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Those We Thought We Have Conquered

by T’Shael

Chapter 3

After roaming the park for more than three hours Aeris begged Sephiroth for a rest. He pointed out a coffee shop and offered to buy her a drink. Every cup on the menu was a famous brew. It took time to study the menu. Sephiroth wanted something strong with heavy cream but Aeris talked him into a giant sized cup of coffee loaded down with golden caramel and whipped cream.

“Share it with me Sephiroth,” she said taking two straws. “This is way too much for me alone.”

It was such a beautiful night, they decided to sit at a table on the open patio. They sipped their drink for a time and engaged in playful banter.

“That looks good,” said a tired voice. “Let’s get a drink like that okay Cloud?”

Aeris turned around and smiled. “Hi Tifa! Wow! You two have been busy!”

Cloud grinned and sat two bags of toys next to an empty chair. “What can I say? I’m the master of carnival games.”

“You might as well be good at something. Sephiroth looked away.

Cloud ignored the unwelcome remark. He pulled out a chair for Tifa. “Here you go Sweetie.”

She sat down with a sigh. “Thanks.”

Aeris’ expression was sympathetic. “You look as though you are as tired as me.”

“I’m probably worse.” Tifa patted Cloud’s hand. “We’ve been walking for miles but we haven’t seen the whole park yet!”

Aeris licked a speck of cream from her hand. “I know what you mean. This place doesn’t look so big from the outside, but when you come in . . . reality check! It’s going to take a while to see everything.”

Cloud flagged down a passing waitress. “We’d like to order please.”

The girl did a double take and flashed a sunny smile. “Oh it’s you Mr. Strife! The hero of our Planet!”

Sephiroth rolled his eyes skyward.

“What can I do for you?” she purred.

Cloud glanced at Tifa. “Want a menu?”

“Uh-huh.” She pointed at Aeris’ drink. “I want a drink like that. Order what you want for yourself.”

Cloud shook his head and smiled. He turned to the waitress. “One drink like that and two straws please.”

Cheapskate.” Sephiroth took a sip from his drink.

“Shut up Sephiroth!” He tapped Tifa’s arm. “Want some food to go with that?”

She shook her head. “Thanks but no. One drink is about all I can handle.”

Cloud shrugged. “Okay. I guess that’s it. One drink for us to share.”

The waitress fluttered her eyes and smiled. She walked away swinging her hips.

Aeris glanced at Tifa. The dark haired girl merely yawned. She blinked and looked at Cloud instead. “You’re dragging around a lot of weight. I’ll bet your arms are tired.”

His smile was lazy. “They’re not heavy.”

Tifa leaned over the closest bag and pulled out a small stuffed toy. She held it up for Aeris to see.

"What do you think of this?"

"Oh how darling!" Aeris reached for the purple dragon. "The baby will fall in love with this!"

"I hope so," Tifa yawned again. "It might well become his favorite toy."

Cloud puffed his chest out proudly. "And there's more where that came from!"

Sephiroth wasn’t impressed. "As long as we’ve been here, is that all you’ve won?"

Cloud slid back in his chair and looked under the table at Sephiroth’s feet. He sat up with a smug expression.

"Whatever I've got . . . I've done better than you!"

Sephiroth leaned back in his chair. "Tone it down Strife. I don’t want to embarrass you."

"With what?” challenged Cloud. “The only way you can embarrass me is with those oversized boots.”

“You’re right. They can put a dent in your butt!”

“Watch it has-been general, you’re talking to a man.”

"A man?" Sephiroth smirked leaning forward in his chair. "Is that what they're calling you these days?"

Cloud's cheeks flamed. “Listen you refugee from a mop factory . . . I’ll . . .”

"Sephiroth! Cloud!”Aeris slapped her hands on the table. “Knock it off! No fighting please!"

She cast a desperate glance at Tifa.

"Besides," Tifa said, trying hard to stay alert. "I'm sure Sephiroth will win lots of toys. I mean we’re going to be here for two more days. Time will tell you know."

She looked at Cloud.

All right?"

His face relaxed. "Uh . . . sure."

When she closed her eyes to yawn, Cloud sent a hateful glare Sephiroth’s way.

Sephiroth stared back unrepentant.

"So.. . ." Aeris nudged Sephiroth’s foot under the table. "Are we going to make another run on this place, or should we turn in for the night?"

"Whatever you want is fine with me." Sephiroth reached out and touched her cheek. "We're not dragging heavy bags around. We’ve got all the time on the Planet."

Cloud's look could have burned his face off. .

The waitress returned with a tray in her hands. Her hip brushed against Clouds shoulder.

"Here's your drink Sir." She sat it on the table with a single straw.

Cloud pressed gil in her open palm. "We'll need another straw for my wife please."

"Oh!" The waitress fluttered her eyes. "I'm sorry I forgot."

"That's not all." Tifa sat up slowly. "You’re still holding onto his hand."

“Oh!” The waitress let go. Cloud’s hand. "I'll get your straw right away Sir."

She left with exaggerated swaying.

Aeris gave her a dirty look. "Boy is she ever asking for it!"

Tifa took the straw from Cloud. "I'm used to it."

She slipped the straw through the mound of cream and sipped. "Um! Delicious!"

A hotel clerk walked up to the table. He bowed to Sephiroth. "Sir?"

Sephiroth sat back. "Yes?"

The clerk held out clipboard. "I need your signature Sir. It's for the extra room."

Cloud looked puzzled. "What extra room?"

"He’s talking to me." Sephiroth took the clipboard. "Did everything fit?"

