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The Vault











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What began as a small interest to "contribute" to an already fantastic CRPG set in
the most diverse and truly astounding of realms has become a substantial project,
taking up more time than I had anticipated and encompassing a greater part of the
Sword Coast than I had first conceived.

The product is a MOD that has gained quite a following as I have surmised from the
handful of e-mails I receive every week and the gradually increasing number of
hits on my site. The topics are numerous, ranging from "pats on the back" for a
nicely programmed MOD to the various bugs missed by my BETA testers to many
brilliant suggestions on how to improve or better the encounters put forth and the
horde of items that are distributed throughout the world. I would like to thank
you all for this.

On a final note, I would like to apologize for not having been able to reply to
all your e-mails in the PAST YEAR. I have recently gotten, um, promoted to the
prestigious position of medical intern, which is actually more of slave labor
than prestige (watching Scrubs or Grey's Anatomy should give you a fair idea of
how my average day goes by) if you ask me. That being the case, I have had to
sacrifice this venture and spend more time within the confines of the hospital to
care for those in need. It is unlikely that this will change in the coming months
but I do hope that you will continue to send in your valuable and often insightful
ideas. Thank you again for your unwavering support.




This MOD is a re-release of the NEW and IMPROVED BG:TotSC Items Pack. It has since
evolved to include more difficult encounters and new quests to accomodate these
new and enhanced magical items in the expansive world of Baldur's Gate and its
add-on Tales of the Sword Coast, both outstanding products from Interplay, Black
Isle and BioWare. The summary and technical changes that have been made are duly
documented on the version history near the end of this document.

As was stated earlier, the new and improved items are distributed in the various
encounters in Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast and, being in the possession
of these enemies, makes the game significantly harder in its entirety.

These items NEED NOT be ported in through CLUAConsole (although it is still very
much possible), since they will be carried by the different monsters, stores, and
treasure hordes throughout the game.

Version 3.01 introduced "The Vestibule", a new subquest that humbly begins in the
vestibule just north of the Song of the Morning Temple and invites the party to
journey to a previously "unused" area of the Sword Coast. It is a short adventure
designed for an experienced party, around levels 7-9. This version also
included the "Ulcaster Hell" quest improvement which made the search for the
wraith mage's coveted book slightly more challenging.

Version 4.0 expanded MOD compatibility to allow its use with BG1TUTU, a project
undertaken by Japheth and his associates to convert BG1 and make it playable
using the streamlined and sophisticated BG2 engine. The BG1TUTU project has given
new life to the BG1 and TotSC experience and this small modification shares in
its hopes to bring a new perspective into the original game.

Version 5.0 offers three new quests. The first is a minor quest entitled the
"Gullykin Ogre" and is set in the quiet halfling village. A new threat arises and
seeks to drive the inhabitants out of their homes. Can the party stand against
this terror that lies in the hills of Gullykin? It is designed for characters of
levels 5-7. The second one, entitled "Return to Nashkel", is a major quest as it
spans over six main areas in the Sword Coast, involves a rather intriguing
storyline, and an equally intriguing and unpredictable cast of friends and
foes with varying outcomes depending on the choices made during its course. The
quest is a long and tedious one and should be undertaken by characters of levels
11 or higher. The last is a BONUS quest and is more of a mystery than a hack and
slash adventure. It is aptly named "The Vault" and can be undertaken by
characters of ANY level, since it requires more thinking than anything else.

These quests blend seamlessly into the existing Baldur's Gate and Tales of the
Sword Coast setup and should provide for an additional two hours of gameplay.



