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Mixed Emotions | by Black Genie | Chapter 6: Survival of the Fittest

"See? Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" Terry said.

"No, I wasn't sure if he was going to be nice or not, that's all." Aeris replied.

"I'm pretty sure they all are. The ones that aren't you won't have to worry about for too long. You'll be out of here and back home in no time." Terry promised.

Aeris stopped. "Do you think I can write to Sephiroth?"

"Oh sweety, I don't think so. This location is very secure. No mail ever comes in our out of here," she assured her.

"What about the phone? Can I at least call him?"

Terry sighed. "Don't worry dear, I'm sure he's doing fine."


The C-pack was always second rate compared to the B's. Everyone knew it but the group would never admit it. However, they were just as deadly and troublesome as a group. They always liked to travel in bunches rather than alone. Matt knew Zack was the strongest of them all but he'd never recognize it, not in front of the others at least. Many of the actions he took against Zack were just out of jealousy. Instead of facing his own insecurities, he made up for it by forcing the C-pack to prove themselves.

A few years ago, an unfortunate addition was made to their group. Cloud Strife was moved from the B-cabin right into the home of his adversaries. His body's weakness and rejection to the chemicals nearly got him executed. The scientists instead decided to keep him for research. Matt was sure they would cut him open one day.

The C-pack watched Terry and the fourteen-year-old stroll passed their cabin unnoticed. They followed her every move, occasionally making a perverted comment or two. Aeris and her caretaker made their way to the lodge and disappeared inside.

There was already a handful of people there talking amongst each other. Most of the employees there were scientists. Some of them were trained soldiers whose only purpose was to discipline and prepare the boys for the next stage of their lives. But for now, everyone was a "counselor" and they would be for the next two weeks.

A man in a uniform shirt and shorts approached them with a smile. "Hello, and welcome to Campsite A. My name is Rick and I'll be pleased to show you around the compound."

Terry patted Aeris' shoulders. "How about it dear?"

"Sure, I guess," replied Aeris.

"Good, good." Rick said and ushered them through the front door.

"Alright, first thing. Never wander around after hours. If you do, make sure you're accompanied by an adult. The guards get bored sometimes and they're just itching to find an excuse to shoot something," he said jokingly, even though there was a bit of truth in his words. "Second, I don't recommend you run around alone, young lady. Try and stick close to the cabins. We wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"Why would I get hurt? Are those boys really that dangerous?" Aeris asked innocently.

Rick bobbed his head in a "yes and no" fashion. "Nooo, they pretty much stay in line. Occasionally there's fights but everything gets taken care of."

They walked toward the two wide cabins and stopped a good distance away from them.

"The cabin on the left houses our strongest boys, also known as the B-pack." He said. "The cabin on your right is where we keep their rivals and worst enemy, the C-pack."

Aeris could see a few of them peeking from the windows and standing around by the door. She felt as if though she were viewing animals at a zoo. She wondered if they felt the same way too.

"Why is this place built like a fortress? Are they prisoners here?"

"Aeris, that's not nice!" Terry scolded.

"I didn't mean to sound rude."

Rick chuckled. The Cetra was just as sharp and bright as Zack. Hojo had already given them specific instructions to ensure that Zack was one of the chosen boys. The second could be any of her choice. Of course, all personnel understood the situation and would do what they could to push them together, even by force.


"I can't guarantee that you'll make it out of here but there is a chance for any of us. So that means being nice to her and a um, what's that word again?" Zack asked.


"Yea, that's it. Be a gentlemen. Remember, a first impression is a lasting one so don't screw it up. Good luck to all of you," Zack finished.

"Man, that was beautiful Zack," Daniel pretended to wipe away a tear.


The door opened and a man entered. The boys straightened up and stood at attention. It was strange to see him wearing such casual clothes. One snicker could win anyone forty laps around the whole compound. No rest, no food, just running.

"We're having a special meeting in the lodge. I don't think you want to miss it," the man said. "Lets go, single file."


