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Mixed Emotions | by Black Genie | Chapter 2: Secret Plans

Hojo swayed back and forth in his chair brainstorming the possibility of speeding up Aeris's maturing process. Frustrated, he sighed. He could give her hormones but the side effects wouldn't be pretty and it wasn't like he could just kidnap another Cetra at the grocery store. Sephiroth was maturing well and he'd hit puberty very soon. His injections were doing wonders for his physique and speed. The girl would take more time.

Hojo drummed his fingers on the table.

An old memory came back to him. His wife, Lucrecia, was in love with a former Turk before she married him. What was his name? Vincent! Yes, that was his name. Lucrecia, Prof. Gast, and himself had been sent to a remote town to work on a secret mission. The Turk was supposed to be there to protect them but they all knew why he really signed up for the job. Lucrecia spent a lot of time with Vincent, on and off duty.

Meanwhile Hojo made a breakthrough in his research and discovered that Mako made the Jenova samples they found stronger. He tested them out on a rat he found in the basement. It mutated and turned into a mini-monster. If it could do that to a tiny rodent, imagine what it could do to man. He needed a quick human specimen. Professor Gast was against it all from the beginning and argued that more research was needed. Hojo had him sent back to Midgar and turned his eyes on Lucrecia.

The scientist threw on his charm and "good" looks but the younger woman wasn't having it. Finally, he had to use blackmail and force her to leave Vincent behind. He had to admit that it was amusing to see the Turk break down simply because of the actions of one clever genius.

The answer was clear now.

Although he wanted to keep Sephiroth isolated from other people his age, he would have to let him befriend the Cetra if his plan was going to work. Eventually they'd become lovers and he wouldn't have go through the trouble of cutting either one of them open. He scribbled something on his note pad and left the room. He passed by a few cubicles and couple of open office doors.

"Yep, he's mumbling again," someone whispered to a colleague.

"Another experiment for the freak," said another.

Hojo entered the examining room where Sephiroth was still running on the treadmill.

"Stop," he said.

Sephiroth slowed down then finally stopped. He looked hardly flushed.

Hojo looked at the meter. "Splendid."

Hojo scribbled on his notepad again and flipped it shut. He walked out of the room and stopped next to one of the guards.

"Take him to his room," he said. The trooper nodded.

Hojo went back to his office to look over his plan. It was a clever one indeed. He couldn't wait for his little project to go under way.

"Sir, Aeris is here to see you," said Illana over the intercom.

"Send her in," Hojo replied.

The door opened. Allison came in holding Aeris' hand and helped her into the chair at the end of Hojo's desk.

"Be good," Allison said.

Aeris nodded.

Allison smiled and left the room.

Hojo watched Allison leave. Once she was gone he turned his attention to the little girl in front of him. She slowly turned to face him. He could tell that she was afraid but she was doing her best to hide it. It was so amazing that this little creature was the key to his fame and fortune. She was the last of her race. A survivor. To bad he couldn't say the same for her mother. Her mother's resistance is what got her killed. Had she been a good little girl like her daughter he would have let her live longer.

Aeris sat back, swinging her leg back and forth over the edge of the chair nervously. She didn't like this man. There was something unusual about him that made her uneasy. She recongnized him from somewhere but she wasn't sure. For some reason, trying to remember made her quiver inside. She didn't like being so close to him. He watched her for a moment behind his frame-less glasses.

"Hello Aeris," he said. "Do you know who I am?"

Aeris shook her head.

"My name is Professor Hojo. I knew your mother before she died."

Aeris swallowed hard. He was there when her mother was hurt.

"Have you met Sephiroth yet?"


"You're friend's aren't you?"

Aeris shrugged. "I guess."

"Would you like to see him again so two you can play?"

Aeris face loosened as in disbelief. "Really?"

Hojo grinned. "Of course. You can see him tomorrow for one hour."

"Thank you."

Aeris knew in her gut that Sephiroth wasn't a liar. This man was somehow responsible for her parent's death, but he was being kind to her. She didn't understand why....she didn't understand anything.