"Oh yes!" The man nodded. "Everything fit with a bit of room to spare!"

"Good." Sephiroth signed his name and passed the clipboard back. "See that it goes out in the earliest morning shipment and there'll be extra gil for you."

The clerk's eyes glowed. "Yes Sir! I'll take care of it personally Sir!"

Sephiroth waved his dismissal.

The clerk bowed again and rushed away.

Cloud frowned. “What was all of that about?"

Sephiroth didn’t intend to reply.

Aeris sighed and answered Cloud’s question. "Sephiroth won so many prizes, he had to hire people to pick them up."

Tifa looked interested. “How much did he win?”

"Well . . . " Aeris glanced at Sephiroth. "I lost count actually. Most of them are assorted stuffed toys, like those life-sized chocobos near the battle arena. Then there's assorted types of glassware and figurines, two live chocobo's, jewelry, some materia, and . . . "

"Enough," Cloud groaned. "Don't tell me anymore. I’m starting to get sick to my stomach."

“Wow!" Tifa looked at Sephiroth. "You won all that?"

"I did it all for Aeris and my children. That reminds me." Sephiroth reached into his pocket and gave something to Aeris. "You might as well give it to her now."

Tifa blinked. "She might as well give me what?"

Aeris held it out. "This."

Tifa's eyes widened, then filled with tears. "Oh Aeris . you shouldn't have. Is this a real pearl?"

The Cetra nodded. "The man at the booth called it a friendship pearl."

Cloud leaned forward scowling. "I remember that pear! It was one of two and both were very expensive! The choice was to either buy them outright or try to get them free by tossing rings."

Tifa's held the pearl up to the light. A small gold ring was attached to one end of it. The marbled black and white surface looked like satin.

"I-I-I tried that game!" Cloud sputtered. "It was fifty gil a toss and rigged! Nobody stood a chance of winning!"

“Then how do you explain that I won them both?” asked Sephiroth. “Instead of making excuses, learn to throw.”

“I’ll show you what I can throw!” Cloud started to stand up.

Tifa touched his chest and he sat down again.

His eyes burned like hot blue embers. “I won’t let me wife accept a gift from you. I’m her husband! I’ll buy Tifa jewelry.”

Tifa sighed and held out her gift. “Sephiroth wanted them for you in any case Aeris. I’m sorry. I can’t take it.”

Aeris opened her mouth to speak but Tifa cut her off.

“Besides, they’ll make a beautiful pair of earrings.”

“Correction,” Sephiroth raised his hand. “Those weren’t a gift to Aeris from me. I won them for my wife because she wanted them.”

“That means they’re mine to give,” Aeris told her friend. “I chose to give one of them to you. You’re my best friend. This is a friendship pearl. I wanted you to have as my friend.”

Tifa eyed the pearl longingly, then she dropped her eyes. “I don’t want to start a fight Aeris, you keep it.”

Aeris took the pearl back. She and Sephiroth stared at Cloud.

Cloud put his hand on Tifa’s arm. “Don’t worry sweetie. There’s a booth just west of here that has all these nifty rings. Pick the one you want and I’ll win it for you.”

“Sure.” Tifa smiled but her lower lip trembled. “That would be great Cloud.”

Aeris put the pearl away. She folded her hands on the table and kept her eyes down.

Sephiroth raised an eyebrow at Cloud.

The blonde man chose to ignore him.

“We’ll finish this drink and go over there,” Cloud went on. “It’ll be cool. I’ll even win you three rings if you like!”

“Sure Cloud.” Tifa’s voice was very quiet.

“As a matter of fact,” he started to say . . .

. . . both women started crying.

Sephiroth gave him a withering look. “Happy now?”

“Tifa . . . ” Cloud reached out and touched her shoulder.

She pulled away from him and cried harder.

“Tifa please!”

She dropped her head on folded arms.

Feeling helpless, Cloud looked at Aeris. Her face was covered by both of her hands. Her shoulders heaved and shook with emotion.

He saw the message plain on Sephiroth’s still face.

“I’m sorry Tifa,” he said at least. “I’m thinking only about myself and behaving like a jerk. Please keep the pearl Aeris gave you.”

Tifa’s sobs subsided a bit.

“Please Tifa . . . it’s my fault . . . I made you cry.”

She raised her tear streaked face to his. “I can keep the pearl Cloud . . . really?”

He nodded and cupped her face in his hands. “You and Aeris are like sisters. It was wrong to come between you.”

Tifa blinked a tear away. “Are you sure Cloud?”

“Yes I’m sure.”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have cried like a spoiled brat. It’s just that it is such a beautiful thing and I’ve never had a friend who thought I was so special.”

“You’re to me too Tifa.”

She smiled through her tears. “I know, but it’s not the same. It’s hard to find a true female friend who thinks of her friends so well. Aeris is a very special person.”

Cloud glanced at the Cetra. “I know she is. I was putting my own feelings in the way.”

He brushed his lips against Tifa’s damp mouth.

“I’m sorry I interfered. I really am.”

He wiped the rest of her tears away and watched as she turned to face Aeris.

“Is that offer for your friendship pearl still open?”

Sephiroth was blotting Aeris’ face with a napkin. He stopped so she could turn around. “It is.”

Tifa held out her hand.

Aeris dropped the pearl into it.

Tifa looked at the pearl, then at Cloud. His eyes told her, it was okay.

She looked back at Aeris and smiled.

“Sephiroth, Tifa, Aeris, Cloud cleared his throat. "I over-reacted. I owe all of you an apology."

