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Mixed Emotions | by Black Genie | Chapter 7: The Haven

Two hours before the crack of dawn, the C-pack got an early morning wake up call. The counselors snuck into their cabin before dawn and dropped buckets of ice-cold water on them in their sleep. They picked up their belongings and threw them across the room then complained about the mess and commanded them to pick it all up.

One of them pointed at Cloud, the only dry one of the group. “Sleep, dammit sleep!”

The blonde boy quickly did as he was told. Next door, only a few awoke from the noise going on in the C-cabin. They simply smiled and went back to sleep. The C-pack quickly put on their sweats and the counselors herded them out to the obstacle course.

When the sun finally rose over the mountainside, the B-pack rose and put on their sweats for their daily run. They ran a couple laps then took on the obstacle course and went to the showers. When they were all dressed and ready, a small, specially-armored transport truck pulled in front of the wide cabins and waited.

Zack led his pack outside and they all hopped on board. Cloud arrived shortly after. The truck turned around and stopped in front of Aeris and Terry’s cabin. Aeris bid her caretaker goodbye and took her seat at the front of the truck with the other chaperoning counselors.

The truck left out of a side gate that Aeris hadn’t noticed before. She wondered just what this “haven” was supposed to be. There was nothing heavenly about Shinra. They only seemed to use positive words like that when there was something extremely negative behind it. Aeris wasn’t sure but whatever it was the boys sure seemed excited about it. She wanted to go to the back to sit with them, but she doubted the other counselors would let her. It seemed like they were being more cautious around her after the Survival Test.

Ten minutes later, they came upon a set of steel doors identical to the ones at the compound and stopped before them. One of the counselors got out of the truck and strolled up to a small control panel off to the side. He slid his key card into the slot, pressed his thumb to the scanner and punched in a pin number. The console beeped and a small green light lit up. The heavy lock on the door unlatched itself and the doors pushed themselves open automatically to reveal a pair of tall metal gates laced with electrical wiring. The counselor punched in another code and they opened up as well.

The truck started forward without him. Aeris read a sign attached to the fence as they passed through the gates. It read: Danger - 10,000 volts. She gulped. The counselor followed the truck in on foot. He stopped at another console on the inside and locked both gates behind them. The truck waited for him to board then continued on.

The forest was even thicker in that area. Aeris didn’t see any outposts, cabins, or noticeable clearings. She took a closer look at the trees and realized that they were all fruit trees. Finally they came to, what looked like an oasis. There were palm trees and clear blue water everywhere. It looked like a tropical paradise. What were palm trees doing in the middle of the forest?

The counselors unloaded the bus first and herded the kids outside. One of them said something about lunch in three hours and to stay out of trouble. Aeris couldn’t believe her eyes. She hadn’t seen anything that beautiful since she and her mother tread across the shores of Kalm. Zack touched her shoulder, breaking her out of her trance.

“Come on,” he said.

Aeris followed Zack, Daniel, and Damien through a patch of trees. She noticed a flock of exotic birds perched above in the trees. They didn’t look dangerous and they didn’t seem bothered to be in the presence of humans. The group came to a tall waterfall that poured from the mountain side and drained into a small lake below.

"We're climbing now," he said.

Aeris tried her best to climb up the steep rock. There were plenty of foot holds to grab onto.

"Don't look down," instructed Zack.

"Believe me, I'm not," said Aeris.

Zack reached the top and helped Aeris up. He pointed out into the distance.


Aeris followed Zack's finger and looked out at the beautiful scene. There was nothing but trees. A mountain was far out into distance.

"Over there is where you're from, right?" asked Zack, pointing to the mountain. A small portion of the Shinra building stuck up over the mountain.

"Yeah," Aeris said.

She sat down and rested her head on her knees. Zack sat beside her. Aeris sighed.

"What's wrong?" asked Zack.

"Nothing, really," said Aeris

"Someone back home you miss?"

"Yeah, my friend Sephiroth. He lives back home.” She shuttered at her own words.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"No, we’re friends. I've known since I was eight.”

Aeris told Zack about her adventures with Sephiroth and the horrible things that they went through together. Zack listened sympathetically and shared his own stories about his life with the boys in the camp.

"We better come down now. I'm sure the guys are looking for me," said Zack standing up.

Aeris followed him trustingly farther up the rock to a large pile of thick, pod-shaped leaves. She figured that their abnormal size had to be Shinras doing. Zack picked one up and sat on top of it at the curved edge of the rock. Aeris picked one up to examine it.

