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• Dec.20th, 2022 • by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
So about that last news update, yeah it was the first and last update of that decade, and here we are, currently, in a new decade - again. Decided to do a little news and members list update, mostly for fun. Current events are - believe it or not - a new WARNET server. EwR is alive and well, living on discord, and if you haven't already, please join the clan server -->> ( Other discord servers have emerged, like the B.Net Origins server, where a lot of OG warring friends have been reconnecting. If you're interested in coming out of the woodwork and reconnecting with old friends, hit up that discord as well -->> (

• May.27th, 2010 • by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
First and probably the last update of the new decade, it is now 2010 and EwR is still alive as always. Not much excitement in the last forever, the clan channel has been disbanded due to member inactivity and we now reside in channel Op Ew]2 on the server. I still see a few people drop in here and there, but I haven't seen many members in a long time. StarCraft 2 will be coming out next month, so maybe things will pick up then with the release of the new Who knows.. Until next time, FiReWaLL.

• June.05th, 2009 • by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
Almost a year since the last update again.. So I just got off work early and was wondering what to do so I decided to do a little update for anyone that still visits this ancient website. So your wondering whats up with EwR in 09', well, we're still around and we aren't leaving anytime soon. You can visit us on in Clan EwR on the East realm or you can war with us on the new warring servers. You can check that out at Again for anyone that checks out this old site, we have a new one that we've been using now for a long time. Its Check out the website and leave a message if you're not too lazy to register on the forums. Until next time, FiReWaLL.

• Sept.26th, 2008 • by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
So over a year late I finally decide to do a minor update to the site because i'm mad bored. Well first off everything is still going good for us. Since I reintroduced us to in 2006 we've gotten and clan channel and held a stable number of people in the channel every since. Members we have are loyal, a few newer faces that aren't so old anymore and whatnot. A new warnet is poppin' right now and we're on that not doing half bad. By the way we have a new site made by zerg if your an old member and still check this page out.. its check it! Anyways, thats it for another year or so.. If i'm still alive by then i'll be sure to update. With love, FiReWaLL.

• Dec.19th, 2006 • by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
What up!! I updated the members list so you guys can check it out. Also, sign up on the forums!!! and if you aren't on the members list, email me or post on the forums and I will add you asap!! Oh and Merry Christmas everybody!

• Dec.17th, 2006 • by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
What up!! I decided that I would do a little update just to let everybody know how we are doing and what up. Well in the past coulple weeks we got our channel hoppin. {EwR}ZeRG^KoG decided to show up.. Good to see you back you bastard! We got a shit load of new people ridin with us. If you aren't on the members list and you wanna be just email me or post on the forums. Also, come chill on irc with us, #team-elite
Thats it for now.. late!

• Nov.21th, 2006 • by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
Hey.. I was chattin it up with a few people and we came across some old {EwR} websites if any of you are interested in checking them out. The links are posted below. In other news.. the warnet server supposably is coming up in a few days to a weeks time. I've heard its 3 bots per ip.. then I heard 1 bot per ip.. so i'm not really sure what it is. If anybody is interested in gettin on the server be sure to let me know. Oh and get everybody idleing on irc: #team-elite . Also on we have a channel. Its Op Team-Elite on USEast. I'm trying to get a little gaming thing on the go so if anybody wants to have a game or just hang on drop in. OH! and if you aren't on the members list and you WANT TO BE!! msg me on AIM! @ Energy07o2. Last but not least: I added a button on the left menu bar for any of you that can't stand a little tune so you can turn off the 1337 music in the backround and a cool StatCounter.
Here are those links to the old websites. Site 1 Site 2 Site 3

• Nov.16th, 2006 • by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
What up bitches. I decided i'd update this site for the hell of it. Well so far theres nothing new. Rumors of a new warnet are circulating. I'll send a bot on there to rep {EwR}. Cuz everybody kno i'm EwR for life. I'm gonna update the members list and shit so if you wanna be team wit us. Lemme know. So far its just me. So if you wanna be on the list. Hit me up on aim. Energy07o2.

P.S: Don't be gay. Idle on IRC! #team-elite

• Jan.14th, 2006 • by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
Bringing you the updates.. We have 4 active members who now load. Me, Darkknight, Raptor, and Halo. Wheres the loyalty!!!!!???? Load in ~EwR~ and Dark Realm for all those who care.

• Oct. 17th, 2005 • by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
Bringing you the updates.. We lost a few members, those who quit or those who were just inactive I removed from the members list. Also ]oL[ and Un4 wars are over. Currents wars are none. Load in ~EwR~ until further notice.

• Oct. 14th, 2005 • by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
Ok, so. oMg` War is over. Un4 war begins. oL war continues. Once again we find ourselves 2v1. {EwR} vs. ]oL[ / Un4, Lets show these punks how to do it...