"Maybe if we'd explained it better," Sephiroth said graciously. "I can see how you'd get the wrong impression."

Cloud forced a smile on his face. “I'll buy you a gold chain to put it on Tiff.

"Thanks Cloud." Tifa gave him a kiss.

“That’s going to look beautiful on you,” said Aeris.

“Thanks Aeris.”

The women rose, went around the table and hugged each other.

Sephiroth put on a innocent face. "I'd have won something for you too Cloud, but my arm got tired."

"As if I'd wear a gift from you!"

Sephiroth shuddered. "A horrible thought. I agree."

Aeris and Tifa sat down again, each wiping away fresh tears.

The waitress jiggled back to their table and laid a straw in front of Cloud

"Here's your straw . . . Hero." She brushed against his shoulder with her hip again, then turned to walk away. An instant later she landed flat on her face.

"I'm sorry!" Tifa pulled her legs beneath the table. "How clumsy of me!"

The waitress rolled over and looked at her.

Cool dark eyes stared back.

Without a word, the waitress stood up and left without so much of a glance back.

Everyone turned to stare at Tifa.

"Well!" she said in a defensive tone, "It was just an accident!"

Aeris giggled.

Sephiroth’s smile was real.

Cloud decided trying the drink was a better reaction.

"Wow!" He sat back with a look of surprise. "That’s what I call a good drink!"

Tifa took another sip. "I could drink this all day."

Tifa and Aeris spent the rest of the hour chatting about various subjects. Cloud and Sephiroth joined in here and there, never missing a chance to throw barbs at one another. From experience the girls ignored most of it though they stepped in when their husbands words got too sharp.

Cloud finally pushed his and Tifa’s glass away. "What other kind of mischief can we drum up while we’re here?"

A Barker with a megaphone walked past their table. “Your attention Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight's Enchantment Night in the Event Square! All the attractions are absolutely free! Join us for a night of entertainment!"

“That sounds like fun!” Tifa turned to watch. “Why don’t we all go there?”

"It's always Enchantment Night in the Event Square," muttered Cloud. "He said the same thing the last time we were here.”

Tifa turned to him. "I don’t remember that, but it’s good enough for me. Let’s go!”

“Yeah!” Aeris added. “Let’s do it!”

Cloud balked. “There are other places we can go. I hear they’ve built a submarine ride here.”

“Let’s see that tomorrow,” Aeris said. “Tonight I want to be enchanted.”

Tifa giggled. “I want to be enchanted too.”

Cloud felt Sephiroth watching him. He pointed at crowd in the distance. "There's mud and oil wrestling going on over there. Why don't we go and watch that?"

“What?” Aeris and Tifa looked at each other. "Who wants to watch two half naked artificially enhanced women rolling around all over a mat in slippery colored oil and gooey mud?"

Sephiroth raised an eyebrow and looked at Cloud. “That’s what you call entertainment for your wife?”

Tifa put a frown on her face. “I’m wondering about that too!”

“Forget it! I’m sorry!” Cloud threw up his hands. “I thought I was making a harmless suggestion! I was wrong!”

Before any of them said anything else the Barker came back to their table.

"Hey! How would you folks like to see a very entertaining show?"

"We'd love it! Tifa answered eagerly. "Where is it?"

"Just follow that path,” the Barker replied. "It will take you right to the Event Square!"

"Great!" Aeris stood up clapping her hands. "This is going to be fun! Come on Tifa, you're not going to believe this!"

Tifa stood up. “Whatever it is, it’ll be more fun than watching women wrestle!”

The girls led the way, leaving Sephiroth to wonder why Cloud was dragging behind.

When they arrived at the Event Square, the first thing they saw was a huge stage surrounded on three sides by an audience. The backdrop on the stage had a picture of a house, a Chocobo and the words "Gold Saucer scrawled in white letters.

"It's full!" Cloud announced. "We didn't make it in time. Let's find something else to do."

"Oh no!" Aeris scanned the many rows of seats. "I don't see a place to sit anywhere!"

"Oh man!" Tifa stomped her foot. "I was so looking forward to this!"

"There are other things at the Saucer to see," said Cloud trying to nudge her away. "So what if we missed the show tonight? Maybe we can make it some other time.”

Not if I can help it, he thought to himself.

“We can stay close until the next show starts.” Sephiroth watched Cloud’s brief look of panic. “The night’s still young. There must be another show scheduled.”

“I’m pretty sure there isn’t or it would be posted.” Cloud kept his voice level. “Besides, we don’t want to stand around here waiting for this show to end, when we could go somewhere and have fun right Tifa?”

“Well . . . I . . . well . . . ” Tifa’s shoulders sagged. “I guess you’re right. Let’s look for another attraction.”

Someone suddenly slapped Cloud so hard on the back, he nearly dropped the bags he carried.

"Congratulations!! Your little group makes our 100th visitors today!"

"What good is that?” Tifa turned away. "There’s no room left for the show."

"Nonsense!" The man caught Tifa by the shoulders and turned her toward the stage. "Look up there on the right. See those two seats up there?"

"Which two of us four gets to wait outside?” asked Sephiroth in a dry tone of voice. “There are four of us in case you hadn’t noticed . . . or actually just three and a half."

Cloud made a face. “Ha, ha!”

"That's not a problem at all," said the man, "By the way, I’m Cyrus Niemyer, the director of the show.”

“Glad to meet you,” everyone answered. Everyone that is except Cloud.

“As I was saying Cyrus pointed to the seats, “Two of you will take those seats and two of you will star in our play tonight!"

