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Rated PG - for mildly suggestive content

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Ninja’s

by T’Shael

“Thank God the hospital wasn’t damaged!” A nurse hurried to the next room. “I’ll be glad when everyone is back in place and everything is back to normal!”

Junon was deep in the aftermath of a sudden attack on the city. Rumor said the monster had come for Cloud and Sephiroth, but it couldn’t be confirmed. The Strife’s refused to grant an interview and no one dared disturb Sephiroth.

Without hard facts to broaden their reports, the news crews were getting desperate. They embellished wild theories stopping short of being sued. The audience grew tired of waiting for answers. Most TV’s played to empty rooms. It seemed doubtful the players involved in the mystery would enlighten the curious.

City maintenance workers evaluated damage while the rest of the world went on. Like the hospital staff, most people were trying to cope as well as they could. The streets were filled with scurrying people trying to find out if their friends and relatives survived.

In the hospital, Yuffie lay back reflecting on events in the last few weeks. She and Reno had finally resolved their feelings, but it came with the loss of a life...

Yuffie tried to believe she loved Vahun through each painful encounter with Reno. Accepting his proposal of marriage was wrong, but it didn’t seem wrong at the time. She’d backed out on her way to elopement and fled to the beach in tears. Vahun followed her thinking she had the jitters and was killed by a monster on the sand. If Reno hadn’t followed the couple to the beach, Yuffie would have been killed too.

Poor Vahun. I regret not being honest with him sooner. I can still hear him telling me to run. Even though I’m sorry he’s gone, I’m glad he never pressured me for sex. If I was carrying his child his mother would make life miserable.

She’s very persistent just like Vahun and my baby would take his place. If I didn’t move to Junon and stay in their house, she and Daavis would practically move into mine. Flora would fight me tooth and nail trying to raise the baby by herself. She’ll never let me have a moments rest.

Gawd help me if she ever finds out what I meant to tell Vahun on that beach. She’d think I used him to make Reno jealous and she’ll want to make me suffer like she does. She’ll tell my father I murdered her son just to hang onto a no good Turk. He’ll be so angry he’ll arrange a wedding with a man I may not know. He’ll keep me a prisoner until the wedding is over and for sure Reno will have to stay away!

The last forced marriage in their village had occurred when Yuffie was only seven. A girl named Mia stirred her parents anger and they married her to a stranger passing through Wauti.

Mia was a beautiful girl who was promised to a boy named Lu. They weren’t allowed to talk or mingle until they married at eighteen. Some arranged marriages didn’t work out well. It was different for Mia and Lu. A chance meeting when they both turned sixteen was enough to ignite their love.

The feelings between them were too strong to stay apart until they married, so Mia and Lu met secretly whenever they had a chance. They never did more than petting and kissing, they felt they owed their parents that. They spoke of love and planned their lives, while their parents stayed ignorant.

Two days after she had turned eighteen and two weeks before her wedding, Mia ventured out on the plains in search of wild mushrooms for dinner. Rare and tasty, all the shops were out. Shop owners didn’t know when they’d have more. Instead of changing her menu Mia went outdoors to find them for herself.

On the other side of the village, Lu left home too. He planned a day of fishing on the sea. It took Mia two hours to fill her basket during the same tine Lu pulled in two nets of fish. He turned his boat and set sail for home. Mia turned around and started back. Both of them were on the road to ruin, but they wouldn’t know until it was too late.

Mia came upon a pack of skinny Foulanders looking for an easy meal. She saved herself by climbing a tree, but they camped out underneath. Out on the ocean a monster rose up, seized Lu’s anchor and pulled. All he could do was scream and shout as it pulled his boat away.

That evening a search party looked for Mia. They turned back when it was dark. Their search never took them anywhere near the place Mia clung to her tree. Fishermen set out to look for Lu but gave up when they found a chewed oar. Both sets of parents were very upset. They thought their children were dead.

Mia’s mother lay down on her daughter’s bed and cried. She felt a lumpy shape inside the pillow. It was a passionate letter written by young Lu. She left the room shouting for her husband. When he read the note, they ripped the room apart and found more letters from Lu. With evidence in hand they rushed out the door and angrily confronted his parents. Lu’s parents searched their son’s room and found notes from Mia. Accusations and insults flew.

Early in the morning the Foulanders left. Mia climbed down from her tree. She ran home happy to be alive, but her father slapped her hard before she said a word. He ripped the collar away from her dress, saw her neck and started to scream.

“Look at the marks of passion on her neck. My daughter has become a whore!”

Mia blanched immediately confirming her guilt.

