In order to create an organized environment in which to play, these posting guidelines will set the "grammar" of the stories we all create. Following some simple rules will assure better results, most especially in terms of management of posts in general and general game flow.
Here is what's expected:
1.) Spelling and Grammar: I am not extremely picky about this, but please be sure to try to catch any major glaring errors before you post. Even simple spelling or grammatical errors can get in the way of suspending disbelief in the game.
2.) Point of View: Third-person point of view is recommended. Whether you use complete character omniscience(writing out some of his/her thoughts and feelings) or let actions speak for themselves is up to you.
3.) Non-Assumption: Please do not post actions for major NPCs or characters on assumptions of how they will act or react (which is especially true in combat!). Feel free to invent interactions with minor NPCs as you see fit, however (small-talking with on the street, tripping over a beggar, speaking with a drunk bar patron, etc.). I am not here to hold your hand through everything you do, and not every thing you do requires input from me. It's your world after all, so have fun with it!
4.) OOC: OOC, or out-of-character items such as questions to the DM or statements of intent (if your description is unclear) should be placed in double parenthesis, ((like this)). This also goes for the results of rolls that you are asked to make.
5.) Don't be afraid: The best posts come from your imagination. Don't be afraid to let it soar!
This concludes the posting guidelines. I hope they help to make this game as excellent and easy to follow as it can be!