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[ log: elsie’s induction to the duelists – 23rd august 02 ]

Ghent is a short, sculpted man of tanned complexion with a full head of wavy silver hair, short and windblown.

Pete is a diminutive, squat man of ruddy complexion with a head of straight dark brown hair, trimmed and combed, with a bald pate and a full mustache and whiskers.

Elsie is a short, petite woman of rosy complexion with a full head of flouncy golden-blonde hair, long and worn in ringlets.

Tamora is an ample woman of rosy complexion with a head of wavy honey blonde hair, waist-length and worn loosely.

Alkaizer is a strapping man of fair complexion with a head of silky light-brown hair, windblown. He is carrying his mead tankard.

Kenderaela is a tall, voluptuous woman of tanned complexion with a full head of flowing raven hair, long and windblown.

The Duelists' headquarters, a lavishly decorated clubhouse.

Pete and you are standing near the north door. Kenderaela is sitting on the brown velvet sofa. A chestnut broadcloth hooded cloak is lying on the red velvet sofa. A slateboard is standing against the east wall. A liquor bar is standing in front of the window. A roster is standing near the window. An empty tankard is lying on a liquor bar. A quiet female servant is standing behind a liquor bar. Tamora and Ghent are standing near a liquor bar. Twelve drinks are standing on a liquor bar.

Kenderaela smiles at you.
You smile shyly.
Pete grins at you.
Ghent smiles at you brightly.
Ghent regards you roguishly, "Ready to take the big plunge? Last chance to change your mind..."
Ghent winks knavishly, "Because after this you'll stuck with us."
You gaze consideringly at Ghent and Pete.
You tap your short jaw thoughtfully, "Well.... now you mention it...."
You wink teasingly at Ghent and Pete.
Ghent smirks at you.
Pete grins.
Ghent blinks rememberingly.
Ghent glances to his purple felt pouch.
You honestly smile, "There are no two people I would rather be "tied" to."
Ghent takes a master Duelists catalog from his purple felt pouch.
Pete beams proudly at you.
Ghent smiles fondly at you, "Likewise."
Pete straightens.
Pete wears a cavalier hat.
You see yourself, Tamora, Ghent, Pete and Kenderaela.
Ghent offers a master Duelists catalog to Tamora.
Ghent winks at Tamora playfully, "Don't lose that now."
Pete nods to you, "Ye'll be able ta keep us both in check oi reckons! An' we'll look affer ye!"
Kenderaela sips her mead.
You grin broadly at Pete, "Well, I'll do my best."
Kenderaela stands up near the brown velvet sofa.
Kenderaela moves from the brown velvet sofa to the window.
Ghent sips his mead.
Kenderaela walks to the window.
Pete giggles.
You smooth your ash muslin long-sleeved blouse neatly.
Kenderaela stands up near the window.
You naturally adjust your flouncy golden-blonde hair.
You ask Ghent interestedly, "How was the crossbow contest?"
Ghent smirks dryly at you, "I wouldn't know. I'm not there."
Ghent shrugs to you, "Next time."
You pause apologetically.
Ghent winks at you proudly, "It's not everyday your triad gets repaired now is it?"
You smile quietly at Ghent.
Pete nods surely.
Ghent makes eye contact with the bartender, who deftly tops off his tankard.
Ghent gazes at the north door.
Ghent shrugs finally.
Ghent closes the north door.
You smile crookedly, "I guess a lot of them couldn't make it."
Ghent locks the north door using his elegantly carved bronze key.
Ghent straightens readily.
Tamora asks uncertainly, "Is Charlott still imprisoned?"
Ghent moves from a liquor bar to the middle of the room.
Ghent steps to the middle of the room.
Ghent frowns at Tamora.
Ghent simply nods.
You shift your feet quietly.
Tamora sighs quietly.
Ghent offers a master Duelists catalog to Tamora.
Pete frowns uncertainly.
Kenderaela holds her hip lightly.
Tamora takes a master Duelists catalog from Ghent.
Tamora asks Ghent, "Ah .. what is this for?"
You smile at Pete, "Come join us in the center, Pete."
Ghent tells Tamora, "Elsie's equipment."
Pete moves from the north door to the middle of the room.
Pete stands up in the middle of the room.
You gaze readily at Tamora.
Bit of OOC crap, Tam poofs in the sword, scabbard, pin, hat, key.
Tamora offers a master Duelists catalog to Ghent.
Ghent takes a master Duelists catalog from Tamora.
Ghent puts his master Duelists catalog in his purple felt pouch.
Tamora approaches a liquor bar.
Tamora steps to a liquor bar.
Tamora puts a feather pin on a liquor bar.
Tamora puts an elegantly carved bronze key on a liquor bar.
Tamora puts a longsword on a liquor bar.
Tamora puts a cavalier hat on a liquor bar.
Tamora puts a black scabbard on a liquor bar.
[OOC Page] from Ghent: "How's it feel to finally be there? :)"
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "A bit surreal :) Of course, all this faffing around is a bit anticlimactic... but it's till pretty special"

You sigh happily.
You grin lovingly at Ghent and Pete.
Ghent winks at you sideways.
You smile nervously.
You rub your arm absently.
Pete d/c and came back. Tamora d/c... for a very long time. I think it was 20 mins :S
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "*bangs head on table* It's all going wrong! I feel like stopping the log, and just starting again."
[OOC Page] from Ghent: "LOL. Sorry. Just think, you can look back on this day and laugh. ;D"
[OOC Page] from Ghent: "Ha ha ha...remember when we were trying to induct Elsie and everyone kept getting DCed until Elsie finally flung herself through the window and plummeted to her doom....ha ha."
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "LOL"
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "Yes, hysterical!"

