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i. Introduction



  Strange things are happening in the Sword Coast.  The iron has gone bad,

  every weapon forged with it is completely worthless.  Bandits plague the

  Coast stealing everything else that already isn't ruined.  And people are

  muttering that it is all the work of an outside interest bent on domination. 

  Some say that it is the Zhentarim, some say that it is the Amnish, although

  they have troubles of their own.


  Amidst all of this you have grown up in seclusion in the Candlekeep fortress,

  a keep of knowledge.  You have never known your parents, instead you were

  raised by the Sage Gorion.  You might have remained in this sheltered life

  forever, had not fate played its hand.  Because of the growing threat of evil

  in the world, Gorion feels compelled to remove you from Candlekeep, and take

  you to another hiding place where he will "explain everything".


  And so it began...


  Baldur's Gate is the latest in a long string of games set in the Forgotten

  Realms.  The game uses (for the most part) the AD&D rules to set the

  gameplay.  It also endeavors to create the sense that you are on an AD&D

  quest yourself, and not just playing the game, but rather are in the game.




ii. Creating a Character



  Creating a Character is the most important thing that you do in the game.

  Period.  This has an effect on everything else in the game.  If you do it

  well, you will succeed and easily, if you do it poorly, you will have a much

  harder time of it, and possibly even fail.


  So let's run down the basics of creating a character:


    Gender:  This doesn't matter, except as a personal choice.


    Race:  I usually take a Human here as they are good all around.  It should

           be noted that there are considerable benefits to taking other races,

           such as Elves getting a bonus to Dexterity (a Max of 19) and Dwarves

           getting a bonus to Constitution (a Max of 19), but they also have

           drawbacks; such as Elves having a Max Constituion of 17 and Dwarves

           having a Max Dexterity of 17.


           Also if you want to be a Multi-Class character, you should probably

           take Half-Elf.  Personally, I would avoid Multi-Class characters, as

           they take longer to level up, and are usually weaker to start with.


           So, I'd take a human.


    Class:  Here, I'd take Fighter.  They level up well, and have good all

            around fighting abilities.  If you take a Ranger or a Paladin, you

            get a couple bonus abilities, but it takes longer to level up,

            which just isn't worth it to me.  And since you get Special

            Abilities anyway (see General Strategies below), you don't really

            need to be a Cleric.  Imoen is a good thief, and she pretty much

            starts with you, so you don't need to be a thief.


            So, I'd be a Fighter.


    Alignment:  Go with Lawful Good.  This starts your reputation at 12, and

                reputation is a good thing to have in abundance. (it makes

                things cheaper)


                Alternatively, you could go with an evil party, but keep the

                reputation above 6 or the guard will start to attack you

                wherever you go.


    Abilities:  This is the most important part of character creation!  You

                have to try to get the best stats that you can possibly get,

                and the only way to do that is to reroll constantly.  How good

                of stats you get mostly depends on how patient you are in

                rerolling.  You can customize your stats, if you want.  Simply

                decrease the amount in one stat, and use those points to

                increase another stat.


                If you are a fighter here are the recommended minimum stats to

                try for:


                  STR:  18/51

                  DEX:  11*

                  CON:  18

                  INT:  10

                  WIS:  10

                  CHA:  18


                  *  DEX can be low because of the Gauntlets of Dexterity, see

                     General Strategies below.


                  Make sure not to neglect Charisma!  It's more important than

                  you might think (stores sell things cheaper, and people may

                  treat you better).  Of course, you can just cast Friends on

                  yourself to become more... Charismatic.


                If you aren't a Fighter, then drop STR and improve the stat

                most associated with your ability.  INT for Mages, WIS for

                Clerics, etc.


    Skills:  These are your proficiency points.  Think of it as which weapons

             your character is skilled in.  Based on which class you are, set

             two points to that characters likely primary weapon:


               Fighter, Paladin -- Large Sword

               Thief            -- Small Sword

               Ranger           -- Bow


             Then give the other points to either Bow or Missile Weapons.


             Note:  If you are a Ranger, then you also have to select your

                    Racial Enemy here.  I'd take Spider, as they seem to be

                    most prolific.


    Appearance:  Whatever you think looks good.


    Name:  Whatever you think sounds good.  Check out Appendix D. Guide to

           Naming Characters if you need some ideas.




iii. Items



Note:  Prices are all based on an average reputation, where they neither give

       you the "Hero's Discount" or the "Villain's Markup".  These prices were

       also based on a "Super Charisma", that is, two over 18.  To get a Super

       Charisma start by having 18, and then wear Algernon's Cloak.  And if you

       find a Tome of Leadership and Influence (Charisma +1), you can get up to

       21 Charisma.  The worse your Charisma, the higher these prices will be!


Note:  Mage Scrolls are listed in section iv. Spells, wheras Cleric Scrolls are

       listed here. (this is because you can Write Magic from a Mage Scroll but

       cannot from a Cleric)


Note:  Although Inns are open 24 hours a day, most shops close during the



Note:  Your alignment effects how expensive Raise Dead is going to cost for

       you, depending on the temple that you are in.  If you are an Evil

       character in a Good Temple, it will be quite expensive (10000 gp).



  Shops (a * indicates that this item is only found in the Expansion Pack)


    There are four types of business (or "shop")


      - Store (Buy and Sell)

      - Tavern (Drink)

      - Inn

        - *Inn (Drink and Peasant rooms)

        - **Inn (Drink, Peasant and Merchant rooms)

        - ***Inn (Drink, Peasant, Merchant and Noble rooms)

        - ****Inn (Drink, Peasant, Merchant, Noble and Royal rooms)

      - Temple (Healing, Donate, Buy and Sell, Identify)


    All temple priests will identify items and so will some store owners.

    There are some stores you can steal from.  Stolen (fenced) items cannot be




    - Candlekeep Inn (AR2616) ****INN + STORE - Winthrop (can steal)


        Battle Axe               5gp         Quarter Staff               1gp

        Throwing Axe (5)         5           Bastard Sword              28

        Club                     1           Long Sword                 16

        Flail                   16           Short Sword                11

        Mace                     8           2-Hnd Sword                56

        Morningstar             11           Scimitar*                  61

        Composite Long Bow     112           Bullet (20)                 1

        Long Bow                84           Heavy Crossbow             56

        Short Bow               33           Light Crossbow             39

        Dagger                   2           Bolt (20)                   1

        Throwing Dagger (5)      5           Arrows (20)                 1

        Darts (10)               1           Chain Mail                 84

        Halberd                 11           Splint Mail                89

        War Hammer               2           Leather Armor               5

        Sling                    1           Studded Leather            22

        Spear                    1           Small Shield                3

        Buckler                  1           Medium Shield               7

        Large Shield            11           Helmet                      1


    - Temple of Oghma (x 4048 y 547) TEMPLE - Priest of Oghma



        Cure Light Wounds       50gp         Cure Serious Wounds       100gp

        Dispel Magic           200           Slow Poison               150

        Remove Curse           500           Raise Dead               2000


        Potion of Healing       84gp         Antidote                  112gp

        Elixer of Health       560           Stone to Flesh Scroll     168



    - The Friendly Arm (AR2301) ****INN + STORE - Bentley Mirrorshade


        Battle Axe               6gp         Long Sword                 19gp

        Throwing Axe (5)         6           Short Sword                12

        Club                     1           2-Hnd Sword                63

        Flail                   19           Heavy Crossbow             63

        Mace                    10           Light Crossbow             44

        Morningstar             12           Arrows (20)                 1

        Composite Long Bow     127           Bolts (20)                  1

        Long Bow                95           Bullet (20)                 1

        Short Bow               38           Chain Mail                 95

        Dagger                   2           Splint Mail               101

        Dart (10)                1           Leather Armor               6

        Halberd                 12           Plate Mail                762

        War Hammer               2           Small Shield                6

        Sling                    1           Medium Shield               8

        Spear                    1           Large Shield + 1         2540

        Quarter Staff            1           History/Fateful Coin        2

        Bastard Sword           31           History/Unicorn Run         2


    - Temple of Wisdom (AR2304) TEMPLE - Gellana Mirrorshare




        Cure Light Wounds       50gp         Cure Serious Wounds       100gp

        Dispel Magic           200           Slow Poison               150

        Remove Curse           500           Raise Dead               2000




        Potion of Healing       84gp         Antidote                  112gp

        .. of Genius           336           Elixer of Health          280

        .. of Mind Focusing    560           Stone to Flesh Scroll     168

        .. of Insight          336



    - Feldepost's Inn (AR3351) ****INN + STORE


        History/Fateful Coin     2gp         Bracers AC8              3360gp

        Amulet + 1            3360           Bullet + 1                 17

        Arrow + 2 (2)           40           Chainmail + 1            1792

        Battle Axe + 1        1680           Medium Shield + 1        1680

        Flail                   16           Bastard Sword + 1        2800

        Comp. Long Bow + 1    2800           Two Handed Sword           56


    - Jovial Juggler (AR3304) ****INN


    - Red Sheaf (AR3357) **INN


    - Burning Wizard (AR3307) ****INN


    - Thunderhammer Smithy (AR3301) STORE - Taerom Fuiruim (will identify)