"How's that again?" asked Tifa looked puzzled. "I don't know what you mean."

"The 100th couple always stars in our play. Just tell me which of you will be our stars tonight!"

Sephiroth quickly pulled Aeris against his chest.

"Take our friends,” he said smoothly. “I’ve never done any acting before and my wife has a wicked case of stage fright.”

Aeris tried to speak and her pinched her.


“Even if that wasn’t true,” he continued. “We wouldn't dream of letting them miss out on this opportunity. Besides, my friend’s husband here has done some acting on his own.”

“That so?” asked Cyrus. “Well that’s very good to know. He ought to be a natural on stage!”

Sephiroth winked and leaned closer to Cyrus. He staged whispered so Cloud could hear. “He's a pro when it comes to make-up! Cross gender roles are no challenge to him! He played a cute little blonde a while back that had a man drooling for a date with him!”

Cloud dropped his bags and charged, but before he reached Sephiroth, Cyrus stepped between them.

"You've done some acting?" he asked in awe.

"Y-yes!" Cloud snapped. "But you don’t understand! I . . ”

“And cross gender roles,” Cyrus whistled. ”Man we could have used your help around here this morning!”

He grabbed Cloud’s arm and dragged him toward the stage.

"This will be fun!" Tifa ran to keep up. "What do we have to do?"

"Not much . . ." Cyrus stopped and stared at Cloud’s face. "Hey ... wait a minute now I remember you! You did this play with our actors before!"

"Oh you must be mistaken," Tifa told him. "None of us saw this show the last time we were here."

"I never forget a face young lady. I'm certain that he's the guy. Besides he’s a hero and I’ve seen him on TV. I’d hardly forget a hero’s face!”

"No, no!” Tifa shook her head vigorously. "Perhaps because you saw him in the news so much, he reminds you of that other man."

"I beg to differ." Cyrus looked insulted. “This is the guy all right."

"But how?” Tifa's pretty face went blank. "And when was that might I ask?"

"Oh it was a long time ago," said the man. "I remember it because. . . "

He pointed at Aeris.

"He did the show with her!"

“Now I know you’re wrong!” Tifa insisted. “Tell him Aeris! Tell him he’s wrong!”

“But he’s right!” Aeris looked at Cloud. “Don’t you remember? I do!”

Sephiroth looked from one to the other. “You did?”

“Sure!” Aeris didn’t notice Cloud’s face. “I couldn’t sleep that night, so I went to his room. We talked for a little while and then we . . . ”

Her voice trailed off.

“You went to his room and what?” asked Sephiroth.

She looked at him but didn’t answer.

"Aeris?" Tifa’s face was a deadly white. “What are you saying here?”

Aeris looked at Tifa then Cloud. She turned her gaze back to Sephiroth.

“Aeris?” Tifa took a step back. “Tell me you’re making this up.”

“I . . . uh . . . I . . . uh . . .well . . . we . . . uh . . .mmmmm. . .”

Aeris looked at her feet.

Tifa turned to look at Cloud. “Is she telling the truth Cloud? That was you wasn’t it?”

Cloud looked at Aeris, then he looked at Sephiroth. He turned his gaze back to his wife.

“Uh . . . it . . . ummmm . . .”

“No!” Tifa looked from one to the other. “You got together behind my back?”

“Tifa . . . that was . . . ” Aeris’ voice faded out in a squeak. She cleared her throat and began again. "That happened the first time we all came here. We were after Sephiroth then!"

”But how did you two get to act in a play? And what were you doing in his room?”

"Well . . . "

Sephiroth’s face was very still.

Aeris tore her gaze away.

Tifa put her hands on her hips.

"We all went to bed at the same time,” she said. “Or that was what I was led to believe!”

Suspicious eyes probed Cloud’s face.

I couldn’t understand why the two of you were so tired when you should have had a goodnights sleep. I guess I’ve got my answer now!”

"Tifa . please . . . it wasn't like that!" Bright red spots colored both of Cloud's cheeks.

Sephiroth looked from his wife to Cloud and back again.

"Oh no,” he said. “Don't tell me you two went out on a date?"

"That was a long time ago!" cried Aeris. "It doesn't count anymore!"

"Oh doesn't it?" spat Tifa. "You both made sure I'd gone off to bed and then you sneaked off together!"

Three quick strides brought her face to face with Cloud. Cyrus let go and jumped clear. Cloud almost fell down trying to get out of her way. "How long were you with her Cloud? Did you make love?"

Aeris went pale, then red again. "Cloud didn't touch me Tifa!"

"I can attest to that," Sephiroth added. "My wife was quite the lady when we married."

“Sephiroth!” Aeris turned the color of a beet. “You didn’t have to tell her that!”

“Oh!” Tifa pounced, “So you did sleep with him! When was that? After we were married or before?”

“No!” Aeris cried. “We’ve never done anything like that!”

“You were in his room that night!” Tifa’s voice rose another notch. “Please don’t tell me you two were discussing the weather!”

“We didn’t talk about the weather,” said Cloud. “We just went on a few rides!”

“The Tunnel of Love?” Tifa’s eyes blazed hot. “Did she get the same ride you gave me tonight?”

“I-I-I b-barely put my hands on her!” Cloud threw his hands in the air.

“Oh!” Tifa leaned forward. "So there was some touching!"

Sephiroth's pointed look was for Aeris.

"No!” The Cetra started crying again. “Tifa! You're getting this all wrong!"

“Enlighten us.” Sephiroth’s voice was calm.

