riowing- Underling of Scarlet Rose, Goddess of Forest.
Bahamutt- God of Wisdom and Health, The White Dragon, He is represented by the element of Earth.
Do- Underling of Bahamutt, God of Intervintion.
Perish- Underling of Bahamutt, God of Future Sight.
Tiamatt- Goddess of War and Power, The Black Dragon, She is represented by the element of Air.
Calista- Underling of Tiamatt, Goddess of Death.
Flamedra- Underling of Tiamatt, Goddess of the Forge.

Language: Rishishka, Dragonic, Elven, Common, Faye, Arison

Planet of Origin: Eluris

Original Home: All of Eluris

Current Home: A shielded Island Continent known as "Ezirin" of which none but Rishishka and El'Karin, or those with that blood may enter - it is protected by Divine Power, the Ancient's wish to protect their Original Children.

Technological Advancments: High Advancment with a Mix of Midevil Technology.

Alignment: True Chaos

Political Structure:

The Council of Nine:

Religious Council:

Melina's Couver
Scarlet Rose's Petal
Bahamutt's Priest(ess)
Tiamatt's Knight Of Neflihame

Natural ability's: Light Bend(Type of Invisibility), Illusionary Magic, Elemental Magics, Clerical skills, Natural Muscle and Grace, Exclusionary Magic.

History: As the first Race of beings the Ancient's created to help fight the Perfect Being, the Rishishka were made to be timeless and near impossible to kill. They don't need air to breath, they can survive and move in Space without any help. Originally there were 100 Rishishka made, 50 Females and 50 Males. During the battle with the Perfect Being, all but nine males were killed and only 7 females lost their lives. Because of this, the Ancient's laid down laws of Conduct. The Council of Nine would always be the Nine Families chosen by the Ancients to lead. Male Children would be True Heirs to the Family throne, No Half-Breed may sit as a Families Matron or Patron. If a Daughter is born to Twins, she is a "Pure Bred" and will over rule the Male Child's right to lead unless that Male Child is also born to Twins.

Because there is only one birth every 700-1000 years, Children are excessively protected and adored, Rishishka will protect and ensure the safety of children of any race, even their enemies - unless the child poses an immediate and very dangerous threat. But this birth rate is crippled slightly more because females are the most common birth. For every 24 Female Rishishka there is 1 Male Rishishka, so multiple mates is a common practice though the current Mates of a Male have a say in whom he may take as a Mate to ensure Family Dynamics are friendly.

The El'Karin, when brought to Eluris 471 years after the Planets creation, are viewed as the "Other side of the coin" in Rishishka eyes. Their relationship is often Master and Servant, though the El'Karin are naturally inclined to be a servant species for they are literally unable to perform tasks without Orders or Directions from a superior. This has led to the Rishishka keeping the El'Karin safe, and protected, viewed and respected as people even though they are Servants. The El'Karin in return for their services to the Rishishka, are given purpose and all the Ether they can safely feed on.

Rishishka are the Counter Balance to El'Karin in the Coin Balance of Creation the Ancient's came up with, They are the True Chaotic side. Born at the same time - both races were once thought of as Legends, referred to as "The First Born". -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Currancy: Dul'rin for Interactions with "outsiders", but in their own culture nothing is known of their currency.


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