        Battle Axe               5gp         Spear                       1gp

        Throwing Axe (5)         5           Quarter Staff               1

        Club                     1           Quarter Staff +1          560

        Flail                   16           Bastard Sword              28

        Mace                     8           Long Sword                 16

        Mace +1               1680           Long Sword +1            1600

        Morningstar             11           Short Sword                11

        Composite Long Bow     112           Short Sword +1            896

        Long Bow                84           Heavy Crossbow             56

        Short Bow               33           Light Crossbow             39

        Short Bow +1          1680           Arrows (20)                 1

        Dagger                   2           Arrows +1 (10)            112

        Dagger +1              336           Arrows of Ice (10)        336

        Throwing Dagger (10)    11           Arrows of Biting (10)     560

        Dart (20)                1           Arrows +2 (10)            201

        Dart +1 (10)            89           Bolt (20)                   1

        Halberd                 11           Bolt +1 (10)              112

        War Hammer               2           Bullet (20)                 1

        Sling                    1           Bullet +1 (10)             89

        Sling +1               112           Light Crossbow/Speed     8960

        Dagger of Venom      11200




        Chainmail               84gp         Medium Shield               7gp

        Splint Mail             89           Medium Shield +1         1680

        Helmet                   1           Large Shield               11

        Leather Armor            5           Buckler                     1

        Leather Armor +1      1120           Full Plate               6720

        Studded Leather         22           Shadow Armor            11760

        Small Shield             3           Plate Mail                672

        Small Shield +1       1120



    - High Hedge (AR3202) STORE - Thalantyr (will identify)




        Dart +1 (5)             44gp         Potion of Perception      392gp

        Arrows +1 (5)           56           .. of Regeneration        560

        Acid Arrows (5)        280           Potion of Insight         336

        Bolt +1 (5)             56           Potion of Strength        392

        Bolt of Lightning (5)  168           Potion of Freedom         280

        Bolt of Biting (5)     420           .. of Magic Blocking     1680

        Bullet +1 (5)           44           .. of Mirrored Eyes       448

        Potion of Fire Resist  448           Wand of Sleep            1680

        Potion of Healing       84           Wand of Fear             2240

        Elixer of Health       280           Horn of Kazgaroth       10080

        Potion of Cold Resist  280           Claw of Kazgaroth       11200

        Potion of Explosions   504           Robe Good Archmagi      22960

        Potion of Infravision  112           Robe Neutral Archmagi   22960

        Potion of Insulation   190


        Protection Scrolls:


        Protection from Acid           840gp

        Protection from Cold           840

        Protection from Electricity    840

        Protection from Fire           840

        Protection from Magic         2240

        Protection from Poison         840

        Protection from Undead         840


        Spells: The spells can be found in the spells section below.



    - Temple of Helm (AR4802) TEMPLE - Nalin




        Cure Light Wounds       50gp         Cure Serious Wounds       100gp

        Dispel Magic           200           Slow Poison               150

        Remove Curse           500           Raise Dead*           600-10000




        Potion of Healing       84gp         Antidote                  112gp

        Elixer of Health       280           Stone to Flesh            168


        * - Raise Dead costs differently depending on the person's alignment


    - Nashkel Store (AR4803) STORE (will identify and can steal)


        Battle Axe               5gp         Long Sword                 16gp

        Throwing Axe (5)         5           Short Sword                11

        Club                     1           2-hnd Sword                56

        Flail                   16           Heavy Crossbow             56

        Mace                     8           Light Crossbow             39

        Morningstar             11           Arrows (20)                 1

        Composite Long Bow     112           Bolts (20)                  1

        Long Bow                84           Bullets (20)                1

        Short Bow               33           Chainmail                  84

        Dagger                   2           Splint Mail                89

        Dart (10)                1           Leather Armor               5

        Halberd                 11           Plate Mail                672

        War Hammer               2           Small Shield                3

        Sling                    1           Medium Shield               7

        Spear                    1           Large Shield +1          2240

        Quarter Staff            1           History/Fateful Coin        2

        Bastard Sword           28


    - Belching Dragon Tavern (aka The Northern Light) (AR4809) TAVERN


    - Nashkel Inn (AR4801) ***INN



    - Merchant Tent (x 2523 y 2837) STORE (will identify)


        Necklace of Missiles  2240gp         Protection/Acid           840gp

        Amulet/Protection +1  3360           Protection/Cold           840

        Shield Amulet          560           Protection/Fire           840

        Ring of Infravision    840           Protection/Electricity    840

                                             Protection/Petrification  840


    - Carnival Shop (x 2827 y 3008) STORE (will identify and can steal)


        Battle Axe               5gp         War Hammer                  2gp

        Throwing Axe (5)         5           Spear                       1

        Club                     1           Quarter Staff               1

        Flail                   16           Bastard Sword              28

        Mace                     8           Long Sword                 16

        Morningstar             11           Short Sword                11

        Dagger                   2


    - Carnival Shop (x 3194 y 3282) STORE (will identify and can steal)


        Throwing Axe (5)         5gp         Heavy Crossbow             56gp

        Composite Long Bow     112           Light Crossbow             39

        Long Bow                84           Arrows (20)                 1

        Short Bow               33           Arrows/Piercing (2)       112

        Throwing Dagger (5)      5           Bolt (20)                   1

        Dart (10)                1           Bullet (20)                 1

        Sling                    1


    - Carnival Shop (x 3246 y 2618) STORE (will identify and can steal)


        Chain Mail              84gp         Small Shield                3gp

        Splint Mail             89           Medium Shield               7

        Leather                  5           Large Shield               11

        Studded Leather         22




    - Song of the Morning Temple (AR3402) TEMPLE - Keldath Ormlyr



    - Temple of Yondalla (aka Temple of Helm) (AR4003) TEMPLE - Alvanhendar




        Cure Light Wounds       50gp         Cure Serious              100

        Dispel Magic           200           Slow Poison               150

        Remove Curse           500           Raise Dead            600-10000




        Potion of Healing       84           Antidote                  112

        Elixer of Health       280           Stone to Flesh Scroll     168



    - Lucky Aello's Discount Store (AR 0800, x 3123 y 1011)

        Oil of Speed           168gp (cursed)

        Potion of Healing      168

        Antidote                56   (cursed)