Aeris turned to him. “Not you too?”

“I’m on your side. Just answer her questions.”

"Yeah!” Tifa clenched her fists. "Tell me what I’m getting wrong. You knew I loved Cloud. You said you were my friend!”

"I am your friend!" Aeris wrung her hands. "That happened long ago. I thought I was in love with him. Things are different now!"

Tifa reached into one of her pockets. "This gift was a lie! Take it back!”

She thrust the pearl at Aeris.

The Cetra didn't take it.

Tugging on her wedding band, Tifa turned to face Cloud. "If you slipped behind me once, you'll probably do it again. I ought to divorce you!"

The ring refused to come off.

"Tifa . . . " Aeris stepped forward. "I had designs on Cloud once, but fate made me see I was wrong. You’re with him now . . . like you’re supposed to be. Look at how close you two have become!” . Tifa's lower lip began to tremble. She stopped trying to pull of her ring.

“I don’t blame you for being angry, but you’re married now and you’ve got a lovely family. Cloud and I sneaked out on a date, but that happened long ago. Is that worth giving up everything you have now? I love my husband. I’ll never love another. You feel the same way about Cloud. I didn’t give you that pearl as a backhand joke. You’re my dearest friend . . . no . . . you’re more like a sister. The sister I never had.”

Tears slipped down Tifa’s cheeks.

“I know what you’re saying is true,” she said. “But it hurts so much to know . . . ”

Cloud put his bags down and took his wife in his arms.

"I love you Tifa. You know that. I was a different person when I went on that date. My head, my thoughts and my life was screwed up. Yes I had feelings for Aeris before she died. When I found out she was still alive it all came back to me. But Aeris knew me better than I knew myself. She sent me back to you. She made me what I had and what I’d lose. You and I belong together. I love you Tifa and I always will."

Tifa closed her flaming eyes and melted inside his embrace.

Sephiroth took Aeris in his arms. “See it’s alright.’

Over her head, he looked at Cloud’s face, partially buried in Tifa’s hair.

I know he loves Tifa and he’ll stay with her but I know he still harbors feelings for Aeris and that’s what I resent. I shouldn’t blame him. I know she’s special. There will never be another woman like her. As long as he keeps his feeling to himself, I’ll try my best to tolerate him.

When Tifa opened her eyes again, she appeared much calmer. "I'm sorry Cloud I shouldn't have doubted you."

She turned to look at Aeris.

"I'm sorry for what I said to you too." She approached the Cetra holding out her hands.

"What happened in the past should stay in the past. I guess what really burned me up was I was so sure back then I had Cloud wrapped around my little finger. No matter how bad I treated him, he was always stood by me. No other village girl had a chance with him.”

She turned to glance at Cloud.

"Until a flower girl walked into our lives, I never knew competition."

She turned back to Aeris.

"During the time we were after Sephiroth, I saw a change come over. Every time he looked at you, I felt a chill in my heart. I wished he’d look at me like he looked at you. I think I did a good job of hiding my feelings Aeris, but I was so jealous of you!"

Aeris took Tifa’s hands in hers. "Trust me Tifa. Cloud has a special look for only for you. A look he never gave me."

Tifa took her hands out of Aeris’ and put her arms around her friend.

“I'm so sorry Aeris."

Aeris hugged her back. "Me too."

Sephiroth took that moment to slip behind Cloud's back.

"Too bad they made up," he said in a low voice. "I was hoping they'd pull a tag team on you."

Cloud's head snapped around. "Shut up!"

The women parted startled. "What?"

"A fly," said Cloud quickly. "It was buzzing in my ears."

Tifa left Aeris and went to him.

"That night at the Saucer, I lay down hoping you'd knock on my door and walk me under the moonlight. When you didn't come for almost an hour, I fell asleep believing you were sleep."

"I'm really sorry Tifa." Cloud touched her check. "I never meant to hurt you."

"Mmmmm." She stepped back taking his hand from his cheek. "I'll forgive you on one condition."

"Anything Tifa! Just name it!"

"I want you to do this play with me."

Cloud's face fell. "I don't really want to do this play . . . "

Her expression stopped him.

Wait! You're right. Let's do it!"

Raising an eyebrow, she turned away. "Now where did Cyrus go?"

She spotted him standing off to one side, scribbling furiously in a notebook.

"This is good stuff! I'll use it in our next play. The crowd is going to eat this up! Unfaithful lovers on a rendevous, who get caught by their mates. Man this is going to make a lot of gil!”

He glanced up and froze when he saw everyone starting at him. He tucked the notebook under his jacket.

"Are you ready to do the show now?"

Tifa looked as though she might challenge him, but she didn’t.

“Do we have time to learn our lines?"

Cyrus laughed. "You've got the simplest job in the world! All you have to do is play your part the anyway you want and the cast will cover for you."

"Great!" Tifa turned to Sephiroth. "Could you watch our bags please? I don't think anyone would steal them from you."

"It would be my pleasure." Sephiroth bowed.

Cloud grimaced.

"Wonderful!" Cyrus bowed to Aeris and Sephiroth. "Take your seats please. My actors can follow me backstage.”

Cloud motioned Tifa to go first.

"Break a leg Cloud!" Sephiroth called after them.

"Yeah . . ." Cloud glanced back. "Thank, I guess."

"You're not listening.” Sephiroth looked around and found a straw on the ground. He leaned down and picked it up. Holding it up for Cloud to see, he bent it in half. "I mean really break a leg!"

Cloud shook a fist, then turned his back on him.

Aeris sighed. "Why do you have to ride him like that?"