Someone struck the door and Lu’s parent burst in, with the red faced young man in tow. He was hot and tired from rowing all night. His torn collar displayed his love bites too.

“See what your whore has done to my son!” Lu’s dad screamed in Mia’s father’s face.

“She might be a whore but he made her that way,” Mia’s father shook his first under the man’s nose.

The bites in fact just two days old, but the lovers weren’t allowed to explain it. Each time either one of them opened their mouth, they were slapped or shouted into silence. All four parents were firmly convinced, the two had been out making love. Both had probably fallen asleep before they got up to sneak back home.

In the end, Lu’s parents broke off the engagement and dragged their son out the door. The very next day they forced him to marry the plainest girl they could think of. Of course her parents were thrilled and pleased, Lu’s family had plenty of money. As for Mia, she was locked up for three days in her room until she was released by a servant.

She was ordered to go to the living room where her parent stood with a strange man. He was sixty-five years old with grey beard and hair. Cold blue eyes in his wrinkled face narrowed as they appraised Mia. His thin lips were pressed in a ruler straight line. He looked as though he never smiled.

“Turn around,” he ordered Mia.

She looked at her father wondering what was going on.

“Do it,” he said in response.

Mia turned around quickly.

“Slowly,” ordered the man.

Mia turned again much slower this time.

The man looked at her father and nodded.

Her father smiled and bowed. He turned back to Mia looking satisfied. “This is your husband Gynlynn. You’ll be leaving with him today.”

“What?” Mia’s blood turned cold.

“Bring in the priest!” her father ordered.

A young priest came from a back room and smiled. “Are we ready to begin?”

“No father no!” Mia threw herself at his feet weeping. “Lu and I didn’t do anything wrong. Father you have to believe me. Please forgive me. Don’t give me to this old man!”

Gynlynn snatched Mia to her feet. “I am your husband and you will respect me as such!”

“Father help me!” Mia cried.

Her father’s eyes were frigid. “I won’t interfere between a husband and wife.”

Desperate Mia turned to her mother. “Please!”

Her mother’s face was granite. “Your father had to choose for you because you made the wrong choice. Do what he asks of you Mia. Haven’t you shamed us enough?”

Mia held one hand out to the priest. “Save me!”

He gave her a stern look. “Respect your husband and your parents, young woman!”

“But we’re not married!” Mia shouted at him. “I want to marry Lu!”

Her father’s voice was smug. “Maybe you should ask his wife about that!”

“W-wife?” Mia turned pale.

Her parents looked behind her. Turning Mia followed their eyes. Lu stood there with a woman on his arms. His face looked haggard. The woman cooed and snuggled against him. She beamed at Mia with a happy smile.

“We were married three days ago, isn’t that wonderful?” She ran a hand over her belly. “Lu is such a passionate man. I think I’m pregnant already!”

Lu’s parents stood behind him with smirking faces.

“I exercised my right to make sure my son has a decent wife,” said his father. “He’s corrected his shame in our eyes and restored our standing in the village. You shamed your parents when you slept with Lu. Must they live in shame forever?”

“But we . . . ” Mia looked into Lu’s eyes for help.

He stared back expressionlessly.

Swaying on her feet Mia turned to Gynlynn. He smiled exposing yellow teeth.

“Are we ready?” asked the priest.

Mia nodded. “I will not shame my parents.”

The priest performed the ceremony quickly. Mia looked back. Lu, his wife and parents were gone. Gynlynn bade her parents goodbye and took her outside to his carriage. They stopped at an inn at the edge of the village. It was the longest night in the poor girl’s life and the worse of her memories. The next day, Gynlynn took her home to Kalm. Both of them lived there still.

Yuffie had only seen Mia once, while out on a trip with her father. Heavy with child, Mia stepped carefully guided by her wizened husband. Twelve bouncing children, including twins, squealed and laughed merrily as they walked down the street with their parents. Mia kept her gaze cast down on the sidewalk, but once she raised her eyes and saw Yuffie.

The ninja later compared them to the eyes of a corpse. There was no light, no joy . . . no nothing. Mia looked much older than she should have been. Her face was one locked forever in prison.

Yuffie remembered asking Godo about Mia but he had very little say. Back at home a girlfriend filled in the details.

“They say Gynlynn beat her that first night,” her friend told her. “People heard her screaming but they didn’t interfere. Mia was a different person come the next day. She learned not to refuse him again.”

Lu had taken his wife and moved away to Bone Village. He had two children and a thriving business renting tools to people hunting for artifacts.

Yuffie was worried about the two mistakes she’d made with Russell and Vahun. Would her father force her into the hell Mia lived everyday? Father wouldn’t do that to me!