        Potion of Perception   392

        Various Cursed Scrolls   1


    - Bar (AR 0800, x 3400 y 1700) -- Rest, Drinks


    - Elfsong Tavern (AR 0800, x 1800 y 2370) -- Rest, Drinks


    - Elfsong Tavern Second Floor -- Buys/Sells, Identifies

        Necklace of Missiles  2240gp         Protection/Cold           840gp

        Amulet/Protection +1  3360           Protection/Electricity    840

        Shield Amulet          560           Protection/Fire           840

        Ring of Infravision    840           Protection/Petrification  672

        Protection/Acid        840


    - Silence Shop (AR 0800, x 3360 y 2000) -- Rest, Buys/Sells

        Dagger                   2gp         Cloak of Protection +1   5600gp

        Leather Armor            5           Dart +1 (5)                44

        Sling                    1           Dart of Stunning (5)      560

        Bastard Sword           28           Sling +1                  112

        Long Sword              16           Potion of Master Thief    448

        Short Sword             11           Potion of Agility         336

        Studded Leather         22           Bullet (20)                 1

        Studded Leather +1    1680           Bullet +1 (20)            179

        Leather Armor +1      1120           Bullet +2 (20)            336


    - Sorcerous Sundries (AR 0800, x 1025 y 1950) -- Buys/Sells 77, Identifies

        Hide Armor               7gp         Antidote                  112gp

        Battle Axe +1         1680           Potion of Clarity         784

        Dart +1 (5)             44           Potion of Cold Resist     280

        Dart of Stunning (5)   560           Potion of Defense         784

        Dart of Wounding (5)   280           Potion of Explosions      504

        Bastard Sword +1      2800           Potion of Firebreath      280

        Long Sword +1         1400           Potion of Fortitude       560

        Arrows +1 (5)           56           Potion of Genius          336

        Arrow of Slaying (1)  2800           Potion of Infravision     112

        Acid Arrows (5)        280           Potion of Insulation      190

        Arrows of Biting (5)   280           Potion of Magic Blocking 1680

        Arrows/Detonation (5) 1680           Potion of Magic Protect  1120

        Arrows/Dispelling (5) 1680           Potion of Magic Shield   1400

        Arrows of Fire (5)     140           Potion of Master Thief    448

        Arrows of Ice (5)      168           Potion of Mind Focusing   560

        Arrows of Piercing (5) 280           Potion of Mirrored Eyes   448

        Arrows +2 (5)          100           Potion of Perception      392

        Bolt +1 (5)             56           Potion of Regeneration    560

        Bolt of Lightning (5)  168           Potion of Insight         336

        Bolt of Biting (5)     420           Potion of Strength        392

        Bolt +2 (5)             84           Potion of Freedom         280

        Bullet +1 (5)           44           Potion of Stone Form      560

        Bullet +2 (5)           84           Protection from Acid      840

        Potion of Fire Resist  448           Protection from Cold      840

        .. of Hill Giant Str   336           Protection/Electricity    840

        .. of Frost Giant Str  840           Protection from Fire      840

        .. of Fire Giant Str  1120           Protection from Magic    2240

        .. of Cloud Giant Str 1400           Protection from Poison    840

        .. of Storm Giant Str 1680           Protection from Undead    840

        Potion of Healing       84           Wand of Fear             2240

        Potion of Heroism      896           Wand of Magic Missiles    560

        Potion of Invisibility 280           Wand of Paralyzation     2800

        .. of Invulnerability 1344           Wand of Fire             9856

        .. of Stone Giant Str  560           Wand of Frost            3360

        Oil of Fiery Burning   560           Wand of Lightning        4480

        Oil of Speed           560           Wand of Sleep            1680

        Elixer of Health       280           Wand/Monster Summoning   5600

        Potion of Absorb       672           Wand of the Heavens      3360

        Potion of Agility      336


    - Maltz's Weapon Shop (AR 0800, x 1111 y 2935) -- Buys/Sells, Ident, Steals

        Battle Axe               5gp         Short Sword                11gp

        Throwing Axe (5)         5           Two Handed Sword           56

        Club                     1           Arrows (20)                 1

        Flail                   16           Bolts (20)                  1

        Mace                     8           Bullets (20)                1

        Morningstar             11           Chainmail                  84

        Dagger                   2           Splint Mail                89

        Halberd                 11           Leather Armor               5

        War Hammer               2           Studded Leather Armor      22

        Sling                    1           Plate Mail                672

        Spear                    1           Small Shield                3

        Quarter Staff            1           Medium Shield               7

        Bastard Sword           28           Large Shield +1          2240

        Long Sword              16


    - Thieves' Guild, Black Lily (only available in Chapter 7!) -- Buys/Sells,


        Dagger                   3gp         Studded Leather +1       2250gp

        Dart +1 (5)             60           Leather +1               1500

        Dart of Stunning (5)   750           Cloak of Protection +1   7500

        Sling                    1           Potion of Master Thief    600

        Sling +1               150           Potion of Agility         450

        Bastard Sword           37           Potion of Heroism        1200

        Long Sword              22           Potion of Fire Giant STR 1500

        Short Sword             15           .. of Frost Giant (2)    2250

        Bullet (20)              1           Oil of Speed              750

        Bullet +1 (10)         120           Antidote                  150

        Bullet +2 (10)         225           Potion of Magic Blocking 2250

        Arrows of Dispel (5)  2250           Potion of Magic Protect  1500

        Arrows +2 (5)          135           Potion of Magic Shield   1875

        Arrows +1 (10)         150           Potion of Healing         112

        Arrows of Biting (5)   375           Potion of Power          2550

        Leather Armor            7           .. of Cloud Giant STR    1875

        Studded Leather         30



    - Potion Shop (AR 1300, x 2150 y 415) -- Buys/Sells, Identifies, Steals

        Potion of Regeneration 540gp         Antidote                  112gp

        Potion of Insight      336           Potion of Cold Resist     280

        Potion of Freedom      280           Oil of Speed              168

        Potion of Fire Resist  448           Potion of Defense         784

        .. of Hill Giant STR   336           Potion of Healing         168

        Potion of Healing       84           Potion of Infravision     112

        Potion of Invisibility 280           Potion of Insulation      190

        Oil of Fiery Burning   560           Antidote                   56

        Oil of Speed           560           Potion of Magic Protect  1120

        Elixer of Health       280           Potion of Magic Shield   1400

        Potion of Absorbtion   672           Potion of Master Thief    448

        Potion of Agility      336           Potion of Stone Form      560


    - Potion Shop 2 (AR 1300, 825 y 2563) -- Buys/Sells, Identifies, Steals

        Potion of Regeneration 540gp         Antidote                  112gp

        Potion of Insight      336           Potion of Cold Resist     280

        Potion of Freedom      280           Oil of Speed              168

        Potion of Fire Resist  448           Potion of Defense         784

        .. of Hill Giant STR   336           Potion of Healing         168

        Potion of Healing       84           Potion of Infravision     112

        Potion of Invisibility 280           Potion of Insulation      190

        Oil of Fiery Burning   560           Antidote                   56

        Oil of Speed           560           Potion of Magic Protect  1120

        Elixer of Health       280           Potion of Magic Shield   1400

        Potion of Absorbtion   672           Potion of Master Thief    448

        Potion of Agility      336           Potion of Stone Form      560



    - Blade and Stars Inn (AR 1300, x 200 y 666) -- Rests, Drinks


    - Anonymous Inn (AR 1300, x 1700 y 2300) -- Rests, Drinks



    - Low Lantern (AR 1200, x 3420 y 3090) -- Rests, Drinks


    - Jopalin's Tavern (AR 1200, x 2675 y 550) -- Rests, Drinks



    - Potion Shop (AR 1100, x 3120 y 600) -- Buys/Sells, Identifies, Steals

        Potion of Regeneration 540gp         Antidote                  112gp

        Potion of Insight      336           Potion of Cold Resist     280

        Potion of Freedom      280           Oil of Speed              168

        Potion of Fire Resist  448           Potion of Defense         784

        .. of Hill Giant STR   336           Potion of Healing         168

        Potion of Healing       84           Potion of Infravision     112

        Potion of Invisibility 280           Potion of Insulation      190

        Oil of Fiery Burning   560           Antidote                   56

        Oil of Speed           560           Potion of Magic Protect  1120

        Elixer of Health       280           Potion of Magic Shield   1400

        Potion of Absorbtion   672           Potion of Master Thief    448

        Potion of Agility      336           Potion of Stone Form      560


    - Potion Shop 2 (AR 1100, x 2535 y 2317) -- Buys/Sells, Identifies, Steals

        Potion of Regeneration 540gp         Antidote                  112gp

        Potion of Insight      336           Potion of Cold Resist     280

        Potion of Freedom      280           Oil of Speed              168

        Potion of Fire Resist  448           Potion of Defense         784

        .. of Hill Giant STR   336           Potion of Healing         168

