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Those We Thought We Have Conquered

By T'Shael

Chapter 6

The storm raked the area for two long hours accompanied by howling winds and blinding rain. The anxious parents took varying turns pacing the halls, staring out the windows or wrapping themselves in glum silence. Barrett and Cid tried to calm them at first, but most of their efforts fell on deaf ears. They were finally forced to give it up and retire to their own private corners.

By late afternoon the wind died down and the rain lapsed into a drizzle. Red's pilot called Cid to let him know he was back in the air. Time seemed to drag on drag forever before they all heard a plane overhead.

“That’s Red! Let's go meet him!” Tifa sprang to her feet.

“Let's not,” Cid didn’t budge. “Red has four feet. He’ll get to us faster much faster than we’ll ever get to him.”

“Ummmm.” Tifa sat down. “You’ve got a point there.”

Anxiously they watched the door until their furry friend walked in.

“Oh Red XIII, I'm so glad to see you!” Aeris was the first to reach him.

“I'm always happy to see my friends.” Red nodded to them.

Cloud looked relived. “Thanks for coming.”

“How's Elmyra doing?”

“She's still unconscious,” Aeris swallowed hard. “But her vitals have improved a bit.”

“I'm sorry to hear what happened to her and even sorrier for the loss of your children.”

He turned to Sephiroth. “Do you have any idea who did this?”

Sephiroth's eyes darkened. “We don't know yet. We're hoping Elmyra will come to soon and give us some more information.”

“I see.”

“Uh Red?” Tifa stepped forward with a shaky voice. “We were hoping you could sniff the perpetrator out. We can take you back to where this all started.”

Red eyed her solemnly. “You know I'll do the best I can Tifa, but please understand the rain may have washed away any trace of a scent. My nose might be useless in that case.”

“We understand, “ answered Cloud. “We'll appreciate your efforts whether you find a trail or not. At any rate, we have nothing to lose by trying.”

After checking to make sure Elmyra hadn't changed, Barrett led the group back to the wrecked cart. Red looked around the area a while then began to sniff the ground. He roamed the area in a widening circle before he returned and sat down.

“I'm sorry,” he said, his gold and red head hanging, “I’m getting nothing here but the smell of wet mud.”

Tifa put her arms Aeris. Both women broke into tears.

Red looked miserable. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t help.”

Aeris broke away from Tifa and dropped beside her friend on her knees.

“It's not your fault Red. You did the best you could. We're not crying because we're disappointed in you. We're crying because we feel so helpless.”

Tifa joined them. “She's right. Don't worry Red. We’ll find our kids another way.”

Red XIII raised his head. “And even if I didn’t find a trail here, I might find one in another place.”

Cloud smiled. “That’s right.”

“You might still be our best chance,” added Sephiroth.

“Well . . . “ Barrett shrugged. “I agree with you two, but the question is, where do we look first?”

“We're going to need maps,” Sephiroth turned to the group. “The newest and most accurate we can find.”

“I can help there,” Cid puffed out his chest. “I've got the most accurate maps on the Planet. I've had my boys charting from the air for several weeks now.”

“That’s good.” Sephiroth nodded. “That’s exactly what we need. We’ll go over them tonight and leave in the morning.”

“In the morning?” Tifa groaned. “Why can't we start tonight?”

“Our kidnapper has four babies with him. They’ll be tired and cranky by now. He’s going to have to feed and give them a change, besides he can’t afford to let them get sick in this dampness. My guess is he’s holed up somewhere dry and he’ll stay there until morning.”

“That will keep him close within our reach if we search in the right direction,” said Cloud.

“Damn right.” agreed Cid. “Especially from the air.”

“That sounds good to me.” Aeris stood up. “Let's get to Cid's place and see those maps.”

Barrett cleared his throat. “If you folks don't mind, I'd rather stay with Elmyra at the hospital.”

”Mom.” Aeris looked ashamed. “Barrett you must think I'm a terrible daughter! I want to rescue my children but my mother needs me too. How can I go off and leave her?”

