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Welcome to Black Genie and T'Shael's web page. Home of the Mirror Image series.

Here you'll find all kinds of fanfiction and an abundant supply of fanart based on Squaresoft's revolutionary RPG: Final Fantasy VII. Although the game originated in Japan, it hit the shelves in America eight months after its first debut on September 3, 1997.

Aeris Gainsborough and Sephiroth are two important main characters in the story. Aeris is a caring and kind girl that any mother would like. She is the last of an ancient race called the Cetra. The Cetra were protectors of the Planet until an alien, called Jenova, fell from the sky and killed nearly all of them before they could seal her away. A scientist named Professor Gast fell in love with Aeris mother, Ifalna, and aided in her escape from the deadly clutches of the Shinra Corporation. One of their notable employees is and evil scientist called Professor Hojo, who likes to conduct twisted experiments on everything and EVERYBODY. Prof. Gast ran away with Ifalna to a retreat in the summit in hopes to start a new life where they had a baby, Aeris. However, Prof. Hojo found them and killed Prof. Gast. Ifalna barely escaped with young Aeris and later died after leaving her in the hands of a widow.

Sephiroth is a legendary swordsman and a high-ranked officer in a group called SOLDIER. He is respected by all and works on secret missions for the Shinra Corporation. He goes crazy after he learns that he is a part of Hojo's experiment and burns down an entire town. He misinterprets the notes and believes that the alien Jenova is his mother. Sephiroth goes to a reactor where her body is hidden and releases her. He is stopped by a lowly soldier named Cloud Strife and dropped into the fiery liquid below. Sephiroth is dead, or so they thought. He makes a comeback five years later to finish Jenova's work and destroy the planet.

Cloud and a large group of heroes come together to stop him once again. As more of the story unfolds, Aeris realizes that she is the only one who can stop Sephiroth's evildoings with a magic orb called the White Materia. However during the summoning, Cloud and his friends witness her execution by none other than Sephiroth himself. After that, the group of heroes manage to defeat him and Aeris' summon saves the world. The End.

Obviously, this site is for people who believe that Aeris and Sephiroth make a good couple. How is that you might ask? Well, one could say that "opposites attract" or "there's somebody for everybody, even bad guys." But there is enough evidence and holes in the plot to believe that a relationship between these two people could take form and work out successfully (that is, if they weren't dead). T'Shael and I have incorporated those ideas into our stories and apparently others agree.

Take your time and enjoy your visit at Aeris and Sephiroth in Love.