        Potion of Healing       84           Potion of Infravision     112

        Potion of Invisibility 280           Potion of Insulation      190

        Oil of Fiery Burning   560           Antidote                   56

        Oil of Speed           560           Potion of Magic Protect  1120

        Elixer of Health       280           Potion of Magic Shield   1400

        Potion of Absorbtion   672           Potion of Master Thief    448

        Potion of Agility      336           Potion of Stone Form      560



    - General Store (AR 1100, x  y ) -- Buys/Sells, Identifies, Steals

        Battle Axe               5gp         Short Sword                11gp

        Throwing Axe (5)         5           Two Handed Sword           56

        Club                     1           Arrows (20)                 1

        Flail                   16           Bolts (20)                  1

        Mace                     8           Bullets (20)                1

        Morningstar             11           Chainmail                  84

        Dagger                   2           Splint Mail                89

        Halberd                 11           Leather Armor               5

        War Hammer               2           Studded Leather            22

        Sling                    1           Plate Mail                672

        Spear                    1           Small Shield                3

        Quarter Staff            1           Medium Shield               7

        Bastard Sword           28           Large Shield +1          2240

        Long Sword              16


    - Inn (AR 1100, x 1100 y 2200) -- Rest, Drinks



    - Drakon Tavern (AR 0700, x 1560 y 1360) -- Rest, Drinks



    - General Store (AR 0300, x 2180 y 2515) -- Buys/Sells, Identifies, Steals

        Battle Axe               5gp         Short Sword                11gp

        Throwing Axe (5)         5           Two Handed Sword           56

        Club                     1           Arrows (20)                 1

        Flail                   16           Bolts (20)                  1

        Mace                     8           Bullets (20)                1

        Morningstar             11           Chainmail                  84

        Dagger                   2           Splint Mail                89

        Halberd                 11           Leather Armor               5

        War Hammer               2           Studded Leather            22

        Sling                    1           Plate Mail                672

        Spear                    1           Small Shield                3

        Quarter Staff            1           Medium Shield               7

        Bastard Sword           28           Large Shield +1          2240

        Long Sword              16


    - Splurging Surgeon (AR 0300, x 411 y 2885) -- Rest, Drinks


    - Blushing Mermaid (AR 0300, x 200 y 1750) -- Rest, Drinks



    - High Hall of Wonders (AR 0600, x 3800 y 940) -- Cures, Donate, Buys/Sells




        Cure Light Wounds       50gp         Cure Serious Wounds       100gp

        Dispel Magic           200           Slow Poison               150

        Remove Curse           500           Raise Dead              600-10000




        Potion of Healing       78           Elixer of Health          262

        Oil of Speed           525           Stone to Flesh Scroll     157

        Antidote               105



    - Helm and Cloak Inn (AR 0100, x 3550 y 2900) -- Rest, Drinks


    - Inn (AR 0100, x 3025 y 1670) -- Rest, Drinks



    - Temple of Helm (AR 0200, x 1550 y 1090) -- Cure, Donate, Buy/Sell, Ident.




        Cure Light Wounds       50gp         Cure Serious Wounds       100gp

        Dispel Magic           200           Slow Poison               150

        Remove Curse           500           Raise Dead              600-10000




        Potion of Healing       84           Stone to Flesh Scroll     168

        Antidote               112           Elixer of Health          280


    - Three Old Kegs (AR 0200, x 3700 y 2370) -- Drinks, Rest


  ULGOTH'S BEARD (Tales of the Sword Coast)

    - Ulgoth's Beard Inn (x 2360 y 535) -- Buys/Sells, Rest

        Battle Axe               7gp         Arrows (20)                 1gp

        Throwing Axe (5)         7           Acid Arrows (10)          710

        Club                     1           Arrows +2 (10)            255

        Flail                   21           Bolt (20)                   1

        Mace                    11           Bolt +1 (10)              142

        Morningstar             14           Bolt of Lightning (10)    426

        Composite Long Bow     142           Bullet (20)                 1

        Long Bow               106           Bullet +2 (10)            213

        Short Bow               42           Chainmail                 106

        Dagger                   2           Splint Mail               113

        Dart (10)                1           Hide Armor                  9

        Dart +1 (10)           113           Leather Armor               7

        Dart of Stunning (10) 1420           Plate Mail Armor          852

        Halberd                 14           Small Shield                4

        War Hammer               2           Medium Shield               9

        Sling                    1           Large Shield +1          2840

        Spear                    1           Potion of Healing         106

        Quarter Staff            1           Antidote                  142

        Bastard Sword           36           Potion of Mirrored Eyes   568

        Long Sword              21           Cloak of Displacement    4970

        Short Sword             15           Quarter Staff +3         7810

        Two Handed Sword        71           Greagan's Harp           8378

        Scimitar                78           Wand of the Heavens      5325

        Heavy Crossbow          71           Wand of Frost            6177

        Light Crossbow          49           Ring of Invisibility    24850

                                             Greenstone Amulet        4260


  DURLAG'S TOWER (Tales of the Sword Coast)

    - Erdane (x  y )-- Buys/Sells

        Hide Armor               7gp         Bolt +1 (10)              112gp

        Dagger                   2           Bolt of Lightning (10)    336

        Dart (10)                1           Bullet (20)                 1

        Dart +1 (10)            89           Bullet +1 (10)             89

        Dart of Stunning (10) 1120           Bullet +2 (1)              16

        Scimitar                60           Potion of Healing          84

        Arrows (20)              1           Potion of Master Thief    448

        Acid Arrows (10)       560           Potion of Agility         336

        Arrows +1 (10)         112           Potion of Hill Giant      336

        Arrows of Fire (10)    280           Antidote                  112

        Bolt (20)                1           Potion of Perception      392

        Wand of Fire          4928





    Wands last for 20 uses, and then fizzle away.  Although no way exists to

    directly check how many charges are left in a wand, you can try to sell it

    at a shop.  The more the shopkeeper will pay, the more charges you have

    left.  You can also use the shopkeeper to recharge the wand (I think),

    simply sell it to him, and then buy it back.



  Jewels, Gems, and Other Valuables


    I've listed the selling prices here so that you can prioritize what to keep

    and what to toss if your inventory gets too cluttered.  Never keep anything

    silver, they are far too common and almost worthless.


      Gems:            selling price

        Andar              15gp

        Aquamarine         75

        Black Opal        150

        Bloodstone         25

        Chrysoberyl        35

        Diamond           500

        Emerald           750

        Fire Agate          5

        Garnet            175

        Horn Coral         62

        Iol                20

        Jaspar             17

        King's Tears     2000

        Lynx Eye            7

        Moonbar           187

        Moonstone          25

        Pearl             100

        Rogue Stone      2500

        Shandon            45

        Skydrop            20

        Sphene            112

        Star Diopside      47

        Star Sapphire    1000

        Sunstone           12

        Tchazar            17

        Turquoise           2

        Water Opal        175

        Waterstar          40

        Ziose              30

        Zircon             45



        Agni Mani          20gp

        Bloodstone        150

        Bluestone          15

        Gold               30

        Laeral's Tear    3000

        Pearl             500

        Rainbow Obsidian   25

        Silver              5

        Studded w/Zios     75

        Tiger Cowrie       27



        Angel Skin         50gp

        Bloodstone         30

        Fire Opal         250

        Flamedance         62

        Gold               20

        Greenstone          5

        Jade               40

        Onyx               25

        Ring (plain)        5

        Silver              2



  Misc Items



    Ankheg Shells -- can be made into an armor (AC 1), which costs 4000gp

      (Thunderhammer Smithy, Beregost).  Or you could sell them for 500gp.


      Note:  You can only sell shells once!  After that you can't even get him

             to make you an armor!  Sell the shells one at a time (by dropping

             the others) to get 500GP each.  You can even go back and get some

             more but Thunderhammer will stop buying shells and refuse to make

             the armor 10 days after he first offered to buy the shells or as

             soon as you get him to make the armor. (info from Duncan Clay)


      Tip:  There are 9 shells in the Akheg nest, turn up with these and the

            armor won't cost you anything.


    Wyvern Heads -- give the first to Keldath Ormlyr (priest at temple) for

      2000 gp, then sell any others to Thalantyr (mage at high hedge, or

      elsewhere) for 500 gp each, and drops down to 200 gp.  Officer Vai will

      buy heads for 1000 gp each, however this lasts only as long as she is

      still in Beregost.


