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Once a moth there will be a tournament to decide just who is the ultimate fighter. You CAN die,but if you do get killed your opponent is disqualified. The winner gets 100,000 gil plus an item or weapon of my choosing. Second place will get 1 item or weapon of my choosing plus 50,000 gil.

The first tournament will be the 20th of this month.

People signed up:Cloud, Vincent, Sephiroth, Squall, Zell, Cid,Zack

Round 1 of the Tournament!!!

Cloud Vs Cid

Cloud and Cid both pulled out their weapons and got ready. Cid lunged and stabbed at Cloud, but Cloud dodged. Cloud kicked Cid in the ribs and punched him in the face. Cid used Fire, but it reflected back and hit him. "You forgot, I have a reflect ring."Cloud said as he used Fire 3. "Now see Fire's real power!"Cloud yelled. The attack knocked Cid out.

Cloud advances

Squall Vs Zell

Squall and Zell started punching, kicking, ax smashing, and uppercutting each other. Finally, after a 30 minute fight Squall used Bolt 3 and Zell used Fire3. The attacks knocked out both fighters.

no winner

Zack Vs Vincent

Zack ran up and Vincent shot him in the shoulder, then kicked him in the head. Zack fell out of the ring.

Vincent advances

Sephiroth hets a by this round.

Round 2 of the Tournament!!!

Sephiroth Vs Vincent

Sephiroth and Vincent faced each other and got into their fightning stances. Seph did a flip over over Vincent and kicked him in the base of the neck. Vincent was too slow to even counter Seph's attacks. Finally, Seph knocked him out of the ring.

Sephiroth Advances to the Next Round.

Cloud gets a Bye this round.

Cloud Vs Sephiroth

Cloud and Seph slashed at each other, blocked attacks,and dodged each others swords. Finally, after 30 minutes both fighters stopped and looked each other in the eye. Cloud and Seph both used Ifit and Shiva. Cloud jumped back as Shiva appeared to help him. Seph dodged as Ifrit came to help him. Both GFs knocked each other out. Cloud and Seph jumped and kicked at each other. The blows knocked both fighters out of the ring at the same time.

The Tournament is a Tye