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Those We Thought We Have Conquered

by T'Shael

Chapter 2

"Cloud," Tifa said as they walked along. "You've got to be friendlier to Sephiroth. After everything you two have been through, you ought to getting along."

"I'd rather take on the Green Weapon again," he replied "Before I call Sephiroth my friend "

Tifa sighed and shook her head. "I know that you think you hate him, my love, but you get do get along sometimes. If you'd both try a little bit harder you could even be best friends."

"Best friends with Sephiroth?" Cloud scratched his head. "You've got to be kidding. He practically grows fangs when he's near me Why in the world are you taking his side against me?"

"You're wrong." Tifa stopped immediately and pulled her hand free. "You're always number one to me Cloud. I'd die before I turn against you."

"I didn't mean-"

"I know what you meant." She looked into his eyes. "Sephiroth's come a long way from the man who killed your mother Cloud, but way down deep inside, you won't let go of that. He was just as much a victim as you were Cloud. Believe that and you'll understand him."

"I don't want to understand him." He turned his face away. "Sometimes I think Sephiroth should have stayed dead "

Tifa cupped his face in her hands. "That's a mean thing to say Cloud. Once upon a time, he was your hero."

"That was long ago when he was sane."

"He's sane now Cloud," she admonished in a gentle voice. "Sephiroth could have refused to come back at all, but he came back to help Aeris. He fought right by your side to save me. "

"I know." Cloud dropped his head to look at his feet. "But do those two deeds cancel out all the wrong he's done?"

"Sephiroth isn't evil Cloud." She forced him to raise his head. "He's changed now and you know it. Think back to how distant and cold he was. That changed when he fell in love with Aeris.."

Cloud grimaced. "She should have chosen Vincent instead."

"Vincent?" Tifa stumbled back in surprise. "Why would Aeris fall in love with Vincent?"

Dumb move he thought seeing the look on her face. Now she'll ask if am jealous of Sephiroth.

"Vincent lost everything he loved in life. Falling for Aeris might have healed his wounds."

"They don't have a thing in common," said Tifa. "And Vincent's heart died with Luceria. It will a long time before those wounds heal, but someday, I believe he'll fall in love again."

She gave her husband a cynical look.

"Besides . . . he's too old for Aeris."

"It was just a thought." Cloud hid his relief. "Besides . . . he looks young for his age "

"My poor Cloud," Tifa shook her head. "I know Sephiroth needles you a little sometimes, but that's because you're too much alike. I think, sometimes, he acts just an older brother "

"Tifa " Cloud's voice froze over in a flash. "Didn't I ask you not to say that?"

She blinked in surprise and walked away from him.

"Tifa . . ." Slapping his forehead, Cloud ran to catch up. "I didn't mean to snarl at you. I'm sorry."

Eyes straight ahead, the dark haired girl kept walking.

"Tifa . . . please " He caught her by the waist and turned her to face him. "Tifa I'm sorry. I really am. I brought you here for fun, not to argue."

"Oh," she looked cool. "You remember that huh?"

"Tifa . . ."

He looked so remorseful her heart gave in. She gave him a forgiving smile. "Okay Cloud. I'll let it go this time. Can we kiss and make up?"

"You betcha " He brushed his lips against hers. "In fact, I could kiss you forever."

She kissed him back, eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh yeah? I've got an idea "

"What's that?"

"Let Aeris and Sephiroth ride the coaster alone. We're going through the Tunnel of Love "

"The Tunnel of . . . ?" Cloud caught the look in her eyes and grinned. "That ride is kind of long you know."

"Uh huh."

"It gets pretty dark in there too."


Uh huh." He pulled her closer. "I might have to keep you close to me . . . like this."

"Oh yeah?" Her eyes were shimmering pools of liquid.

"Yeah." His finger traced a line down her cheek. "Sounds kind of boring doesn't it?"

She winked at him and smiled. "I'm sure we'll find something to do."