Aeris sat down next to Terry on the stage. A handful of counselors lined up next to her and waited. One of them, a woman, kneeled next to the Cetra.

"I'm going to introduce you and then you're going to say your speech. Don't be scared, pretend that they aren't there. Okay?" she said, smiling.

Aeris nodded and watched her leave. The first group of boys lined up in front of the stage and stood at attention. Aeris refrained from looking at them and averted her eyes for a few moments. The second group came in and lined up directly behind the first. The fact that over 70% of the people in the room were staring at her made he leg start to shake absently. Terry was gracious enough to prepare a speech for her, a speech she wasn't looking forward to making.

The woman counselor walked up to the podium and reminded the boys about something called the "survival test." Aeris wondered what it was all about. After a brief speech, the counselor turned the mic over to Aeris.

"Now I want to introduce you all to our guest," she announced. "Aeris come on up."

The young Cetra took a deep breath and walked up to the podium. She looked at the faces of each of the fourteen chemically engineered boys standing before her and bit her lip nervously.

"This is Aeris. She is going to be here a while so I want you all to be very nice to her and she's going to tell you why," explained the counselor and sat in a vacant chair.

This is it, Aeris thought. She took a breath and spoke.

"By order of President Shinra and the head of the Shinra Bio and Chemical Research Division, I have to select two members of this camp to take back with me to Midgar, only one from each pack. The chosen two will never have to return and will be rewarded a new life and a fresh start. This one in a lifetime contest will only last for two weeks. I advise you not to pass it up."

Aeris finished up by telling them more about the prize involved. "Questions?"

The boys were clearly stunned and none of them had anything to say.

Aeris turned back to the female counselor. "Mandy?"

Mandy walked up to the podium as Aeris stepped down.

"You did great, Aeris," whispered Terry when she sat down.

"All of you are automatically signed up for this contest. Winners will be announced in two weeks," Mandy announced.

She turned to the counselors off to the side.

"Counselors, you may take your group to the field."

Aeris and Terry walked off stage. The packs followed their counselors outside. Mandy came to Aeris' side.

"Would you like to participate in the survival game?" she asked.

Aeris looked up at Terry for an answer.

"Go on and have fun," her caretaker smiled.

Aeris looked back at Mandy. "All right. I guess."

"Good. Meet me outside," Mandy smiled and left.

Terry bid the Cetra goodbye and returned to the cabin. Aeris sighed heavily. She really didn't feel like doing anything. She'd rather go home and see Sephiroth again. Slowly, she walked out of the lodge and outside where the boys were once again lined up in two rows. Many eyes strayed in her direction but she didn't care at the moment.

"Zack, Aeris will be in your group since Marshall is absent today. I expect you to help her out and no tricks," Mandy warned.

Aeris walked into the first line and stood in the vacant spot.

"All right teams, the first one to find all twenty survival items wins. You have exactly one hour. Go!" instructed Mandy.

The crowd dispersed and went their separate ways. Aeris followed the B-pack straight into the woods. They traveled deep into the forest before they finally stopped. Zack turned to address his comrades.

"We're splitting up. Danny, you and Freddy head east. Come back here in forty-five minutes," he said.

"You got it boss," said one of the boys. He and another left.

"Damien, take Mark and Frank west."

"Sure chief," said a second boy. The last three left.

He looked at Aeris. "You're coming with me."

Aeris didn't mind. One strange boy was better than a whole fleet of them. She was positive the Turks were hiding somewhere in the bushes just waiting to spring out and save her at the right moment. There's no way they'd send her out in the middle of no where with nothing to protect her. She followed the dark-haired boy through more and more trees. He stopped a couple of times to examine the ground before continuing on. He walked so fast. Aeris felt herself getting out of breath. How he could move so fast in that type of humidity, she'd never know.

Aeris started to fall behind. Zack noticed and stopped to wait for her to catch her breath. She leaned against a tall tree for support and took in several deep breaths of air.

"See this," Zack said pointing to a broken tree branch. There were claw marks all over it and the tree. "Something big passed through here not to long ago. About an hour maybe. We should head this way; its tracks head north."