Talisman of Ravenscar
This mysterious talisman was crafted by the Shadow Thieves of Amn and given to one of their
guild leaders, Alatos "Ravenscar". The talisman boosts dexterity and grants its wearer
heightened thieving skills and night vision. How it came to be in your possession only proves
that there is truly no honor among thieves.
+1 Dexterity while equipped
Infravision while equipped
Invisibility for 10 turns (limited charges)
Find/Remove traps: +5% bonus
Pick pockets: +5% bonus
Pick locks: +5% bonus
Hide in shadows: +5% bonus
Usable by:
Thief (Single, Multi, Dual Class)

Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
This ordinary looking belt makes the wearer as strong as a hill giant, but does not make him or
her giant size. Many a cocky warrior has been surprised by a much smaller opponent with
remarkable strength. More often than not a belt such as this is the reason.
Strength: set to 19
Not Usable By:

Club +1: Dageid's Wrath
A barbarian from the tribes of the Uthgodt, Dageid was a terrible savage who traveled the realms
wreaking havoc and destruction where he passed. His reign of terror ended in a bloody ambush set
by the noblemen of Silverymoon.
The club is still rumored to unleash the dead barbarian's wrath at certain instances during
combat, slaying the unfortunate victim with a few critical blows.
Damage: 1D6 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
+1 Strength while equipped
50% of the time, the target hit by Dageid's Wrath must make a Save vs Death or receive an
additional +10 crushing damage
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Blunt Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:

Mace +1: Death Dealer
The Death Dealer emanates of pure chaos and, by this virtue, renders itself unusable by those
who deem themselves adherent to law. The weapon pulses of an unearthly charge, seeming to draw
its energy from lightning of the fiercest storms. To this day, no one knows when this mace was
created, who crafted its design, and for what purpose it served. What is surmised is that it was
intended to be a weapon that could kill its victim in an instant through endless shocks of
lightning. Its creator, however, was unable to contain this power despite imbuing it with some
magical protection from the element of its use, for it sends equally intense bolts through its
wielder's hands, killing almost instantaneously. Its name, apparently, is indeed appropriate.
Damage: 1D6 + 2
THACO: +1 bonus
5% chance the target hit by Death Dealer is killed instantly and wielder suffers 6D6 of
electrical damage (Save vs. Death for half)
+10% Electrical resistance
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Blunt Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:
Lawful Aligned Characters

Club +1: Poisoned Brambles
The Poisoned Brambles is a deadly weapon designed by the Shadow Druids to assist them in their
protection of the forests and its creatures and as well to punish those who would dare harm them.
With each successful hit, the target is struck with two or more poisoned tips from the branches
of the enchanted weapon, adding to the the effect of the poison's potency.
THAC0: +2
Damage: 1D6 +1
Any target hit by Poisoned Brambles must make a Save vs Poison with a +2 bonus or receive
1 poison damage for 8 seconds
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Blunt Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:

Flail +2: Chaos Rage
Created by the Duergar for the purposes of war,the Chaos Rage walks a long history of bloody
wars and terrible seiges between the grey dwarves and their many enemies.
The flail is made of a reinforced wooden handle and its spiked iron ball is enchanted allowing
additional damage to be inflicted with each landed blow.
Damage: 1D6 + 3
Special: +3 piercing damage
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 11
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Spiked Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:

Mace +2: The Sleeper
This belonged to Ssitalc, an uncharacteristically evil elf known as the Slaver of the Sword
Coast. Until his sudden death several years ago, Ssitalc commanded a large force of
human, dwarf and gnomish brigands, using the Sleeper to keep them in line. It has a chance
to incapacitate any creature inducing deep slumber.
Damage: 1D6 + 3
Special: Any target hit by The Sleeper must make a Save vs. Poison with a +2 bonus or
fall asleep for 12 seconds
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Blunt Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:

Boots of the Fox
Not much is known of these magical boots except that they came from the northern region of
Faerun known as the Spine of the World. It is said that these were acquired by a brave band of
adventurers who travelled through the treacherous and windswept mountains in a quest to destroy
an ultimate evil.
Armor Class: +1 bonus
Special: +40% movement rate
Weight: 3

