Those We Thought We Have Conquered

by T’Shael

Chapter 1

Damn him! Cloud leaned over his chocobo’s back trying to cut down his wind resistance. I’ve owned a few fast chocobo’s myself, but I’ve never seen one run like this one! His chocobo tried in vain to pick up speed, but Sephiroth pulled further away. There was so much dust, Cloud could barely see the flash of sunlight on the steaming silver hair.

How can it run like that? He wondered. It doesn’t seem to be straining at all! He must have done something to make it move like that!

A sudden thought formed and the blue eyes narrowed.

He’s using mind control!

If he hadn’t been there to see it himself, he wouldn’t have believed anyone could control an animals mind. Amazing Sephiroth had done just that. In doing so, they’d saved Aeris.

Why should I be surprised? Cloud kicked his mount haunches. Sephiroth is that kind of guy.

His chocobo squawked and stretched its wings flat. That was a bad sign. The beast was getting tired.

Ahead of him Sephiroth galloped toward a crowd of people. They parted and let him through.

Frustrated now Cloud dug his heels indeep. “Run Damn it! Can’t you run any faster?”

The chocobo squawked once, then slowed to a walk. Head low and wings dragging, it stumbled woodenly along. A blur of riders whizzed by on Cloud’s left. All he could do was gnash his teeth and pull at his hair.

Tifa was the only person waiting for him. She waved as he drew closer. The rest of the crowd was clustered around the winners circle where Sephiroth stood with Aeris. A ring of flowers hung around his chocobo’s neck. Photographer shuffled for pictures.

“That was really an exciting race,” Tifa said pushing back his damp hair. “I’m sorry you didn’t win. If that chocobo was worth the ground he walks on, you would have been in second place.”

“Hmmmf!” Cloud hopped off the chocobo’s back. “I hope you didn’t lose any money.”

Tifa thrust a hand toward him. “I won a thousand gil!”

Cloud’s jaw dropped. “You mean you bet against me? I can’t believe it! My own wife?”

“No!” Tifa pulled two ticket stubs out of her pocket. “I bet on both of you!”

“Both of us?”

“Why not?” She blinked. “You’re both good riders. And this way I couldn’t lose!”

Mollified, Cloud turned his gaze on Sephiroth.

Green eyes rose to meet his. “Oh . . . Cloud . . . I forgot you were in the race. You were in the race weren’t you?”

Cloud turned red. “You know damn well I was! You cheated Sephiroth! You used mind control on your bird!”

“I didn’t cheat.” Sephiroth raised an eyebrow. “You’re just mad because you didn’t win.”

“You’re damn right I didn’t win!” Cloud felt his temper rising. “No chocobo runs that fast from the gate! You got into its head and forced it to run. I know you cheated. Admit it!”

Sephiroth’s voice chilled . “Has it ever occurred to you, you might have picked a slow racer? Not every chocobo in this race was from prime stock Cloud.”

“Or maybe you cheated like I said!”

Reporters scribbled notes while cameras flashed. The crowd shuffled restlessly.

“Cloud!” Aeris tried to catch his eye. “Sephiroth won fair and square!”

“Stay out of this Aeris.” Sephiroth moved her aside and turned to face Cloud. “I resent your accusations.”

“What’s wrong with you Cloud?” Tifa tried to pull him away. “Apologize to Sephiroth! Nobody cheated!”

“Nothing doing!” Cloud tried to peel her off his arm. “He cheated and he’s not gonna get away with it!”

The air grew charged. Most people backed away Some leaned forward eager for a fight.

“You picked that chocobo!” Tifa whispered frantically. “So it lost! It was just a silly race!”

Cloud pulled free and gently pushed her back. His eyes commanded her to stay there.

“I don’t mind losing when everyone plays fair. But he cheated! Why can’t you see that?”

“But you’re wrong,” Tifa shook her head. “And we all came here to relax! Cloud, you’re embarrassing me!”

A tall reporter in the crowd raised his hand. “All the other riders in the race passed you up too! How do you account for that?”

“Listen to him Cloud.”

He ignored her.