"All you have to do is sit in this thing and slide down there," Zack pointed to an area below them. "It's an easy way down."

The Cetra girl seemed unsure.

"It’s safe. Just watch me," Zack pushed himself forward over the curve. The slippery membrane of the leaf protected him as he sailed down the smooth slope of the rock and came to a slow stop. He hopped to his feet and waved at Aeris.

She nodded and sat on her pod. She took a deep breath and mumbled relaxing words to herself. With a small push, she started sliding down the slope. At the slightest sudden drop or twist Aeris shrieked. Zack laughed at her openly and helped her up.

Aeris followed him to another small area with a pond fashioned with a couple of hammocks supported by the surrounding trees. The water glimmered in the light from above. Zack let Aeris to sit on the hammock and perched himself on the tree branch above her. He then told her about all the dirt he knew about the counselors and the different fights that broke out between the two cabins. Aeris listened silently. Even though both packs had their faults, she didn’t understand why they seemed so instant on fighting with each other. Every little word, every little action was more than enough to start a quarrel.

“Have you ever thought of trying to get out of here?” She asked him.

“All the time,” he admitted. “Some have tried. I haven’t heard of anyone actually making it out though. They just… disappear.”

“What about the C-pack?”

“What about them?” He chuckled.

“I’m sure they want to get out too. Have you guys ever thought of working together to find some way to get out of here?”

Zack was quiet for a few moments then shrugged. “They’re too dumb to think that hard. B-pack only looks out for its own.”

Aeris sighed. They were all stuck in the same situation, living under same guards and rules. Why couldn’t they just learn to work together? She’ll never understand boys.

After a while, she spotted a cluster of exotic plants covered with small white and purple blooms. She rose from the hammock and began to pick a few. Zack watched her for a few minutes then jumped down from the tree.

"I got to go find Danny. I'll be back," he said and hurried off.

Aeris continued picking flowers and weaved them into a delicate crown. She fitted it on her head and smiled at her reflection in the pond. She returned to the hammock and closed her eyes. This place was peaceful. Now she knew why the others loved to come here. Sephiroth would like it there too. She thought about him being cooped up in that terrible building waiting for her to come back. She glanced down at the silver band on her finger and twisted it around absently.

A rustle in the bushes nearby broke her train of thought. Aeris sat up and watched the bush very closely.

"Zack?" she asked. “Is that you?"

She climbed out of the hammock and went over to the bushes. She picked up a rock and threw it into the foliage. Something hissed. Aeris backed away and squealed.

A boy with spiky blond hair appeared nearby. “There you are."

He reached into the bushes and emerged with a long green snake coiled around his arm.

"Sorry about that. Spike didn't mean it," he said. To the snake. "Didn't you Spike?"

"You have a pet snake?" she asked.

"Yeah, wanna pet him?"

Aeris declined. She maintained her distance and watched as he set the snake gently down on the ground. It slithered into the pond and swam away. Cloud wiped his arm off with his shirt and turned to leave.

"Hey, wait a minute," Aeris said causing him to turn his sharp blue eyes toward her. "You're Zack's best friend?”

"Yeah. Well, not much anymore. My loyalty is with the C-pack now," he replied.

Aeris rolled her eyes. "I think we’ve met before. You look very familiar.”

"I don't think so." Cloud was certain. “I’ve never been outside of these fences.” "Maybe I knew your parents. What were there names?"

"I never knew my parents.” He spoke without empathy. All tears for them had been shed long ago. “I think they’re dead.”

"Oh yes, I forgot about that. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I've learned to forget it." "Are you doing anything? Because if you aren't, you could stay here with me," she asked.

Cloud’s eyes widened at the invitation. Aeris sat on the hammock and motioned for him to do the same. Aeris did most of the talking in the beginning trying to make the conversation as comfortable as possible. He seemed a little nervous for some reason. It reminded her of when she and Sephiroth first met. Eventually Cloud got over his shyness somewhat and started telling her more about the feud between the two cabins and how difficult it was making the switch. His story was similar to Zack’s; all trash talk and violence. But she listened to it anyway. Was this how all the boys at the camp thought? Had being locked in a cage their whole lives turned them in to savage animals? Sephiroth had been locked up forever too, but he didn’t turn out like this.

“This is my son, Cloud."
"Where is he?"
"Far away. You'll probably meet him one day."
"Don't you miss him?"
"Yes, all the time. He's my little angel."

