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Those We Thought We Have Conquered

by T’Shael

Chapter 4

Godo stood at the foot of the staircase dressed in his finest robes. Beside him stood a handsome young man with long dark hair gathered at the base of his skull by a ceremonial scarf. The loose hair trailing beneath the knot hung well below his waist. The silk scarf was a perfect match the expensive robes he wore and the handmade shoes on his feet. His dark intelligent were focused a pair of double doors beyond the top stair. His face was calm and completely relaxed but Godo sensed anticipation.

Musicians sat waiting behind a colorful screen, near a table overrun with gourmet foods. The leader of the small group peeked around the screen watching for a signal to play. Godo turned and nodded at him. The leader nodded back and disappeared. A sweet and haunting melody filled the room reminiscent of the ancient ways.

The light in the room around them were lowered until both men were standing in the shadows. The light at the top of the stairs increased to a bright but diffused warm glow. Mist from hidden pipes rose from the floor and swirled half concealing the doors. Two servants in purple robes appeared, each coming from the opposite side. Each took the handle of one of the doors and slowly pulled it wide open.

Twenty glowing white doves burst out from within and circled three times around the room. On their final lap, as they’d been trained, they sailed out an open window. The music rose to a tantalizing pitch. A willowy form appeared in the doorway. With a low cry Barri gasped then held his breath as he looked upon his future bride.

The mist danced around the ninja showing off Yuffie of in all her radiant splendor. Her short hair was swept up in beautiful curls with the help of contrasting hair pieces. The combs and flowers that adorned it sparkled like stars. Her face was a work of perfection, loving done by the most expensive match-maker in the village. Her nails and wrists were luminous with jewels. Her earlobes dripped diamonds paired up with those wrapped around her throat. Her kimono was made of the purest white silk, splashed with graceful red roses. The matching shoes peeking from beneath her hem made her small feet even more delicate.

Godo turned and bowed to his guest. “May I present to you Sir, my beautiful daughter Yuffie.”

Barri bowed in return. “I am honored.”

Godo turned and held out his hand to his daughter.

Slowly, majestically she came downstairs. The light in the room increased with each step. Barri put a hand on his chest to slow his heart. This beautiful creature was his!

As she’d been instructed, all the way down the stairs, Yuffie kept her eyes on her future husband. Deep inside her heart however, she wanted to die. She dared not show her father those feelings on her face. He hadn’t set her wedding date yet. If she mutinied now, he’d have her married before the moon rose.

A living dream, she placed her small hand in Godo’s palm. He led her down the final step. He gave her hand a warning squeeze, then turned her face to face with Barri.

“Yuffie, my daughter,” he said looking in her eyes. “Meet your future husband, Barri Riquel.”

“I am very pleased to me you.” Yuffie bowed to him.

“Not half as pleased as I am,” he answered. You’re a very beautiful woman Yuffie.”

Barri held out his hand.

Godo placed his daughter’s hand in it.

“I give you my most precious gift,” he said. “Will you accept her as your wife?”

“Yes Master Godo I do,” Barri’s eyes were positively glowing. “I accept your daughter as my wife.”

Barri raised and kissed the back of Yuffie’s hand. He released it, straightened up and looked into her eyes.

“From this moment on Yuffie, you are to think of yourself as my wife, my property and mother of my children. I am your lord, master, husband and lover. Do you choose to challenge this?”

It was time to give her response.

Please let me say this without choking!

“No my Lord,” she answered softly. “I do as my father wills. I am Yuffie, your future wife, your servant, your property, your lover and the mother of your children. Do as you will with me my Lord, I am yours.”

I intend to, his eyes told her firmly.

Yuffie dropped her eyes.

There. It was done. They had completed the first part of the Introduction Ceremony. She belonged to Barri now. Not quite a fiancee and not an actual a wife. Her life was on hold until the wedding took place.

In a normal Marriage Introduction Ceremony, he’d have never said such things to her. This, however wasn’t that rite. This was the ceremony for a woman who kept making unwise choices in her life. This was for a woman being married “for her own good.”

When they left the hospital, Yuffie was sure her father had no plans to arrange a marriage for her. To her shock, two days later, she discovered he was. He’d gone to see Barri and stayed away for over four hours. When he came back, in no nonsense tones, he told her exactly what he’d done. Barri had a date to look her over and decide if he’d want her for himself. The chances were good he would because he’d been interested for some time.