“My chocobo ran down because I had to push him too hard too soon. I wouldn’t have done that if the race was fair!”

“I don’t think that would have mattered Mister.” A ten year old girl stepped out of the crowd. “My Dusty has never been beaten at all. He’s the fastest chocobo we’ve ever had on our ranch!”

The child’s green eyes were wise beyond her years.

“I breed and train racers with my Dad. We sell to Dio to race. This is the first time Dusty’s ever run at the Saucer.”

A spot of color appeared on Cloud’s cheek. “Are you sure about that?”

“Absolutely!” The little girl’s bright red curls bounced and swayed as she nodded her head. “Nothing on the ranch could keep up with him. I picked his parents myself. My Dad even let’s me make up my own feed. I made a special feed for Dusty. I think I really mixed a good feed this time. He’s fast and we’ll sell him for a lot of gil!”

The red spread from Cloud’s cheeks to cover his whole face.

“See?” Tifa nudged him. “Now what did I tell you?”

“I’ll buy him!” Sephiroth suddenly raised his hand. “Whatever the cost, I’ll pay it! I double any deal Dio may have offered you! My wife and I will take him home when we finish our vacation.”

The little girl nodded. “I’ll sell him for the same amount Mr. Dio offers us.”

She walked up to Sephiroth solemnly and held out a delicate hand.

“He’s yours Mr. Sephiroth. By the way, my name is Sarah.”

“I am very glad to meet you Sarah.” Sephiroth took her hand in his own.

“Wait!” Cloud called out. “I’ll pay triple!”

“I’m sorry Mr. Cloud,” Sarah shook her head. “I never break a deal once I’ve made a sell.”

Cloud’s expression was incredulous.

Sephiroth gave him a quick smirk and turned back to Sarah.

“Are you allowed to sell a chocobo on your own, or should you bring your father to me?”

“Dusty is mine,” said Sarah proudly. “Dad said I can set my own price and sell him.”

“I thought you said Dio was supposed to buy him,” said Cloud. “Isn’t that going back on a deal?”

Sarah favored him with a very ladylike expression. “Mr. Dio usually looks at our stock then offers fifteen gil for each animal. Sometimes he pays twenty, but not often. He hasn’t seen my Dusty yet, so hasn’t had a chance to put a price on him. Until then I can sell him to anyone I like.”

She turned back to Sephiroth.

“Twenty gil.”

People in the crowd murmured their agreement.

“Mmmmmmm.” Sephiroth eyed the chocobo critically. “I . . . don’t . . . know.”

The little girl turned anxious. “Okay . . . then how about seventeen gil?”

“No.” Sephiroth shook his head.

Cloud leaned close and whispered to Tifa. “Look at him trying to cheat a child!”

“Nothing doing.” Sephiroth shook head again. “I won’t pay less than thirty gil for him, and that’s my final offer.”

“But Dusty’s a very fast runner!” The little girl said. “At least give me twelve gil for him!”

The former general folded his arms.

“I refuse to pay more than thirty-five. No wait . . . I’m willing to pay forty.”

He looked at Sarah sternly.

“That’s my final offer. Take it or leave it.”

Sarah’s face crumpled, then straightened up quick. “What did you say?”

“Forty gil,” he repeated. “Take it or leave it.”

“Forty gil!” Sarah eyes lit up like lanterns. “Mr. Sephiroth . . . you’ve got yourself a deal!” Sephiroth didn’t bat an eye. He pulled out his wallet and wrote a check. He held it out to Sarah.

“Take this check to the Gold Saucer Bank. You’ll have your funds immediately.”

Sarah smiled and put the check in her left pocket. From the right, she removed a red receipt book. Carefully forming her letters, she filled in the form. She signed her name and gave it to Sephiroth. He signed his name beneath hers and handed it back. Sarah tore off the top copy and gave it to him.

“We have a wing of secure stables apart from those that belong to the race track.” She said. “That’s where you’ll find Dusty when you’re ready. Just show your receipt to the guards and they will get him for you.”

“I’ll do that.”Sephiroth nodded. “Dusty is a fine animal. You did a great job of breeding and raising him.”