• Oct. 12th, 2005 • by: {EwR}WaR^KoG
o.O Ok ok, The XiP` war is done and gone. o.O Another clan called oMg` loaded us. So I guess they want to get it on. Lets show em.. how we do it! w00t -Stay Easy-

Oct. 6th, 2005 - by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
Whats up everybody. I decided to post a little update on the website in War's absence so you guys know whats up. Well it seems to me like we're doing fine. At the moment we own ~EwR~, Hideout, and War Room. Not bad, lets see us take RoW as well. Another little thing I am concerned about as well.. I've noticed some people without tags or with different tags. To me it seems sloppy and not well organized. It would be cool to see a full line of {EwR} down the list of channel occupants if at all possible.. Just for appearence. Well thats all for my mouthing, if anybody has any questions or comments / updates.. feel free to let me know on AIM. Energy07o2.

Oct. 6th, 2005 - by: {EwR}WaR^KoG
-Important- i am going out of town this weekend to FL to call some minor league game's. Ill be back Sunday Night! If you need to get a hold of me 972-898-2327. We are Currently at WAR with: ]oL[ & XiP & RoW(LOL). -Stay Easy-


Oct. 5th, 2005 - by: {EwR}WaR^KoG
Welcome back! {EwR}DaRK~AnGeL w00t! OoK, FUCK XiP, they can go to hell as far as i am concerned! We are currently at WAR with: ]oL[ & XiP. Check channel Assignments. o.O Everyone is doing a GREAT JOB! Keep it up guys! -GOOD NiGHT-


Oct. 5th, 2005 - by: {EwR}WaR^KoG
W00t we have a Return member {EwR}SoLo^KoG from ELiTe`. XiP and us maybe Allying i dont know!? me and X~[CaLDaGa]~X still need to talk. Any rejections? Check the damn Assignements i see alot of ppl doing what they want too!


Oct. 5th, 2005 - by: {EwR}WaR^KoG
|2evolt. has unloaded from ~EwR~! We could use those bots for Xip` ^^ just a thought! Unload from SeX Updates: Assignments


Oct. 5th, 2005 - by: {EwR}WaR^KoG
Xip` loaded on us so lets put the fire on WaR RooM. Also |2ev. wants a CEASE FIRE. What you guys think? let me know! DaRKKNiGHT & Kasper are Back w00t! Now if we can get Wishblade & ZeRG Back! o.O Check the Channel Assignments daily if at all possible^^ -GooD NiGHT-


Oct. 4th, 2005 - by: {EwR}WaR^KoG
WORD UP MY BIOTCHES, ]oL[ & |2eV. WANT WAR SO LETS GIVE THEM ONE! Server: LOAD UP! UPDATES: as follows, Allies, Enemies, Assignments, News


Mar 8th, 2004 - by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
Database was reset again, remake your accounts and load up. Oh btw in case you dont know its back to chat bots, so adjust and load.


Mar 5th, 2004 - by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
Well we are warring 3 clans now.. kW because they loaded on us, XiP, I don't know why, and RS, which is the same as kW. Anyways, The alliance with bA is a go ahed and its a done deal so they are allies now and I redid the assignments page and stuff so if your not happy where you are just let me know so I can make the changes.


Mar 2nd, 2004 - by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
{kW} war is over. Just defend now until we're all set up. That'll be next week sometime when dark gets his oc, that'll give us time to get our stuff straight and get ready.


Mar 2nd, 2004 - by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
We're back, not that we ever left but yah, channel ~EwR~ on so get on there and help us out! Also try and get old members to rejoin, if thats possible.


Aug 25, 2002 - by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
im temporarily out of action for a bit. hopefully be back and rdy to run when/if i get my stuff back =\

Aug 16, 2002 - by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
Seeing how I went to another city to see the result of my grandfathers surgery which the result wasent good at all, the cancer has spread throughout the organs around his stomache and the surgery did nothing. So by now you probly have noticed a decrese in activeness by me because of this.As I will be spending as much time as I can with my grandfather and family at this time and ill check in once and a while but until things get better you wont see me as much.

Aug 7, 2002 - by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
I wanna congrat 2 fine members on reaching the Realmer rank. Alot of hard work went into reaching this rank so congradulations to: {EwR}RapToR and Ew]2-toss2

July 27, 2002 - by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
Well tourney is today at 2:00pm time. Hope to see you all there! oh and we welcome our new recruits, you know who you are :)

July 25, 2002 - by: {EwR}FiReWaLL
I wanna congratulate Ew]2-Toss2 for his exceptional work on becoming a Captain. Toss is doing the best out of all our recruits. And has set a great influence for other recruits to follow. Toss is always on doing great and flying up the ranks. Great job toss!

Mar 7, 2002 - by: {EwR}FireWaLL
Congrats to ExPLoiT by making leader status *Claps* New irc server #Team-Elite Elite Warriors of the Realm