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Rated PG-13 - for suggestive content

Unsettled Souls and Lovers

by T'Shael

The first thing she noticed when she opened her eyes was the pale sunlight outside her window. Elena stretched and pulled the covers to her chin. It was nice and warm beneath her blankets. She wondered if Rude and Tseng were still asleep in the rooms they'd taken close by hers. She hoped they were. She needed time to ponder what the future held for her.

As the newest Turk, she still made mistakes but the last was the worst of all. Out of spite and the need to show Tseng up, she'd gone to Tomaso on her own. With the gangster's help, she named her terms, but her contract was set up wrong. Tomaso allowed a loop hole into the deal, then pressed it to his advantage. Knowing Elena would try to back out, he'd placed snipers on the Turks. She had to do what he wanted in order to save them. To add to her shame, the male Turks settled for higher pay. They even asked for cars while she got Tomaso's bed.

That horror was behind her now. The fat gangster was dead. Now she had a bigger problem before her. The time had come to make a choice. This couldn't go on forever. She had to chose Rude or Tseng and let one man go. Sometimes she wished she have them both, but she knew that could never be.

If you don't chose, you'll turn them on each other.

She rolled over biting her lower lip.

I told myself I'd never love again. How did I ever forget I made that promise?

* * * * *

Carl Mottling was the handsomest man she'd ever seen and the undisputed leader of the Midgar Black Hearts. Once the gang let Elena in, they taught her how to live on the streets. She learned how to shoplift, rob the unwary and pull off burglaries. She wasn't with the gang long enough to become hard, but she did her part and earned their respect. A month after she became a Black Heart, Carl's girlfriend was killed in a robbery. Alone now, he turned his sights and charms on the beautiful young Elena. She blushed and accepted his praise with pride. One night he asked her if she'd share his mat. The first two nights, he introduced gentle hugging and kissing. On the third night however, he progressed into making love. His gentle tactics tender touch far surpassed Mozer's groping and grasping. Elena lost her heart along with her virginity.

In the morning she blushed with embarrassed pride as Carl announced to the gang, Elena was his First Lady and Second in Command. With her new status she only foraged with the gang whenever she wanted to. The rest of the time she and Carl stayed in to make love.

Nine weeks later her world caved in. Carl replaced her with a new girl. With her model shaped beauty and extra large breasts, she insisted on joining the gang. Carl took one look at her bountiful features and sent Elena out on a mission. He kept the new girl behind with him. Elena bristled, knowing what was going to happen.

Shocked and angry she ditched her group and returned to the hide out to confront Carl. The words she meant scream died in her throat, the moment she saw his face. Carl got up, seized Elena by the arms and told her the facts of life.

The leader of the Black Hearts had undisputed rights to every new girl in the gang. That rule was enforced by threat of death if the girl was suspected to be a virgin. Once leader bedded her a while, he always gave her back to the gang. From then on, she could sleep with any male, because he'd never touch her again.

"You're history," he said with a venomous voice. "Get back to work!"

He left Elena standing there and started with the new girl where he left off.

Red faced and humiliated, Elena ran out to the street. She almost knocked down a girl sent back to retrieve her.

Suzie Bonner knew the reason for Elena's tears. She raised an unsympathetic hand and slapped her face.

Elena jumped back with a bruised cheek. "What the hell do you do that for?"

"Fool!" the other girl snarled with contempt. "We've all been First Lady to Carl! He doesn't want you anymore . . . Get over it!"

"Get over it?" Elena shouted, "I'm Second in Command!"

"You idiot!" Suzie ranted at her, "Carl tells all the girls that crap! It doesn't mean a damn thing! He won't let you boss his gang. All a First Lady's ever done with Carl is warm his bed! You've fulfilled your obligation now, he won't touch you again. So what? The other guys are better than Carl. Try one, you'll see what I mean. As long as you obey our rules, gang life with the Black Hearts is good."

"Are you kidding me?" Elena backed up. "I can't stay here after this. I don't want to watch Carl pawing my replacement. I'm leaving the Black Hearts today!"