Sephiroth turned to her. "It's fun."

The Cetra shook her head. "Let's go to our seats."

Their seats were the end of the 14th row. They didn’t have to squeeze by other knees. Sephiroth wasted no time in signaling an attendant. It took only minutes of negotiation to take Cloud’s bags away.

“It’s nice of you to put their stuff with ours.” Aeris squeezed Sephiroth’s hand.

"Nice has nothing to do with it,” he said. “I'm a SOLDIER. I don't do bags."

"It was still nice of you to do that,” she answered. "Oh look, the show is starting!"

A man appeared at one side of the stage with a golden scroll in his hands. He looked at the crowd with a serious expression. Then he began to read.

"Once upon a time, long, long ago, an evil shadow appeared over the peaceful kingdom of Galdia.

The lights dipped quickly and came back up.

It came in the form of an Evil Dragon King who went by the name of Valvados. He flew far and wide across the land spreading terror wherever he went. When he was hungry, he simply swooped down and grabbed someone to eat. People were afraid to go outside, for fear of becoming his next meal!"

A large stuffed dragon flew across the stage, then turned and made another pass. A microphone inside emitted terrible roars. Screaming people dressed as peasants ran beneath it. The dragon chased them back and forth until they ran off the stage.

The narrator rolled his scroll a bit. “In this there lived a beautiful princess. Her father named her Princess Rosa. She was the prettiest girl in the kingdom. Her father kept her safe inside the palace.”

Tifa walked on from the right side of the stage, playing with a golden ball. She tossed it in the air and bounced it on the ground. The gown she wore sparkled in the light as she pranced and laughed enjoying herself.

"The King had warned the princess about leaving the castle, but she hated being cooped up inside. One day she gave her guards the slip and escaped beyond the Palace walls. She knew it was wrong but the day was so pretty. The birds sang and flowers were in bloom. She had such a great time in the fresh Spring air, she didn’t see the Dragon King.”

Valvados flew in from the left side of the stage. He hovered there watching the princess.

“At first the Dragon King meant to eat poor Princess Rosa, but then he caught a glimpse of her face. For the first time in his life he fell in love with someone. He decided there and then, she’d be his wife.”

Unaware of the danger, Princess Rosa kept bouncing her ball until she was underneath the dragon. She tossed it in the air, intending to catch it. That’s when she saw the dragon above. She screamed. He growled. She turned to run. King Valvados followed close behind.

"Poor Princess Rosa!" The narrator cried. "She couldn't outrun the beast!"

The Princess was halfway across the stage when the dragon dropped down on her back. His claws closed around her and he rose into the air. She screamed until they flew off stage.

The narrators eyes looked wide with fright. "Princess Rosa has been kidnaped by the Evil Dragon King! What will become of her?"

He took a deep breath and wiped his brow. He rolled the scroll some more kept reading.

"Oh look the legendary hero Alfred has appeared!"

Someone shoved Cloud out on the stage. He stopped and glared at whoever it was. A group of hands waved him toward the opposite end. Cloud let out a sigh and started walking.

He hadn’t gone very far at all, when a Knight approached from the other side. He danced around Cloud in a circle or two, then stopped in front of him.

"Oh!" he cried with a look of amazement. "You must be the legendary hero Alfred!"

Cloud bit back a caustic remark. "Yes, I'm Alfred. What do you want?"

"Princess Rosa has been captured by an evil dragon king! Alfred, you must save her!"

"That's your job isn't it?" Cloud frowned at the man. "Don't you guard the royal family?"

The Knight seemed taken aback by Cloud's answer. To his credit, he recovered fast.

"Alas!" He bowed low. "The Princess Rosa has a habit of leaving without warning. Valvados captured her outside the walls. Many of the soldiers who went after him were killed. The rest of them ran away!"

"I'd have them back in before the sun went down!" Sephiroth grumbled.

"Shhhhh Sephiroth!" Aeris whispered. "It's just a play!"

"That's not my problem." Cloud pushed past the Knight. "The King chose the wrong men for his army!"

"You can't leave now!" The Knight blocked his way. "Please Alfred! You must talk to the King!"

He knelt on the ground, arms raised high. “You may be Princess Rosa’s only hope!"

"I don't know-" Cloud started.

The King came running in. "Is that you Hero Alfred? Oh thank goodness it is you! I knew you'd come to help us save the Princess!"

Cloud opened his mouth, but the King interrupted.

"I knew you wouldn't let me down. You're going to save my beloved Princess Rosa!"

He raised his arms dramatically into the air. "Thank Goodness for the brave men in this world!"

"Yeah . . ." Cloud sighed. "That's me."

"Good man!" The King slapped Cloud's shoulder. "You'll find Valvados, the Evil Dragon King in his palace on the peak of a dangerous mountain. He plans to wed my daughter and raise children!"

"A dragon and a woman?" Cloud rolled his eyes. "That seems pretty hard to believe!"

"I know," the King shuddered. "But it happens you see. As a matter of fact, it happened to an old family friend a long time ago when I was a boy. Yikes that woman bore some ugly children! They'd come to our palace for a visit and Mom made me play with them!"

"I remember that!" the Knight made a face. "And hideous things they were too! My father was a Knight back then. He tried to make me play with them too, but I found a new place to hide myself every time they’d come calling."

The King held his hands out imploringly to Cloud. "Rosa shouldn't have to spend the rest of her life raising ugly dragon children. I'll tell you what . . . Save her Hero Alfred and I’ll make her your wife!"

