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[ log: the lance-slap consequences - 19th august 02 ]

The guestroom hallway. Holt and Britianna are standing near the yellow door. You are standing near the green door. Lance is standing near the north archway.
Lance glances at you undecidedly.
You yawn lightly.
You touch your full mouth.
You glance responsively at Lance.
Lance mentions to you, "Sometimes, I don't know what to think 'bout you..."
Lance says, "...first, I think we're getting 'long well an' being polite, then you're publicly insulting me on the boards."
You ask Lance coolly, "And I'm supposed to care?"
You turn calmly.
You move from the green door to the north archway.
You begin to enter the north archway.
etc etc down to Refectory
The Dining Hall: Gatiane is sitting on a long wooden bench. You are standing near the space between the pillars. Watchman Octavio is standing near a liquor bar.
You glance at Watchman Octavio.
Octavio is a towering, hulking man of sallow complexion with a head of glossy dark brown hair, thin and combed back, with a bald spot and a bushy mustache and whiskers. He is carrying his beer mug and his rusty black skeleton key. He is wearing white wool pants, grey leather tall boots, a grey cloak, a pair of grey gloves, a grey pouch, a grey jerkin, a white shirt and a silver pin.
Watchman Octavio notices you.
Watchman Octavio nods to you, "Heya, lass."
You hold your hip calmly.
Watchman Octavio boldly gazes at your body.
You smile sweetly at Watchman Octavio, "Good aft, weasel."
Watchman Octavio licks his thin lips, "Woof."
You arch your light eyebrow, "Woof?"
Watchman Octavio grins at you, "Yeh, yer a looker, ain' ya?"
You laugh.
You grin entertainedly at Watchman Octavio, "Well, I like to think so. I'm sure your weasel friends would love to know you think a Duelist is a looker, too."
Watchman Octavio winks, "Like yer hair. Don' matter ta me none if yer one of them fancy sword-swingers."
You glance upwardly at your flouncy strawberry-blonde hair.
Watchman Octavio glances obviously at your green leaf, "That don' look like no doolist pin, lassie. Since when are ye runnin' with that pack?"
You gesture your purple felt pouch, "My induction is in a week."
Watchman Octavio glances at your purple felt pouch.
Watchman Octavio laughs, "Oh, in a week."
You smile crisply at Watchman Octavio, "Aye, a week."
Watchman Octavio snorts lightly, "A week. Thas good."
You ask Watchman Octavio, "Why is that good, pray tell?"
Watchman Octavio grins at you, "Plenny of time fer us ta get better acquainted, eh?"
You laugh richly, "Somehow, I don't see that happening."
Watchman Octavio laughs at you, "Nah? Can't ye feel the attraction, then, lass?"
You snort.
Watchman Octavio leers slightly at you.
You swoon girlishly, "Oh... I'm sorry, you're right. I can't contain it anymore."
Watchman Octavio chuckles, "I knew it."
You smile charmingly at Watchman Octavio, "I would mind the size of your head, weasel, or you won't fit out the door."
Watchman Octavio laughs at you, "It's always the ones with red hair what got the fire in their veins."
You tell Watchman Octavio lightly, "It's not staying this colour, sorry to disappoint you."
Watchman Octavio glances at you, "That'd be a mistake, lass. Yer right pretty with't."
You wrinkle your fine nose distastefully, "And what a compliment that is, coming from you. Charmed, I'm sure."
Lance arrives through the double door to the south.
Watchman Octavio winks disgustingly at you.
You roll your bright blue grey eyes obviously.
Watchman Octavio murmurs audibly to Vaekwon, "She wants me."
Lance mentions to Watchman Octavio, "You have wonderful tastes."
Watchman Octavio turns his sharp dark brown eyes to Lance, "Eh?"
Lance adds, "An' timing."
Watchman Octavio grins at Lance, "Ah, Lancie! Can it be you after all this time?"
Watchman Octavio laughs heartily.
You smirk slightly to yourself, "They're friends. How predictable."
Lance tells you, "Oh, now's not the time for such humour, as I'm 'bout to report you for your assault on me a few days past."
Watchman Octavio glances at Lance.
You laugh richly.
Watchman Octavio glances at you.
You snort at Lance, "Oh, have fun."
Watchman Octavio tells Lance, "Ye mean this wench assaulted, ye, Lance?"
Lance casually tells you, "Oh, I won't."
You tell Watchman Octavio, "I slapped him. Rightfully."
Lance nods to Watchman Octavio, "Came right up to me an' hit me."