    Winter Wolf Pelts -- sell these in the shop in Nashkel for 500gp each, no

      limit to how many you can sell.  You can also sell these to Officer Vai

      (at least as long as she is accepting Scalps) After she has gone you can

      sell them at Feldpost Inn for 25GP which will drop to 10GP.




iv. Spells



This section tells you where you can buy spells, and for how much.  Spells have

all been sorted Alphabetically, so the list you see here won't match the order

that the seller has.



  - Thalantyr

      Armor                          112

      Blindness                      112

      Burning Hands                  112

      Charm Person                   112

      Chill Touch                    112

      Chromatic Orb                  112

      Color Spray                    112

      Detect Invisibility            224

      Flame Arrow                    336

      Friends                        112

      Grease                         112

      Hold Person                    336

      Horror                         224

      Identify                       112

      Infravision                    112

      Invisibility                   224

      Larloch's Minor Drain          112

      Luck                           224

      Magic Missile                  112

      Mirror Image                   224

      Protection from Evil           112

      Protection from Petrification  112

      Resist Fear                    224

      Shield                         112

      Shocking Grasp                 112

      Skull Trap                     336

      Sleep                          112

      Strength                       224

      Vampiric Touch                 336



  - Sorcerous Sundries

      Agannazar's Scorcher           224gp

      Armor                          112

      Blindness                      112

      Blur                           224

      Burning Hands                  112

      Chaos                          560

      Charm Person                   112

      Chill Touch                    112

      Chromatic Orb                  112

      Clairvoyence                   336

      Color Spray                    112

      Confusion                     1344

      Detect Evil                    224

      Detect Invisibility            224

      Dimension Door                1344

      Dire Charm                     336

      Dispel Magic                   336

      Fireball                      1008

      Flame Arrow                    336

      Friends                        112

      Ghost Armor                    336

      Ghoul Touch                    224

      Grease                         112

      Greater Malison                448

      Haste                         1008

      Hold Person                    336

      Horror                         224

      Identify                       112

      Infravision                    112

      Invisibility                   224

      Knock                          224

      Know Alignment                 224

      Larloch's Minor Drain          112

      Lightning Bolt                1008

      Luck                           224

      Magic Missile                  112

      Melf's Acid Arrow              224

      Minor Globe/Invulnerability   1344

      Mirror Image                   224

      Monster Summoning I            336

      Monster Summoning II          1344

      Non-Detection                  336

      Otiluke's Resilient Sphere     448

      Polymorph Self                 448

      Protection from Evil           112

      Protection from Petrification  112

      Protection/Normal Missiles    1008

      Remove Curse                   448

      Resist Fear                    224

      Shield                         112

      Shocking Grasp                 112

      Skull Trap                     336

      Sleep                          112

      Slow                           336

      Spirit Armor                   448

      Stinking Cloud                 224

      Strength                       224

      Vampiric Touch                 336

      Web                            224



  - Ulgoth's Beard Inn

      Defensive Harmony              568

      Emotion                        568

      Greater Malaison               568

      Improved Invisibility         1704

      Mental Domination              568gp

      Protection from Lightning      568

      Remove Curse                   568




v. NPC's



Unless it is otherwise mentioned, any NPC you say "no" to (or remove later)

will stay put wherever you put them.  To see the X,Y coordinate of where you

are, press "L".  The top left of any map is (x 0 y 0).


Special Abilities are those abilities that that character intrinsicly has. 

Some of them they have before they join you, others they gain later.


Note: If you turn both Khalid and Jaheira down in the FAI, you can't ever get

      them to join.


Pairs: (you can't have one without the other)

    Khalid --  Jaheira

    Xzar   --  Montaron

    Minsc  --  Dynaheir

    Eldoth --  Skie


  Note: To get one of these in the pair without the other, simply send the

        other person into a building (the person you want to get rid of), and

        then reform the party to kick them out.  This way they can't come up to

        you and talk to you.


Here's the party I like:


  You -- as a Lawful Good Fighter

  Kivan -- give him a Composite Long Bow +1, or the Long Bow of Marksmanship,

           and the Bracers of Archery; and you have a really effective sniper.

  Minsc -- a very good warrior

  Dynaheir -- a good mage, plus if you get her at the right level, she starts

              with Fireball.  Edwin is a better mage (higher Int, and better

              special ability), however, he is Evil which complicates things.

  Yeslick -- a good cleric (you could also sub in Branwen or Viconia here)

  Safana -- you need a thief, and I like Safana.  (you can also sub in Imoen



And here are some interesting party combinations:


  Have Minsc, Dynaheir and Edwin in the same party.  Since Edwin wants to kill

  Dynaheir, Minsc gets all surly and protective.


  Viconia and Kivan have a love-hate relationship, and also Viconia is very

  dimissive about Xan.


  Put Yeslick and Kagain together to see just how different two Dwarves can be.

  Yeslick DESPISES Kagain.


  Safana and Coran.  Coran will flirt shamelessly with Safana, and she will

  rebuff his every attempt, quite humorously.


  Quayle and Tiax.  These two really don't like each other.  Plus they're

  fairly amusing on their own.


  Faldorn and Jaheira don't like each other either, as they belong to opposing

  druidic groups.


  Put Eldoth, Skie, and Garrick together for a wild Love Triangle.  Heh.


And now the BIG LIST of every NPC complete with a description, and where they

are.  This list is sorted by alignment, Good first, then Neutral, and Evil



GOOD:          S  D  C  I  W  Ch       Race        Class           Alignment


  Ajantis      17 13 16 12 13 17      Human       Paladin         Lawful Good

    Ajantis is a simple person, all he wants to do is vanquish evil.

    Special Abilities: Lay on Hands, Detect Evil, Protection from Evil

    Where he is:  Farm N of Friendly Arm Inn (x 1572 y 3139)


  Dynaheir     11 13 16 17 15 12      Human       Invoker         Lawful Good

    Dynaheir was kidnapped by the Gnolls, and must be rescued with Minsc in

    your party.  She is also linked to Minsc and if one leaves, the other does

    too.  She makes a good mage because she already knows such spells as


    Dynaheir will disappear if you reject her offer to join.

    Special Abilities: Slow Poison

    Where she is:  Gnollish Stronghold (x 2529 y 1440)


  Yeslick      15 12 17 7  16 10      Dwarf      Fighter/Cleric   Lawful Good

    You find Yeslick in the Cloakwood Mines, and all he wants to do is help.

    How noble.  If you reject him he will leave forever.

    Special Abilities:  Dispel Magic

    Where he is:  Cloakwood Mines, Level 2 (x 851 y 1727)


  Imoen        9  18 16 17 11 16      Human        Thief         Neutral Good

    Imoen automatically will join you immediately after Gorion's death.  Unless

    you run away, that is.  Sometimes she comes with a Wand of Magic Missiles,

    now who did she steal that from?


  Khalid       15 16 17 12 10 9      Half-Elf      Fighter       Neutral Good

    See Jaheira below for a description.

    Where he is:  Friendly Arm Inn, Ground Floor (x 329 y 685)


  Minsc     18/93 15 15 8  6  9       Human        Ranger        Neutral Good

    Minsc's life partner Dynaheir was kidnapped by Gnolls, and he wants your

    help to get her back!  If you don't rescue her in a timely fashion, Minsc

    will leave.

    Special Abilities: Berserk, Charm Animal

    Where he is: Nashkel (x 3387 y 1957)


  Alora        8  19 12 14 7  10     Halfling       Thief        Chaotic Good

    You'll find Alora burglarizing the Hall of Wonders at night.  Agree to

    stand watch for her, then talk to her twice more and she'll offer to join.

    Where she is: Baldur's Gate W Section (AR 0600, x 1600 y 2200)


  Coran        14 20 12 14 9  16     Half-Elf    Fighter/Thief   Chaotic Good

    Coran wants to go sack some Wyverns in the 4th Cloakwood forest, so do that

    immediately or he will leave.  After you beat the wyverns, he will stay


    Where he is:  Cloakwood 1, On a Bridge (x 1515 y 691)


  Kivan     18/12 17 14 10 14 8        Elf        Ranger         Chaotic Good

    Kivan wants to hunt some bandits.  If you kick him out of the party, he

    stays gone for good!