The blonde man rubbed his chin. "Do you really mean that?"

"I swear on my father's head. Will you save her?"

Cloud nodded. "Point the way!"

Turning, the King clapped his hands once.

A Wizard in purple robes danced across the stage to them.

“You can't beat the Evil Dragon King without knowledge," said the King. "My Knight or Wizard may be of help to you. Chose the one you want to talk to. Remember you can only choose one!"

"And why is that?" Cloud raised an eyebrow.

The King puffed up. "From the dawn of time, that's the way it's always been in this Kingdom. When you have several choices, you can only chose one. Whether the choice is good or bad, you live with your decision."

"What a stupid rule," said Cloud. "People shouldn't have to live with a mistake."

The King shrugged. "That's the way it is. Our rules are tradition of course."

Shaking his head, Cloud turned to the Wizard. "Does this dragon use magic?"

The Wizard blinked. "Not that I know of."

"Is the Wizard your choice?" asked the King.

"No." Cloud turned around to face the Knight.

"All right I chose you," he said.

"So be it." The King bowed his head.

"You're a Knight," Cloud went on. "You ought to know more. What can you tell me about Valvados?"

The Knight looked embarrassed. "Actually I can't tell you much. I was mostly assigned inside the Palace walls. "I don't get outside very much and I've never had the chance to fight a monster!"

Cloud looked at the Wizard.

The Wizard shrugged. "I could have told you more. Now you're stuck with him."

Cloud heard Sephiroth's laughter over the crowd. Holding his temper, he looked at the Knight.

“So you’re telling me you’re practically useless?”

"Oh no!" The Knight said, threw out his chest. "I'm sure you'll find me useful. I've listened to the tales the other Knights share. I think I'm as brave as they are!"

"Then why did you come running to me?" Cloud mumbled.

"What did you say?" The Knight leaned closer. “I’m sorry I didn’t hear that.”

"Nothing." Cloud straightened himself. "Any help is better than none I guess. Come on. Let's go save Rosa."

"Good luck Hero Alfred." The King smiled and waved. "Give that dragon a good beating for me!"

"Yeah . . . right." Cloud started walking. "Come on Knight, let's go."

They'd hardly gone halfway across the stage when the dragon swung over the stage carrying Tifa.

The audience gasped and pointed.

"Oh dear!" The narrator's eyes were wide. "What's going to happen next . . . ? Oh legendary hero look!"

"Gaaaaaaah!" said the stuffed monster. "I am the Evil Dragon King Valvados! I have not harmed the Princess! And I've been expecting you!"

Tifa held out her arms toward Cloud. "Please help me... Legendary Hero! Save me!"

"Gaaaaaah!" The dragon let out little puffs of smoke. "Here I come, legendary hero Alfred! Aren't you surprises! I even know your name!"

The Dragon King dropped low on his ropes. Tifa's feet were almost brushing the stage.

"I'll kill him for you Hero Alfred!" shouted the Knight. He charged the hovering monster and started bopping it with his sword.

"Ow!" Tifa tried to cover her head. "Watch it, you idiot! You're hitting me too!"

"Sorry!" The Knight adjusted his aim and continued the beating. "Alfred! I think I'm getting the best of him!"

"That's what you think!" Valvados knocked him down. "You should have run with the rest of your men!"

He roared.

"Come on Legendary Hero! You're next!"

Cloud pulled a wooden sword from the scabbard at his side. "I'm coming for you Dragon King!"

Sephiroth covered his face. "How corny!"

"Shhh!" Aeris nudged him. "Be quiet!"

"I'm part of the crowd," her husband replied. "And that gives me the right to yell too!"

He rose to his feet. "Get him Dragon! You can do it!"

There was no use in talking to him when he got like that. Aeris sank low in her seat.

"Get him Dragon! He's no match for you!"

Some of the people sitting nearby laughed. A few of them shouted with Sephiroth.

Cloud felt a blush creeping up his neck. Letting out a lusty yell, he charged straight at the dragon.

He beat at it furiously. The hidden straps holding Tifa let go. Cloud pulled her into his arms.

"Cloud!" she whispered. You're supposed to kiss my hand!"

"I'll do better than that." He leaned her over backwards for a passionate kiss.

The crowd stood up screaming and stomping their feet. "Way to go Alfred! All right! She's yours!"

Sephiroth sat down folding his arms. His face didn't hide his disapproval. "Ham!"

"Really Sephiroth! Cloud did a marvelous job!" Aeris kept clapping. "In fact, he couldn't have done it much better!"

"You've got that right!" Sephiroth gave her a grin. "Cloud couldn't act his way out of sleeping bag. I could put him to shame without even trying!"

Aeris stopped clapping. "You want to volunteer for the next show?"

"No!" He settled back. "I don't want to embarrass him in front of his wife."

Aeris rolled her eyes and resumed her applause.

On stage, Cloud released Tifa and knelt at her feet. "Princess Rosa you're safe now."

"Thanks to you, Hero Alfred!!"

'You're the prettiest princess I've ever seen. Princess Rosa . . . will you marry me?"

Tifa fluttered her eyes. "How could I say no to such a handsome young hero?"

Sephiroth started coughing loudly. Aeris poked him in the ribs.

Cloud stood and kissed Tifa's hand.

The Dragon recovered and began to throw a fit. He bounced up and down back on forth on his strings.

"Arrggaahhh!! Curses!" He shrieked "The power of... love!"

The King came dancing with the Wizard on his heels. "My daughter is safe and she'll be Alfred's wife!"