“Thanks Mr. Sephiroth ” Sarah skipped away happily. “Wait until I tell my Daddy!”

“Just a minute!”

Sarah stopped and looked back.

Sephiroth motioned to two men who were walking by.

They walked up to him and saluted. “Sir?”

“These men are off duty SOLDIERS.” He told Sarah.

He looked at the men sternly. “See that Miss Sarah has an escort to the bank. Then escort her back to her father. She’s going to be carrying a lot of gil and I don’t want her to be robbed.”

The men nodded. “Yes Sir.”

“Tell the bank manager, despite this child’s age, that’s a perfectly good check and she’s not to have any problems with her cashing it!”

“Yes Sir! The men saluted again.

“Thank you Mr. Sephiroth.” Sarah blushed. “Thanks a lot!”

She waved and walked away with her guards.

Everyone turned around and looked at Cloud.

He tugged at his collar, self conscious. “Sorry Sephiroth. I was guess I was wrong.”

“What? I can’t hear you.”

Cloud cleared his throat. “I said I’m sorry Sephiroth.”

Sephiroth cupped his hands around his ears. “I’m sorry. I’m a little deaf from the sound of chocobo feet. Say that again?”

Cloud glowered.

Tifa nudged him.

“I said,” Cloud spoke between his teeth. “I’m sorry I accused you of cheating Sephiroth.”

“Oh.” Sephiroth put his arm around Aeris waist and walked away.

“Is that it?” Cloud asked. “I did apologize!”

“Oh. Where are my manners?” Sephiroth stopped and turned back and cleared his throat.“You’re still young Cloud. You’ll learn.”

He walked off with a blushing Aeris.

One of the reporters snickered.

Cloud silenced him with a look.

“By the way,” Sephiroth’s voice drifted back to them. “I accept your apology.”

Muffled sounds of laughter broke out in the crowd. They drifted off whispering among themselves.

Flushed with anger, Cloud took a step after Sephiroth. Tifa quickly placed herself between them.

“Let it go Cloud,” she warned. “You started it.”

“But Tifa! He just made a crack. . . ”

“This little scene is going make the papers for sure Cloud. Do you want to try for television too?”

His anger cooled with her words. “I’m sorry.”

Tifa gently took his hand. “Let’s find something fun to do.”

That’s easier said than done, thought Cloud. I never wanted to be here with him in the first place!

They pushed through the remnants of the crowd, heads high. Cloud struggled t ignore the snickers. He’d just made a first class fool of himself. He was sure tomorrow’s newspapers would say he was jealous of Sephiroth.

Sometimes he wondered if he’d wasted his time when he went after Sephiroth in the first place. The man had simply come back to life just months after being killed. If that little stunt didn’t boggle the mind, he’d come back with the woman he killed and married her and fathered her children! For the life of him, he’d never know what Aeris found good in Sephiroth. Watching the love between them grow, made him question his feelings for Tifa.

Watching Aeris die had literally torn his soul in two. Had they been alone, he might have cradled her lifeless body in his arms for days before he struck out to avenge himself on her killer. Instead he’d released her to the water. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done. Cloud knew for the rest of his life, he’d carry deep feelings for her.

In an effort to build a new life for himself, Cloud renewed his relationship with Tifa. In her arms he rediscovered tender feelings that began in him as a child. ln time they two moved in together. They’d married down the line and had a child. The new Seventh Heaven was doing well and soon they’d open a second bar in Junon. All in all, it was a beautiful day and he wouldn’t let Sephiroth spoil it.

Tifa squeezed his hand and smiled at him. Cloud smiled back to reassure her. There were still faint traces of shadows around her eyes from the trauma she’d suffered with Lila. At least now she didn’t wake him up during the night with blood curdling screams.

Her first days at home hadn’t gone very well. She didn’t sleep at least for three nights. Between the baby’s needs and her own nightmares, Tifa slowly turned into a wreck. Their bed was soaked from bouts of night sweats. She checked on the baby constantly and she clung to Cloud like a tick. If he left her sight for more than ten minutes, she went in search of him. At night she lay so close against him, it was difficult to change positions.