    Special Abilities: Charm Animal

    Where he is:  High Hedge (x 3652 y 1472)



NEUTRAL:       S  D  C  I  W  Ch       Race        Class           Alignment


  Xan          13 16 7  17 14 16       Elf       Enchanter      Lawful Neutral

    Xan is a depressing person, but he is a capable mage (although he has the

    very large flaw of not being able to cast such spells as Magic Missile and

    Fireball!) and he has a Moonblade.  If you're overly rude to him he'll

    leave and never return.

    Where he is:  Nashkel Mines Interior (Fourth Level, Cave  x 793 y 588)


  Branwen      13 16 15 9  16 13      Human       Cleric         True Neutral

    To get Branwen in your party all you have to do is to free her from the

    Petrification enchantment that was placed on her by the Mage Tranzig.  Free

    her using a Stone to Flesh spell (you can buy them in Nashkel for 168gp or

    from Zeke at the Carnival for 500gp).  If you reject her, she will leave


    Special Abilities:  Spiritual Hammer

    Where she is:  Nashkel Carnival (x 3253 y 2882)


  Faldorn      12 15 11 10 16 15      Human        Druid         True Neutral

    Faldorn wants to free the forest from the evils of the Iron Throne, which

    has taken up residence in the Cloakwood Mine.

    Special Abilities:  Summon Dread Wolf

    Where she is:  Cloakwood 3, In the Druid Shrine (x 639 y 2885)


  Jaheira      15 14 17 10 14 15    Half-Elf   Fighter/Druid     True Neutral

    Jaheira and Khalid were good friends of Gorion, and will go with you every-

    where.  However, if you say "No" to them the first time they want to join,

    you won't be able to get them.  Ever.

    Where she is:  Friendly Arm Inn, Ground Floor (x 329 y 685)


  Skie         11 18 15 15 8  13     Human         Thief         True Neutral

    When you first enter the NW Area in Baldur's Gate Eldoth (if he is with

    you) will offer to take you up to Skie's father's estate.  Go inside the

    estate and you will find Skie.  She will only join you if Eldoth is with

    you, otherwise she thinks that you are thieves come to kill her.

    Where she is:  NW Section (AR 0100, x 1170 y 1625)


  Garrick      14 16 9  13 14 15      Human         Bard        Chaotic Neutral

    Garrick will join you only after you finish the Silke subquest in Beregost.

    If you reject Garrick, he will leave, but he'll be back later.

    Where he is:  Beregost, by the Burning Wizard Inn (x 2564 y 2284)


  Quayle       8  15 11 17 10 6       Gnome  Cleric/Illusionist Chaotic Neutral

    Quayle is an insulting little person, who will join up for no apparant

    reason.  No matter which direction you say that you are going, he is going

    that way too.  Can't get him until the Cloakwood mines are clear.

    Special Abilities:  Invisibility

    Where he is:  Baldur's Gate Bridge (x 486 y 797)


  Safana       13 17 10 16 9  17      Human        Thief        Chaotic Neutral

    Safana wants to find some treasure in the Flesh Golem cave, and afterwords

    she will stay with you forever.

    Special Abilities: Charm Animal

    Where she is:  Lighthouse (x 3750 y 2390)


EVIL:          S  D  C  I  W  Ch       Race        Class           Alignment


  Edwin        9  10 16 18 9  10      Human       Conjurer        Lawful Evil

    Edwin wants your help in hunting down and killing Dynaheir.  If you talk to

    Edwin with Dynaheir in your party you would think that he would attack, or

    at the least wouldn't want to join, but he will.  Although he has some bad

    things to say about Dynaheir.  If you refuse him with Dynaheir in your

    party he leaves forever.

    Special Abilities:  Extra Spells, 1st and 2nd Levels

    Where he is:  Nashkel (x 2883 y 2959)


  Kagain       16 12 20 15 11 8       Dwarf       Fighter         Lawful Evil

    Kagain runs a Mercenary business, and one of his caravans has disappeared.

    Help him recover it, and you get to keep what you find.  Goodie.  Take him

    to the Area S of the Friendly Arm Inn and he will get disgusted with

    looking for Caravans, but will still stay in your party.

    Where he is:  Beregost (Shop North of Feldepost Inn) (x 1549 y 2031)


  Eldoth       16 12 15 13 10 16      Human         Bard         Neutral Evil

    Eldoth wants to join you so that he can "rescue" his lover Skie from her

    father in Baldur's Gate.

    Special Ability:  Create Poison Arrows

    Where he is:  Cloakwood 3 (x 3181 y 3492) (in the forest)


  Montaron     16 17 15 12 13 9      Halfling  Fighter/Thief     Neutral Evil

    Montaron is the dumb half of Montaron and Xzar, and goes where Xzar goes.

    If you reject him, he leaves forever.

    Where he is:  Crossroads (E of Candlekeep) (x 4515 y 2707)


  Viconia      10 19 8  16 15 14     Drow Elf     Cleric         Neutral Evil

    When you first encounter Viconia she asks you to help her with a small

    matter of the Flaming Fist trying to kill her.  Help her out and she offers

    to join.  However, if you turn Viconia down when she asks to join, she

    vanishes forever.  Once she joins your reputation goes down 2.

    Special Abilities:  50% Magic Resistance

    Where she is:  Peldvale (x 447 y 731)


  Shar-Teel 18/58 17 9  14 7  11      Human       Fighter        Chaotic Evil

    When you first meet up with Shar-Teel she challenges your "Best Male

    Fighter" (this seems to be randomly chosen) to a duel.  If you don't have a

    Male in your party, you can't get her.  If you turn her down, she leaves


    Where she is:  Area E of Temple (x 273 y 303)


  Tiax        9  16 16 10 13 9        Gnome      Cleric/Thief    Chaotic Evil

    Tiax is a very bizarre fellow who believes that he will one day "ascend" to

    become the ruler of the Realms.  He thinks that that is his "destiny" as

    foretold to him by Cyric.

    Special Abilities:  Summon Ghast

    Where he is:  Baldur's Gate SW Section (AR 1100, x 1440 y 1610)


  Xzar         14 16 10 17 16 10      Human     Necromancer      Chaotic Evil

    Xzar and Montaron will join you on the crossroads right out of Candlekeep,

    and they want to go investigate the Nashkel mines (who doesn't).  He's also

    extraordinarily insane.  If you reject him, he leaves forever.

    Where he is:  Crossroads (E of Candlekeep) (x 4577 y 2693)




vi. General Strategies




Play as Multiplayer, even if Alone:


  It is quite beneficial to play every game as a multiplayer (although it does

  create a bit of a hassle).  It gives you the benefit of being able to create

  all 6 players in your party rather than depending on NPC's, and you can also

  Export and Import characters in and out at any time.  To create a Multiplayer

  game just click the Multi Player button.  At the next menu click "Connect".

  Now you have to set the type of Multi Player (the top button), using Serial

  is fairly easy (although it requires that you have some Networking

  installed...) Now click "Create Game" (whenever you are playing by yourself

  in the Multiplayer always use "Create Game", never use "Join Game"!).  Name

  the session to whatever you want, and enter in your own name.  Finally click

  "New Game".  Now you can create as many characters as you want.  Then once

  they are all created, click the little skull icon by each created characters,

  and then click the "Done" button.  Voila!


  Note:  Another good effect of playing in the Multiplayer is that you can look

         at your inventory while paused!



Charisma is your friend:


  So what does Charisma really get you?  Well if you have a low charisma you

  may not be able to get NPC's to join you, if you pass a quest, the treasure

  may not be as good as it normally would be, (or there may be no treasure at

  all!) and shops WILL charge you more.  So don't skimp out on the charisma.



Low Dexterity, Not So Bad?


