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The White Rose Knight's

The White Rose Knights


Originally created by King Alurician Oswin of Elnaria as Royal Guard’s, Alurician was no womanizer, in fact he respected women, however he was more into men then the community liked and wanted him to provide an Heir to the throne. He created the White Rose Knight’s to protect him from the community at large, giving them rights above the laws so they could ensure his safety during his indulgence of men. Thankfully the women he hired as Knight’s were adventurer’s of High caliber and decided against abusing their powers.

Instead they began hiring young women and training them, requesting the first Cathedral and Temple to be constructed and forming the first Blossom council. They worked efficiently for the pay they were given by the King to keep him safe. They even devised a way for the King to have a child without touching a woman. Using a stasis spell, one woman watched as the King had his way with a man, but rather then finishing within, the King was asked to remove himself so the spell could hold his seed in waiting. She then took the seed in to herself and bore a Son to the King.

This boy grew in to a fine young man, guided by his mother and trained to be the next King. Crimson Petal Slavering Alcos went down in history as the Founder and Savior of the White Rose Knight’s and the Elnarian Kingdom. Fifty years later, the Law’s of the White Rose Knight’s were created and put in to effect. Ten years after that, King Romavin Oswin provided the orders that allowed White Rose Knight’s to recruit children for the Knight’s – this didn’t go over well with the towns in the Kingdom, so the White Rose Knight’s offered a stipend to the family’s and a promise that they could see their children at any time. This changed the minds of the People and they welcomed the idea.

Unfortunately, five years after this law was implemented, a war broke out between Elnaria and the Erdite’s to the north. The Knight’s pulled back as they were trained, but because the Guard’s were outnumbered, and the Army was on advance to the North, the White Rose Knight’s lost over sixty-percent of their numbers, including many of the young children who chose to take up arms and help defend. The city survived, but at a grievous cost to life. Over seventy years passed before their numbers returned to the original number of members.

During their two hundredth year in the service of the Royal Family, King Dias Oswin; a man who married in to the family from his small farm home; decided the Knight’s should be spread around the Kingdom’s and not as Royal Guard’s. He called to council his fellow rulers and it was agreed the a Cathedral and Temple for the White Rose Knight’s would be erected in every Kingdom and that they would serve as Guardian’s of Cities, Towns, and the Kingdom’s rather than as Royal Guards. Over the next forty years the Blossom Council sought out members in every City and Town amongst the Kingdoms to start the Chapter’s.

Because the threat of the Erdite nation in the North was so large, that the Furling Kingdom’s couldn’t hold them off alone. The Featherling’s to the west and Gryphon’s to the east were asked to help defend and work together. The two cultures requested that they too be allowed to join the White Rose Knight’s, though the Gryphon’s did not wish to join they still wanted a Cathedral and Temple nearby as Homage to the Brave women and their Strength. It was approved and thirteen Temple’s and Cathedral in Thirteen Kingdom’s were finally created.

After these foundations were created, groups pretending to be White Rose Knight’s popped up, creating negative images of the Knight’s that caused unrest and hatred across the lands. The Erdite’s tried a similar attempt at undermining the White Rose Knight’s, but failed. Eventually, over heavy inquisitions, the frauds were found and punished. New laws were created by King’s and the Blossom council to protect against such an act. It was decided that a King’s Signet ring and a Blossom’s Ring or higher, would need to be touched to armor and weapon orders before any smith could work metal for a Knight. They were also given a special magic paint to create the White Rose Knight’s seal on the armor and weapon crafted, but only enough for the job.


Members of the White Rose are Female only. They are taken young by parents that wish better lives for their daughters, or need the money the Knight’s pay for the children. Raised as warriors, mages, clerics, and assassins to complete tasks sanctioned by the Blossom Council. Each individual female is not permitted to touch any man at all except in two cases. (1) When a Man and a White Rose’s mana charms*1 indicate a perfect match for mate-ship. (2) When a man is of great importance to the world, such as a Heralded Profit; Unmarried King/Prince; or a male deemed worthy by the Blossom Council.