"And where are you going Elena?" Suzie asked hands on hips. "Are you planning to run back home to Mama?"

Elena's voice turned to ice. "You know my mother is dead!"

"That's right!" Suzie circled her. "And if he was alive, would you go back to your old man?"

"Mozer?" Elena shuddered. "No way. I hate that creep!"

"What then?" asked the other girl. "These streets are pretty vicious! They're no place for a homeless girl. There are pimps and madams looking for recruits. They'll snatch you up and make you work for them. You'll get diseases or maybe pregnant too. Either way, they'll have no further use for you. They'll sell or abandon the baby outright. As for you . . . you'll just vanish."

Elena paled. "What makes you think they'd do that?"

The brown eyes looking at hers lost their anger to sadness. "I know because I saw it myself."

She walked away arms folded, head down. Elena had to strain to hear.

"My father was a mean man. He got meaner every day. My sister and I left home when we reached our limit. Daria and I survived by eating what we could find in the trash. We slept in abandoned homes or whatever passed for shelter. One day we checking the trash behind a brothel in search of discarded clothes. We had no way of knowing they'd set up a trap."

"Six men came out of their hiding places before we knew they were there. While we fought them off, the madam came out and yelled for them to hurry up and bring us in. My sister turned wild, she bit and clawed, fighting with all of her strength. She tore me free from my captors and told me to run. I don't know why I thought she was behind me, when I looked back I saw she wasn't. Four of the men were holding her tight as they dragged her into the house. The last two men were coming after me. I had no choice. I ran to save myself."

"They gave up after we ran nearly a block and went back to the madam empty handed. I hung around brothel trying to stay out of sight, but I didn't see my sister. The Black Hearts found me after hiding after a week. That was when I joined them. Carl told me to forget my sister because now she was a prostitute. They'd work her until they couldn't make another gil off her. "

"It broke my heart to know she'd been forced into that life. Whenever I could, I'd pass that place still hoping to see by chance. In less than a year, she was dead. A crazy customer killed her because she looked too much like his ex-wife. The madam had her body cremated and thrown to the wind. I guess no matter where I walk in the slums, my sister is everywhere."

She turned and fixed her eyes on Elena. "Are you really going to let some guy like Carl mess up you're the rest of your life? Girls are still kidnaped for brothels around here you know."

Elena's body sagged. "I don't want that, but I don't know what I should do now."

"You're going to do the job Carl sent you to do. We'll break into that house and raid it the pantry. He'll be through with his little toy, by the time you and I get back. I don't know about you, but I'm planning to take a long nap."

Elena wiped her eyes. "You know that new girl is going to lord her victory over me."

"Ignore the bitch." Suzie's grin was vicious. "She'll be dumped herself. Carl will never be faithful to anyone."

Elena brightened up. "Do you think maybe she'll cry?"

Suzie's eyes sparkled. "Like the rest of us."

Linking their arms, they laughed all the way back to meet up with their team. They completed the job on time and went back to the hide out.

As Suzie predicted the new girl was out, three weeks after she came in. Rather than choose another guy, she chose to leave the gang.

For the rest of the time that she spent with the Black Hearts, Elena remembered Suzie's words. She never took a lover to avoid more pain. She could live without it. She was certain of that, until the day she finally met Tseng.

* * * * *

The first time she saw his eyes, Elena's heartbeat went on overload. Around the gang she was sure of herself. Around Tseng she was clumsy. Sometimes she wondered why he picked her at all but he seemed to have faith on her training.

She never saw any of the Black Hearts again, but she thought about them on occasion. No one ever brought her background up except an old professor.

They met in a hallway one afternoon, and he asked to her his place for dinner. She shook her head and declined the offer. He didn't take it well.

He walked a few step then looked over his shoulder. The chill she heard in his voice matched the look in his eyes. "It's not that I really think you're that hot. I was looking for an easy lay. I know all about that gang you ran with Miss Elena. You're not pure."

Elena glared at him as he walked away, resisting the urge to shoot him. His words put ugly thoughts in her head. Had she been picked to service the Turks? Early the next day she went to Tseng.