  If your stats just aren't turning out so good, consider skimping on

  Dexterity.  Why?  There are Gaunlets of Dexterity out there that bring you up

  to a full 18!  Don't skimp out too much since as you still have to fight to

  get those gauntlets.  You can find the Gauntlets at the entrance to the

  Gnollish Stronghold (see the Nashkel and Gnollish Stronghold sections for

  more information).  And if you skimp out on a LOT of Dexterity you will want

  to get down there as soon as possible!  The downside of this strategy is if

  you find a Book that increases your Dexterity, it will increase your old

  Dexterity.  So if you had a 3 before, and an 18 with the Gauntlets, you'll

  get a 4 base and still have 18.


  On the other hand...


  Don't skimp out on dexterity since it gives two things:  First, a character

  with a high dexterity has a lower Armor Class, and Second, a high dexterity

  allows a character to actually hit the enemy when he attacks instead of

  missing him.  Personally, I suggest skimping out instead on strength even

  for a fighter.  It is often better to hit the enemy often but with less force

  than to hit the enemy rarely but doing more damage (especially true when

  fighting magic users, you need to hit them just to break their spellcasting

  so there is no need to do a lot of damage, just as long as you hit them).



Party Recruitment Strategy  (from Duncan Clay)


  Straight away I recommend recruiting anyone you bump in to until your

  group reaches six members as this keeps your XP low! - Yes, low!!!  You

  should try and pick up all your party members before you have more than

  1000XP (don't kill anything unless absolutely necessary).  This allows

  you to shape their development (particularly thieves and fighters) but

  rules out any NPCs you can't meet until after Cloakwood.


  My party is made up of

  2 tough fighters for the front lines

  2 archers for support

  2 thieves - 1 to specialise in traps and locks and 1 for pickpocket

  (stealth is done with clothing)

  1 cleric for first aid

  1 mage to use all those scrolls

  1 charismatic person with Algernon's Cloak for group leader


  That's 9 people, so how is it done.

       Me - Fighter

   Khalid - Fighter (no choice since he is the only non-evil fighter you

            can give 5 proficiency points to)

    Kivan - Stealthy Archer

  Branwen - Cleric (because you can get her early)

   Safana - Charismatic Thief and Archer (since thieves have high DEX it

            makes them good archers)

    Imoen - Thief


  So where's the Mage?  Well there are no NPC Mages, only specialist



  This is the clever bit.  There are only two NPCs in the whole game that

  can Dual-Class, Imoen and Shar-Teel.


  ( Dual-Class reminder                                             )

  ( You must be human and not a Paladin or Bard                     )

  ( You must have 15 in you first class and 17 in your second class )


  Most people say Imoen is rubbish because she has a strength of 9 (not

  much good as a stealthy backstabbing assassin).

  However her total point of 87 is one of the highest in the game and she

  also has an INT of 17 (which I believe was no coincidence by the game

  designers - why else would a thief need a high INT?).


  With an XP limit of 89,000 (in BG) you must dual-class Imoen by level 6

  if she is to become a level 7 Mage/Thief.  I dual-classed her at level 5

  (10,000XP) as by then she had 3x backstab and 100% pickpocket and her skills

  as a Mage/Thief would be available earlier in the game (at a total of

  50,000XP).  Don't forget to assign proficiency points to different weapons

  as a Mage because the Thief ones will become available once she reaches

  level 6 (i.e. they are not cumulative so if you give 1 to missile as a

  thief and 1 to missile as a mage you will only have 1 for missile as a mage

  thief whereas you could have had 1 for bow AND 1 for missile).



Fighting Battles:


  Let them come to you.  When you first see an enemy, your first instinct may

  be to run over to it and slaughter it.  Well don't.  Let it come to you, and

  attack it there.  This way if there are 50 more of these creatures, they

  won't see you and won't attack.  You can then pick off each creature one at a

  time.  This is especially useful in dungeons where the enemies may be more

  difficult.  So when you first see an enemy (let's say that it's a Battle

  Horror), turn off the AI (it's the left button in the bottom right corner of

  the screen), and let him come up to you.  You should also have your

  archers/mages hit the enemy with everything they can, but don't move any

  closer to the enemy!  The last thing that you want is to fight TWO Battle

  Horrors at the same time!


  Also realize that some monsters (like Vampiric Wolves) require that you hit

  them with Magic Weapons only.  You should never use Magic Arrows on a normal

  creature; you should save the arrows for enemies that need them, such as

  Battle Horrors, Demonknights, etc.


  Area spells can take out a lot of enemies without them even knowing that you

  are there.  Suppose for a moment, that you are walking along, and a Gnoll

  comes to attack you.  You immediately stop, wait for him to come to you and

  kill him.  Well, where there is one Gnoll there are probably more, so you

  launch a fireball in the direction that the Gnoll came from, and immediately

  hear the screams of dying Gnolls.  This is a great way to cut enemies down

  quickly, but you probably want to save your fireballs for bigger enemies than

  the common Gnoll. (fry the Dryads instead!)  Another good example is if you

  are attacked by an NPC assassin of some sort.  If you are out in the wild,

  it's likely that there is a party of them, so you launch a Fireball (or a

  Cloudkill) and kill them before they even know you exist.



Fighting Sirines (and other "Charm"ing monsters)


  (from Gonzalo Jéldrez)


  I had some trouble fighting the three sirines (Sil) in the Lighthouse, but I

  casually discovered a good technique: I sent Minsc alone to the combat with

  Berserk activated, and when the Dryads charmed him, he continued attacking

  them! He killed the three of them, but of course losed the 15 hp for

  berserking.  I don't know if the rest of the party needs to be far away from

  the combat, anyway.



Monsters are constantly respawning


  In some areas, monsters will keep respawning even if you kill them all.

  Sometimes, you can actually determine that monsters are respawning in the

  same general area in a map.  Let's use an example:  The Gnoll Fortress. 

  Here, Gnolls keep respawning and always in the same spot; and, when

  respawned, they do not move or wander around aimlessly.  So, once you have

  determined an area where they respawn, get rid of them and leave a character

  there.  Monsters do not respawn if there is an eye of sight with a character

  (if a character is in the area and could immediately see the respawned

  monster).  So, you can leave a couple of weak characters in those areas while

  the others handle the beating.


  There are some areas where this strategy will not work though.  In Werewolf

  Island, Werewolves will keep respawning even with an eye of sight with a

  character (it is not a good idea to leave a low level mage where 4 Werewolves

  will be respawned when you will load a game).  Another example is the

  Firewine Bridge Ruins.  Although the Kobolds Commandos do not respawn when

  there is an eye of sight, there are a lot of places where they actually

  respawn and because when respawned, they wander around aimlessly so you can't

  leave a character behind (unless he's prepared to fight some Kobolds

  Commandos every now and then).



Useful spells and tough NPC's


  When fighting 2 or more difficult NPC's (assassination attempts come to

  mind), use the Charm spell to quickly turn the odds in your favor.  If you

  have two magic users who can cast charm in the first round of a fight, not

  only does the enemy lose two characters, you gain them temporarily (so the

  odds can change from 10 enemies vs. 6 of you to 8 enemies and 8 of you). 

  Once they are charmed, pull back your big bruisers from the front lines and

  replace them by the newly acquired members while continually pelting the

  remaining enemies with ranged weapons.  If any charmed characters survive the

  encounter, simply force-attack them to get rid of them.  If you have Dire

  Charm, use that instead of the regular Charm.


  Also, the spell Entangle is pretty useful to stop those annoying fighters

  with melee weapons from closing in on your party.  Once entangled, they can't

  move and you can get rid of them easily and safely with ranged weapons.  The

  spell Web is also good since a webbed creature can't even attack with a

  ranged weapon, but the spell can last for several rounds and could eventually

  web some of your own party members from round to round if they get in the

  affected area.


  Lightning Bolt, however, is a pretty crappy spell.  Although it deals a lot

  of damage, it will usually hit a wall and come right back at the person who

  cast it.  I've gotten rid of some enemy mages that way (the mage in

  Firewine, Davaeorn and Rieltar come to mind).  They cast Lightning Bolt at

  my characters, I was hit once, moved out of the way and continued the beating

  afterward.  The mage was then being hit by his own lightning bolt and by my

  characters.  At that point, it was a bit tedious for him to not get hit by

  something when trying to cast a spell).  Unless you are outdoors, don't use

  or memorize lightning bolt.