Or would he?

There was an older man in the village who was seeking a younger bride. He was thirty-five when his first wife died giving birth to a set of twins. They died a week after she did leaving him all alone. Forty-five now, he was ready to try again. Yuffie overheard once him talking to her father.

“I’m surprised you haven’t married Yuffie off,” he said in a wistful voice. “She’s a beauty. Any man would be proud to have her.”

“I’ll let Yuffie find a young man on her own,” answered Godo ignoring the man’s hint. “I raised her well. I know she’ll make the right decision.”

She’d peeked out a window to observe the man’s face. He hid his disappointment well. His next words were meant to sound like a joke. “If she doesn’t, I’m single. Remember me.”

Both men laughed and Godo’s visitor changed the subject. Yuffie tiptoed quietly away. At the time his words meant nothing to her. Now his meaning was all too clear.

I won’t marry an old man! She fumed. My father wouldn’t dare!

But would he if she made him mad enough?

Footsteps sounded outside her door. It opened and Godo walked in. He looked upset with the world.

“What’s wrong Father?”

He shook a paper in his hand. “I can’t get to a phone to save my life! If I hadn’t lost my PHS rushing out here, I could call your friend Cid and buy a ride home!”

“Don’t worry Father,” Yuffie said in a soothing voice. “We’ve still got a little time left. They’re not letting me go until tomorrow afternoon. You’ll find a phone before then.”

Godo frowned. “I hope you’re right. I’ve already hired a nurse. She’ll be waiting for you when the plane lands.”

“Wow! You got that done fast.”

Godo snorted. “You’ll be happy that I did it when the bring the wounded in. I heard forty people were trampled during the panic and eighty more were injured while looting!”

Yuffie rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “What were they going to do with the stuff they stole? No one could get out of the city!”

“Who knows?” Godo turned away. “Criminals don’t think like us. Even those who wear fancy blue suits.”

Yuffie didn’t rise to the bait. “Why don’t you check the building next door? There’s got to be a phone no one is using.”

“You might be right.” Godo’s face suddenly brightened. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Don’t rush,” Yuffie sighed. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Godo gave her a troubled look and left the room.

“You’re so wrong about Reno,” she said to the door. “He’s not the monster you think he is.”

She was trying her best not to talk about Reno, but before he’d left the first time, Godo made his feelings known.

* * * * *

“If he comes here, I’ll take his head off!” raged Godo.

“Who are you talking about Father?”

“Reno! Who do you think I mean? He came on the Day of the Golden Pagoda and no one invited him!”

“Oh really Father,” Yuffie tried look bored. “It’s not by invitation only.”

“He had no right to come for you! I don’t want him with my daughter!”

“If that decision was left up to you, I’d never get a date,” retorted Yuffie. “Reno isn’t the problem! You don’t want me with anyone!”

“Not true,” Godo scolded her. “There are good men in the village. Guys like Russell and Reno are nothing but trouble!”

“Give me credit for deciding something like that out on my own!”

Godo turned toward the window. “A father wants what best for his daughter.”

He let out a deep sigh.

“It’s too bad about Vahun. He would have made a fairly decent son-in-law.”

Yuffie hoped the guilt wouldn’t show on her face. “I miss him too. He was a very special man.”

Her father turned back to the bed and took her hand. “It hurts when you lose some one you love, I know, but the pain will ease someday. I hope you won’t lock your heart away where it won’t be found again.”

“Vahun wouldn’t want that.” Yuffie turned her face away. “He’d tell me to find happiness with some one else.”

“Good.” Godo kissed her hand. “You’re right. He was a special man.”

And I think Bari will take his place very nicely, he thought to himself with a smile.

* * * * *

Yuffie sighed. Getting her father to accept Reno wouldn’t be easy.

The door opened slowly. She raised her eyebrows. “Did you forget something Father?”

A face peeked around the door. “Wrong guess.”

Yuffie strained her IV trying to sit up. “Reno, you’re back!”

“Easy! Easy!” He stepped inside and closed the door. “You don’t want pull that thing out your arm.”

“I don’t care! Let me hold you!”

“Shhhhh. Lay down.” Reno leaned over her. “I don’t have a lot of time.”

Yuffie laid back obediently and held out one arm. Reno slipped his arms around her carefully.

“I missed you Yuff,” he said softly.

She smiled. “Not like I missed you.”

Their kiss would have made the moon blush.

Reno brushed her bangs aside. “A man could drown in that kiss.”

Yuffie smiled. “I love you Red.”

Reno touched the tip of her nose. “I saw your father leaving. Where did he go?”

“I sent him to the building next door to look for a telephone.”