Short Bow +1: Phantom
Long thought to be an item only existing in myth or conceived by old adventurers in their
amusing but tall tales, the Phantom is said to have been forged in the very bowels of a mystical
realm apart from our own and awarded to watchers tasked with guarding the gateways between the
planes. As such, it was used in preventing the unwarranted travels of evil and mischievous
creatures who sought to threaten the delicate balance of order and chaos.
The bow is said to open a portal through the planes and through it craft an elemental arrow each
time that its fine ethereal string is pulled, making it a source of limitless arrows for those
who wield it. It also provides the user an uncanny sense of mastery over the weapon, momentarily
increasing his or her accuracy when firing. However, it also diminishes its user's strength each
time the bow's mysterious power is used, as it channels his or her energies to the plane of its
unearthly creation.
Damage: 1D3 +1
THACO: +1 bonus
Special: -1 to Strength and +1 to Dexterity when equipped
Needs no arrows
Damage Type: Piercing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Bow Weapons
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:

Bullet of Fire
This rare, well-balanced stone has been imbued with magical properties which allow it to be
more accurate and lethal. It has also been imbued with the power to burst into a small flame
upon impact, making it a potentially dangerous missle when placed in skilled hands.
Damage: 1D4 + 3
Special: 1D4 fire damage (Save vs. Spell for none)
Damage type: missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: sling

The Steel Robe
These heavy robes bear some of the resiliency and durability of Drow steel without the flaw
of crumbling to dust under the light of the sun. It also provides the wearer with resistance
to many of the elemental magics used in the realms, making for a truly formidable mage to be
reckoned with.
Armor Class: 6
Saving Throw: +1 bonus
Magic Resistance: 20%
Fire Resistance: 20%
Cold Resistance: 20%
Electricity Resistance: 20%
Weight: 9
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)

The Lesser Robe of Resistance
These heavy robes bear some of the resiliency and durability of Drow steel without the flaw
of crumbling to dust under the light of the sun. It also provides the wearer with resistance
to some of the elemental magics used in the realms.
Armor Class: 7
Magic Resistance: 5%
Fire Resistance: 20%
Cold Resistance: 20%
Electricity Resistance: 20%
Weight: 9
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)

The Scholar's Robe
These heavy robes bear some of the resiliency and durability of Drow steel without the flaw
of crumbling to dust under the light of the sun. It also provides the wearer with resistance
to some of the elemental magics used in the realms.
Armor Class: 7
Saving Throw: +1 bonus
Magic Resistance: 5%
Weight: 9
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)

Crown of Fallen Kings
First uncovered in ancient ruins to the South of Amn, this crown has seen the rise and fall of
countless empires. It was revered by many as both a ruler's symbol for keeping the peace and as
well a means for declaring and waging wars. History indicates that the crown was last seen at
the hands of a ruthless tyrant fleeing from his fallen kingdom to the Sea of Swords, only to be
lost in its harsh waters.
THAC0: +1 bonus
Armor Class: +2 bonus
Protects against critical hits
+20% Magic resistance
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:

Elven Chainmail +2
It was during the Golden Age between the Elves of the Seldarine's Hand and the Dwarves of Dorn
Deep that these illustrious elven armor were said to have been crafted.
Made of fine interlocking metal rings, the light elven chain allows its wearer movement without
hindrance and protection from lesser magics.
Armor Class: 3
Magic Resistance: 10%
Weight: 25
Not Usable By:

Underdark Mail +1
This finely crafted elven chain is made of illithium, a rare ore found only within the deepest
recesses of Faerun, and as such radiates of a strong dweomer. The intricate designs and runes
etched onto the armor's surface indicates that this was especially made for drow priestesses
since it allows its wearer greater attunement with the deities and demigods of the realms, and
although this might have been highly revered in the Underdark, it is repulsive to the eyes of
surface-dwellers and any who wear it suffer this consequence.
Armor Class: 4
Magic Resistance: 33%
Wisdom: set to 18
Charisma: -2
Weight: 25
Not Usable By:

Lathander's Influence
Once a hammer with only minor enchantments, this holy weapon was granted the blessing of
Lathander by Dawn Priest Bran for <CHARNAME>'s heroic prevention of the release of the demon
Ranthis into the Sword Coast. The hammer bestows upon its wielder an uncanny strength and
even provides immunity against lesser magics. Only those of pure heart and stout faith are able
to lift the hammer.
Damage: 1D4 + 3
THACO: +2 bonus
Special: +1 to strength while equipped
+20% magic resistance while equipped
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Blunt Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:
Evil aligned characters