Hojo called Allison back to come get her. Relieved about finally being able to leave, Aeris jumped out of her chair and ran to the blonde woman. Allison greeted her with open arms and hugged her.

"Allison, guess what?" Aeris said excitedly.

"What?" She asked.

"Hojo said I could play with Sephiroth for a while."

"Really? Well, I bet your looking forward to it."

"I am."

Hojo rose from his chair and approached the two.

"You can take her to the first storage room on 63 at three," Hojo said to Allison.

Allison nodded and picked Aeris up.

Aeris didn't understand what Hojo said but apparently Allison did. She left the room with Aeris in her arms. Allison couldn't help but wonder why would Hojo let his son now start communicating with other people. Just what was that lunatic up to? What dirty plans did he have for such an innocent child? She wished she that there was something she could do. Her main job was to monitor and take care of Aeris until further notice.

Allison bit her lip. She had to find out Hojo's plans.


Hojo left his office shortly after Allison and the Cetra left. He went straight to Sephiroth's room, which was conveniently sealed by a steel door. The man standing guard outside of it opened the door for him. Hojo went in and tapped his foot on the tile floor. Aside from his bed, the boy had little possessions.

Sephiroth didn't look up when the scientist entered. He merely continued his game of Solitaire said noting. Hojo knew he wasn't going to get a response so he didn't wait for one.

"I am going to add something different to your schedule," he said.

"What's that?" Sephiroth put shuffled the cards.

He climbed onto the bed and it creaked and wobbled under his weight.

"I've heard that you have bonded with my latest catch."

Sephiroth looked up. "You mean Aeris?"

"Yes. I have decided that you two should see each other. Be friends."

Sephiroth arched an eyebrow. "You're kidding."

Hojo shook his head. "No. I want you to get out and play with someone your own age."

Sephiroth didn't say a word.

"You can see her tomorrow," said Hojo and left the room.


Over time, Aeris and Sephiroth became close friends. They spent most of their time exchanging stories with each other about their past. Sometimes Aeris brought toys from her room to play with. Sephiroth enjoyed being with her. She was very smart and told him things about the world that he never knew.

Hojo kept a close eye on them. Aeris soon learned what Sephiroth was talking about. Allison took a vial of her blood every week and even told her to spit in a plastic jar once. The needles weren't so bad, except when Hojo was behind it. He kept asking her about the Promised Land. Aeris barely knew what it was herself but she didn't tell him that. He was too interested in her past and mother. She hated him.


Allison talked a few of her co-workers into digging up some information about Hojo's plans. They couldn't find much. They told her that he kept his top-secret files lock away in his office. To her surprise, the systems administrator located her son's name on a list in the company's computer network. The file was a few years old and it didn't say where he was but at least it was something. She was relieved to know that he was still alive.

Sooner or later Hojo was going to try to pull something and it would be too late to save Aeris. If she was going to find out anything, she would have to go through Hojo's files herself. If she found enough evidence to show President Shinra, maybe she could have him put away and see her son again. She couldn't let Hojo do away with that little girl. It was something about her that made her special. She had taken care of other children before and watched them leave and never come back. She would not let Hojo take another innocent life.

That night, after Allison put Aeris to bed, she tip-toed to Hojo's office. She stopped around the corner and checked the hall to make sure it was clear. Hojo stepped out of his office and the door locked itself automatically. She waited till he got on the elevator before she approached his secretary's desk.

Illana looked both ways and greeted her. No one was around. She pulled a janitorial pass card out of her drawer along with two small keys and slid them across her desk slowly.

"He'll be back in half an hour. Be quick." She whispered.

Allison nodded in thanks and picked up the card. She went to Hojo's door and put it in the slot.

"Wait!" Illana said.

Allison pocketed the pass and stood next to Illana. A few seconds later, President Shinra and his little son appeared in the hall.

"Evening Allison, Illana," Shinra nodded as he walked by.

"Good evening Mr. President," said Illana.

"Hi Alanny!" a squeaky little voice said from below.