Cloud loved his wife dearly, but it got on his nerves the way her love had turned into a prison. She was terrified something would happen to him and she’d raise the baby alone. Nothing he said reassured her mind and Cloud was at his wits end. Desperate at last, he sneaked away and went to visit Cid.

For over an hour, he ranted and paced and tugged on his spiky blonde hair. Cid slouched silently in his chair smoking a cigarette. Cloud finally burned out and sat on the couch. Cid sat up and put out his cigarette.

“I understand how you feel Cloud but you have to be patient. The best thing you can do for Tifa right now is to spend more time with her.”

“How much more time can I give her?” Cloud ran a hand over his face. “She hangs on me so much its like having a second skin! I had to hire two more workers just to run the bar. I can’t go in myself because she won’t let me out of her sight. I know she had a rough time with Lila, but it’s time she got over it!”

“Get Tifa out of the house,” the gruff pilot told him. “She needs it.”

Cloud’s expression turned sour. “What good would that do?”

Cid leaned forward. “Look Blondie, can you blame your wife for the way she feels? You left the house to go on a simple errand and some alien dragged you off to the moon. None of us would have known what happened to you until your kids with Lila came back and tried to kill everyone. What if Lila’s brainwashing worked with you. You’d have killed us all willingly, including your wife, don’t you think she knows that? Tifa wanted a baby with you so much, and Lila almost made her lose it. All Tifa needs is a little more time with you and lot’s of TLC. She’ll snap out of it soon enough and things will go back to normal.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Cloud answered slowly. “I’ll take her to Costa del Sol and let her lie back on the beach. I’ll watch the baby. That ought to help.”

“You’re not getting it!” Cid shook his head. “Find a baby sitter Cloud! The last thing you need is a baby’s howl when you’re trying to re-bond with your wife!”

“Our baby doesn’t howl!” Cloud was offended. “We don’t feel like that about our son at all!”

“Look Bonehead,” Cid raised his voice. “What’s the matter with you? How can a man make love to his wife, with a baby crying every few minutes? Get someone to watch the kid while you and Tifa are gone. Your wife needs some quality time up front and personal with you!”

“Oh.” Cloud turned red.

“She’s having a delayed reaction to shock. A woman is never so vulnerable in her life as when she’s pregnant. Even after the baby comes, her emtoions are still in a jumble. That little lady fought hard for your love. She almost lost you to Aeris. Then here comes Lila too. Is there any wonder why she’s feeling threatened?”

“I guess I didn’t see it that way.” Cloud sighed. “I thought I was being supportive, but I guess I’m not as supportive as I could be.”

“Don’t sweat it.” Cid reached in his pack for another cigarette. “It takes us guys a little longer to adjust to married life. We’ll never understand everything about a woman, but we’ll learn just enough to get by.”

Cloud grinned. “I see the proof in you.”

“Don’t get smart. May I make a suggestion?”

Cloud nodded.

“Take her to the Gold Saucer. I don’t think any of us has had a real chance to go there and have some fun. We didn’t have that much time when we were chasing Sephiroth.”

“I think that’s a great idea,” said Cloud. “I wonder if Elmyra will take the baby for us. She’s very good with children and Tifa trusts her.”

“Ask her.” Cid nodded toward the phone. “I’m betting you’ll catch her at home.”

Five minutes later Cloud hung up with a smile. “She’s looking forward to it.”

“Great.” Cid blew a smoke ring toward the ceiling. “When do you plan to leave?”

“As soon as Tifa can pack some things for herself and supplies for the baby. If we leave early enough we’ll be here in Rocket Town at noon. If we don’t stay too long at Elmyra’s house, we can make the Saucer by sunset.”

The pilot’s eyes twinkled. “If Tifa packs for herself and the baby, what are you going to wear? You are planning to change clothes aren’t you?”

“Of course I am!” Cloud rolled his eyes.

Cid grimaced. “I’ll have to take Shera on a vacation someday when she’s up to traveling.”

“Is she upset about something?”