Yuffie cried and screamed and refused to eat, but it did nothing to soften Godo’s heart. That very day her life took a turn for the worse. Strange men arrived to change all the locks. Guards were posted keep Reno away and to keep Yuffie close to home. She couldn’t venture outside father’s walls without a host of bodyguards and she was forbidden to enter the village. To add insult to injury, Godo took away her weapons and her materia and locked her in her room every night.

In an attempt to make her see he was right, he told her about his marriage to her mother. Until he explained it, Yuffie simply thought they’d fallen in love and married in the normal way. It made her blood run cold when she realized he felt the same thing would happen for her. He thought she’d love to learn her new husband in time and be happy, but Yuffie found it frightening.

She finally decided the best thing to do would be to “come to her senses and agree.” She apologized to Godo and began to take an active role in planning her upcoming wedding. She allowed the village matchmaker to instruct her in the Introduction Ceremony. She selected her robes and the her hairstyle. Godo reacted with suspicion at first, but gradually warmed to her new way of thinking. He said he’d give her time to get over Vahun’s gruesome death before he set the date for her wedding.

Yuffie thanked her father and continued to please him while seeking a way to escape. Fleeing a marriage would raise new problems. It was something that just wasn’t done. The ancient way of dealing with a runaway bride was to condemn her to immediately to death. The “modern” way of dealing with defying custom was no better than the marriage itself. Instead of being a bride, she became a servant in her former groom’s household for life. In this he still won his prize. He didn’t have to marry his servant to have at his beck and call. When he chose a wife, the servant was still his. The groom had the best of both worlds.

Yuffie didn’t want to be Barri’s wife and she didn’t intend to be his servant. If she had to live the rest of her life on the run, so be it. The Planet was a large enough place to hide, even if it meant living in the wilderness. She wondered if Reno would come with her.

I will not cry, she said to herself. I won’t let my father break me.

Godo bowed and pointed to the table. “Shall we take our places?”

As custom dictated, the men went to the table first. Yuffie trailed behind. She stood until they seated, before she seated herself. She reached for the tea pot to serve them first. Her movements were slow and graceful. If anyone had told him three weeks ago Yuffie possessed such charm Barri would not have believed it possible. He’d never seen her behave any other way than like a young child or a tomboy. It altered his feelings about her somewhat, but not enough to lose total interest. She looked so much like the portrait of her mother, she could have been a younger twin. He understood Godo’s wanting her to rest a bit after her fiancee was killed, but he hoped the older man wouldn’t make him wait too long for her.

Yuffie barely gave him the time of day in the past, he was glad her lack of judgement had turned his choice for a life mate around. She’d settle down in marriage. He would see to that. Immediately after Godo’s departure, he’d enlisted the aide of his mother. She agreed to teach the young ninja how to be a good wife. She would move in and work with Yuffie every day. She would mold her until the job was finished. Like Godo, Barri believed his young ninja wife would thrive in the grip of firm hands. His mother excelled in that. He had only to recall his own upbringing to know that he was right. Yuffie would become a fine wife that he could be proud of.

When his bride wasn’t learning from his mother, he’d teach her what he expected of her. He’d formulate a series of rules she’d have to abide by. The most important rule was to never to speak to Reno again. In fact she could never leave the house when the Turk came to town.

Her perfect lips were painted with a pale frosty shade of peach. He wondered if the Turk had ever kissed her. Barri felt a rush of jealously. Reno was a handsome scoundrel. Not even the girls of Wauti were immune to his charms.

He’d never spoken to the Turk himself, but he’d seen him more than once in action. Each girl Reno scammed hoped she’d be his special one. They gave themselves to him freely and Reno took it all. He used them moved on to the next. The frustrating thing was that it didn’t discourage the losers. All too many of his past lovers welcomed him back to sleep in their beds again. Those who finally fell off his grew bitter or suffered broken spirits to mend.

What was even more surprising was the number of men who yearned for Reno’s charisma. The rest weren’t impressed by his charisma at all, they just tried hard to keep their daughters, sisters and girlfriends away from him.