Watchman Octavio grins, "I love my job."
Watchman Octavio puts a beer mug on a liquor bar.
You roll your bright blue grey eyes.
Watchman Octavio informs you, "Yer unner arrest, lass."
Lance reminds you, "'Rightfully', according to yourself, or to the Queen's Capitulary?
Watchman Octavio steps toward you.
You step backwardly.
You raise your dainty hands, "Oh no."
Watchman Octavio grins at you, "C'mon, I'd love ta make it rough."
Lance claps his hands cleanly, "Out of my hands now."
Watchman Octavio licks his thin lips.
You glare at Watchman Octavio, "You stay away from me."
Watchman Octavio leers.
Watchman Octavio steps toward you.
You glance fleetingly at Lance, "You really are a lump of shit, Lance."
Lance suggests to you, "Don't attack me."
Watchman Octavio chortles gleefully, "C'mon, lass."
Watchman Octavio thickly extends his rough hand.
Watchman Octavio grasps your arm.
You sigh loudly.
Lance adds to you, "'sides, you admitted to your crime."
Watchman Octavio nods to Lance, "Yep, she sure did."
Watchman Octavio backwardly tugs at your arm.
Lance thankfully nods to Watchman Octavio.
You shift uncomfortably.
Watchman Octavio restrains you.
Watchman Octavio nods officially, "By yer leave."
Lance nods to Watchman Octavio.
You roll your bright blue grey eyes.
Watchman Octavio moves from the stone floor to the double door to the south.
You spit at Lance.
Watchman Octavio leaves through the double door to the south.
Watchman Octavio drags you through the double door to the south.
You move from Lance to the double door to the south.
etc etc to Courtyard
You begin to enter the eastern archway.
A vast open courtyard, with high walls rising around it. Astana is standing near the green bronze arch at the stair landing. Holt is standing near the north passageway. Watchman Octavio and you are standing near the white marble arch. Gatiane is sitting on an exotic redwood bench. Elsie is being restrained by Watchman Octavio.
You glance at Astana, "Help?"
Astana blinks.
Watchman Octavio grasps your arm.
Astana runs to you.
Watchman Octavio glances at you.
Astana grasps you tightly.
You tug at yourself angrily.
Astana holds you securely.
Watchman Octavio announces, "This lass's unner arrest fer assaultin' ser Lancie."
Astana asks Watchman Octavio gently, "What is this, Watchman?"
You tell Astana flatly, "I slapped Lance."
Watchman Octavio shrugs, "Jus' doin' my duty."
Astana gently says, "I've wished to many a time, Elsie."
You sigh.
Watchman Octavio tells Astana, "See ye later, lass. I gotta nice cell picked out fer the sera."
You sneer at Watchman Octavio.
Astana softly says to Watchman Octavio, "May I ask that you address me as 'Scribe'?"
You ask Astana, "Please... tell Ghent?"
Watchman Octavio adds, "She was good enough ta tell me she's gonna be a doolist in a week. Ain' that nice?"
Watchman Octavio tugs at your arm leadingly.
Astana smiles gently, "I'll tell Sir Lorenz, too, all right?"
Watchman Octavio chortles.
Watchman Octavio glances at Astana's feathery red-auburn hair momentarily.
You smile gratefully at Astana.
Watchman Octavio smiles to himself.
You kiss Astana's high cheek, "Love you."
Astana softly tells you, "You are not friendless, darling."
You sigh frustratedly, "Jail, again!"
Astana hugs you softly.
You bite your full lower lip restrainedly.
Astana tells you, "'Oh. And Sir Darvius?"
Watchman Octavio says, "All, right, all right, thas enough."
You smile at Astana, "Thanks."
Astana nods surely.
Watchman Octavio leadingly tugs at you.
Watchman Octavio moves from Elsie to the north passageway.
Watchman Octavio leaves through the north passageway. Watchman Octavio drags you through the north passageway. You move from the white marble arch to the north passageway. You begin to enter the north passageway.
etc etc down to dungeons…
Watchman Octavio tells you, "I'm right sorry ta be lockin' ya up for slapping Lance, lass. I'd much rather lock ye up fer some other reason."
Watchman Octavio hums cheerily, "Still..."
You sigh.
Watchman Octavio eyes the north cell door momentarily.
Watchman Octavio eyes you, "Hmm."
Watchman Octavio glances westwardly.
Watchman Octavio muses, "I could jus' drop ye in the oubliette." Watchman Octavio winks playfully.
You glance unknowingly at Watchman Octavio, "The oubliette?"