"Cloud!" Aeris stared bug-eyed at him. "You're Cloud."

Cloud's brow furrowed. "Yeah, I know that."

"I knew your mother!"


"Your mother's name is Alison. She works for Shinra in Midgar."

"You know her?" Cloud said slowly. "You know my parents?"

"Only your mother. She was very nice."

"Was?” He questioned.

“She used to take care of me and one day just stopped coming. I don’t know what happened.” Aeris shook he head. "Alison loved you very much."

Cloud closed his eyes. "She hated me or she would’ve never left me here."

Aeris touched his shoulder sympathetically. "That's not true. She loved you with all her heart. It’s Shinra’s fault you two were apart.”

Even though he had been taught by his superiors not to cry, his cheeks were still wet with tears. Emotions inside of him that he had never felt swelled up inside of his stomach. He swallowed hard to clear the lump in his throat. Questions and curiosity, everything that went against his training, were suddenly at the height of his interest.

"Was she pretty?"

“Very pretty and young. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, just like yours. She was always very good to me,” Aeris told him.

“Do you think…” He paused. “Do you think she’s still out there… Like maybe someone in Midgar that can tell me where she is?”

Aeris shrugged slightly. “Possibly. I don’t know.”

Cloud nodded and wiped his face which was now red with emotion. He stood up and thanked Aeris before disappearing into the trees from whence he came. She couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Unlike Sephiroth, she and the blonde boy once were together with their parents before being separated. She had made up her mind a long time ago about whom she would take back with her. Even though it would mean a life of testing and isolation, it was somewhat more peaceful than this terrible place.

Zack appeared several minutes later and present her with an exotic flower. Although he didn’t fully these types of actions, he had seen it done by some of the counselors and this seemed like the best opportunity to give it a try. "For you."

Aeris smiled and that made him feel good inside.

"Thank you," she giggled and sniffed it.

The unpleasant cries of a muffled fog horn echoed over the sound of rustling trees, rushing water and chirping birds. Aeris looked around alarmed. Now what?

“Its time to go,” he announced. “Back to the grind.”

The horn growled again in quick succession. Everyone hurried back to the armored van and loaded in. No one dared be late. Any kind of tardiness would result in punishment and a temporary banning from the Haven, not just for you, but for your cabin as well. The passed through the gates and gave the Haven a final farewell. It would be several months before they got a chance to see it again.

The heavily guarded group returned to the compound, passing by the lodge where the C-pack was busy scrubbing and cleaning every inch of it using the very shirts off their backs as wash rags. The boys were dropped off at their designated cabins. Aeris was dropped off last only to find Rude standing guard outside of the door.

“One moment Missy.” He told her and knocked rhythmically on the door but no one answered.

Aeris waited.

“Have fun?” He asked her finally.

She nodded. “Yep, I’ve never seen any place like it before. It was nice to be outside for a change.”

Rude cracked one-quarter of a smile and only stared at her through his dark sunglasses in quiet contemplation. The Turks before him had spent years tracking her mother and father down. The Cetra were supposed to be cunning types with all kinds of unknown supernatural powers, or so he was told. He was almost relieved he wouldn’t have to worry about hunting down this one.

Tseng emerged from the cabin unexpectedly. Aeris watched him with curiosity till her eyes fell on a red lip imprint along his jawbone. She stared at it, piecing the clues together. Tseng barely glanced in her direction as they hurried passed her toward their quarters. Rude looked back and silently put is index finger to his lips. Aeris nodded and went inside.

Terry was busy making her bed when the little girl came in. She decided not to question her caretaker and tend to her flower instead.

“Hey girl!” Terry smiled. “Did you have fun?”

Aeris found a used paper cup and went to the bathroom to fill it with water. “Sure did. The Haven is a beautiful place.”

“Any trouble with the boys?”

“No, the B-pack is very nice to me.”

“Did you see anyone you like?”

Aeris put the flower in the cup of water and set it down on the counter. “To take back?”

“That too,” Terry started to fold an extra bedcover. “But do you like any of them?”

“No,” Aeris said quickly. “I don’t know. They’re all weird. They fight over everything. It’s so dumb.”

Terry chuckled. “That’s what boys do.”

“Sephiroth doesn’t do that.”

“Well, Sephiroth is an exception,” Terry sat down. “This is how boys generally act at this age.”

“It’s still stupid.”

“You’ll understand someday.”