It made Barri feel good to know, the Turk would never use Yuffie. Once they were married, his chance to possess her was gone. While Yuffie served their food he imagined what it would be like if just the two of them were here. He’d be able to reach out and touch his bride anytime he wanted. He wondered if Reno ever mourned the girls who got away.

The ninja’s cheeks were turning bright red. Barri realized he was staring. He broke off his gaze to find Godo with a knowing smile. His face flushed and he reached out for the fish Yuffie had prepared for them.

“This is an excellent meal,” he said.

“Thank you.” She bowed her head to him.

“You are going to be my wife,” he admonished. “Refer to me properly please.”

Yuffie’s cheeks flamed again. “I am sorry Lord Husband. Thank you Lord Husband.”

The words tasted sour in her mouth.

“Yuffie has excellent cooking skills,” said Godo. “Sometimes she prepares our meals instead of the servants.”

“I shall enjoy each and every dish,” replied Barri. “After our Seclusion Time, you must come and dine with us Master Godo.”

Godo raised his cup. “I shall.”

“Yuffie’s even more beautiful than I dreamed,” said Barri. “I am the luckiest man in the village.”

Yuffie dropped her eyes. “Thank you Lord Husband.

“I love the way your hair looks.” He paused for a moment. “From now on, you are forbidden to cut it. That is my command.”

“Yes Lord Husband. She bowed her head. “It will be as you say.”

Godo was pleased with his daughters subservience.

“I have another command my wife.”

“Command me Lord Husband.”

“From this day on, you are to dress as a woman. No more shorts or manly attire, meaning pants and the like. You are always to be dressed in robes or dresses. Understand?”

Yuffie bowed her head. She put her hands under the table where he wouldn’t see them shaking.

“Yes Lord Husband. It will be as you say.”

“Good.” Barri smiled at her fondly. “Now we can eat.”

“By the way,” Godo asked Barri suddenly, “Did you see that new ship at the dock today?”

Barri nodded. While the two men talked about the ship, Yuffie drowned in pain.

Reno I need you. Where are you?

Even if the red haired Turk was close, there was no way he could ever get to her. Yuffie was a chocobo being led to the slaughter. She looked at Barri. He had to know she didn’t want this marriage. Apparently it made no difference. Until Godo told her of Barri interest she’d would have never believed he would agree to this.

She didn’t need time to get over Vahun. She’d closed that part of her life already. She felt some blame for his death but she knew it really wasn’t her fault. She’d wanted to break it off, not cause his death. Going to that beach had caused one man his life, but it put her back in the arms of one she loved most.

It was still amazing how Reno had risked his life on that beach to save hers. He must have been exhausted from that terrible fight, but he’d carried her up all those stairs. He left where she could be found with an alibi to explain how she had been injured. He’d even come to the hospital where he could have run into Godo. He’d promised to see her again . . . but that was the problem. The next they met she’d probably be Barri’s wife!

“Yuffie! The fruit please.”

“I’m sorry Father.” Yuffie put the her fork and picked up the fruit tray. She held it out for her father’s inspection.

Godo took a gabbawa fruit, studying his daughter’s face. She gave him a winning smile and turned to the other man.

“Would you like some fruit Lord Husband?”

“That Oolou looks good,” he answered. “Could you hand it to me please?”

Yuffie sat the tray down. “Let me find one that will please you Lord Husband.”

A Oolou fruit looked something like an oval shaped tomato and it’s skin was just as soft. Below the skin a few centimeter in, the flesh felt firm and yellow. It tasted something like a tomato and pear.

She chose the largest offered it to him. Barri’s hand closed over hers holding it tight against the fruit.

His dark brown eyes were indecipherable.

Yuffie stared back, unsure of what to say.

“Forgive me for staring,” he said at last. “I just can’t get over your beauty.”

Yuffie dropped her eyes and blushed.

“No,” he said softly. “Don’t look away.”

Timidly she raised her eyes to his. “I don’t know what to say Lord Husband.”

His eyes glanced her lips and rose to stare into her eyes.

Yuffie found it hard to keep breathing.

“I will be a good husband to you Yuffie. You will never want for anything.”

Except my freedom. Aloud she said, “I know Lord Husband.”

“I know you don’t love me now, but someday I think you will.”

“Yes Lord Husband.”

He smiled. “You don’t have to be afraid of me Yuffie. I’ve admired you from a distance for a long long time.”