"Hmmmm," he slid one hand down the curve of her hips. "By the way . . . do I get to touch . . . "

"You nut " She pulled his hand away with a giggle. "I think I can see the Tunnel from here."

He took her by the hand. "Let's hurry "

Ten minutes later, they were looking at a boat upholstered with thick rich velvet and assorted pillows. They climbed aboard and snuggled on the thick foam padded seat.

"It's a slow night." The operator winked. "I can let your boat through its run at its slowest speed."

"Do that." Tifa stretched her pretty legs across Cl,oud's lap. "My husband and I aren't in a hurry."

Cloud's eyes devoured her luscious curves.

"Yeah . . . . " He swallowed. "What she said."

The operator tore his eyes away from Tifa's legs and pushed a button on his panel. The boat's engine purred to life and sent them toward the mouth of the tunnel. The operator kept his eyes on Tifa's legs until drifted out of his sight.

"Damn he growled, wiping his face. "Some guys have all the luck."

Tifa's lips nibbled gently on Cloud's earlobe. "This ride is going to be so boring."

"You know it." Cloud settled one hand on her breast. "How did you talk ever me into this?"

Tifa giggled as she felt her buttons come undone. "I'm sure you'll remember in time."

* * * * *

Tiptoeing barefoot, Elmyra checked on her tiny charges. In the soft orange glow of a nightlight, they slept well.

Aeris' sons were a handful when they were awake. Asleep they looked like angels. Since none of them would sleep alone, they shared a single bed between them.

Elmyra reached out and touched Shiro's silver head. I wonder what they'll be like when they're talking? How much of them will be like their father?

She stroked Sepp's cheek. I know one thing . . . I wouldn't want all four of them mad at me at the same time

She pulled the coverlet up to Seann's chin. Hopefully Aeris' genes will keep their tempers in check. If not, they'll have a hard time in school.

She turned to Little Cloud's bassinet. The baby was sucking his thumb in his sleep. Elmyra smiled at him.

"Sweet dreams, Cloud Puff " she said with a smile. That was her pet name for him.

She straightened up and gazed at each baby again.

"They're all so beautiful," she whispered. "It's been a long time since I've cared for little ones."

Aeris' last pregnancy had turned out to be false. Elmyra was very disappointed but she couldn't help but smile remembering how Aeris had punched her husbands arm.

"Don't worry." Sephiroth winked at her. "I promise you there will be more."

"And when were you going to ask me?" demanded Aeris.

Sephiroth pulled his bride into his arms. "I won't have any problem convincing you."

Aeris opened her lips to protest. He whispered something in her ears.

She pushed him away blushing furiously. "Sephiroth Please Not here "

Elmyra left the room and closed the door. That was one of her happier memories. There were others that were very painful.

No one had to tell her when Aeris died. She'd felt a cold frost go through her heart. She had no idea where or why it had happened. She only knew her daughter was dead. The grief stricken woman cried for hours all alone.

On the heels of that shock, flaming death made its appearance. Meteor turned the sky red with its fury. The heartsick Elmyra didn't pay it any mind. She gave up watching TV and avoided reading the papers. She would have stayed in Midgar until the very end, had Aeris not appeared in a dream and told her foster mother to get out of the city.

"Go to Rocket Town," she said urgently. "You'll be safe living there. Pack your things and get out of Midgar right now Mom "

If the dream had been about anyone else, Elmyra would have stayed right there where she was. Because was Aeris, she got out of bed and ran to pack. She had just finished filling the last suitcase up when a lady neighbor came to call. Terrified by Meteor, she was leaving Midgar with friends. Elmyra was invited along if she wanted to come too.

Elmyra decided to go. It turned out some of those going were deserting Shinra. Four stolen jeeps and a small truck carried the small group beyond the city. Most of the men were armed. Elmyra felt safe with them. The plan was to reach a stolen ship, that would wait for them on the coast. It would sail to Wauti letting passengers off anywhere they wanted on the way.

