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The Attack on the World Trade Center

Im sure everyone has heard of what happened on September 11, 2001. It, like the day of December 7, 1941, will live in infamy. This day, like the attack on Pearl Harbor, will not go unpunished.

President Bush gave a speech on September 20 issuing an ultimatem to Afganistan. The United States is declaring that Afganistan hand over all terrorist leaders to American authoritys. That all terrorist camps be closed immediatly and permanently. That the U.S. have regular access to these camps to make sure they are not opperating. That all terrorist be handed over to the proper authoritys. And that the government of Afganistan supply protection to all foriegn dignitaries, foriegn journalists, and citizens of foriegn countries. Bush also stated that this ultimatem is not up for negotiation, and that if the government of Afganistan does not comply to these demands then they will share the same fate as the terrorists.

With this ultimatem Bush also called all reservse to active duty, and is sending a number of aircraft to Diago Garcia, a military instillation in the Indian Ocean. Several nations have agreed to help the U.S. on fighting the war on terrorism. Many of these nations are members of NATO, which issued a proclamation that "An attack on one, is an attack on all."

This event is sure to affect the world for years to come, and may even possibly catapult us into World War III. And when Bush was asked by the american people how they could help he said, "hug your children."

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