Rogue's Hat
The felt hat is a favorite of the bards and thieves alike, though they offer little in the way
of protection. This hat, however has been enchanted, though it appears as flimsy as the typical
cloth or felt cap, it has the resiliance to withstand a good blow.
Armor Class Bonus: None
Protects Against Critical Hits
+1 Saving Throws
Weight: 2
Usable By:

Helm of Defense: 'Gift of Peace'
Prized for its noble origin as much as for its benefits to the wearer, this helm was originally
intended to be a simple gift. There was no great crisis at hand, nor dangerous evil to be
overthrown; just a wish for friend to give a gift to another. It could just have easily been a
good book or bottle of wine, but adventurers are eminently more practical in their gift giving.
The helm has seen many great battles since its creation, but the simple virtue at its core is
what has always been remembered.
Taerom "Thunderhammer" Fuiruim has enhanced the strength of this particular helm, providing
better protection to the wearer.
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Saving Throws: +1 bonus
Electrical resistance: +20%
Cold resistance: +20%
Fire resistance: +20%
Special: Protects Against Critical Hits
Weight: 3
Not Usable By:

Helm of Infravision: 'The Eyes of Truth'
Being a scavenger of a sort, Babette Maelestrom had this helm created to aid her in her
dungeon excursions. She would later attributed her gathered wealth solely to its power,
though likely it was as much her keen eyes as anything.
Taerom "Thunderhammer" Fuiruim has enhanced the strength of this particular helm, providing
better protection to the wearer.
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Protects Against Critical Hits
Grants wearer infravision up to 120 ft
Weight: 3
Not Usable By:

Helm of Charm Protection: 'The Unbiased'
As its name suggests, the Helm of Charm Protection protects its wearer from any magical
attempts at emotional manipulation. As a precaution, some high-profile mercenary groups
regularly equip their members with such helmets to ensure that they can perform their
prescribed duties without external interference.
Taerom "Thunderhammer" Fuiruim has enhanced the strength of this particular helm, providing
better protection to the wearer.
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Protects Against Critical Hits
Wearer is immune to charm
Weight: 4
Not Usable By:

Bala's Leather +4
Originally worn by the infamous foul-tempered prince of a gully dwarf clan, Bala, this hide
armor was thought to have been crafted many years after his murder of the cruel elven mage
in Thesk who had imprisoned him. It is of shoddy workmanship, quite resembling the way
Bala's legendary axe itself was crafted but possess a strong aura, imbuing its wearer with
the uncanny resistance to even the most powerful of magics.
Armor Class: 2
Magic Resistance: 60%
Stealth: -10%
Lockpicking: -5%
Find/Remove Traps: -5%
Pick Pockets: -10%
Weight: 30
Not Usable By:

Barbarian Hide +1
This particular hide armor is made from many layers of tanned and hardened leather obtained
from mountain bears, thus providing greater protection to its wearer. But being made of
such bulky material, it is inflexible and cumbersome to be used
Even though it does offer more protection than leather armor, one must get by the offensive
odor and shoddy appearance in order to wear it effectively. Even though thieves can wear
this armor, it has a negative effect on their abilities.
Armor Class: 5
Stealth: -10%
Lockpicking: -10%
Find/Remove Traps: -10%
Pick Pockets: -20%
Weight: 35
Not Usable By:

Wyvern's Scale
This armor was crafted for <CHARNAME> by Taerom Fuiruim, reknowned blacksmith of Beregost.
Fashioned from the hide of a dead wyvern, the armor is as cumbersome as scalemail but provides
the protection of magical platemail and imbues the wearer with resistance against certain
Armor Class: 2
Special: +5 to Saves vs. Poison/ Paralysis
Weight: 20
Not Usable By:

Potion of Greater Healing
When wholly consumed, this potion restores 24 hit points to the person. The effect is
instantaneous and the potion is destroyed in the process.