Watchman Octavio chuckles, "Sure, I'll show it to ye."
You shift your arms slightly, "You grip too hard."
Watchman Octavio swaggers westwardly with you.
Watchman Octavio glances at your wrists.
You say obviously, "I'm not going to run away now, am I?" You clench your short jaw tightly.
Watchman Octavio shrugs.
Watchman Octavio releases you.
You rub your wrists.
Watchman Octavio grins at you, "Sorry 'bout that."
You glower at Watchman Octavio.
You fold your arms.
Watchman Octavio shrugs, "Can I help it that I love me work?"
You roll your bright blue grey eyes.
Watchman Octavio swaggers to the west door.
You tell Watchman Octavio pointedly, "That says a lot about your character."
Watchman Octavio laughs.
Watchman Octavio says, "Yeh, I suppose it does."
Watchman Octavio opens the west door.
You mutter, "God I hate Lance."
Watchman Octavio says, "C'mon."
You stomp to the west door.
You begin to enter the west door.
A dim dungeon chamber with a dark, wide hole in the ground. You are standing near the east door. A brown rat is standing near the west door.
Watchman Octavio arrives through the east door.
Watchman Octavio closes the east door.
Watchman Octavio locks the east door using his rusty black skeleton key.
Watchman Octavio glances at a brown rat amusedly. Watchman Octavio swaggers inwardly.
Watchman Octavio moves from the east door to the oubliette.
You peer at the oubliette.
You begin to examine the oubliette.
A dark hole in the floor. It is about three feet wide at its rim. To judge from the pit's location in this dungeon chamber, it is used as an oubliette: a place for dumping a prisoner into solitude and darkness. The hole is covered by a trapdoor, secured with chains and locks. Watchman Octavio is standing near the oubliette.
You blink once.
Watchman Octavio remarks, "Quite a sight, eh?"
Watchman Octavio begins to examine the oubliette.
You step evasively to the north wall.
Watchman Octavio glances at you, "What? Ye don' wanna try it out?"
You glance doubtfully at Watchman Octavio.
Watchman Octavio pouts playfully.
You tell Watchman Octavio obviously, "You're sick."
Watchman Octavio twirls his rusty black skeleton key, "Yeh, it's a gift." around in a rapid pirouette.
You shudder unwillingly.
Watchman Octavio asks you, "Now, lessee, assault..."
Watchman Octavio thinks.
Watchman Octavio glances at you, "Thas' twelve lashes."
You lift your short jaw, "Fine."
Watchman Octavio whistles softly, "Hate ta think of that pretty back gettin' all scarred up."
You glare at Watchman Octavio, "I'm not afraid of pain."
Watchman Octavio eyes you amusedly.
Watchman Octavio asks you, "Have ye ever been lashed afore, lass?"
You tell Watchman Octavio, "Nay."
You ask Watchman Octavio, "If I'm lashed, can I go today?"
Watchman Octavio tisks, "It's quite a sight."
Watchman Octavio informs you, "Ye'd have ta wait fer the Corporal or the Armswoman."
Watchman Octavio suggests, "I'd pray that the Armswoman does it. She's got a softer touch, if ye know what I mean."
Watchman Octavio lasciviously licks his thin lips.
You purse your full lips unimpressedly.
You gesture openly, "I do not want to stay here any longer than necessary."
Watchman Octavio emphatically gestures, "CRACK! Then, the bleedin' starts."
You wince involuntarily.
Watchman Octavio grins, "Ooo, the moans a' pain and beggin' I've heard."
You clench your short jaw determinedly, "I am not afraid of pain. But I don't want to have to wait any longer in this hell hole."
Watchman Octavio gestures repeatedly, "Then, CRACK! An' SMACK!"
Watchman Octavio wiggles his fingers and his pinkies, "Down trickles all tha bluid."
You yawn loudly.
Watchman Octavio glances at you. Watchman Octavio chuckles.
Watchman Octavio shrugs, "Not wantin' it isn't gonna help ye."
Watchman Octavio unlocks the west door using his rusty black skeleton key.
Watchman Octavio opens the west door.
Watchman Octavio nods his head, "C'mon, in with ye."
You sigh irritably.
You walk slowly to the west door.
Watchman Octavio lightly pushes at you.
You glance at the north door, "I was in there last time."
Watchman Octavio snorts, "Tough."
You sneer at Watchman Octavio.
You begin to enter the west door.