“That’s what my Father said Lord Husband.”

“Do you believe him?”

Yuffie glanced at her father and back to Barri. “Yes Lord Husband I do.”

Barri took the Oolou from her fingers.

“We’re like this Oolou,” he said. He put the fruit on his plate and sliced it in half. He held up one piece. “You’re very soft and I seem hard, but like this fruit, we’ll find a way to bond. You will not be sorry when I’m your husband.”

He gave his piece of fruit to Yuffie and picked up the other for himself.

“To us,” he smiled. “May we come together as one.”

He ate his piece and Yuffie ate hers.

Barri picked up a napkin and wiped his fingers. “Did you select the fruit today?”

“Yes, Lord Husband.” She nodded. “ I chose everything on the table for our meal..”

“You did a wonderful job.”

She smiled. Dropped her eyes and concentrated on how she was going to keep her next bite of food down.

Godo smiled to himself. Yuffie was so impressed by men. She was falling for Barri already. He’d set the wedding date two months from now. The sooner they were married the better.

Their conversation ranged from changes in Utai to Barri’s future plans. Sometimes Yuffie joined in and sometimes she didn’t. Barri probed for answers to questions sometimes. It pleased him to hear how intelligent she was. She’d make a wonderful traveling companion. While he talked to prospective buyers about using his designs, Yuffie could keep their wives and girlfriends entertained.

A female servant entered the room and bowed. Godo didn’t take the interruption well.

“What is it?”

“A phone call for Miss Yuffie,” said the servant.

Yuffie started to get up but Godo waved his hand ordering her back down.

“Tell whoever it is to call back later.”

The woman looked nervous. “Yes, my Lord, but I was told to say it was an emergency.”

“Miss Yuffie can’t leave now . . .” Godo began.

“It’s all right,” Barri interrupted. “If it’s an emergency, she must answer. Please Yuffie, go and take your phone call.”

Yuffie gave him a grateful smile. She stood up and bowed Barri and her father. Keeping her movements slow and elegant, the ninja left the room.

Out of sight, around the corner, she let out a sigh of relief. The phone was lying on the table. She picked it up.


“Yuffie!” It was Cid. “We need you right away!”.

She straightened feeling a rush of excitement. “What’s wrong?’

“Aeris, Sephiroth, Cloud and Tifa were on vacation at the Gold Saucer. Their kids were with Aeris’ Mom in Rocket Town. Somebody attacked her this morning and stole the children!”

“What?” Yuffie gripped the phone. “You mean someone kidnaped the babies?”

“All four of them!” the pilot affirmed. “I’m taking the parents to Rocket Town now. We’ve got to check on Elmyra! We’ll get as much information as we can and then we’re heading out in a search party. We’ll stop by and pick you up if you want to go.”

“Of course I want to go!” cried Yuffie. “They’re my friends and I’m going to help!”

“Great!” Cid yelled orders to someone in the room, then came back on the phone. “We’ll be there in an hour more or less.”

“I’ll be ready!”

“Good!” The phone went dead in her hands.

She hung up feeling confused. “Someone stole the babies? What were they thinking? They must be out of their minds!”

She ran all the way back to the other room. Godo and Barri stood up alarmed.

“What its it? What’s happened?”

“Father!” Yuffie stopped and tried to get her breath.

“Yuffie?” Barri stood up. “What’s the matter?”

“You remember Aeris, Sephiroth, Cloud and Tifa?”

Godo nodded. “Of course I do.”

“They’re the ones who saved the Planet with you, right?” asked Barri.

Yuffie nodded. “They were on vacation. Aeris’ mother Elmyra was watching the kids. Someone hurt her and stole the children!”

Both men just stood there staring at her.

“Didn’t you hear me?” Yuffie threw up her hands. “Someone hurt Elmyra and kidnaped four babies. My friends are coming to get me. They’ll be here in an hour! There is no telling where those kidnappers are but I intend to help my friends find them. Don’t wait up for me Father!”

She turned toward the stairs.

“Just one moment young lady!” Godo roared. “You get back to this table immediately and sit down!”

Yuffie turned in shock. “But Father . . . ”

“Father nothing!” His face was red. “This is a very important ceremony. How dare you try to leave! Sit down next to your future husband and behave yourself!”