She tried to keep her face straight. "What do you expect of me as a Turk?"

He arched an questioning eyebrow. "I expect you to follow orders without question whether they come from the President or me. If the Turks are summoned, drop what you're doing and report in. You'll kill when told, whether family or friend. Back us up all the way. Pull your own weight and be fast with your gun. Our lives depend on working as a group."

It was easy to see the relief on her face. "Is that all?"

"Well there's more as time goes on," he said, "But you've got enough on your plate. Your eagerness to learn tells me I made the right choice."

Elena left him feeling reassured. Too bad we didn't meet before I was a Turk.

She'd never know he overheard the old professor's words. That man was gone and he'd never speak that way to a Turk again.

* * * * *

Climbing out of bed, Elena walked to the dresser. She stared at her reflection in the mirror.

"Rude or Tseng. Tseng or Rude. Which one should it be?"

Memories of making love to Rude made her shiver. Elena could almost feel his warm breath in her ears. How did she ever think he had no feelings? Whenever Rude held her in his arms she could hardly contain herself while caught up in the throes of love.

"I love you Rude, but I love Tseng too. How am I supposed to choose?"

A knock on the door ended her debate. She pulled on her robe and went to answer it.

Tseng rocked on his heels in the hall. "I know it's kind of early, but I had to check on you."

She smiled and stepped back. "Come in."

He stepped inside and she closed the door.

"Good morning. Would you like some coffee?"

"Good morning, and yes, that would be nice."

Elena smiled and stepped into the small kitchenette. She picked up the coffee pot. "I hope you slept well last night. I sure did. It was heavenly."

Tseng sat down at the small kitchen table. "No, but it wasn't for the lack of trying."

"What's wrong?" Elena's face showed her concern.

"Tomaso." Tseng blushed. "I can't believe what he tried to do. You'd think he'd have respect for a Turk."

He let the rest hang in the air.

"Don't think about him." Elena ran water in the pot. "I don't."

"Really?" He didn't look convinced.

"Well . . . not all the time." She put the pot on the heating pad. "I'm not going to let myself dwell on it."

"I understand," he said. "I'd feel certain you'd be safe if you woke next to me every morning."

"Tseng . . . "

"I know." Tseng cleared his throat. "I didn't come here come to push you."

Elena sat across from him. She reached out and took his hands. "I know and I love you for it."

Her robe had loosened slightly. Tseng saw the swell of breasts. He drank in the sight. "I love you Elena."

"I love you Tseng but I love Rude too. I still don't know which one I to say goodbye to."

Tseng's eyes rose. "Elena, he can't feel as much as I do. Chose me, I'll always make you happy."

"I thought you weren't going to push me."

Tseng pulled his hands away. "I'm sorry. I should go."

He stood up abruptly. Elena rose and came around the table to him. "Don't go Tseng. Please stay."

"Elena . . . " With a sudden movement, Tseng pulled her close to him. "All I want to do is kiss you. I've waited for three days. Just once please Elena . . . please don't stop me."

"Tseng . . . no . . . " but his lips touched hers and she lost the will to fight him. Pressing her body against his, she gave into the moment.

Warm lips teased her face and her ears. Elena clung to Tseng's body. Slowly he backed her across the room against the refrigerator.

"Elena," he whispered. "Let me make love to you."

It was too hard to protest his gentle touch.

Tseng loosened Elena's sash and pushed back the fabric of her robe. In doing so, he knocked off the door. It hit the floor with a rubbery splat. Elena jumped and pulled away from him.

"It's nothing," he murmured, trying to reach for her again.. "You're safe here with me Elena."

She pushed his hands away. "Don?t."

He slid his arms around her. "Please don't stop me."

His kisses were heating. "I need you."

"Stop it Tseng!" She shoved him back. "This won't influence my decision!"

He stayed back, frustration on his face.

"Sit down," Elena pleaded. "The coffee pot if through."

Tseng sighed and went back to the table.