A cold, dank, dark and small dungeon cell. An empty bowl is lying near here. A water jack, a water jack and an empty jack are lying near the rusty iron door. You are standing near the rusty iron door.
Watchman Octavio arrives through the rusty iron door.
Watchman Octavio grins at you, "I love ta see ye growl at me."
Watchman Octavio glances at a small dungeon cell.
You ask Watchman Octavio annoyedly, "How long am I in here for?"
Watchman Octavio shrugs, "Three, four days at most."
Watchman Octavio clucks, "Certain' no more'n a week or two."
You twitch your full mouth slightly.
You tell Watchman Octavio, "I want the lashes."
Watchman Octavio says, "Sure stinks in here."
Watchman Octavio glances at the ceiling, "Low ceilin' too."
You peer tiredly at a small dungeon cell.
You mutter, "And all for slapping that son-of-a bitch."
Watchman Octavio glances at you amusedly, "Yeh, I'd have like ta seen it."
You glance at the ceiling, "He should be the one down here. Him and his scummy little ways."
Watchman Octavio grins at you, "Don' worry, lass. He'll get his. Las' time he'n me got tagether, I beat the snot outta him."
Watchman Octavio winks, "'Course I wasn't a watchman, then."
Watchman Octavio unconvincingly says, "I'd never do anythin' like that again."
You beam insincerely at Watchman Octavio, "So you're not a complete idiot then."
Watchman Octavio pauses.
A brown rat scurries in the rusty iron door.
Watchman Octavio smiles slowly, "Thas' kind, lass. Very kind."
Watchman Octavio nods appreciatively.
You smile sweetly at Watchman Octavio.
Watchman Octavio tells you, "I'll get ye some food."
Watchman Octavio turns.
A brown rat scurries out the rusty iron door.
Watchman Octavio swaggers eastwardly.
Watchman Octavio stands up near the rusty iron door.
Watchman Octavio winks playfully, "Don' go nowheres."
You roll your bright blue grey eyes.
Watchman Octavio laughs loudly, "I jus' love that one."
A brown rat scurries in the rusty iron door.
Watchman Octavio shakes his head amusedly.
Watchman Octavio leaves through the rusty iron door.
The rusty iron door closes.
There is a click from the rusty iron door
A few minutes later…
There is a click from the rusty iron door
The rusty iron door opens.
Watchman Octavio arrives through the rusty iron door.
Watchman Octavio swaggers inwardly.
Watchman Octavio says, "Brought ye some sustenance."
You glance at Watchman Octavio.
Watchman Octavio offers you a beef stew bowl, a roasted potato, a red sausage and a white roll.
You smile brightly, "Oh, that makes it all better! Thanks Watchman!"
You refuse Watchman Octavio's offer of a beef stew bowl, a roasted potato, a red sausage and a white roll.
You tell Watchman Octavio, "I'm not hungry."
Watchman Octavio pauses.
Watchman Octavio frowns.
Watchman Octavio says, "Thirsty?"
Watchman Octavio offers you an ale flagon, an ale flagon and an ale flagon.
You peer at Watchman Octavio's ale flagon.
You refuse Watchman Octavio's offer of an ale flagon, an ale flagon and an ale flagon.
You tell Watchman Octavio, "I only drink mead."
Watchman Octavio sighs.
Watchman Octavio frowns slightly.
Watchman Octavio says you, "Tell ye what, lass. Fer a right an' proper inducement and promise of a future service, I'd be willin' ta let ya walk, Provided that ye remain in yer room for a day and tell everyone that ye have spend a day in the dungeon."
You gaze unflinchingly at Watchman Octavio's sharp dark brown eyes.
Watchman Octavio gazes at your bright blue grey eyes.
You arch your light eyebrow slowly.
You hold your hip, "And why would you do that, for me?"
Watchman Octavio grins, "I like redheads."
Watchman Octavio adds, "An' Lancie's a rat bastard."
You barely smile at Watchman Octavio, "I'm a blonde. This is temporary."
You nod agreeingly, "That is true."
Watchman Octavio shrugs, "Don' matter none ta me."
Yeoman Ethra arrives through the rusty iron door.
Ethra is a diminutive, delicate woman of alabaster complexion with a full head of straight raven hair, waist-length and windblown. She is carrying her long, triangular rusty iron key, her large crude iron key, her small barbed iron key, her rusty black skeleton key, her large black iron key and her apple cider goblet. She is wearing a sage felt pouch, a circular badge, a blue leather scabbard, a blue wool tunic, white wool pants, black leather boots, a blue leather scabbard and a brass duckcall.