“He’ll be lucky if there’s one that isn’t broke or busy. A lot of people are trying to find their families.”

“Were you trapped in the city with the rest of us?”

He shook his head. “The guys came and rescued me just in time.”

“I’m glad,” she answered. “I couldn’t bear it if I lost you.”

“You’re stuck with me Yuff.” He kissed her hand. “I’ll defend against all rivals.”

“You don’t have any rivals.” Yuffie touched his face. “But my father is determined to protect me from you. He thinks once you hear Vahun is dead, you’ll be beating down our front door.”

“I really want to change his mind,” said Reno, “But let’s be realistic, there’s a very strong chance we’ll have to wait until you’re twenty before we date openly.”

“That’s a whole ‘nother year,” she frowned at him. “How are do we keep in touch in the meantime? The hospital’s letting me go tomorrow. I don’t want to wait a year to see you.”

“I feel the same way.” He leaned down and kissed her.

It lasted longer this time. They parted staring into each others eyes. Yuffie could feel his love flowing down on her. He could feel hers raising to meet it. Footsteps running past her room broke the spell. They blinked their eyes and smiled sheepishly.

Yuffie touched his face. “What took so long to find you?”

Reno traced her lips. “I was wondering the same thing.”

They gazed at each other for a while, then Reno shook himself. “I’m grateful to Russell for bringing us together, but I still tried to kill you.”

“That’s behind us Red. Look to the future.”

He nodded “Are Vahun’s parent’s gone now?”

Yuffie nodded. “It sounds mean to say it but I’m glad they are. Flora made me so uncomfortable. I didn’t know any monsters would crawl out of the sea. I feel like its my fault . . . ”

Reno cut her off. “Don’t say it. No matter what happened with us before, you were trying to square things with Vahun. That took a lot of courage, since it was your wedding day. You could have gone on and married him . . .”

“And live the lie he wanted,” she finished.

He ran his fingers through her hair. “It’s not your fault he’s dead Yuff.”

She nodded.

“By the way,” he reached his pocket. “I’ve got something for you.”

“What is it?”

“A combination cell phone and paging device.” He held it up in his hand. “Something left over from my days with Shinra.”

“A phone?” Her eyes brightened. “A private line for me?”

He nodded. “We’ll have our own frequency.”

“How do you know someone can’t listen in?”

“This baby was made just for Turks.” Reno ran his thumb over the device. “There used to be more of us a long time ago. We shared seventy-five frequencies between us. Now that’s there’s only four, we cut back to seven. Each frequency is hidden in regular radio bands. No one except a high ranked Shinra-lite knew they existed at all. Without this device and our frequency, no on will ever hear us.”

“Cool.” Yuffie took it. “What about the other Turks?”

Reno shook his head. “The band I’m giving you belongs to a dead man. The other Turks won’t expect a call from him, and out of respect they don’t use it.”

Yuffie raised an eyebrow.

Reno shrugged. “So? I never liked him.”

“Oh.” Yuffie turned the phone in her hand. “We’ve got a problem Reno. I can’t take this.”

“Why not?”

“I came here with just the clothes on my back and those have been discarded. If I take this phone now, my Father is sure to find it.”

The young Turks face brightened. He took it back. “I know what I can do. I’ll take it out to Wauti and hide it. When you’re up and about you can retrieve it.”

“That could work.” She tilted her head. “Where are you going to put it?”

He grinned. “Remember our picnic?”

She blushed. “How could I forget it?”

“There’s a hole in the trunk where it splits in two. I’m going to hide the phone in there. It’s high enough to keep the phone is out of sight and low enough so you can reach it.”

“I like it.” She grinned at him. “Make sure you put it in a plastic bag. We don’t want moisture getting in it.”

“Naturally.” Reno glanced down at his watch. “I’d better leave before your father comes back.”

The ninja’s face fell. “I wish you could stay longer.”

“I know, but it’s better this way.” Reno put on a serious look. “Remember Yuff, when I come to town, act the way you used to. Don’t smile at me or act too friendly. We can’t make Godo suspicious.”

“I’ll remember that Reno.”

He smiled. “That’s my girl.”

“It makes me happy when you say that.”

Something heavy bumped the wall outside. The lovers froze staring at the door. When the sound faded down the hall, they laughed nervously.

“I’d better get going while the going is good.” Reno leaned for the last time over Yuffie.

His kiss was full of passion this time, her blood began to boil.

Reno pulled away with a shake in his voice. “Yep. I think I’d better leave.”

“Yeah.” Yuffie’s breath was quick. “I have to agree.”

Reno straightened up and walked to the door. He opened it quietly and peeked outside.