Mystic Ring
The exact origins of this ring are unknown, however, it is believed that this ring was in the
possesion of an older mage living in a small villiage and acting as their 'wise man' before he
Special: adds one 2nd and 3rd level spells
Usable By:
Mage (Single, Multi, Dual Class)

Lesser Ring of Perception
Commissioned by the guild leaders of the Baldur's Gate underworld for their trusted allies,
this ring heightens the sensory perception of its wearer, which allows for better performance
of "delicate" and often grim tasks.
Find/Remove traps: +10% bonus
Pick pockets: +10% bonus
Pick locks: +10% bonus
Hide in shadows: +10% bonus
Usable by:
Thief (Single, Multi, Dual Class)

Staff of the Ram +3
This staff is the personal weapon of Cadderly. Enchanted by his friend, the great wizard
Belisarius in his small dwelling on the outskirts of Caradoon, the staff has aided the
Deneiran priest and scholar in his many efforts against the forces of Castle Trinity. The
staff is said to have received the blessing of Deneir and Oghma, being in the faithful
cleric's possession for such a long time, allowing for greater recall of prayers and magic.
Saving throws: +1 bonus
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +3
Special: +1 extra 2nd and 3rd level priest spells
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Blunt Weapons
Type: 2-handed
Usable By:
Cleric (Single, Multi, Dual Class)
Good or Neutral aligned characters

Staff of Dark Oaks +2
Only the highest ranking of the Shadow Druids are said to possess these mythical staves which
grant them skin as tough as the dark oaks, resilience against fire, and resistance against the
most potent of poisons.
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +2
+30% Fire resistance
+3 Saves vs Poison/ Death
Barkskin while equipped
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Blunt Weapons
Type: 2-handed
Usable By:

Staff of Withstanding
Markings on the edges of the staff indicate that it was crafted in ages of magic long forgotten
and has seen its share of many power struggles for dominance in the material planes. Its last
known owner was said to be a cruel tyrant-sorceror slain in a duel with a slave--- a mage of
lesser experience who sought to escape the dark prisons of his captor. Tales and rumors
indicate that the prisoner took the staff, escaped into a portal, and disappeared into the
Sword Coast.
THAC0: +1 bonus
Armor Class: +1 bonus
Damage: 1D6+1
Saving throws: +2 bonus
Special: +10% Magic Resistance
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Blunt Weapons
Type: 2-handed
Usable By:
Mage (Single, Multi, Dual Class)

Two-Handed Sword +2: Havok
Wrested from the clutches of the evil demon messenger Ranthis by a band of adventurer's led
by <CHARNAME>, this two-handed blade still bears with it the mark of its original wielder and
fills any who touches it with hate and rancor. It is a powerful weapon, able to paralyze all but
the most resilient of foes in one swing, but can only be held by those who share Ranthis' evil
Damage: 1D10 +2
THACO: +2 bonus
Special: 75% of the time, target hit by Havok must make a Save vs. Paralyzation with a -1 penalty
or be paralyzed for 12 seconds
+20 maximum hitpoints
Damage Type: slashing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 2-handed
Not usable by:
Good aligned characters

Two Handed Sword +1: Valiant
Taken from the self-proclaimed "Greatest Ogre Mage" Kahrk, Valiant was originally given to Sir
Gregory of the Pillar, leader of a band of crusaders on a quest to rid the Sword Coast of a
vicious ogre horde. The crusaders failed in their task, massacred by an overwhelming monster
force in the infamous Battle of Tyrad Pass. Valiant was taken by the ogres as a prize of the
human defeat and have carried it around ever since as a reminder of the frightening power of
ogres. The blade, however, has maintained its purity throughout the decades in the ogre's
possession. Legends say that a hero will rise and reclaim the holy weapon and this will mark a
series of changes on the face of the Sword Coast unlike anything that Faerun has ever witnessed.
Armor Class: +1 bonus
THACO: +2 bonus
Special: +10 maximum hitpoints
Damage: 1D10 +1
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:
Evil aligned characters



Amulet of metaspell influence: 'The Amplifier'
Known for its ability to enhance spellcasting, the Amulet of Metaspell Influence is highly
sought after by magic practitioners. It was created by Elairdrin Mellwith who resided in the
Star Mountains. His reasons for fabricating such an item stemmed from his womanizing habits,
and to this extent the Amplifier served his purpose well. It was later taken from him by a mage
with a more destructive intent, but records detailing the change of hands vary widely.
Special: Memorize one extra first and second level spell
Usable By:
Mage (Single, Multi, Dual Class)