Aeris looked at the tree once more. Whatever it was she didn't want to meet it.

"Haven't you ever exercised before?" He asked innocently.

"By exercise, you mean run I take it?" She replied.

He shrugged.

Aeris nodded. "I did once. It didn't work though."


Aeris waved the question away and tried to not to sound so tired. "Don't worry about me. I can make it."

Zack cracked a half smile and continued on but much slower this time. It didn't matter if the B-pack lost this survival test. They had won many times over the C-pack. A simple loss wouldn't make any difference. That just left them more time to be around Aeris and not somewhere else losing brownie points.

Zack glanced over at her. Compared to the other counselors she was very pretty indeed. So this is what real girls looked like up close. Her face looked so smooth and so perfect. He'd never seen anyone with green eyes before. They were like shining emeralds that never seemed to stop sparkling. Was she really just an angel in disguise? She had to be if what she said in the lodge was true. The counselors never talked about leaving the compound. They simply said "Try and die."

"So tell me," he said. "How did they pick you to come here?"

"I don't know exactly. Professor Hojo sent me here." She replied.

"That creepy dork with glasses?"

"Yes. He was a bit sketchy on the details but then again, he always is."

"So about this prize we're supposed to be getting; we get free room and board in Midgar and position reserved for us in the army?" Zack was skeptical.

"That's what they told me."

"Will you be there?"

Aeris felt the blood rush to her face. "I don't think so. My home is in the Shinra building."

"You actually live in the Shinra building?"

Aeris nodded.

"Why? Where's your folks?"



"Don't worry, I'm over it now."

"What do you do there?"

"Pretty much the same thing you do here, except without all the running and obstacle courses." Aeris sounded ashamed to admit it. "But it's not as boring as it sounds. I have Sephiroth there to keep me company."

"What's a Sephiroth?"

"No, no. He's my friend." She giggled. It was cute.


"No, just my friend. He and I have both been living there since we were little."

Zack grew silent to take in her words. The whole thing sounded strange. He began to doubt the legitimacy of the sudden contest. It didn't seem right that they would make everyone compete against each other for one thing. Normally they went by statistics and tissue samples to pick who they wanted. Zack had a gut feeling that the prize was fake but whatever it really was, it was better than being caged in the compound for the rest of his life.

"What are we actually looking for?" Aeris asked, breaking the silence.

"We have to find twenty items that are used during stuff like camping trips and hikes and bring them back to the counselors. It's pretty easy once you find your first item. The first team back with all twenty or more than the other will be rewarded a couple of hours in the Haven."

Aeris arched an eyebrow. "What's the Haven?"

"It's a beautiful place near here. It has this giant waterfall and a lot of birds and wildlife. It's paradise."

"More animals than this place?"

"This place has lots of dangerous animals. Mostly mutated bears but they don't come around here anymore. Very few animals live in these parts nowadays. I don't know why. The last animal I saw was a flock of birds, but that was weeks ago. The Haven has Toucans, Flamingo's, and maybe a snake or two. You would love it there. It's better than this place."

"Sound's wonderful. How long have you been here?"

"Since I was four. Shinra killed my parents and stuck me here; stuck us all here."

"It seems like all of you are very close. I heard the B-pack isn't very friendly with the C's."

"True. It's not that were separated by letters. It's just that they always want to start a war or do something really dumb and uncalled for."

"From what I heard from Rick, it seems like you guys aren't far from that."

"We're not as violent as they are. Occasionally we have our moments but not as often as them."

"Come on. They aren't that bad are they?"

"Yes, they are. All of them. Except one."


"Cloud. He's the only one that isn't as bad as the rest. He was in the B-pack for a while but then they took him out and put him with the C's. We were best friends. Even though he's in their group, we're still friends. All of us."

Aeris and Zack fell silent once again. They continued their journey the rest of the way without a word. Zack saw something not too far in the distance and ran to it. On a nail in a tree, was a brand new rope with a note attached onto it. Zack picked it up.

