Final Fantasy X-2 uses a more
enhanced version of the classic Active Time Battle
system, in which each action will require variable
length of time to complete. For example, using an item
takes very little time comparing to casting a spell,
some special skills also take more time to execute
than regular attacks. In addition, the battle order
panel from Final Fantasy X (located in the top right
hand corner) will return as well, which lists the
order of action between your party and the enemies.
A new Attack Chain System is
also included in Final Fantasy X-2, which allows
multiple characters to chain attacks. The chain attack
usually initiates by Yuna's Quick Trigger command.
During the battles, each character can use the Dress
Up system to change into different outfits and job
classes by pressing L1. Default job classes are Gunner
(Yuna), Thief (Rikku), and Knight (Paine).