  Monsters summoning is a great spell.  Although the summoned monsters do not

  do a lot of damage, their primary purpose resides in the cannon fodder that

  they become.  While they keep the enemy busy, you can pick them off one by

  one with ranged weapons or spells (saving all your potions, and more potent

  spells for later more powerful enemies).  When fightings werewolves in

  Balduran's Shipwreck or the Aec'Letec are great examples of where to use this



  Fireballs and those other major area effect spells should be used only to

  weaken the enemy or for luring them to you and thus, do not memorize a lot

  of these (memorize others instead).  These major area effect spells, when

  not cast at the right place, can literally damage your whole party so unless

  you know exactly where to cast them, don't use them.  Keep them instead for

  when an area is completely filled with a group of weaker enemies to get rid

  of them quickly and with minimal damage (happens when you quickloads or loads

  a lot of times in the same map).  The Crypts below Candlekeep is a good

  example of this (I once had 40+ skeletons archers pounding my fighter). Two

  fireballs got all of them.  Fighting them any other way would have caused

  unnecessary damage to almost all my party members.


  Memorize a lot of Dispel Magic spells.  Dispel Magic negates any magic

  affecting your party (fear, horror, paralysis, entangle, slow, etc...) while

  it can also be used to dispel the enemy magics that they use (haste, minor

  globe of invulnerability, protection from normal missiles, etc...).  Never

  forget that casting dispel magic will negates both magics affecting your

  party and the enemy so knowing when to cast what spell when is crucial in an

  important battle.  Usually, though, it is preferable to dispel everyones

  magic's than having one or more of your party members being paralysed,

  charmed, running in fear, etc...



Lure the enemy to you (especially NPC's)


  This is a good tactic to use in battles with enemy NPC's.  Keep your party

  away from the future battle ground and move only one of your character near

  the enemy's NPCs.  When one of them see your character, quickly pull him back

  toward your main group then let the poor little dude get it.  This way, you

  can chunk out some annoying NPCs before you tackle the rest (the group of

  mercenaries in the Eldercity and the last battle with Sarevok and friends

  come to mind).



Save a Lot:


  There are 3 times when you should definately save the game.  When you win a

  battle, before you go to sleep, and everywhere else.  You never know when you

  will go to a new area, have your best warrior charmed, and have half your

  party killed.  So save often.  Also don't just save over the same slot over

  and over, use at least 10 slots.  This is especially necessary in Durlag's

  tower.  This also means you should probably avoid the Quick Save.  Well...

  not avoid, just don't use it exclusively.


  What I would do is to create an "Archive Save" whenever you enter a new major

  area.  So when you start Durlag's Tower create a "Durlag's Beginning Save" so

  if you screw up, you can start over from the start of the tower.





  No matter where you rest, you won't get very many HP from resting.  In fact,

  for an 8 hour rest, everyone will get exactly 1 HP (unless they have 19 CON).

  So before you rest make sure to (after you save it, if you are not in an inn)

  heal everyone with spells.  You get all magic memorized during the night, you

  do not, however, get all your HP's.  In fact you only get 1 hp during a

  normal rest (you get more in an inn if you spring for the more expensive




The Guard:


  When you rob someone, they might summon the guard.  Keep that in mind (you

  will want to save the game before you rob someone).  Also bear in mind that

  the guard is strangely NOT summoned if you kill someone, like in an inn.  To

  be more precise, the Guard is only summoned if you steal something with

  someone in the room who is able to summon the Guard.  I'm not saying that you

  should kill people so that you can rob their room, it's just that you can

  kill SOME people without the Guard caring.  How do they know that that person

  attacked you?


  In any case, if the Guard is summoned they will try to talk to you.  If you

  can get away without them talking to you, you have gotten off scot free (not

  as easy as it sounds).  You can't bribe them (at least you can't do it more

  than once), so tell them that you'll cleave them limb from limb, then simply

  leave the room.  Don't attack them!  Once you're out of the room you're fine,

  you can even come back later and they'll vanish.  This way you lose only 1

  reputation rather than the 5 or so you get by killing a Flaming Fist.


  edwardalacey sent me this:


    "Whether you can bribe guards depends on who exactly they are. If you steal

    in Beregost or Baldur's Gate the Flaming Fist will arrive, and they cannot

    be bribed. In Nashkel or the Carnival you get Amnish soldiers, who can be

    bribed with 200 gold. In Candlekeep a watcher will arrive and demand that

    you donate all your money to the library, and you are let off if you do






  You really want a high reputation.  The higher the better.  Even if you have

  an evil party you want a high reputation.  If you have a good or neutral

  party, try for a reputation of 20, if you have an evil party, you still want

  a reputation of 18 (the highest you can go before all the evil people start

  leaving).  Because of these various things, I would not recommend having a

  mixed alignment party.  By mixed I mean good and evil combined.  The best

  part about a good reputation is that everything is given the "hero discount",

  up to 50% off of items in stores!



Stealing without Loss of Reputation:


  So you want to steal something from a house without losing reputation.  It

  is actually quite an easy thing to accomplish.  Simply de-equip your weapon,

  and whack all the people in the room until they are unconscious (be careful

  to not KILL the people, so turn off the AI, or de-equip everyone's weapons).

  Now you can steal anything you want.  Since they aren't awake to complain

  about it, you can't lose reputation.



Cursed Protection scrolls


  To give you an idea if the Protection from XXXXXX Scroll that you just found

  is cursed, give it to a character with a high Lore Ability (they can normally

  identify these scrolls without any magical means) and right click on it.

  If the scroll is still not identified at that point (you still do not know

  what that scroll does) then it probably is a cursed scroll.  Another strategy

  is to keep one Identify spell memorized.  Simply save before you identify the

  scroll, identify it (so you know if it is cursed or not and if it is worth

  keeping) then reload.



Cursed Potions



  You may already have noticed this, but there are cursed potions in the game,

  which all have the same names as normal potions.  There are hints in their

  descriptions, but they are all clearly recognisable by their colours:  cursed

  healing potions are dark pink, antidotes are purple, and oils of speed are

  multi-coloured (as opposed to blue, green and white respectively).  The

  antidote in the pile of corpses in Ulcaster is cursed, as are all the potions

  Lucky Aello sells except the potion of perception. (from edwardalacey)



MartectX's strategies:



  - Stealing without Loss of Reputation: I got on this while trying to steal

    the Rogue Stone from the Hall of Wonders: Just charm all people around!

    They won't call any wardens.


  - If a NPC who is supposed to give you an important information or quest was

    threatened by you and turned "red" - charm him using Nymph's cloak (or

    Algernon's of course...) and force-talk to him.


  - So you are fighting mighty NPMages? Like I described above do the

    following: Enter the room and the mage should begin casting a spell.

    Quickly run out and get straight back in. The mage will cast another spell

    and so you should get out again. Once the mage is out of his spells he'll

    direct you in hand-to-hand combat (where he should be a real dog-biscuit).

    This surely only functions if there's a "real" door, not only a hole in the

    wall - the game has to load another level, you get it?



Special Abilities:


  Your main character will gain new special abilities as you sleep.  The first

  couple are "Cure Light Wounds" (assuming that you have a good reputation).

  They come in the form of strange dreams, which usually occur at the beginning

  of new chapters (whether you sleep in an inn or not).  You are not guaranteed

  to gain an ability just because it's a new chapter and you are sleeping in an

  inn, however, it will happen eventually.


  So which of the two will your character gain, good or evil?  That depends on

  your Reputation (not your alignment).  If it is 10 or above, you get the good

  abilities, if it is less than 10 you get the evil abilities.  Reputation is

  checked at the time you have the "dream", not at the beginning of the

  chapter.                                                 (from Kelvin Groves)


             Good Abilities:                Evil Abilities:


             1. Cure Light Wounds           1. Larloch's Minor Drain

             2. Cure Light Wounds           2. Larloch's Minor Drain

             3. Slow Poison                 3. Ghoul Touch

             4. Slow Poison                 4. Ghoul Touch

             5. Draw Upon Holy Might        5. Vampiric Touch

             6. Draw Upon Holy Might        6. Vampiric Touch


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