“It’s clear.”

She blew a kiss. “Bye Reno. I love you.”

He stepped outside. “I love you too.”

The door closed silently behind him.

Tears stung her eyes, but Yuffie brushed them away. Ten minutes later, Godo came in.

The ninja gave him a welcoming smile. “Did you get through okay?”

He nodded. “Cid wasn’t home, but Shera gave him the message. He called me back from his cell phone almost right away. He’ll land on the hospital roof at twelve. Once you’re signed out, we’re on our way.”

Yuffie sighed. “It will be nice to ride in the Highwind again.”

“That reminds me,” Godo held up a finger. “He’s removing some seats and putting in an anchored bed especially for you. He says you’ll be more comfortable that way instead of sitting in a chair.”

“Good old Cid,” Yuffie yawned. “I’ll probably sleep all the way home.”

“By the way,” Godo added. “I also called Daavis. Flora’s sleeping with the help of medication. ”

“She blames me doesn’t she?” Yuffie dropped head. “Vahun would be alive if he hadn’t followed me!”

Godo touched his daughter’s shoulder. “I asked about that.”

Yuffie raised dull eyes. “What did he say?”

“He said Flora was happy that you’re okay. She said Vahun would want it that way. She’s still sorry there was no baby, but someday, she’ll find a way to deal with that too.”

Yuffie sighed. “Do you think she’ll really be all right Father?”

He nodded. “She’ll learn to cope with death. I did.”

The ninja looked into his eyes. “Do you still miss Mom?”

He nodded again. “Every day.”

“Do I remind you of her Father?”

“Yes you do. You have her beauty and you have her expressive eyes. Your personality is so much like hers its uncanny.”

Yuffie blushed with pleasure. “You don’t talk about her much.”

He looked away. “I cope, but it hurts sometimes even so.”

“You could remarry,” Yuffie went on. “You don’t have to spend the rest of your life alone.”

Godo shook his head. “No woman could take your mother’s place. I was lucky to be her husband at all. For the longest time, she didn’t know I was alive. On our wedding day, it was hard to believe an angel stood next to me.”

Yuffie wanted to question him more, but someone tapped on the door. A nurse opened it and walked in with a medicine tray.

She gave the ninja a small cup with pills and a larger one filled with water. “Drink up.”

Yuffie made a face, but followed orders. The nurse took both cups and left the room.

“These pills will make me sleepy,” she complained, “And we were just beginning to talk.”

“You need your rest,” Godo answered. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

He left for the men’s room and when he returned. The ninja lay in a drugged sleep.

Godo stroked her warm cheek. “Yes you’re just like Iyona, Yuffie. You have a habit of leaping before you think. Her father stopped her from ruining her life and I’ll do the same for you. I made one other call I didn’t tell you about. I’m moving fast but I can’t help it. I told Bari I am adding a room to the house. I made an appointment for estimates and told him you’d been injured. I was pleased with how concerned he was about you. He’ll drop by the house the moment you’re settled in.”

Yuffie made a sound and turned her head in her sleep. Her father took his hand away and watched her.

“You should have heard the emotion in his voice. You know, I think young Bari cares for you already. That should make my plans go a little easier. I want you to marry him on your own, but if you refuse I’ll make you. You’ll learn to love your husband like your mother loved me. I’m going to tell Madam Wei to start on your wedding dress immediately. Of course I’ll have to make her promise to keep it a secret from you. My dear little Yuffie, you’re going to make a beautiful bride! You’ll marry before you’re twenty. You will never be Reno’s toy. Bari’s going to be your husband and the father of your children! “

He leaned down and kissed Yuffie’s forehead. “Sleep now. I’ll come back this evening.”

He left the room feeling happy inside.

Yuffie slept peacefully on.

* * * * *

Bari Risquel stared at the battered picture in his hand. With one strap daringly low on her shoulder, Yuffie smiled back at the camera. The picture was taken a fair last year that passed through the Village in spring.

The ninja took the photo on a dare from her friends, then left it, saying she didn’t like it. When she ran to a roller coaster with her friends, Bari stopped at the booth behind her. The man in the booth didn’t care who bought the shot, as long as he could make some gil. Bari bought the picture he still treasured today. Someday he hoped he’d have the real thing.

He’d always admired Yuffie but she didn’t know he was alive. Now he had a chance to make her notice him. Of all the girls in the village she was the only one who didn’t chase him. His riches meant nothing to her, or his handsome face. Yuffie Kisaragi had always been the woman of his dreams. Now he had a chance to prove he was the man for her. Bari pressed the picture against his chest. How long before she let him kiss her?