Illana looked down at the little boy in front of her and smiled. "Hi Rufus."

The President kept going.

"Sorry I can't talk right now. Gotta go, bye-bye," Rufus waved and ran after his father.

The two women waved back and sighed heavily when they disappeared.

"Hurry." Illana glanced down the hall.

"I will," Allison replied, putting the card in the door slot. "I promise I won't be long.

The machine beeped in approval. She opened the door and went inside. The lights came on automatically. It startled her but she regained her courage quickly. She ran behind Hojo's desk and opened the drawers. She didn't know exactly what she was searching for, but she looked frantically for anything that might tell about her son or what he was going to do with Aeris. She came across a picture of Hojo hold a dark-haired woman in his arms in front of a helicopter.

Allison put the picture away. She closed the drawer and went to his file cabinets. She pulled out the keys and unlocked the cabinets. Her eyes fell directly on a thick blue folder. She picked it up and looked at the papers inside. She frowned.

"Breeding Experiment 1: Specimen A and B," she read out loud.

Subject B is found not to be of age to reproduce - magic compatibility seems to be getting stronger though "B" is still physically weak compared to Specimen A.

That's Aeris, she thought.

She read on.

1. This experiment may be put on hold until subject is ready to began the breeding process.
2. I have found a short cut to speed up Subject B's maturing process.
3. My plan is a success. A and B have become closer.
4. I have found another, much easier, way to get the final results in my Super Human project. I will began in three days.
5. I have decided not to try out my new experiment (#4) because I have found out that it will not work. I will have to continue with my original plans.
"Oh, no. Poor Aeris," Allison said shaking her head.

Allison looked up when she heard Illana's voice outside. Hojo was back. Allison put the folder away and shut the drawer. She searched around the room for some place to hide. There was only a small restroom on the right side of the room but it was too late.

The door started to open. Allison's heart raced. She swallowed hard. Hojo stepped in and looked up. She could see Illana's pale, white face over his shoulder.

"What are you doing here?!" he barked.

Allison swallowed the large lump in her throat. "I.. I ...uh,--"

"So you're the one sneaking into my private files."

Allison's blood turned cold. Her face grew pale.

Hojo whipped around and grabbed Illana's arm. She squeaked as he pulled her inside and locked the door. "I'm sorry my dears, but I'm afraid I can't let you live."

They backed into a wall. "Please no. We didn't see anything."

Hojo went into a safe hidden behind a picture. Allison and Illana bolted for the door when his back was turned. Hojo pulled out a gun with a silencer over the barrel. Allison scrambled to put the pass card in the slot but Illana kept pulling on her arm in panic.



Aeris woke up late the next morning. That's funny, she thought. Allison was supposed to be here with breakfast a long time ago. Aeris got up from her bed and walked into the bathroom. She took a shower and put on her clothes. She sat on her bed. Allison would come soon. She knew she would.


Hojo walked into Sephiroth's room. He was lying on his bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Come along Sephiroth, you have duties you must attend to," he said.

Sephiroth stared at the ceiling for a few more seconds then got up. Hojo was about to turn around when his eyes fell upon something on Sephiroth's bed.

"What is this?!" Hojo said, picking up a stuffed toy on the bed.

Sephiroth turned and looked at Hojo. "Its something Aeris gave me."

Hojo was about to say something but stopped.

Sephiroth hoped he wasn't going to throw it away or punish Aeris.

Hojo looked down at the toy and then tossed it on the bed. "I guess it's alright."

Sephiroth sighed in relief and followed Hojo down the hall.


The door opened. Aeris perked up. A woman with brown hair stepped in. Aeris face dropped but the woman didn't notice it.

"Hello Aeris, I'm Terry. I'll be your new caretaker from now on," the woman said.

They shook hands.

"What happened to Allison?" Aeris asked.

"She was assigned to another location in the building. She's gotten a promotion," Terry said, smiling.

Aeris nodded. But why would Allison leave without telling her? When ever Terry had a day off, she always told Aeris in advance. Why didn't she tell her she was leaving? Aw, well, Terry seemed like a nice person.