All Arrows now have a stack maximum of 40

Throwing Axe now has a stack maximum of 40

All Bolts now have a stack maximum of 40

Bracers of defense A.C. 4: 'Bracers to the Death'
These bracers were held for decades by an undefeated gladiator, and found extensive use in arena
combat. The death of this champion marked the disappearance of this magical item, but rumors
persist that they are used to this day in competitive combat across the lands.
Armor Class: 4
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:

All Bullets now have a stack maximum of 40

Mage Robe of Electrical Resistance now confers 20% Electricity Resistance as it should

Holy Cloak
This cloak is a holy artifact of the inhabitants of the werewolf village. An item with great
symbolic value and enchantment, it is a remnant from when they first arrived on the island.
Armor Class: +1 Bonus
Special: Bless while equipped
Not Usable by:

Shandalar's Cloak
This cloak was originally stolen from Shandalar by the powerful mage Semia, presumably for the
powerful magics woven into the fabric. Although, how it has come to be in your possession and
the fate of Semia are complete mysteries, and ones not likely to be solved. Much like the
exact workings of the cloak which would remain a mystery even to a powerful mage.
Armor Class: +1 Bonus
+2 to Intelligence
+15 to Lore
One extra 4th level spell
Usable by:
Mage (Single, Multi, Dual Class)

Throwing Dagger now has a stack maximum of 40

All Darts now have a stack maximum of 40

Band of Water Elemental Control
This magical band holds great power in that it grants the owner a certain degree of control
over magical creatures known as water elementals. As is the case with all elemental forces,
this control can be turned towards either good or evil, law or chaos. One would therefore be
well advised to use discretion when dealing with any such creatures.
Armor Class: +1 Bonus
Saving Throws: +1 Bonus
+10% Magic Resistance
+25% Cold Resistance
+25% Fire Resistance
Regeneration 1 hit point every round

Scimitar +3, Frostbrand now confers 50% COld Resistance as it should

Scimitars are now usable by thieves.

Scimitar of Speed +1: Savant's Talon
Origins of this magical curved blade remains largely unknown. Said to have been crafted by the
great dwarven smith and warrior Durlag and taken from the guardians of the now infamous and
cursed tower, the scimitar bestows upon its user unearthly dexterity in combat---
allowing for another deadly strike with each swing.
Special: +1 extra attack per round
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D8+1
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:
Evil Aligned Characters

Flame Tongue Sword : 'The Burning Earth'
There was a time before Neverwinter was warm and before the great Anauroch was dry...or so it
is said. Few relics remain to prove such an age existed, and fewer still have an identifiable
purpose. "The Burning Earth" seems straightforward enough -it burns a victim with magical fire,
and a cryptic rune seems to suggest that the power comes from the ground itself- but whomever
constructed it remains a mystery. It looks a perfectly serviceable weapon, but something in the
balance or grip is...wrong. It strains the forearm a touch, and does not fit the hand just right.
It doesn't seem to hurt a warrior's performance, aside from the nagging doubt that the blade was
not made for him...or any other humanoid.
Damage: 1D8 +1
THACO: +1 bonus
+2 vs. Regenerating Creatures
+3 vs. Cold-Using Creatures
+4 vs. Undead
+1 Fire Damage
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:




BG: TotSC is REQUIRED. The VAULT v5.0 will install correctly over (or without) any
other WeiDU mods. It is, however, advised that this be installed first.

Unzip the main ZIP file into your BG main directory. This is normally:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\

Run (click on) "Setup-Vault.exe"

It is unnecessary to start a new game to take advantage of The VAULT of new items
although it is, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, since some items may be missed because of


BGTUTU Install

BG: TotSC is REQUIRED. The VAULT v5.0 will install correctly over (or without) any
other WeiDU mods. The VAULT must be installed BEFORE running bg1tutu.exe. This
will allow all the mod's files to be converted along with the main BG files.