“She'll understand,” said Barrett. “I'll take care of it.”

They’d just reached the outer buildings of the village when Barrett's cell phone rang. He answered it quickly. His eyes lit up.

“Elmyra is awake now,” he said to the others. “She's asking for Aeris and me.”

Looking at the maps would have to wait. They all headed for the hospital. Elmyra sat up propped against a stack of pillows. Her face was swollen and marked with bruises.

“Mom!” Aeris hugged her gently. I’m so happy you’re awake!”

Elmyra took the embrace gratefully too sore to give one of her own. “I'm so sorry about the children. I wasn’t able to protect them.”

Tifa moved forward. “What happened Elmyra? Who attacked you? What did they do to the children?”

Elmyra's lips were puffy, but her words were almost clear.

“I don't know. All I know is someone jumped on my back. He must have been in the tree. The next thing I knew, my face was on the ground and someone was hitting me.”

“One attacker then,” said Sephiroth. “Did he speak to you?”

The older woman grimaced. “No. I remember hard fists pounding at my body. Every time he struck me in the head I saw stars. I raised my head several times trying to scream for help, but he’d push my face back down into the dirt. I could barely breathe and he was beating on me so hard, my skin was going numb in various places. Gosh it hurt so bad I wanted to cry, but all I could do was lay there. Just when I thought I couldn’t go on, He picked me up and threw me down so hard I just knew he’d broken every bone in my body.”

She looked at Barrett.

“Did he?”

The big man shook his head. “You’re just badly bruised.”

She let out a painful laugh. “I sure feel broken.”

“Mom,” Aeris squeezed her hand. “How could someone be so cruel?”. He obviously didn’t care that you were a woman.”

Tears rolled down Elmyra’s cheek. “No I don’t think that mattered a bit. He was trying his best to kill me and he almost succeeded. I could hear the babies crying. I wanted to go to them, but I was hurting so bad . . . “

Her body shuddered.

“Easy Mom,” Aeris said.

“I could hear them crying, then their voices sounded muffled. I tried to turn my head, but I got hit again. I remember saying >you’ve got to let me check the babies.’“

“What did he say?” asked Cid.

“Nothing,” Elmyra winced at the memory. AHe just hit me again and again. I must have blacked out. The next thing I remember is trying to raise up on my elbows so that I could see what happened to the cart. It was still there but empty and broken. The babies were gone. After that I woke up here.”

Tifa frowned. “Did your attacker ever leave your side as far as you can remember?”

“He stayed on me like white on rice. Always close enough to hit me.”

“Got something Tifa?” Aeris asked her friend.

“I don’t know.” Tifa looked uncertain. “What do you mean the babies voices sounded muffled?”

Elmyra squinted painfully. “It was like they started crying in a closet.”

“There’s two of them!” Cloud slammed a fist against his palm. “One of them beat Elmyra while the other stole the kids! They must have had something to carry them in. That’s why their voices were muffled!”

Elmyra closed her eyes. AAnd here I lay with no description. My attacker never let me see his face.”

“Don't worry Elmyra,” Sephiroth touched her arm. AWe'll find our children and bring them home.”

Her eyelids flickered. “Barrett?”

He stepped close. “I'm here.”

Her voice grew faint. “Don't leave me. He might come to the door again.”

Her face went limp as she fell asleep.

“What did she mean by that?” asked Red.

“It’s a flashback to the night before when someone started banging on her door,” explained Barrett.

“Oh.” Red still looked puzzled.

“Well she's asleep,” said Aeris. “Let's go and let her rest.”

Barrett pulled a chair close to Elmyra's bed. “Go on. I’ll watch over her.”

The others nodded and filed out of the room.

“We’ll fill in the details on the way Red,” promised Cid.

He lit a cigarette the moment they were outside.

“Who’d want to beat on a woman like that? Let’s get those maps and find that son-of-a-bitch!”

On the way to Cid’s house he told Red XIII about Elmyra visitor the night before. Back at his house he collected his new maps and spread them on a workroom table. They were beautifully detailed with the newest changes on the Planet’s surface since the since the passing of Meteor.