Traveling with children, it took four days to reach the ship. They lost two people on the second night. A newly wed couple sneaked away to make love. A monster found them in the middle of the tryst. Horrible screams and crunching wet sounds told the group there would be no survivors.

The men drew their weapons and braced for a fight, but the monster left the area after eating. No one walked away from the others after that.

Their nerves were ragged when they reached the shore, but the ship was waiting as promised. Nerves taunt, the tired group went aboard and the ship set out to sea. Elmyra stood at the rail and watched until the shoreline disappeared. She'd never feel the same about Midgar again.

Most of the passengers chose ports along the way. Elmyra was the only holdout for Rocket Town. The captain shook his head when she asked to left on the shore.

"You'd never make on foot," he said. "And you can't carry all of that luggage. Let me call a friend of mine and I'll see what she can do."

His friend's name was Shera and she worked for a man who went by the named Highwind. Cid wasn't home but Shera found help anyway. It wasn't long before a man in a chocobo cart came along. He wouldn't take a cent when he dropped Elmyra at an inn.

"Shera's done many a favor for me. At last I've got a chance to repay one."

Elmyra thanked him and took a room at the inn. She left her luggage in her room. She left immediately out immediately to find the Village bank. She transferred all her money in Midgar to the little bank in Rocket Town.

Her swift action saved her a lot of grief. Meteor's clash in the sky with Holy almost destroyed the city. The thought most people had was to save themselves. They didn't pack much and took what gil they had in their pockets or purses. Later, when they had a need for more, it was out of their reach. Terrible monsters ruled the city by then. Trying to reach the bank was bank was suicide. Those who didn't have proof of their funds were forced to get by best they could.

Elmyra stayed at the inn for three weeks, then found a home of her own. The quiet life in Rocket Town appealed to her. She thought it was strange that she'd sensed Aeris' death, but not the moment of her rebirth. Cloud had come to her with a report of the of the Cetra's final moments.

To his surprise, it wasn't Sephiroth Elmyra blamed for Aeris' death. She felt the blame fell squarely on his \shoulders. "If you hadn't let her go with you, my girl would still be alive "

She apologized afterwards and cried.

A few weeks later, she opened her door and fainted when she saw her daughter. Sephiroth caught the woman in his arms and carried her inside the house.

If seeing Aeris alive wasn't shocking enough, having Sephiroth there too made it worse. Terrified, Elmyra tried to separate them, by dragging Aeris away from him. She thought he'd come back to kill her daughter again. It took some talking to convince her their visit would not play out in that way.

Isn't love strange?

She shook her head and tiptoed toward the bedroom door. As she moved, she glanced at the window . . . and froze.

And blinked.

There was nothing there.

Just imagination, she told herself, but part of her didn't believe it. Just for a second, she was sure she'd seen a pair of eyes staring through the window.

Forcing her feet to move, she walked toward the glass. There was nothing staring back at her.

It wasn't real.

Then something burst out of the bushes and tore across yard. It was Waddles, her neighbors cat on his way home.

"Stupid cat " She closed the curtains and went downstairs to the kitchen.

That's enough of a scare for one night.

"Calm down Elmyra." She reached for the coffee pot. "You'll be seeing monsters in the living room next "

A few doors away Waddles clawed at his door, very anxious to get into the house.

His irate owner snatched open the door.

"Oh yeah . . . NOW you come home I was just about to go to bed . I assure you, if you hadn't come back now . . . you would have stayed out all night "

Waddles didn't care what his owner said and he didn't have time to listen. He galloped down the hall and slid into the farthest corner under her bed. His bright green eyes searched for any sign that the large yellow pair had followed him. He felt no relief when the front door closed. He wouldn't sleep until it was morning. He stayed in the house for the next three days, too afraid to go outside.