Unzip the main ZIP file into your BG main directory. This is normally:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\

Run (click on) "Setup-Vault.exe"

Go to your BG2 main directory. This is normally:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\

Run (click on) "bg1tutu.exe" Conversion should take 3 to 6 minutes

Go back to your BG main directory

Go to Vault directory, and then the _Bam directory
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate\Vault\_Bam

Copy all the files in _Bam directory. 27 files total

Paste them into your BG2 Override directory
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Override

It is unnecessary to start a new game to take advantage of The VAULT of new items
although it is, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, since some items may be missed because of

Unfortunately, this MOD is not compatible with the Original TeamBG BG: ToTSC MOD
entitled DARK SIDE of the SWORD COAST. Some of their items (marked with an "*")
are utilized in this MOD and are marked with an "*", giving credit where it is

Fortunately, this MOD IS compatible with the WeiDU-based BG: ToTSC MOD DARK SIDE
of the SWORD COAST revamped by the Chosen of Mystra. Follow the link in the
section below to download it.

Also included are the following:
James Schumacher's Level 50 Rules Pack
Kai's Arrow, Bolt, and Bullet Pack (stack maximum=40)




* TeamBG, inspired me to start this "item pack" venture
* WeiDU, helped me make this item pack easier to distribute
* Wes Weimer, maker of the WeiDU utility, for programming support
* Japheth and Jcompton for programming support in the Forgotten Wars Studios
* clanREO for the Spanish translation
* FairyBlue for inspiration
* Cristiano Messaad for suggestions
* James Schumacher
* Kai


Version 1.0
* initial public release
* .TBG format
* named NEW and IMPROVED BG:TotSC Items
* found at Arundor's Abode BG1 Misc Section

Version 1.01
* forgot to include AMARAN.CRE to the pack, updated

Version 2.0
* changed name to "The Vault"
* WeiDU v95 used for easier distribution and solved most compatibility issues
* changed ISTAFCAD.BAM because it kept producing errors
* changed IECHAN01.BAM just for the fun of it
* corrected the HP max bonus provided by VALIANT
* changed the stack maximum of DART*.ITM which was previously only 20

Version 2.01
* got a bug that erased the names of the modified creatures after the MOD was

Version 3.0
* added 3 new items
* changed the rewards to some quests to yield more appropriate experience
points/ rewards
* "The Vestibule" MOD initial public release
* WeiDU v124 used

Version 3.01
* fixed bug that removed *.STO file signatures and thus caused games to crash

Version 4.0      1 January 2004
* fixed bug that removed *.STO file signatures and thus caused games to crash
without altering store names or misplacing dialogues seen in Version 3.01
* "Ulcaster Hell" quest improvement included
* WeiDU v144 used
* BG1Tutu supported

Version 5.0      24 April 2006
* over 90 new and improved creatures
* over 90 new and improved items
* "The VAULT", "Return to Nashkel", and "Gullykin Ogre" MODs initial public release
* WeiDU v185 used
* BG1Tutu supported




The Vault Version 5.0

An Unofficial Expansion  for Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast and BG1Tutu

Release Date: 24 April 2006





Baldur's Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast Walkthrough

  the definitive walkthrough for BG and TotSC by Dan Simpson



the Vault Walkthrough COMING SOON

  the definitive walkthrough for the Vault MOD by josh_clue



the Vault Screenshots



Links:   Arundor's Abode   mirror site for The Vault and home to countless other customized items, spells, scripts, etc.
    WeiDU   home of the Weimer Dialogue Utility and other WeiDU based mods
    Near Infinity home of the popular Infinity Engine editing and resource-creating tool
    Forgotten Wars Studios Forums forums for technical support and new mod updates
    BG1Tutu home of the BG1 to BG2 conversion project

TeamBG   TeamBG, nuff said


Baldur's Gate, Tales of the Sword Coast, Baldur's Gate 2, Throne of Bhaal, are © BioWare.  Dungeons & Dragons material is © Wizards of the Coast. All original content is © Realm of Azengaard