“Well . . . ” The older man shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I built an experimental plane soon after the baby was born. Shera asked me not to test it until the crew was on duty to watch out for me. They come on at eight, but I was impatient. I took off at the crack of dawn. Who knew the damn engine would fail when I left the ground? I crashed on my belly at the end of the runway. Shera almost hurt herself running out to me. It took hours to calm her down.”

“That was a silly thing to do. Shera almost gave her life for you!”

“You’re getting salty again Strife.” Cid’s face turned sullen. “Now Shera’s developed a nasty way of keeping me on the ground. If the crew isn’t here she has the nerve to remove something vital from my planes. I can’t fly until I get the part back from her. I never thought she’d go that far. I can yell at her till I’m blue in the face, but she won’t give it back until the crew arrives.”

“Can’t you secure your planes so she can’t take them apart?”

“Are you kidding? Who do you think designs them?”

Cloud grinned. “I guess she’s keeping you alive for your family whether you like it or not!”

“You’re telling me.” Cid let out a sigh. “And what’s so bad, I can’t stay angry with her.”

Suddenly he gave Cloud a sly smile.

“You know . . . . she might be pregnant again.”

“You’re kidding!”

“I don’t think so. She’s been sick almost every morning this week. I asked if she was pregnant, but she denied it.”

Cloud was puzzled. “I wonder why?”

“She probably has some surprise in mind. You know how women are.”

“I’m starting too.” Cloud held out his hand. “Thanks Cid. I’d better get back to Tifa.”

“Instead riding chocobos here, why don’t you give me a call? One of my guys can pick you up in one of the small planes. Once you give the kid to Elmyra he’ll fly you to the Saucer as well. Dio just put in a landing strip to make getting supplies easier.”

“Thanks Cid..”

“Don’t sweat it. Have a safe trip home.”

As he feared when he reached the house. Cloud found Tifa pacing the floor. He stopped her angry words with a kiss and his plans for the Gold Saucer. He expected the hugs and kisses he got, but she did something he didn’t plan on. She grabbed the phone and dialed the number of her best friend.

“Aeris Cloud and I are going to the Gold Saucer too! That means we can ask for a room right next to yours and Sephiroth’s!”

Cloud went pale. “What?”

Tifa didn’t notice with her back to him. “I’m getting packed right away! We’ll meet you at the Saucer sometime tomorrow evening.”

She hung up, turned around and kissed Cloud’s cheek. “This is wonderful. You’re such a angel.”

“Really Tifa,” Cloud felt ice coating his stomach. “We shouldn’t bother Aeris and Sephiroth. As a matter of fact, let’s go to Costa del Sol!”

“No,” said Tifa firmly. “This will work out just fine. I was so jealous of Aeris! She told me she was feeling very stressed these days. It was Sephiroth who suggested their trip. I was thinking of asking you to take me too, but you thought about it on your own. Her mother is going to watch the triplets. Do you think she could take our baby too?”

“Already done,” Cloud said, his throat dry. “She’s expecting us before noon.”

“Great!” It was the happiest Tifa had looked since the day the baby was born. “We can make a foursome out of this. It may help you and Sephiroth be friends too.”

“Yeah . . . ” Cloud winced. “About Costa del Sol . . . are you sure you don’t want to go and lie on the beach?”

“Don’t be silly.” Tifa ran her hands through his hair. “Not with this extra baby fat. We’ll vacation with Aeris and Sephiroth. We’re all friends.”

“Yeah.” Cloud’s felt light headed. “But I wanted us to spend time together . . . alone!”

“You’re going to give me plenty time alone!” winked Tifa. “Don’t you worry about that! We’re going to have the best of two worlds. You and me and our best friends too.”

She kissed him lightly on the nose and ran upstairs humming a happy tune.

Cloud sagged against the wall. Maybe Sephiroth will say no, then we’ll have to go to Costa del Sol!

To his dismay Sephiroth had no objections. Cloud was forced to go along with Tifa’s plans. Now here they were in the Gold Saucer and Sephiroth never missed a chance to throw in one of his digs. The only thing that made it worthwhile, was Tifa had cheered up immensely. Tifa brought Cloud’s mind back to the present by pulling on his hand.

“That looks like a fun place to me. Why don’t we try that Cloud?”