"Well, it looks like we've found our first item. The note attached will give us a hint on were to find the next item," Zack explained.

Aeris read the note out loud. "If you're thirsty, have a drink. You don't have to think; the item is pink."

"To the river," Zack said.

Aeris and Zack went down a steep hill. Aeris almost lost her balance a few times but Zack was there to help her. They hurried down the side of the hill until they came to a narrow river snaking its way through the trees. They stopped next to the shore and saw a pink compass sitting on top of a rock in the middle of the water.

"Wait here," Zack said.

He put the rope on the ground and jumped to the other side of the river. He stepped gently into the water, braced himself on the rock, and picked up the compass and the note under it. He jumped back to the shore and stood next to Aeris.

"High above your head you'll see, something that waits for thee," said Zack, reading the note.

Aeris and Zack looked up. A knapsack hung from a wire in a tree above them.

"I'll get it." Zack handed the compass to Aeris.

"Be careful," she warned.

"Trust me," he smiled.

Zack climbed up the tree trunk with ease. Aeris somewhat envied his agility. She could barely shimmy her way down a vent and here he was climbing trees like a wild cat. Sephiroth could probably do it too if given the chance. She watched Zack climb out onto the tree limb and cut the wire holding the knapsack with his survival knife. It fell to the ground and Aeris ran over to it.

Zack climbed down half way and jumped to the ground. Aeris rummaged through the pockets and pulled out a piece of paper.

"Well, if it isn't the leader of the B's."

They looked up to see another boy approach them slowly from over the hill. Thanks to the Mako injections he stood a good 5'7 and weighed around 150 pounds. He had reddish-brown hair and matching freckles all over his face.

"You're way out of your territory Matthew,"Zack growled.

"I just wanted to pay a visit to your new friend," the C-pack leader smirked and winked at the Cetra.

Zack stood up and moved in front of Aeris protectively. "You know I can take you on."

"Yes, but can you take on all of us?" said Matt.

With those words, five boys appeared from behind trees and rocks. Aeris gasped and felt her heart jump up into her throat. *Okay, Tseng, you can come out any time now.*

Matt snickered. "Well, Mr. Leader. What do you think now?"

"Aeris run," Zack whispered.

"But-" started Aeris.

"No buts, just go."

Aeris turned and ran.

"Go!" said Matt.

Two of Matt's gang chased after her. Zack reached out and tried to stop them but Matt and the others tackled him to the ground.


Meanwhile, Cloud ran across the forest as fast as he could. He had to find help. He stopped on top of a boulder and looked around. He spotted Damien and the two other B-pack members just a hundred yards away. He hopped down and ran toward them.

"Guys!"he yelled.

Damien and his crew looked up.

"Cloud, what are you doing here?" said Frank.

". . .Zack . . . new girl . . . in trouble . .Matt's gone after them," Cloud said in between breaths.

He coughed. Frank patted him on the back. "Where Cloud? Where?"

"By the river."

"Come on guys," said Damien.

Mark, Damien, and Frank followed Cloud to the river.


"Hey Freddy, you hear that?" asked Daniel.

Freddy listened. "Yeah."

"Let's check it out," said Danny.

Daniel and Frederick traveled quickly along the edge of the hill, following their ears toward the muffled cries. They were surprised to find Aeris in trouble.

"Get off of me! Let me go!" she cried.

"That's the chick Zack was with," Freddy said.

"And the C-pack," added Daniel. "Let's go."

Daniel and Freddy charged at the two boys pulled them away from Aeris. She scrambled to her feet and hid behind a tree to watch the fight.

"You like getting beat up, huh Cody?" said Daniel, punching him a few more times.

"You-ain't-got-nothing-better-to-do-than-to-hurt-innocent-girls, Mike," said Freddy, striking his adversary to empathize each word.

Frederick and Daniel let Mike and Cody get up and run away. Aeris came out of her hiding place and approached them.