“Great job Cid,” Aeris said in awe. AThese should help us find the children for sure.”

“Thanks,” the pilot grinned. AMy boys worked hard.”

The group prepared for a long night.

* * * * *

It started with just a faint rumble. Yuffie pulled her gaze from the ceiling wondering if she’d really heard a sound. She held her breath and strained her ears, but the sound if it was real had gone away. She sighed and rolled over to stare at the wall. What did Barri’s walls look like? Were they bright or gloomy?

She should have gone to sleep hours ago, but that was impossible tonight. With Barri’s shadow looming over her life, she’d be a total wreck on her wedding day. It was hard to believe how much her life had changed so drastically in such a short time. She and her father had had their fights before, but she’d never once in her wildest dreams thought he’d force her into a marriage.

Yuffie sat up hating him for the instigating this mess.

"I don't want marry to Barri!" She punched the spread. "My Gawd! This is worse than Vahun's mother trying to wish me pregnant!"

The ninja put her hands over her face.

Maybe if I scratch my face up I’ll be so ugly he won’t want me, she thought. But then neither would anyone else in the future. What if I cut my hair off down to nubs? I don’t think he’d want to parade around a bald headed wife!

Deep down inside she knew it wouldn’t work. Barri would no doubt marry her just to prove he had the right.

She hung her head feeling miserable. Barri seemed determined to have her at all costs. Why hadn't she noticed his glaring obsession before? That gave her pause. Maybe she had. Only now did she think back to the times she’d seen him looking at her. She’d dismissed his odd expressions because she had no interest in him. She thought back hard. What was it she’d seen? Hunger and longing . . . or was it the look of a child who’d seen something he wanted but knew he wouldn’t get it if he asked?

“Oh Gawd,” she groaned. “Barri must have danced a jig when Father approached him about me. He’s finally getting what he’s always wanted! Me! He couldn’t have planned this better himself. Oh Gawd, oh Gawd!”

"I shouldn't have come back to Wauti at all," she lamented. "I should have stayed away until I was twenty one!"

She was doomed to spend the rest of her life with a man she could never love. Yuffie rose and went to the window. The tiny sliver of moon in the sky barely chased away the shadows.

Godo would never let his daughter embarrass him. He'd give her to Barri as a slave or watch her die trying to run away. Family honor was strong in Watui and there was no escape from it. Knowing her reluctant could erupt into a quarrel, her father would probably hire a doctor to attend the wedding. The doctor would have the servants hold her down while he administered a special injection. A few minutes later she’d be a smiling bride exchanging vows with Barri. The rest of the evening would past in happy blur. In the morning she’d wake up in her husbands arms.

Barri's arms.

Yuffie shivered. The way things were going, she didn’t doubt she’d conceive a baby on her wedding night.

"Oh Gawd, Oh Gawd," she moaned and lay down.

If nothing else sealed her fate a baby would. Godo would be happy just to have a grandchild, but Barri would use it to control her.

She closed her eyes and suppressed a sob. The world around her rumbled again.

Yuffie jerk to attention. "What is that?"

The rumbling was more of a deep undertone, heard and felt at the same time. It stopped before she pinned it down. The ninja looked around curiously.

"I could have sworn . . . "

All Hell broke loose.

Yuffie's bed flew across the floor. She screamed as it slammed against the dresser. Pictures threw themselves off the walls. The bed lurched and slid the other way. Bookshelves overturned. What-nots, vases and her hard earned collection of glass figurines smashed into pieces on the floor. Yuffie hung on for dear life as the bed bucked and bounced like a living thing beneath her. Large cracks raced up and the down the walls. Plaster shards rained from the ceiling.

Father! Father!" Her screams went unheard.

Her bed slid toward inner wall. The outside wall behind her crumbled away and fell into space. Part of the ceiling and roofing tiles fell with it.

The violent shaking suddenly stopped. Ominous creaking filled the room.

The frightened ninja slid off the bed slowly and crawled over wreckage to reach the door. She twisted the knob a few times before she finally remembered it was locked.