He looked at what she was pointing at.

“You want to go into The Crypt?”

“Sure!” She nodded. “What do you think Aeris?”

The Cetra clung to Sephiroth and shivered. “Isn’t that a haunted house thing?”

Tifa laughed. “What are you so worried about? We’ve got our men to protect us?”

Aeris looked up at Sephiroth. “Will you?”

He smiled back. “With my life.”

She laughed and tucked her arm in his. “Okay. I guess we’re in!”

Cloud glanced back at Sephiroth as they walked toward The Crypt. “Just don’t knock me down when you’re running scared.”

“And don’t make me have to peel you off my back,” retorted Sephiroth.

The entrance to The Crypt was a creepy looking place of fake white marble and cobwebs. They stopped at the broken door where a black shrouded figure with a hood stood waiting. He turned to look at them and the girls let out a shriek. His face was pale, knotted and covered with oozing sores.

“Are you here to see The Crypt?” he asked in a voice like a rusty gate.

“We sure are,” Cloud answered with a grin. “Throw your worst at us.”

“You may get that and more,” said the man. “Follow me please, and stay close. Guests have been known to disappear here.”

Cloud rolled his eyes. “Yeah . . . sure.”

They followed their guide into a darkened room. It was the sitting room of a mansion. Chilled air and mist swirled around them. Some of the furniture was covered by cloth. Others were outlined in the darkness. It was hard to tell what style they were.

“Maybe I’ve changed my mind,” said Tifa. “It’s not too late to turn around.”

“You’re not going to chicken out on me now?” asked Cloud. “You’re the one who wanted to come in here.”

“I can take it if you can!” she answered.

Aeris pressed close to Sephiroth. “Ten feet in the door and I’m afraid already.”

“Didn’t I say I’d take care of you?” asked her husband. “You’ve have nothing to worry about.”

She was just about to answer him when something big dashed from the cover of a tall bookshelf and hid itself behind the nearest chair.

“What was that?”

Sephiroth turned his head in the direction she was looking. “What?”

“Something moved over there. I saw it.”

Her husband peered into the darkness. “I don’t see anything.”

“Well I did,” she said stubbornly. “It was big.”

“I can see better than you,” he said.

“I was looking over there, you weren’t!”

A scrabbling noise sounded to their right.

Tifa bumped into Cloud. “What’s that?”

He put his arm around her waist. “Nothing. Let’s follow the guide.”

Aeris saw something slither under a table. She stopped in her tracks.

“What was that?”

Everyone stopped. “What?”

“That!” Aeris pointed. “I saw . . . ”

Behind her a hand snaked out from under a couch and clamped around her ankle. The Cetra let out a scream to wake the dead and tried to twist away from it. She lost her balance. The hand let go. She fell into Sephiroth’s arms.

“Something grabbed me!” she panted pointing at the couch. “A hand came out from under there!”

Sephiroth turned. “I don’t see . . . ”

Every eye was on Aeris when Tifa started screaming and slapping at her rear.

“Something pinched me!” she shouted. “It touched my butt!”

Cloud craned his neck in the dark. “I don’t see anything!”

Aeris looked around. “Hey where’s our guide?”

Cloud pointed. “He’s going down that hall!”

Sephiroth put Aeris down. They ran to catch up. The figure turned a corner and was gone by the time they got there.

“He left us?” Cloud’s voice was incredulous.

“Scared of the dark?” Sephiroth taunted.

“Only if you’re in it.” Cloud looked around. “Where did he go?”

Tifa blinked. “What kind of house is this?”

They went silent as they studied the area around them.

Directly in front was a white picket fence. Beyond was what looked like a field full of trees and bushes. A railroad track came from the east and ran it’s length off to the west. The thing that really held their eyes was the white car parked across the tracks.

“That’s a dumb place to park.” Cloud looked around. “They did a good job with the scenery.”

“I know what’s going to happen!” Aeris sounded excited. “They’re going to run a fake train across the tracks and pull the car back at the last minute!”

In response to her words the car’s headlights began to blink and the horn blared off and on.

“No! I get it!” Tifa turned to Aeris. “They’re going to make it come right at us, so we’ll duck!”