The White Rose Knight’s are located in the Cathedral City “Elnaria” where the Oswin Royal Family rules. The Cathedral of Roses was the first of its kind, Birth place of the White Rose Knight’s as Royal Guards. However because of their complete and utter faith in their training and laws, the Knight’s were given a different branch in the Monarchy as Grand Marshal’s of the land. They are above the laws of the Land but rarely abuse this gift as their first law is the Protection of the People.

When a White Rose knight first joins the Bouquet, she is normally very young and moldable, so her mind is trained with the Laws of the Knight’s first, and then the Law’s of the Land. This training ensures they understand their duties as Knight’s. in the case of those who find their Life Mate, her laws change immediately. Her first and foremost Law is to Protect her family, and then the People.


Unmarried White Rose Knights:

1: Defend the people of the land.

2: No Rose may cause harm to an innocent life in the pursuit of thy enemy.

3: Uphold the Laws of the Land

4: No Rose may marry unless sanctioned by Mana-Charm or Blossom Council.

5: Defense of the Cities belongs to the Guard’s and Army, Rose’s lift their swords in defense of the castle, where all Civilians will reside during attacks.

6: The secrets of the White Rose Knight’s will remain within the Bouquet.

7: The King of the Country may never order a Rose, only the Blossom Council provides orders.

8a: Weapons and Armor must be crafted by a Sanctioned Rose Smith.

8b: A smith can be commissioned to craft Weapon or Armor for a Rose with Sanctioning from a Captain Or Higher Rank in the White Rose Knight’s Ring along with the King’s personal order. Working on Weapon’s and Armor that bear the White Rose Crest without sanctioning is Treason.

9a: A White Rose Knight must always be a lady when in public, proud; standing tall; and well groomed.

9b: During times of Combat a Rose may shed her Lady’s shell and unleash her thorns.

10: No one may see a White Rose Knight without her armor on in Public. A Knight must remain armed and armored at all times; only within a Cathedral or Temple of the Rose, where there are no male eyes, may a Knight disarm safely.

11: White Rose Knight’s have permission to Kill any who get in the way of Justice, but must never abuse this right for then they become the Unjust.

12: The Code of Honor is our Greatest gift, never drift from it.

13: A Rose may never bathe nude unless within Temple or Cathedral grounds. Travels will require a gossamer shift of white and red that will keep thee concealed but still allow bathing.

14: In-fighting between Roses shall never be tolerated, we are all sisters of the same order.

15: A Knight’s home must be humble, live the life of the people you protect to learn the strife and hardships they go through and better understand why they need protection.

Married White Rose Knights:

1: Defend your family first and foremost.

2: Defend the People of the land.

3: No Rose may cause harm to an innocent life in the pursuit of thy enemy.

4: Uphold the Laws of the Land.

5: Defense of the Cities belongs to the Guard’s and Army, Rose’s lift their swords in defense of the castle, where all Civilians will reside during attacks.

6: The secrets of the White Rose Knight’s will remain within the Bouquet.

7: The King of the Country may never order a Rose, only the Blossom Council provides orders.

8a: Weapons and Armor must be crafted by a Sanctioned Rose Smith.

8b: A smith can be commissioned to craft Weapon or Armor for a Rose with Sanctioning from a Captain Or Higher Rank in the White Rose Knight’s Ring along with the King’s personal order. Working on Weapon’s and Armor that bear the White Rose Crest without sanctioning is Treason.

9a: A White Rose Knight must always be a lady when in public, proud; standing tall; and well groomed.

9b: During times of Combat a Rose may shed her Lady’s shell and unleash her thorns.

10: No one may see a White Rose Knight without her armor on in Public. A Knight must remain armed and armored at all times; only within a Cathedral or Temple of the Rose, where there are no male eyes, may a Knight disarm safely. Within thy home and with thy husband alone may a Married Knight disrobe fully.