"Father!" she shouted. "Let me out! My room is coming apart!"

She heard footsteps running and let out a sigh, but the foot steps kept on going.

"Damn it!" she cried. "Let me out of here!"

She slammed her fists against the door.

"Let me out of here! Father!"

She could hear people screaming inside the house. There were people screaming outside too. Something in the distance exploded. The ninja turned her back to the door. The second and third blasts were closer. The walls lit up with the reflection of flames.

The house twisted violently toward the missing wall. The bed slid halfway toward it. Yuffie turned and grabbed the door knob. She rattled it and hammered at the door.

"Father please help me!"

The house began to rock again. Yuffie screamed as the floor tilted further. Furniture poured through the opening in the wall. The bed was the last thing to go. The bedroom door twisted in its frame. Yuffie lost her grip on the knob. She scrambled frantically but missed. She let out a long blood curdling scream as she rocketed out into space.

Her scream stopped abruptly when she hit the mattress and rolled off onto the box spring. Stunned she lay on her back staring at the sky. Something flashed above her. She dived to the left. A heavy picture frame that once hung in the hall split, impaling the box spring beneath it. The ground stopped moving. It was quiet again.

Yuffie found herself in a battlefield or at least that’s what the village looked like. Some homes had hardly been touched by the quake while others had varying degrees of damage or were completely destroyed. Fires burned everywhere. People milled around like ants trying to help the trapped or tend to the injured. Most of the dead lay where they fell or had been dragged from wreckage by others. Cries for help came from some of the homes while others were eerily quiet.

Wauti has been hit by one hell of an quake, thought Yuffie wiping dust from her face.

A little girl close by pulled at a dead body.

"Daddy! Please wake up Daddy!"

Yuffie stood up and took a few steps toward her but another woman got there first. She picked up the little girl and comforted her.

"It's okay baby, Mommy's here."

Relieved to see the girl wasn’t alone, Yuffie turned back to look at her house. The widespread damage made her suck in her breath. To say it was extensive was putting it mildly. One side of the house was gone. Furniture from those rooms was on the ground.


She ran around to the building to the front of the house. Four men burst through the door carrying someone between them. A maid was close behind them with a flashlight in her hands. Yuffie looked at the body they carried. She recognized the color of its robes.

"Father!" She ran toward the men. "Oh Gawd!"

"Lay him on the grass," of the men ordered. Yuffie recognized Chenu, their cook.

"Chenu!" she cried. "Is he . . . ?"

Chenu shook his head. "He's alive Miss Yuffie, but he fell and hit his head. I believe the Master has a concussion."

"Oh Gawd . . . Oh Gawd!"

"Don't worry, Miss Yuffie, I think he'll be alright, but we're going to have to take him to a doctor." The ground jolted sharply. The house shook behind them.

Chenu turned to the other men. "Quick! The house may fall at any minute! Let's get the Master away from here!"

"Let's take him straight to Dr. Wynick. His house is closer than the clinic" said a man named Qwuen. "Many people have been injured in this quake. There's going to be a long line if don’t move fast!"

"Come on." Chenu helped the others pick Godo up. "Move quickly. Don’t drop him. Let's go!"

They started at a trot to the doctors house. Yuffie trailed behind them with the maid Luna.

"Your father is going to be all right," Luna touched Yuffie's shoulder.

"I hope so," the ninja said worriedly. "I really really hope so."

The maid looked at Yuffie curiously. "I'm surprised to hear you say that, but it’s good to hear!"

"What's so surprising?" The ninja scowled. "He's my father! Why wouldn't I want him to get well?"

The maid looked embarrassed. "Well you are getting married and I know you object to the wedding. I thought . . . I thought . . . "

Yuffie stopped and glared at her.

"I'm s-s-sorry," Luna stammered. "I spoke out of turn. You're right. He's your father and you should care." "Luna!" shouted Chenu. "Run up ahead and tell the doctor we're coming!"

"Okay!" The maid ran off glad to get away from Yuffie stare.