The blast of a trains horn make them jump.

“Anytime now!” Tifa kept her eyes on the car.

“Get ready to jump!” cautioned Aeris.

Without warning a brilliant spotlight lit the group up from the left. As one they turned as one to see a giant locomotive engine bearing down on them. It wasn’t on the track behind the fence. It was coming out of the wall.

They fell back screaming and shouting as it flew into the room . . . and stopped just as sudden twelve inches away from them.

No one said a word until the engine backed into the wall and the opening closed again.

“I wasn’t expecting that.” Sephiroth said regaining his composure before the rest.

“I can tell,” Cloud responded. “You almost mowed me down.”

“You shouldn’t have been in my way,” replied Sephiroth.

“Oh?” Cloud eyed him. “Which way was yours? You were all over the place as I remember.”

“Oh really?” Sephiroth straightened his shirt. “I understand why Tifa was screaming. What is your excuse?”

“I wasn’t screaming,” Cloud said in a huff.

“Just like a little girl.”

“I WASN’T SCREAMING!” Cloud closed his fists.

“Knock it off!” Aeris snapped. “We all were!”

She looked around annoyed.

“That’s some guide we’ve got! He’s supposed to be leading us! Where is he?”

“That’s what I’d like to know.” Tifa’s hands were still shaking. “Let’s find him and make him stay with us.”

To their right was another room. They walked into it cautiously.

It was an exact duplicate of the room before, except this time the car was crushed and bent. The driver of the car was lying halfway through the windshield covered with blood. Ghoulish creatures sat around his body, frozen in the act of picking at his flesh.

“Ugh!” Tifa shuddered. “Do they have to be so graphic?”

“This is The Crypt . . . remember?” asked Sephiroth.

“She remembers!” Cloud cut in. “But she’s right. This is much too graphic!”

“I give up!” Aeris shivered. “Let’s find the chicken exit.”

“If that’s what you want.” Sephiroth raised an eyebrow.

She nodded. “That’s what I want!”

“Guide!” Sephiroth shouted. “Where are you?”

They listened. There was no response.

“That creep!” fumed Tifa. “He did this on purpose!”

“I guess we’re going to have to keep on walking,” said Cloud. “Until we find it ourselves.”

“Oh great!” Aeris muttered. “What fun! How am I supposed to sleep after this?”

“I’ll see that you do,” promised Sephiroth.

Aeris blushed and tugged his arm. “Let’s go.”

They walked past the gruesome scene. Tifa sneaked a look back and saw one of the creatures running after them. She screamed and slammed into Cloud as it dropped through the floor.

“What?” Cloud looked back. “What happened?”

“Never mind!” she snapped. “Let’s get out of here!”

Their travels took them down a hall with windows on both sides. Each window held a scene that was scarier than the next.

“Close your eyes Aeris,” suggested Sephiroth. “Let me lead you through. You’d better do the same Tifa.”

Cloud wanted to kick himself for not suggesting it first.

Aeris and Tifa crowded close. Closed eyes were little comfort. In fact it was almost worse than keeping them open. Aeris felt like they’d walked a mile before Sephiroth spoke again.

“Here’s a chicken exit we can take.”

The Cetra opened her eyes. They were in a three way corridor. In the center hall was a door marked exit.

“Whew!” she breathed. “At last we’re free!”

Sephiroth opened the door and looked out. He looked back.

“This is the door all right.”

He let Aeris through, then held the door for Cloud. Cloud held the door for his wife.

Tifa looked back and let out a scream. A horde of ugly creatures was coming. Cloud snatched her through and slammed the door in their faces.

“Don’t worry he said they can’t come outside.”

They’d barely gone ten yards when the door burst open. Five zombies came flying out. Aeris and Tifa screamed. They clutched their husbands trying to hide behind them.

“I’ve had enough of this!” said Sephiroth. He started to raise his hand.

The creatures stopped immediately. They draped their arms over each others shoulders.

“Chicken, chicken, chicken!” They called out. “You took the chicken way out! Poor chickens!”