Watchman Octavio pauses.
Watchman Octavio turns to Yeoman Ethra.
You tell Watchman Octavio regretfully, "I don't think I could stay in my--"
Yeoman Ethra bows politely to Watchman Octavio.
You notice Yeoman Ethra.
You smile subtly.
Watchman Octavio nods to Yeoman Ethra, "Heya, Yeowoman."
Yeoman Ethra nods lightly, "Good aft, watchman."
Watchman Octavio asks Yeoman Ethra, "Somethin' I can be doin' fer ya?"
You smile wryly at Yeoman Ethra, "Lance got me locked up." You swoon, "What a man he is!"
Yeoman Ethra glances at you quietly, "so I heard."
You tell Yeoman Ethra obviously, "I want to get out. I can't stay in here."
Yeoman Ethra asks you, "Assualt eh?"
Yeoman Ethra ponders.
You grin, "I slapped the bastard."
Watchman Octavio grins impishly.
Yeoman Ethra nods knowingly.
Yeoman Ethra shrugs, "sorry your hot-headedness."
Watchman Octavio asks Yeoman Ethra, "Ye know this sera?"
You grumble, "Ok, so I shouldn't have attacked him. He doesn't deserve to feel my hand. He doesn't deserve anything."
Yeoman Ethra sighs at you, "Well for the pleasure of slapping the one you hate, this is the punishment.."
Yeoman Ethra frowns quietly.
Watchman Octavio says Yeoman Ethra, "Ye don' happen ta have the lash, do ye? She says she'd rather be done with't."
You nod, "I would."
Yeoman Ethra says quietly, "Unfortunately I don't have the authorization for a whip."
Watchman Octavio nods unhappily, "Me neither."
Yeoman Ethra grimaces, "Where is Darvius when you need him."
Watchman Octavio turns to Yeoman Ethra, "So, it's a maximum of four days, then, ain' it?"
You purse your full lips, "There must be *someone* who can lash me today."
Watchman Octavio glances immediately at you.
Watchman Octavio thinks silently, "I'd be more'n glad ta oblige ye, lass. Oh yes, more'n glad."
Yeoman Ethra shrugs, "Their is no sentence according to the capitulary last I checked, just 12 lashes."
You nod, "Then I shouldn't have to stay here."
Yeoman Ethra whispers you, "who knows what repercussions this might have for me.. but I'm getting you out today."
Yeoman Ethra whispers you, ".. if you really wish it.."
Yeoman Ethra whispers you, "so shall I get the whip?"
You whisper to Yeoman Ethra, "Go for it."
Yeoman Ethra nods.
Yeoman Ethra moves from Elsie to the rusty iron door.
Yeoman Ethra leaves through the rusty iron door.
You glance doubtfully at the rusty iron door.
You bite your full lower lip hiddenly.
You think silently, ".oO(What the hell have I gotten myself in to?)"
Watchman Octavio thinks silently, ". o O Hope I get ta do the lashin."
Watchman Octavio licks his thin lips hungrily.
You blink at Watchman Octavio.
You shudder quietly.
Watchman Octavio leers at you.
You step to the west wall.
You eye the rusty iron door and Watchman Octavio.
Watchman Octavio upwardly curls his cruel mouth.
You lean slightly against the west wall.
Watchman Octavio obviously imagines.
Watchman Octavio cracks his knuckles.
You shut your bright blue grey eyes evasively.
You hum tunefully.
Watchman Octavio sniffs self-importantly.
Watchman Octavio slickly preens his glossy dark brown hair.
You frown darkly at Watchman Octavio.
Watchman Octavio steps toward you.
You blink at Watchman Octavio.
You shrink slightly from Watchman Octavio.
Watchman Octavio eyes you hungrily, "Yeowman's takin' a long time."
Watchman Octavio takes a drink of his ale.
You step sideways.
Watchman Octavio belches.
You grasp your fine nose, "Oh gods..."
Yeoman Ethra arrives through the rusty iron door.
Yeoman Ethra sighs defeatedly.
You glance relievedly at Yeoman Ethra.
Watchman Octavio smiles at Yeoman Ethra.
You walk quickly to Yeoman Ethra.
Yeoman Ethra shakes her head, "It's been..."
Watchman Octavio asks Yeoman Ethra sweetly, "Got it?"
You glance hopefully at Yeoman Ethra.
Yeoman Ethra says quietly, "It's been moved I guess.."
Watchman Octavio disappointedly sighs, "Ah, well."
Yeoman Ethra gazes at your bright blue grey eyes apologetically.