How dare her! The ninja fumed. I should have slapped her face. What’s it to her if I'm getting married? What's it to . . .

She froze where she stood.

That's right. I am getting married!

She looked back at the damaged house.

He locked me in my room.

She turned and looked after her father.

He meant to keep me locked up until the wedding.

Her eyes went to the house.

Well he can’t lock me in my room anymore. The quake took care of that!

An icy finger slid down her spine. Maybe he can’t lock you in your room anymore, but he can lock you in Barri 's house.

He wouldn't do that.

You know he would. He’ll just make you have the wedding early.

Early as in when he came to and found out hid house was so damaged, his family couldn’t live there until it was repaired or rebuilt. So that mean as early as tomorrow he could . . .

Yuffie took a step back. As she wanted to be with her father, she was terrified. Once Godo found out about his house was all but destroyed, he’d want her somewhere safe and secure. He’d planned to host a wedding anyway, why not send for Barri and priest. The ceremony would be held in his room and Yuffie would have a new home.

The ninja stared across the village. She could see the roof of Barri's house from here and at least two of his windows. Most of the homes around her were dark, but Barri had his own generator. Warm light poured through the distant glass, a beacon calling out from a home she didn’t want.

Another thought occurred to her. If Godo didn’t mention an early marriage, Barri was sure to bring it up himself

"Why am I doing standing here staring at his house? I've got to get out of here!"

Yuffie scrambled back around the damaged side of her house. She felt around in the debris for things she could use. She almost let out a scream when someone moved behind her.

"Looks like you could use a flashlight.”

He saw her face and blushed.

"Oh I'm sorry Miss Yuffie! I didn't mean to scare you!"

It was only Matt Tucker, a guest from the inn.

She sank back holding her heart. "It's okay. I'm just jumpy after all this excitement."

"Who isn't?" Matt looked around. "That was a very nasty earthquake!" Yuffie nodded.

"How's your father?" he asked her. "Did everyone get out okay?"

"My father was injured," Yuffie sighed. "I don't know about the others. I haven't had time to check yet."

"Mama! Mama!" A little boy wandered around in a circle.

"Looks like she could use some help." Matt leaned down to offer Yuffie his flashlight. "Take this. I've got another."

"Thanks." Yuffie took it.

"I hope your father will be all right." Matt hurried off to help the little boy.

The going was easier now that she had a light. It didn’t take long to find her knapsack, she always kept it packed for emergency travel.

"If this isn't an emergency. I don't know what is."

She hoisted it over her shoulders. Dawn would be here in less than an hour, the sky was getting lighter already. She didn't have much time to get away. Yuffie looked up at the house and frowned. It would have a lot easier if she could get some supplies from inside, but considering the shape the house was in, that was pressing her luck.

More people were outside now and confusion was growing. She'd better take advantage of it while she still could. She made her way to a dark side street and found a small grocery shop. The store front glass was shattered. One side wall lay in the street. Yuffie worked her way over the rubble. She snatched a canvas shopping bag from a display and gathered non perishable items. Twice people ran past the shop, but no one paid any attention to her.

She picked up two more bottles of water and tied the shopping bag handles tight. She worked her way back out of the shop. The street was still clear in this area. Staying out of sight, she edged back toward the center of the Village. All she needed was her chocobo and she'd be on her way.

She almost passed out when she saw Barri standing with two servants in front of the ruined wall of her house. She hid behind a chocobo wagon before they could turn and see her.

"Well find out what happened to my bride!" raged Barri. "I must know if she's all right! We're supposed to get married this weekend! One you check inside the house while the other one questions her neighbors!"

Forget about the chocobo, she thought. I’ll run to the coast if I have to!

She turned around and almost crashed into the chest of a very old man.

He chuckled. "Is he talking about you?"

"Mind your own business!" She hissed shoving him out of the way. Staying out Barri’s line of sight, dashed around the house behind her and ran toward the edge of the village.

Barri was moving even faster than she'd imagined. She had to put some distance between them.