Elena found two cups and poured Tseng's first. She handed it to him and poured her own. She said down and took a quick sip of it.

Tseng glanced at Elena. She'd tied the robe tight. No cleavage teased him this time.

Elena blushed. "What do we do today?"

His eyes dropped down to his coffee. "If you're up to it, we'll go back to Gongaga."

"Home." Elena let out a sigh. "My house is bare. Tomaso took my things."

"Don't worry Elena. Rude and I will furnish your house."

"Don't do that," she shook her head. "All the Turks are short of cash. All I need is a bed and couch for now. I'll get by somehow."

"You're a Turk," argued Tseng. "And the Turks take care of their own."

His stubborn face left no room for argument. Elena changed the subject. "How do we get good jobs now?"

Tseng drank coffee before he answered. "I'm thinking about talking to Reeve."

Elena's eyes widened. "You'd go to Reeve? What makes you think he think he'll hire us?"

Tseng shrugged. "I don't know if he will, but it's better than another deal like Tomaso's. At least with Reeve we'll get decent pay. Hopefully he needs help with security."

"Let's hope so." Elena twirled her coffee cup. "The Turks could use an income."

They chatted about old cases for a while then Tseng stood up.

"I'm going back to my room and make that call. Maybe I can set up a meeting."

Elena stood up with him and walked him to the door.

* * * * *

Rude stopped for a final glance in the mirror. As usual his appearance was impeccable. He smiled as his reflection and hurried to the door. Another door opened as he opened his.

"Thanks for the coffee Elena," he heard.

Rude quickly pushed his door closed to a small crack.

Elena's giggle drifted in. "You're welcome anytime Tseng."

Peeking through the small opening Rude saw Tseng in the hall. Elena was standing in front of him. Tseng was turning away when Elena snapped her fingers.

"Hey!" she cried. "I just thought of something!"

Tseng turned back. "What's that?"

"That phone call you're going make may work to our advantage!"

Tseng raised an eyebrow. "How?"

"We've got money in the Midgar bank, right? But we can't just ride in and collect it. Maybe there's something in Midgar Reeve needs! If there is, he'll send troopers to get it. "

"What's the big deal?"

"Come on Tseng! Think about it! He'll send SOLDIERS, maybe even Sephiroth. All we have to do, is ask to go along. Once they storm the bank, we'll get back our money!"

Tseng stared a moment, then broke into a grin. "Elena, you're a genius!"

Excited now, she jumped up and down. "If he doesn't mention it, we'll help him get the idea. He'll trust us if we're dedicated employees."

Tseng picked Elena up and twirled her around. "I could kiss you for that!"

She let him.

Rude could have taken it, if Tseng had left then, but he had to watch as Tseng hugged Elena. She put her arms around his neck and their friendly kiss became something deeper.

Still locked in a passionate kiss, Tseng swept Elena up into his arms. Their lips still locked together, he backed into her room and gave the door a kick with the toe of his shoe. The door slammed shut in its frame concealing the lovers.

Rude's hands shook as he walked to his dresser and pulled a device out of a bag. It looked like a silver disk attached to a black pair of headphones. He left his room for Elena's door and pressed the silver disk against it. From the sounds inside, he knew the couple would not be coming out for awhile.

He backed away fighting an urge to kick the door in. Clenching his fists, eyes closed he breathed heavily until he calmed down. When he felt he could handle it, Rude turned and walked back to his room.

He crossed to his closet and pulled out his few clothes and stuffed them into a bag. For once he didn't bother folding them neatly. Right now he didn't care. Once he was finished he wrote a short note that he kept when he locked the door behind him. He didn't even look at Elena's door. He slid the note under Tseng's. He went downstairs to the front desk and immediately checked out.

The helicopter sat just outside town. Rude ran through the routines of pre-flight check. Finished, he turned on the engine and let it warm up. Tseng and Elena would have to find a ride home or wherever they planned to go next. He had other plans for his life. It was time go get started.

Only the birds saw him fly away unaware of his heart rendering pain. Aboard the airship there was no one to see the tears that made his gentle brown eyes sparkle.