You sigh obviously, "But Ethra... I need to get out of here."
Watchman Octavio glances wistfully at your back.
You glance fleetingly at Watchman Octavio.
Yeoman Ethra says, "... can't we make some makeshift whip?"
Yeoman Ethra says, "from a belt or something?"
Watchman Octavio licks his thin lips pruriently, "What're ye suggestin', yeowoman?"
Watchman Octavio thinks.
Watchman Octavio touches his waist.
Yeoman Ethra glances at Watchman Octavio's Winter Watch scabbard briefly.
Watchman Octavio smiles slightly, "Belts got buckles. That'd hurt plenty."
You raise your light eyebrow, "A belt?"
You hold yourself closely. You mutter inaudibly, "I swear to god, I'm going to kill Lance."
Yeoman Ethra shrugs to you, "If the watchman will accept that as punishment.."
You mutter additionally, "The little bastard."
Yeoman Ethra hugs you consolingly.
You hug Yeoman Ethra quietly.
Watchman Octavio shrugs agreeably, "Aye, I'd be willin'."
Watchman Octavio slowly leers.
You ask Watchman Octavio irritably, "Well, can we get whatever needs to be done, over with?"
You sigh quietly, "I wish Artegal was here."
Yeoman Ethra pokes you, "Don't go on longing.."
Yeoman Ethra whispers you, "Hey you got to slap him, a lot of people would of done more."
Yeoman Ethra grins at you.
You grin at Yeoman Ethra.
Watchman Octavio tells Yeoman Ethra, "Ye wanna get her ready.... expose her back? I'll step outside and take off me belt."
Watchman Octavio grins lasciviously at Yeoman Ethra, "Hold'er."
You glare disgustedly at Watchman Octavio.
Yeoman Ethra walks silently to you.
Watchman Octavio says, "Be right back." Watchman Octavio leaves through the rusty iron door.
You glance at the rusty iron door.
You remove a purple felt pouch.
Yeoman Ethra says quietly, "I think I'm going to kill him."
You smile cheerfully, "Lance, or weasel boy?"
You adjust your sage worsted bodice loosely.
You remove a sage worsted bodice.
Yeoman Ethra says, ".. maybe both elsie, maybe both."
You glance at your ivory cotton long-sleeved shirt.
You glance at the rusty iron door.
Yeoman Ethra says, "um.. you just have to lift it.."
You nod slowly, "Alright...."
Yeoman Ethra says quietly to you, "put it back on.. that guy's a leech.."
Yeoman Ethra says, "A sadistic one."
You tug at your ivory cotton long-sleeved shirt, "It's cotton, he can't see anything."
Yeoman Ethra sighs quietly.
Watchman Octavio arrives through the rusty iron door.
Watchman Octavio casually swings his Winter Watch scabbard.
You glance at Watchman Octavio's Winter Watch scabbard.
You grit your teeth.
You turn to the west wall.
Watchman Octavio backwardly swings his Winter Watch scabbard. Watchman Octavio eyes your back.
You lift your ivory cotton long-sleeved shirt lightly.
Watchman Octavio drools slightly.
Yeoman Ethra holds you steadily.
Watchman Octavio licks his cruel mouth.
You hold the west wall supportively.
You lower your head.
You shut your bright blue grey eyes quietly.
Yeoman Ethra notices Watchman Octavio's cruel mouth.
Watchman Octavio swings his makeshift whip and with twelve loud, searing and painful CRACKS, the belt makes a mess of poor Elsie's back. A solid hit. You have been slightly wounded!
You scream unwillingly.
Yeoman Ethra grips you tightly.
You bite your full lower lip viciously.
OOC -- Watchman Octavio says, "Must go guys. Lock up, Ethra?"
Watchman Octavio smirks.
Watchman Octavio swaggers eastwardly.
Watchman Octavio leaves through the rusty iron door.
You breathe quickly.
You pant slightly.
Yeoman Ethra holds you closely.
Yeoman Ethra twitches.
You shut your bright blue grey eyes woozily.
Yeoman Ethra tears lightly.
Yeoman Ethra says, ".. lean on me.. I'll get you to a healer."
You cry involuntarily.
You lower your ivory cotton long-sleeved shirt slowly. You wince.
You walk slowly to the rusty iron door.
Yeoman Ethra holds you closely.
You tear helplessly, "I hate Lance! I HATE him!”
Yeoman Ethra says quietly, " do many."
You breathe shakily.
You hold yourself quietly.
You lower your head subduedly.