11: White Rose Knight’s have permission to Kill any who get in the way of Justice, but must never abuse this right for then they become the Unjust.

12: The Code of Honor is our Greatest gift, never drift from it.

13: A Rose may never bathe nude unless within Temple or Cathedral grounds. Travels will require a gossamer shift of white and red that will keep thee concealed but still allow bathing. Save within thy own home.

14: In-fighting between Roses shall never be tolerated, we are all sisters of the same order.

15: A Knight’s home may be that of her husbands or her original home amongst the people.

The Code of Honor:

1: Discipline

2: Pride

3: Respect

4: Sisterhood

5: Valor

6: Truth/Honesty

7: Chastity Until Marriage

8: Motherhood/Childcare

9: Study

10: Lawfulness

11: Compassion

12: Follow Order’s of the Blossom Council

13: Growth and Passion

Political Structure:

Blossom Council: The highest point of the White Rose Knight’s, they answer only to the Ruling Sovereign of the lands. This Council is created from One High Pollen and One Crimson Petal from each of the Temple’s and Cathedral’s around the Lands, thirteen in Total for twenty-six members. They convene one every month to discuss the Growth and Stimulation of individual Cities and Kingdom’s.

High Pollen: Essentially a High priestess or Arch magus, they are leaders of Temple’s and control Blessings of Knight’s, Weapons and Armor enchantments, and sanctioning of Marriage between a Rose and her Mana-Charm mate.

Crimson Petal: The highest rank of either the Warrior caste of Knights. These Admiral’s run the Cathedral’s where orders are handed out to all White Rose Knight’s, which include the Shadow caste. These Knights are the strongest and most experienced of the entire Structure, elected by their sister’s votes every fifteen years; or when the previous Crimson Petal passes on.

Shadow Stem: The leader of the Shadow caste, Assassins trained from childhood to understand the gift of life and to respect it as well as know when to end it. The Shadow Stem is the only member who has no ties to any orders, she is elected by the Blossom Council only as she governs the life and death of Citizens and Politicians. She never gives the orders for assassinations herself, handing them to a Crimson petal to give to her Shadow’s.

Shadow Rose: A White Rose Knight that has been trained as an Assassin since her induction to the Knights. Always young children are taught – never teens or adults who come to the Knight’s themselves. They work alone, it is easier to lose one Shadow Rose then groups of them or other sisters. To this day however, no Shadow Rose has ever been caught.

Bouquet: A unit of White Rose Knights that include a Blossom and her Petals and Thorns – On occasion a Pollen or two is added. They travel as one, fight as one, and keep order as one. It is often said they are also lovers behind closed doors – but this has never been confirmed nor denied.

Blossom: A Captain in the White Rose Knight’s, she is highly skilled and powerful with Ether attacks as well as defenses. Blossom’s are given a ring that allows one-half of a contract for personalized weapons and armor from smiths.

Thorns: Thorn’s are skilled warrior’s with any form of weapon and given a suit of armor crafted from a Sanctioned blacksmith. Each suit of armor is Blessed or Enchanted by Pollens.

Pollens: Pollen’s are Priestess’ given great healing and protective magic, or powerful elemental magic that can rain devastation on the land – thus they are closely monitored and often kept inside Temples.

Petals: These Initiates to the White Rose Knight’s have yet to be given their caste. They are added in large groups to Bouquet’s for field training and experience that will allow a Blossom to ascertain where the Petal should be added by caste.


*1: Mana-charm’s are wristband amulets of Zierite metal surrounding different gems. The metal channels Mana from the air in to the Gemstone affixed to it. This allows for the use of Ether skills or Spell casting. The gemstones are not chosen by people, but instead are subject to choosing the owner through mana affinity. They also are able to find a person’s “Perfect mate” and leads them to that person by glowing brightly once in range of 20 yards. As they grow closer, the gems glow changes colors until it rapidly fluctuates.

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