* * * * *

Tifa barely had time to straighten her clothes before the boat ride came to an end. Cloud ran his hand through his spikes trying to make them look normal. The operator gave them a knowing smile as they stepped up onto the platform.

"Where do you think we'll find Aeris and Sephiroth?" Tifa asked ignoring the man.

"I don't know and I'm not looking." Cloud took her hand and led her through the crowd. "If we run into them fine, if we don't that's fine too. I've finally got a chance to be alone with you and I'm going to enjoy every second."

Tifa inclined her head toward him. "I thought you just did."

Cloud leaned close to her ear and whispered. "There's always time for more."

She giggled.

"How about the haunted house?" he asked.

She shivered. "I don't know about that."

"Come on Tifa, I'll protect you."

"Are you sure?"

He pulled her to him. "Of course I will. When you're frightened, you cling to me. That will make these easy to reach "

He barred his teeth and snapped at her breasts.

"Stop " Giggling, she pushed him away.

Cloud feigned disappointment. "The baby can't have them all the time "

A man heard and turned a smile on Tifa. Her face went red. She frowned at Cloud.

"Will you knock it off?"

"Knock them off?" Cloud leered at her. "Don't think that will work. Aren't they attached to you?"

It pleased him when she blushed even deeper.

"Is that a yes?"

"You're insatiable "

He fluttered his eyes. "I know."

She laughed.

"Haunted house?" He raised an eyebrow.

She took his hand. "Bring it on."

* * * * *

Sephiroth took Aeris' hand. "So did you enjoy the gondolas?"

She grinned. "I think I enjoyed you more."

"Of course."

Aeris swatted his shoulder. "How arrogant "

He chuckled and pulled her against his side. "Are you sure you aren't getting tired?"

"Are you kidding? This was a wonderful idea "

His thumb stroked the back of her hand. "I was right when I said you needed a break from the triplets."

"I know." She smiled. "At first I felt guilty for leaving them behind. Now I'm glad to get a little rest."

His eyes sparkled. "I hope you're not counting on getting too much of that."

She blushed and dropped her eyes. "I won't."

* * * * *

Elmyra turned off the television and started for the stairs. She stopped on the first step and looked back at the window. Her living room curtains had always been open ever since she moved in this house. For the first time in her life, it made her uneasy. She turned around and went back into the living room. Tonight they were going to be closed.

She paused for a moment to peer through the glass, studying every shadow in the yard. I know I'm being silly but it feels like someone is looking in. She saw nothing out of the ordinary. A few lights burned in a house or two, otherwise it was peaceful and quiet. That didn't calm her nerves a bit. Stepping back, she couldn't close the drapes fast enough.

She went upstairs into every room and closed those curtains too. She made one more stop to check on the sleeping children. They didn't stir while she checked their diapers. Only Little Cloud was wet. She changed it carefully. He didn't wake up. She covered the child and kissed his cheek.

To make she'd hear them crying, Elmyra left the door open to their room. A shower and a fresh nightgown was refreshing. She took her hair down from its usual bun and brushed it a hundred times. It hung past her shoulder blades reflecting the light. She roped it into a single braid and crawled into bed to read.

It was a lusty story of beautiful women and men with muscular chests. She was so engrossed in the story she almost missed the sound of something falling on her front porch. She froze immediately listening hard, but the sound didn't come back again. She shrugged thinking it was a cat and returned to her story.

Then came the unmistakable sound of the doorknob turning downstairs.

Elmyra hopped out of bed at once and ran to the top of the staircase.

"Who's there?" she called.

For an answer the wooden door rattled in its frame, as if something heavy had struck it.

"What do you want?"

Instant silence.

Silently she slipped downstairs and tiptoed to the front door. She listened intently. Was someone doing the same on the other side?

Minutes passed. Nothing happened. Slowly she reached for the doorknob. Something struck the door so hard, she heard the wood crack. Elmyra turned around and charged up the stairs. She grabbed her bedroom phone and dialed Barrett's number. It took four times before she dialed it right. Downstairs the door boomed hard.

