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Combat Imperialism III

Taxes. Two things, population and tax rate will determine a nations total budget. Say a player sets his nations tax at ten percent, if the population of this nation is ten million, minus military personnel from that figure (which we will say is one million). The nations budget would be 900,000 microns, minus 25% of that to keep services like public works operating. Leaving a player with about 700,000 Microns.

Morale. This will be decided by tax rate (low good, high bad), how long a nation is involved in a conflict, territory gains/losses, casualties, and other more minor factors. If morale drops below fifty the nation will experience protests and riots directed against the current government. If morale continues to drop a revolution will occur. In a revolution ten percent of the civilian population joins the revolutionaries, and your nations military loses 10% of its personnel and units to the revolutionaries. If the revolution is successful in defeating your government you will be booted from the league, and a new player will take over the nation.

Waging War. War will be waged in an informal matter. Once a week players will submit their moves to league president. A player will tell the president his strategy, which units he wishes to use, and of course the target. Victory will be determined by morale, strength, fatigue, strategy, and by mere roll of the dice in some cases.

Building an Army. There will be four aspects to the nations military, the army, navy, air force, and Special Forces (a nation may choose between a missile program, commando units, or guerrilla forces which is a cheap alternative to the later two). A detailed formula will be released in the future showing how much items cost, and how many units are needed to operate them. Remember the more people you enlist in your military, the fewer civilians there are for tax revenue.

The league ends when all nations have been conquered or when an alliance eliminates the opposition.

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