And She was. Terry was just as good a caretaker as Allison but Allison had something more that Aeris admired.


Later that day, Hojo skimmed through his office. What was Allison so interested in that she had to break into his office to get it? He went to his desk and searched it. Only a few papers were out of place but nothing was mission. He turned to the file cabinets and looked through the drawers. The folders were all arranged the way he had left them, except one. He picked it up and opened it. The papers were shuffled as if they had been stuffed back into place in a hurry.

So that's what she was after. Hojo smiled. Cloud would never get to meet his mother now. Not that he'd planned to let her see him anyway but he figured he would let her beg at his feet just to watch her do it.

Allison was a smart woman but she'd done something very stupid. How long had she actually been sneaking into his office? It could have been weeks or even months. What if she'd told the Cetra something? What if the Cetra told Sephiroth? It'd be hell trying to control him. What if Allison told someone else and was planning to put him away?

He'd have to do something before his private information leaked out.


Aeris and Sephiroth sat on the floor playing chess. Sephiroth had taught her how to play as Professor Gast had taught him. They were surrounded by many toys but they preferred the chess board to everything else. The storage room they were in had been cleaned out and turned into a playroom. There were two doors on each side of the room.

"Check." Aeris said.

Sephiroth studied the board. He was losing the battle. His Queen was gone along with most of his other important pieces. All he had left was a Rook and two Pawns and his King. He moved his Rook forward.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Aeris asked.

Sephiroth looked around the board. Nothing seemed wrong with his move. "Yeah."

Aeris shook her head. She moved her Bishop and took his Rook.

"Checkmate," she said.

Sephiroth's jaw fell as he stared in disbelief. Aeris smiled. He looked at her and frowned. She simply laughed. The door on the right opened and Hojo stepped in.

"Get them!" He ordered.

Guards rushed in.

"What's going on?!" Sephiroth demanded.

Hojo laughed. "Say bye-bye to the Ancient Sephiroth. You'll never see her again."


He dodged one of the soldiers and ran to the opposite door. Aeris followed. Sephiroth picked up a bag of marbles an rolled them across the floor. A few men tripped and fell. "We have to get out of here!" Sephiroth yelled and kick a large dent in the door. He kicked it again and the bottom hinge split in two.

Before he could kick it again, the door opened and more guards rushed in. The two kids backed up. They were surrounded.

Hojo walked up to Sephiroth and slapped him. "Pitiful boy."

"No stop, don't hurt him!" Aeris cried.

Hojo turned to her. "And you, you little @#$%^!"

He slapped her twice.

"Leave her alone, she didn't do anything!" Sephiroth lunged for the scientist but the guards pulled him back.

"Take them away!" Hojo ordered the guards.

"Nooo! Sephiroth," Aeris shouted as the guards dragged her away through the opposite door.

Sephiroth struggled to get free of the guards grip. "Aeris!"

He could see tears streaming down her face. He slipped through one of the guard's grip and tried to pull away from the other. Two more men had to come help and pick him up. They held Sephiroth in the air over their heads and walked out the door. He fought and listened to Aeris' cries slowly fade away.


Hojo threw Aeris into her room and slammed the door shut behind him. He swung around a pinned both arms at her side.

"What did you tell him?!!" he screamed.

Frieghtened, Aeris started to cry. "W...what are you talking about?"

"Don't play games with me you little twit! Tell me what you know."

He shook her. "Tell me!"

"I don't know anything I swear. I don't know what you're talking about."

He slapped her. "Don't lie to me! What did Allison tell you?"

"Allison didn't tell me anything. I don't know what Allison knows. All she has ever told me was about her not seeing her son in a while that's all, I swear."

Hojo glared at her. "What have you told Sephiroth?!"

"Nothing. We haven't talked about anything."

Hojo looked past her in thought. He turned back to her and pulled her closer. "You better not be lying Cetra."

He pushed her away and left the room. Aeris sat on the floor and wrapped her arms around herself. She rubbed her bruised face and started to weep.