“Father!” Yuffie pleaded. “I’ve got to help! They need me!”

“Yuffie . . .” Godo’s voice began to rise.

Barri raised a hand. “Allow me.”

Godo bowed and was silent.

“Yuffie . . . my wife . . . ” Barri pronounced each word loud and clear. “I am your Husband in all but the marriage ceremony. You will take your place at this table by my side and continue this meal. This is my command and you will obey it!”

“Your command?” The little ninja’s eyes blazed. She stared at Barri, then she looked at her father.

Godo raised his chin and said nothing.

Yuffie opened her mouth.

“Silence!” Barri’s voice rang through the room. “Sit down and continue what we started . . . is that clear?”

Yuffie looked at Godo.

Her father set his jaw.

If I don’t obey, he’ll get the priest and marry us on the spot, she thought.

She dropped her eyes and bowed to Barri.

“Forgive me Lord Husband. I forgot myself.”

She turned and bowed to her father.

“Forgive me Father for my disobedience.”

Slowly she took her place at the table.

Barri picked up a golden bell by his plate and rang for a servant. When the man appeared he bowed in front of the table.

“Give this man the number of the person who called,” he ordered Yuffie.

Fighting tears, she recited Cid’s number aloud.

The servant bowed to her.

“Call this man Cid,” instructed Barri, “And tell him not to come for Yuffie. Tell him he is never to call this house again.”

The servant bowed and left the room.

Yuffie’s lower lip trembled.

Godo’s face clouded with anger. “After all I’ve done, you embarrass me.”

Yuffie straightened her face. “I wasn’t trying to embarrass you Father. I’ve done everything you asked of me. Please let me help my friends. I promise to return for my wedding if you’ll let me!”

Godo turned to Barri. “Do you see what I’ve been dealing with?”

Barri nodded.

“I understand your reluctance Master to marry your daughter so soon after the death of her fiancee, but it seems to me, she’s already past his death. Forgive me for being bold, but I think it would be a mistake to leave Yuffie without the supervision she so desperately needs. She is young and impulsive. She needs to expend her energies in activities that will help her mature into a responsible woman. She has too much freedom now and I’m afraid she’s a little bit spoiled. Send for the priest Master and I’ll take her home tonight.”

Yuffie turned three shades of white.

Godo lt out a heavy sigh. “Future Son-in-Law I’m afraid you’re right.”

“No!” Yuffie stood up. “No Father don’t! I promise to be good! Don’t do this!”

“Please send for the priest,” asked Barri.

“Barri!” cried Yuffie. “I . . . mean Lord Husband! Please! I’m only getting to know you! We were doing so well! I made a mistake!”

“I’m a very important man Yuffie,” Barri said sternly. “Do you know what it would do to my business if people knew my wife was running all over the Planet with a bunch of her uncultured friends dressed like a man and fighting monsters? Do you not know how embarrassing that would be for me? And when would you have time to take care of our children when you’re running around the countryside amok? This is a very important ceremony, but you’d throw it aside for your friends. What about me? I’m your husband and I should come first!”

“Father!” tears poured down Yuffie’s face marring her perfect make-up. “Help me!”

Barri turned red. “You’d play your Father against me?”

“Do you wish to withdraw from the wedding?” asked Godo. “I will understand if you do.”

“No.” Barri raised his chin. “I will take Yuffie for my wife and no other. Marry me to her tonight Master Godo.”

Yuffie trembled like a leaf. “Noooooooooo!”

Godo let out a heavy sigh. “The wedding will take place this Sunday. You will marry her in this house. After that, Yuffie is yours to tame, my Son-In-Law.”

Barri bowed to Godo. “It will be as you say Master.”

“Nooooooooooo!” moaned Yuffie. “Father what are you doing to me? You know I don’t love Barri and I never will!”

“I will not let you give yourself to that Turk,” snapped Godo. “So get that out of your head!”

“It’s better this way Yuffie,” Barri said in a softer tone. “In time you’ll learn your father was right about everything. I’ll see you on our wedding day, my bride.”

“No! No! No!”

Yuffie fled up the stairs to her room and slammed the door behind her.

“Oh my Gawd!” she wept,. “What am I going to do?”

She was crying so hard she didn’t hear Godo lock her door for the rest of the day.