Messenger of the Oak

Greetings and welcome to my home. I am Cerridwen and I am of the Forest Fae.

I was born from the Oak deep in the forest. I am a child of the forest and know not of a flesh and blood parent. I was reared as a proper Fae and was taught the way of the messenger to the Oak and by the Oaks I was taught.

I speak to the animals, plants, and trees and they in return speak to me. I can heal those both humanoid and animal and can summon the power of the Forest Gods.

Those of my kind live very long lives and I am said to be around 698 years old. I am not absolutely sure of the exact age since I was truely not keeping track. I may be older and I may be younger, who can say? I am a small woman and most often prefer to fly rather than walk as my mode of movement.

I can be found within the forest if needed usually praying, listening, or speaking with the forest inhabitants of all walks of life. There are quite often many candles that surround the area I dwell.

I spend time with the Druids of AdW and have found great comfort among them. There are those of my kind there and my calling as a server of the Oak is needed. I also served as Head Bard in AdW, but currently serving as advisor to our Queen.. Telling stories and writing poetry inspired by the Great Oak's wisdom.

I shall wait for you. If you can find me that is.............

Flitter Flitter, Flutter Flutter

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