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History Collage of the 1950's

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1. This picture is of a city called wutan that was bombed mercilously during the Korean War. I chose this picture because i thought it showed the extreme lengths the US was prepared to go to in order to stop communism.

2. This is a picture of Thurgood Marshall, in the 1950's he was fighting for the ruling in Brown v. Board of Education, but in 1968 he was apointed as a sepreme court justice. As the first african american sepreme court I thought his picture would show that people that were fighting segregation and racism would not do so in vain.

3. This is a picture of the king of rock and roll himself- Elvis Presley. His "devils music" and girating hipes embodied the rebelous spirit of not just the youth of the 1950's, but todays as well.

4. This is the picture of a 25 kiloton nuclear warhead located in Kazanikrust, Russia. It was just one of the hundreds and possibly thousands of nuclear weapons that were built during the cold war.

5. This picture is of the national guard that the Arkansas governor called to keep the little rock 9 from going to an all white high school. I picked this picture because it shows how determined a single-minded person can be.

6. This picture is Jackie Robinson, the first african american professional baseball player in the history of the US. He is an imbodiment of courage and a spirit of resistence against almost impossible odds.

7. Richard Nixon, during the `50's was the vice president of Eisenhower and later became president himself. However he was caught up in a scandel which made him the only president to resign from office. One of his famous quotes are "I am not a crook."

8. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the greatest men of all time, and fueled with the inspiration givin to him by Rosa Parks' simple refusal to get up out of her bus seat, he lead the greatest peacful demonstration of all time.

9. This is a picture of Rosa Parks being fingerprinted after she refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. It shows the amount of publicity that gave the civil rights movement some of it's first great pushes.

10. This is a picture of sputnik, the first artificial satellite in earth orbit. It was a symbol of fear during the cold war because nobody in the US really new what it was, whether it was a spy satellite, or a nuclear bomb dispenser, or a communications device for Soviet alien allies. (and yes all of these were investigated by the US government)

11. This is a picture of a platoon of troops moving through the jungles of Vietnam. I chose this picture to show how far combat had come since WW1, only 40 years earlier people were lining up to get mowed down by machine guns, and now instead of large heavy fixtures each man had his own personal machine gun.

12. This is a couple kissing after his return from the Korean War. It symbolizes how afraid that americans were of communism that they might not of cared what was th future results.

13. This is a 1959 Brently & Brimer partial hollow electric guitar. The guitar is one of the prominant symbols of rock and roll and it is part f the american spirit.

14. This picture is a picture of an assembly for segregation ordered by the governor of Arkansas only a week before the little rock 9 inncident.

15. This is a poster featuring one of the first commedy shows on television, I Love Lucy. And throughout the 50 years of TV evolution, I loe lucy is still on TV.