At one point she thought she heard a voice and ducked behind a house. A man ran past calling out a woman's name. As soon as the coast was clear, she ran for the next patch of shadow. She heard someone behind her. With a heart full of dread she turned around expecting to see Barri.

"You're leaving town aren't you?" The old man grinned. "You're leaving before your wedding!"

“What do you, know about a wedding?”

“Oh your young man is pretty happy about it. He went to the White Flame Bar last night. I heard that was an unusual thing for him. He bought everyone drinks and gave a toast for the prettiest girl in the village . . . you!”

Yuffie scowled. “The prettiest girl?”

“Yep! That’s what he said.” The old man leaned closer peering at her. “He was right too. You’re quite a looker young lady!”

"You're going to make me forget my Father taught me to respect old people," she warned. “A mighty fine young woman.” The old man smacked his lips. “Why if I was a little bit younger I would . . . hell! I still can!”

“Back off you old buzzard!” Yuffie raised her fists. “I haven’t got time to fool around with you. I’ve got to get out of here.”

“There’s always time for fooling around.” The old man chuckled. "Where are going?"

She was spared from answering by the sound of galloping feet. She turned her back on the old man. A chocobo was coming toward her.

He must have broken away from someone. His bridle was trailing in his wake. Yuffie dropped her bag and dived for it as the animal tried to run past her. It squawked and fought. She dug her heels into the ground and brought it up short.

She spoke calmly to it until it settled down.

"Boy am I glad to see you!" she said.

The chocobo was wearing a saddle. She picked up her canvas bag and looped it over the horn.

"Well now, you've got a ride!" said the old man. I guess that means we won’t be fooling around.”

Yuffie glared at him and climbed onto its back.

“As if,” she snapped.

The old man winked. "Want some company?"

Yuffie made a face. "Company! You lecherous old geezer! Get lost!"

He reached for her bridle. "Wait a minute Miss Yuffie ... "

She kicked at him.

"Get away from me you old coot! You’d better not tell anyone you saw me! If they bring me home because of you, I'm going to kick your old butt old man from here to the middle of next week! I'll get you if it's the last thing I ever do!"

“Hmmmm!” He smiled. “Sounds kinky!”

“You just remember what I said!” She snarled at him. “Tell anyone you’ve seen me and you’ll be sorry!”

She dug her heels into the chocobo’s sides. The animal squawked and set off at a gallop.

The old man smiled. "Goodbye for now, but we’ll be meeting soon Miss Yuffie."

The sky lightened more on his walk back to the inn where he’d stayed the last week. He pushed some gil across the counter to a very nervous clerk.

"I'm checking out now please."

"I don't blame you." The clerk wrote out a receipt and gave him change. "As soon as my boss comes in to work, I'm quitting and going back to Bone Village. We never have quakes like this out there. I’m going home believe me!"

"I came in here by chocobo." The old man held out his hand.

"Sorry." The clerk went through a box of blue cards, then handed the old man a ticket. "You can claim him at the stables around back."

The old man grunted and shuffled out the door. The stable hand was just about to leave, but he stopped when he saw the old man.

"My chocobo please." The old man held out his ticket.

The stable hand glanced at the card, but he didn't reach out to take it.

"I was just about to go home and check on my family," he said. "Could you wait a few minutes until I get back?"

A shovel was resting against the wall. The old man turned and picked it up. He waved it under the stable hands nose. "Don't make me beat the crap out of you."

The stable hand blinked. "Uh . . . one moment Sir."

He vanished through the stable door and came back leading a chocobo. "Your mount Sir."

The old man dropped the shovel and muttered something under his breath. The stable hand stood looking at him.

The old man turned with a irritated frown. "Well? Aren't you going to help me up?"

"Uh . . . sure." The stable hand came closer and cupped his hands.

The old man boosted himself up. He threw his other leg across the chocobo's back and grunted as he settled himself. He turned the chocobo's head without a word and took off at a fast canter.

The stable hand waited until he was sure the old man wouldn’t hear him. "Grumpy old bastard!"

The old man wouldn't have cared if he had. He meant to catch up with that delectable Miss Yuffie.