"You all right, cakes," Frederick asked

"Yeah thanks. But you got to help Zack. Matt and his friends jumped him at the river," she pointed.

"You go and get help. The lodge is straight up there. We'll help Zack," said Daniel.

Aeris nodded and left. Danny and Freddy went to help Zack.


The only thing keeping Zack from collapsing were the two boys holding him up. His face was red and his body was sore. Matt took pleasure in giving hin a few kicks in his gut in between punches. They laughed hysterically.

"That sorry-assed group of yours ain't here to help you now hot stuff. Your little toy isn't gonna get away. I'm sure Cody and Mike caught up to her by now," said Matt. He came close to his face. "What do you have to say now?"

Zack looked up and started to speak. His lips were moving but his words were inaudible. Matt moved closer so he could hear.

"You got some creamy brown stuff hanging out of your nose man." The B-pack leader whispered.

Matt growled and landed a few more blows into his gut.


Damien, Mark, and Frank rushed over the hill to help their fallen leader. Cody and Mike emerged from the forest and stood behind their leader. Seconds later, Daniel and Freddy appeared and charged. Zack fell to the ground when his captors released him to fend off the B-pack. Both sides clashed in a fury a fists and curse words.

Cloud quietly slipped past the fray and crawled over to his friend.

"Hey buddy. How ya doing?" he asked.

"Cloud?"said Zack.


"I'm alright." He tried to sit up, winced, swore, then lay back down.

"It's okay. You'll be all right, man. Just hang in there."

Busted lips and black eyes were exchanged. Daniel and Matt tore each other to shreds. They rolled into the water and proceeded to try drown one another. They fought to stay on top before they finally got their feet again. Daniel took his fist to Matt's jaw, bruising it. The C-pack leader recovered quickly and kneed him in his stomach.

Everyone had somebody else on the ground. The B-pack was short two men but their advanced Mako injections made up for it. Even so, it was hard to tell who was winning.

First came the sound of a whistle. No one looked up, but they all knew what it meant. The Turks and the security guards followed Aeris over the hill. They whipped out their tasers and joined the scuffle. Everyone tried to get one last hit in before they were stung by several volts of electricity. Each boy went down shaking and screaming.

Aeris saw Zack laying on the ground and rushed to his side. "Are you alright?"

"Guess I missed the rumble, huh?" said Zack weakly.

"Your gonna be fine buddy," said Cloud.

"Hey Aeris, could you do me a favor?" asked Zack.

"Sure, anything," she said.

"Clear Clouds name for me. He wasn't a part of this."

"I will," she said.

Zack smiled and passed out.


Tseng escorted Aeris back to her cabin. Terry welcomed her with open arms.

"Are you all right? What happened?" said Terry hugging Aeris.

"I'm okay," said Aeris.

"Come over here and tell me everything that happened."

They sat down together on the bed. Aeris told Terry the story in detail. Terry listened carefully without interruption.

"So basically, it was the C-pack?" said Terry.

"Yes, they did. Cloud didn't do anything though. He went for help when he found out what they were going to do."

"All of the C-pack except for Cloud is guilty?"

Aeris nodded.

"I'll tell Rick and we'll get this straightened up," said Terry and left.


The infirmary had been visited by all of the boys that afternoon. The most serious case was Zack's. He didn't wake for hours after the fight. The doctor bandaged his chest and gave him a few pain killers. A quick boost of Jenova cells mixed together with a simple potion would ensure a healthy recovery.

"You're lucky that you didn't lose any teeth. You just have a few minor cuts and bruises. Your hand is sprained and you have a cracked rib but it will heal soon. I suggest that you stay indoors for a while until you recover. You'll need your rest," said the doctor.

"Okay, doc," Zack saluted him playfully.

Rick walked into the room and leaned against the wall. "Aeris has told me her side of the story, I'm still waiting for yours."

"We were just looking for our clues until Matt and his gang showed up. I told Aeris to run but a couple of them went after her. I was going to stop them but the others jumped me. The rest of my gang showed up later and then everybody started fighting," he explained, quickly.