Cloud turned to the King and knelt at his feet. Taking the royal hand in his . . .

. . . Sephiroth made loud kissing noises over screams of the crowd

. . . he kissed it.

The King blushed. "Oh Alfred...! In truth... I too "

Sephiroth's roar of laughter was hard to ignore. The Dragon King Valvadous went ballistic.

"This is too love much for me!" he bellowed. The power of love makes me sick!"

He rose from the stage and flew out of sight. "I'm never coming here again!"

"Oh... look!" The King pointed. "True love has... triumphed! That monster is gone!"

"By the way," Cloud asked him. "What was the dragon's weakness anyway?"

"My measurements," Princess Rosa answered. "What else?"

Cloud looked her up and down. "Oh."

The King clapped his hands and danced with joy. "Let's all go back to the palace and celebrate!"

Behind him the wizard twirled on his toes. "Yes let's do that! Yes!"

The "dead" Knight got up off the floor. He didn't look very happy. "What ever happened to Valvados becoming the pretty girl I was supposed to get?"

The King jabbed him in the ribs with an elbow. "Shut up, stupid we're almost done. We'll put your part back in tomorrow!"

"That's not fair," whined the Knight. "I was brave too, but I don't get anything!"

"Shut up!" The Wizard nudged him hard. "It's time for the finale!"

"Well at least let me kiss Princess Rosa!" he complained.

Cloud gave him a murderous look.

The Knight backed off. "Perhaps I'd better not!"

"Come on!" Princess Rosa hooked arms with Cloud. "Let's dance all the way to the palace!"

Cloud groaned as the King hooked arms with him. Everyone danced off the stage.

The Narrator closed his scroll. "Oh how profound is the power of love! Rest assured gentle people, the legendary hero Alfred, his bride the Princess Rosa and our story live on happily ever after!"

The crowd stood up to stomp and cheer their appreciation for the actors. Sephiroth didn’t budge.

"At least cheer for Tifa!" Aeris hissed at him.

"And have Cloud think I'm cheering for him too?" Sephiroth turned his face away. “Never!”

Aeris sighed. "When it comes to Cloud, I don't understand you."

She got back a silent stare.

"Never mind. Let's go. The crowd is breaking up."

It took a few minutes to work their way down to the stage. Cloud and Tifa were waiting.

"You did a good job," Aeris said to Tifa. “Your show was much better than mine."

"Do you really think so?" Tifa blushed.

Aeris nodded. "The cast did a better job of backing you up. They were pretty bad when I did the play."

"The crowd didn't think our play was so bad," Cloud grinned. "Especially after you attacked the dragon!"

Tifa looked at her friend in wonder. "You attacked the dragon?"

It was Aeris' time to blush. "The play got stupid. It made me mad I just wanted out of the whole thing!"

Tifa giggled. "Aeris punching out a dragon Aeris! That's a bit hard to imagine!"

"Not for me," Sephiroth put his arm around Aeris' waist. "Women who fight dragons with their bare hands interest me!"

Aeris laughed.

"I'm serious!" Sephiroth pulled her closer. "I want you to show me the moves you used that night. Come on. Let's turn in for the evening."

The Cetra blushed.

"He's got a point . . . Alfred." Tifa sided up to Cloud. "Now that I'm rescued . . . you can claim your prize."

Cloud blushed. "Sure."

He looked down at Sephiroth's hands. "Hey . . . what happened to our stuff?"

"I had them sent to my extra room. They’ll be shipped out to your house early in the morning."

Tifa smiled at Sephiroth. "Thanks."

He nodded in reply.

"Look!" Aeris pointed, "Isn't that a Saucer cab?"

The "cab" had a driver and seated two people on the left and two people on the right facing in opposite directions.

Cloud let out a whistle and it stopped.

Everyone climbed aboard. The driver asked for the name of their inn and turned the cart around. They all looked forward to the warmth of their beds.

* * * * *

Pounding and shouting at their door woke Aeris in time to her husband grab his robe.

“What is it?” she asked sitting up in bed. “What time is it anyway?”

“It’s ten-thirty in the morning.” Sephiroth tied his sash. “Stay in bed. I’ll take care of this.”

Aeris rubbed her eyes. “That sounds like Tifa and Cloud Sephiroth! Why are they shouting like that?”

“I don’t know.” Sephiroth headed for the door. “But they’d better have a good excuse.”

“Wait!” Aeris threw the covers back and swung her feet to the floor. The sexy gown she’d worn to bed lay crumpled on the carpet. “Where’s my robe?”

“Stay in bed. I told you I’d take care of this!”

“Nothing doing!”

Aeris found her robe on the dressing table. She slipped it on and ran after Sephiroth. She tied the sash while he unlocked the door.

Tifa and Cloud were shouting together. He looked panicked. There were tears on her face.

“Wait . . . Wait . . . HOLD IT!” Sephiroth roared. “I can only hear one of you at a time!”

Tifa was shaking. Cloud turned to squeeze her hands.

“Let me tell them,” he said. “Try to stay calm.”

“Tell us what?” Aeris reached out to touch her husband. Cold dread formed in her heart.

Cloud took a shaky breath. “We’ve got to get back to Rocket Town right away. Elmyra is in the hospital.”

Aeris turned pale. “What happened to her?”

“We don’t know. Barrett said she’s unconscious.”

Sephiroth asked the question she couldn’t. “What about our children?”

Cloud’s eyes looked haunted. “I don’t know . . . Barrett says they’re missing. All of them! Someone hurt Elmyra and took our children!”

The world went black as Aeris fainted.