"Barrett " she cried when he answered the phone. "Someone's breaking into my house He's breaking down the front door. I can hear it cracking "

"Be there in a minute " He hung up the phone.

Elmyra cringed on her bed. When she heard a knock, she screamed.

"It's me Elmyra " Barrett's voice filtered up. "Hurry up and open the door "

She flew down the stairs and fumbled with the lock. She fell against his big chest weeping.

Arms around her, Barrett came in and locked the door behind them.

"What happened? Did you see someone?"

"No," she wept rubbing at her eyes. "The knob turned and someone hit the door twice."

"Wait here." He untangled her arms. "Don't open that door until I say it's clear."

She held the door nervously. "Please be careful."

He raised his gun arm. "I'm not afraid of anything living. If anything it ought to fear me "

Elmyra closed the door behind him and went to check on the children. They were still sleeping peacefully.

Barrett knocked on the door again, as she stepped off the final stair. She opened the door and he came in giving her a thumbs up.

"Whoever you heard is gone for sure. He must have heard me coming."

"I hope so." She let out a shaky breath. "It must have been someone, who knows I live alone. He might have been out looking for an easy hit."

"If that's the case," Barrett shook his fist, "I hope knows what would have happened to him, if I'd caught him. Hopefully now, he knows I'll protect your house "

Elmyra blushed. "Thanks for coming Barrett. You're probably right. He won't dare come here again."

"I'm making sure," Barrett pointed at the couch. "If you don't find I'd like to sleep here tonight."

What will the neighbors think? She pushed that thought away. Everyone knew she and Barrett were an item. Why should she care about gossip? It wasn't the neighbors someone tried to rob. Of course she wanted him to stay

"What about Marlene?" she asked. "You can't leave her alone while you're here "

"Marlene is at a sleep over with friends," he said. "The last thing on her mind tonight is me."

"Okay " Elmyra smiled. "I'll get you some blankets."

She found enough cover to keep him warm, but he made up the couch for himself. They talked for a while over steaming hot coffee, then she climbed up the stairs to go to bed. She lay beneath the covers feeling safe and secure. Barrett always made her feel that way. She knew she was a bit older than him, but they still had a lot in common. It was weeks before she accepted a date and longer until she kissed him. If only she could deal with their difference in age, she could set a wedding date.

She rolled on her back and let out sigh. She knew her feeling were strong for him, but what if he met someone younger? Could she set aside and set him free, or would she fight to keep him with her? It was some time before she fell asleep.

* * * * *

Barrett lay staring at the ceiling. He'd never intended to feel anything for Elmyra, but love had a strange sense of humor. One day they'd just looked at each other and that was that. It took a long time before he got her on a date. To their delight, they had much to discuss, especially when it came to their daughters.

He saw no reason to drag things out, but she withdrew a bit when he suggested marriage. They talked about it for a while and Elmyra finally said yes, but she had yet to set a date. He promised himself he'd be patient. She'd already called off two dates twice. He'd just have to wait until she was ready. In the meantime he was building a house. He hoped she'd share it with him someday.

He yawned and rolled over. If that prowler came back here tonight, he'd wish he'd stayed away. He yawned once. In moments he was asleep.

* * * * *

In a tree at the edge of Elmyra's yard, thick leaves all but hid a pair of yellow eyes.

"It looks like the man will be staying there tonight. I'll wait until he's in a deep sleep, then break through the glass and kill him. He'll wake up too groggy to put up a fight. I can do in him easily."

"No." A large pair of green eyes stared at the house. "We'll look to tomorrow to strike."

The owner of the yellow eyes grew angry. "You think I can't rip him apart?" The green eyes went cold. "Are you questioning me?"

"Forgive me." The yellow eyes dropped their gaze.

"Patience my friend." Deep red pupils in the green eyes glowed. "I promise you'll get your chance."