"I can honestly say that your stories are the same and they fit together. I want to hear the rest of your pack's story and then I'll decide on if you're telling the truth or not," he said and left.

The doctor sent Zack back to his cabin with an escort. Since when did they give a damn about whose side of the story was right? Why weren't they just issuing a punishment for everyone like they always did? The packs should be jumping hurdles, running laps, and doing push ups by now. Why the hell were they all acting so strange?

When Zack entered the cabin, Rick was already there talking to Daniel. He paused to allow him to lay down in his bed.

"Continue with the story, Daniel."

"Oh, so anyway, we hear someone screaming. We check it out and see two C-packers on that new chick. We jump them and beat the crap out of 'em. The chick tells us that Zack's in trouble and we go to help him," said Danny.

"And the babe goes for help," added Freddy.

"We get there and see Zack gettin' jumped by Matt. And it all ends up in a battle between the Packs," Danny finished with pride.

"It works with Aeris' story. Damien, what's your story," said Rick.

"Me, Frank, and Mark were checking out clues when Cloud comes running to us babbling something about Zack and the new chick getting jumped by Matt. So we all run down there and, like Danny said, it ends up to a fight," explained Damien.

"Well it fits. I guess you're all innocent but you're not getting out of trouble totally. You each have five demerits," he said.

Jaws dropped.

"Sir, if you don't mind me saying, we were only helping our friend." Frank pleaded.

"I understand your point, Frank but I at least expected you to straighten up since we have a guest present."

"We did." Daniel said. "We saved the damsel in distress."

Snickers emerged. Rick sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yea, you got a point there."

He paused, swore, then looked at each of them.

"Looks like you boys earned time in the Haven."


It was nightfall when Rick went into the C-cabin. They straightened up when he entered and stood at attention at the foot of their beds. He paced up and down the isle, pissed as ever.

"Never in my life have I been so ashamed of you all. Those fancy, suit-wearing yuppies finally get off their high-horse and come down here and this is what they have to see. I've spent thirteen damn years trying to prove the durability and quality of the men I train here and you've wiped that all away because you can't control your hormones when there's a damn girl nearby!" He yelled. "You can all just forget about leaving the compound. After today there ain't no way she's going to take anyone from this cabin with her."

There was a long, uncomfortable silence.

"Permission to speak, sir!" Cody said.


"Is that contest for real, sir?"

"Oh yea, it's real. As real as that dark, brown glob of mush you call brains." Rick stood in front of Matt. "That girl was the last chance you ever had of getting out of this hell-hole. But you blew it, and now you're stuck here.....with me....forever."

Matt didn't move, but there was signs of upset in his eyes. Rick walked over to the door.

"The B-pack is going to the Haven tomorrow with our new guest." He looked over at the blonde boy. "Cloud, you're going with them. Be ready."

Rick glanced around the room once more before leaving.

The boys relaxed. They sighed and rolled their eyes at the pack leader.

"I thought you said it was all a joke?" Cody said slowly.

Michael flopped down on his bed. "Man! I'M NEVER GONNA GET OUT OF HERE!"

"It sure as hell seemed like a trick. They throw a lousy contest then flash a pretty girl in our face just to sweeten the deal." Matt explained. "It didn't look right to me."

"Well, you were wrong." Gerald said bitterly.

Matt sighed. "We'll find some way to make it up to her okay?"

The pack all turned to their beds, ignoring him and muttering curse words under their breath.

"Com'on Oscar? Jack?"

Cody crawled into bed, covered himself with a blanket, and extended his middle finger into the air. Defeated, Matt turned to his own bed and stopped.

"Why the hell do you get to go to Haven, Cloud?" He asked.

Cloud shrugged. "I helped carry Zack into the infirmary. I'm probably being rewarded for that. Who knows."

It was a lame excuse but he couldn't think of anything else to say. To avoid any more question, he crawled into his bed and turned away from him.

Matt didn't care to press and got ready for bed as well. "We have a lot of things to do tomorrow."