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Fuck you, Eric Burns. Why don't you tell people the truth? Why don't you tell them that you're nothing but a backstabbing, lying, two-faced bitch that only cares for himself? Why don't you just tell them about how you use people for your own benefit? How you make up sad sob stories about you've lost something or your family is falling apart or you're going to die soon to get their sympathy and win them over? Why don't you tell them about how you plan to just toss them to the curb when you've reached your goal, and go behind their backs and talk about them to other people? Why don't you tell everyone that you're not who you really claim to be, that you're a fake, a poser, and someone looking to get what they want at the cost of others?

Why don't you tell them? Maybe it's because then people would see the real you, the dishonest you, and that's not the side you want people to see. After all, they need to be your friends so you can get what you want, right?

By the way, inform your friend RougeSpartan that as soon as I find out what his email addy is, he's next on my list. How's that for being an ass?