Cloud grabbed the closest waste basket and drew it back over his head. The “monsters” yelped and ran back the way they came. The last one back inside looked over his shoulder.


The door slammed before the waste basket hit it.

“I don’t care what he calls us,” declared Aeris. “That was an awful place!”

“It sure was.” Tifa shook herself. “Let’s find an attraction that will make me forget that!”

Sephiroth pressed some gil into Aeris’ hand. “I’m thirsty. Why don’t you get us both some bottled water?”

“Sure!” Aeris nodded.

“What about you Cloud?” asked Tifa.

He gave her some gil. “Me too. There’s a stand right over there. I’ll join you in a minute.”

Tifa blinked. “What are you going to do?”

“Nothing,” he assured her. “Wait there for me.”

Both girls nodded and walked off together.

Cloud and Sephiroth followed the wall around to the front of The Crypt. The guide stood waiting by the door.

“I see you didn’t get enough,” he said. “Would you like another tour?”

“You were supposed to be our guide,” said Sephiroth. “You left to fend for ourselves.”

The guide shrugged. “I told you to stay close.”

“You ran off and left us!” shouted Cloud. “You did that on purpose!”

The guide dropped his gloomy act. “Look buddy if you can’t take the heat . . . you ought to stay out of the kitchen! It’s a haunted house! All right? You take your chances! I ain’t here to babysit nobody!”

Sephiroth snatched him up the collar.

“You’re taking chances too.”

The man gulped.

“Look I apologize all right? I was just doing my job!”

“The next time, I come through here,” Sephiroth threatened. “You’d better stay with my group!”

“Y-yes Sir!” The man whined. “I’m sorry! I really am!”

Sephiroth dropped him and turned away.

“Is that all?” Cloud looked scandalized. “Is that all you’re going to do to him?”

Sephiroth gave him a dry look. “What do you suggest?”

“This!” Cloud punched the man in the stomach.

The Crypt Keeper doubled over and sank to the ground.

“It wasn’t funny,” Cloud told him and walked away.

“Nice going,” smiled Sephiroth. “I’ll make sure Tifa gets back the to inn when they come to arrest you.”

Cloud’s step faltered then he recovered. “You do that.”

They meet the girls at the concession stand and drank some cold clear water. Sephiroth finished his first.

“Well I’m refreshed,” he said. “What next?”

“Anything,” answered Tifa. “As long as it’s not like that last place!”

Aeris took Sephiroth’s hand. “I want to ride the gondolas.”

“Sounds good to me.” He nodded.

“Not me!” Cloud turned to Tifa. I don’t want to ride the gondolas right now. Let’s find something else to do.”

She smiled. “Sure. Let’s find something we’ll both like.”

“All right,” said Sephiroth. We’ll split up here and join you later.”

“At last!” Cloud beamed. “Some time away from you!”

“You don’t know the half of it!” shot back Sephiroth.

Cloud gave Sephiroth a dirty look before he whisked Tifa away.

Aeris sighed. “Do you have to pick fight with him?”

“I didn’t plan this vacation,” he said.

Aeris’ face crumpled. “You’re right. This is my fault.”

Sephiroth was instantly sorry.

“Don’t cry,” he said taking his bride into his arms. “I could have said no when you asked me. This trip is good for you and Tifa. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

“Do you really mean that?” she asked. “Are you sure you’re not mad?”

“No my Love, I’m not angry. Besides this is the longest time I’ve had with you in weeks, without a baby crying in the background.”

Aeris’ laughter was music to his ears.

When they reached the gondola ride, Sephiroth purchased two tickets. They climbed inside and the car began its climb.

“Isn’t this beautiful?” asked Aeris looking out the window. “Wait until we get a little higher.”

“And then what?”

“The view is going to take your breath away.”

“Too bad we’re going to miss it.”

She looked puzzled. “Why?”

Sephiroth pulled her into his lap. “The triplets can’t interrupt us here.”

Aeris looked shocked. “Here?”

“Why not?” Sephiroth casually flicked open one of her buttons.

“In this little space?” She blushed. “How?”

A devious gleam formed in his eyes. “Patience Love. I intend to show you.”

He was right. They missed the view.

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