You hear a knock from the other side of the north door.
You glance at the north door.
Pete takes an elegantly carved bronze key from his purple felt pouch.
Pete unlocks the north door using his elegantly carved bronze key.
Pete opens the north door.
Alkaizer arrives through the north door.
Pete waves to Alkaizer.
Pete grins.
Alkaizer stumbles inwardly, "Sorry I'm late!"
Pete closes the north door.
Pete locks the north door using his elegantly carved bronze key.
You spot Alkaizer immediately.
Kenderaela grins at Alkaizer.
You grin happily, "Hey!"
Alkaizer exhales slowly.
You wave to Alkaizer smilingly.
Alkaizer grins at you congratulatorily, "Congratulations Elsie. I'm happy for you."
You beam sincerely at Alkaizer, "Thanks."
Pete bounces.
Pete grins happily.
You giggle at Pete.
Ghent smiles casually.
Alkaizer grins at Pete sideways.
You grin jestingly at Ghent, "Oh, ser too-cool-to bounce, are we?"
Alkaizer moves from the north door to the window.
Alkaizer flusteredly leans against the window.
Ghent winks at you, "One of us needs to be the pillar of composure and civility."
Alkaizer grins at Ghent plainly.
Ghent chuckles.
You laugh richly.
Kenderaela raises her chin.
Kenderaela drinks her mead.
Alkaizer twiddles his thumbs tunefully.
Alkaizer hums idly.
You move from the middle of the room to Pete.
You fleetingly kiss Pete's jowly cheek.
You move from Pete to Ghent.
You fleetingly kiss Ghent's high cheek.
You move from Ghent to the middle of the room.
You step to the middle of the room.
Pete grins at you.
Ghent grins at you lopsidedly.
You grin fondly at Ghent and Pete.
Alkaizer grins at you soundlessly.
Alkaizer grins jestingly, "What? No kiss for me? How about a hug?"
You chuckle warmly at Alkaizer.
You move from the middle of the room to Alkaizer.
You walk lightly to Alkaizer.
Alkaizer good-humoredly flicks his cavalier hat.
You hug Alkaizer fondly.
You kiss Alkaizer's cheek amiably.
Alkaizer hugs you congratulatorily.
You nudge Alkaizer's cavalier hat jauntily.
You wink at Alkaizer.
You move from Alkaizer to the middle of the room.
You walk to the middle of the room.
Alkaizer grins soundlessly at the middle of the room.
Tamora enters the world. (after her 20 min absence - there was much OOC freaking above!)
OOC -- Tamora says, "*sob*"
OOC -- Kenderaela says, "lol"
OOC -- You say to Tamora, "WB!"
OOC -- Ghent says, "HOORAY! WB"
OOC -- Alkaizer says, "WB ;)"
OOC -- You say, "*hugs warmly*"
OOC -- Kenderaela says, "YAY!"
OOC -- Ghent says to Tamora, "Big fat smooches!"
OOC -- You say to Tamora, "*CHEER* Welcome back, welcome back :D"
OOC -- Pete says, "w/b!"
OOC -- Alkaizer says, "*cough* Booyakasha!"

Tamora smiles eagerly, "Are we ready?"
Ghent nods surely.
You smile happily at Tamora's round honey brown eyes, "Aye."
Alkaizer smiles thoughtfully at the Duelists' headquarters.
Ghent listens to Tamora seriously.
You listen undividedly to Tamora.
Kenderaela moves from the window to Tamora.
Kenderaela walks to Tamora.
Pete bounces.
Kenderaela stands up near Tamora.
Pete grins, "Ready!"
You beam at Pete.
Tamora grins at the middle of the room.
You smooth your ash muslin long-sleeved blouse fussily.
Much OOC debating about Alk being the "3rd person" and him not knowing what to do, not having TWiki, tisking, sighing etc etc. Alk said "I want Lydia to have a flawless induction" and as Kender rightly said "Too late..." All this paging took place while we waited for Adam to receive an e-mail from Pete with the Induction stuff in it... *sigh*.
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "How To Hold a Perfect Induction: Part 1."
[OOC Page] from Ghent: "Do everything the opposite of Elsie's Induction. ;)"
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "*grins* I must admit, although this is not how I had imagined it would be, I am actually sitting here grinning..."
[OOC Page] from Ghent: "Heh, told ya. Conflict and problems rock! :D"
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "*rolls eyes*"
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "Temptation to say "Sort yourselves out, I'm coming back in 30mins is *huge*"
[OOC Page] from Ghent: "Aww, what fun would that be? :D"
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "For me, someone who is a total control freak when it comes to things like this, it's gone so awry that I'm laughing"
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "You do *not* want to come to a party where I am host, unless you don't mind not talking to me. I panic non-stop"
[OOC Page] from Ghent: "The nervous laughter of a person at the end of their rope. ;)"
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "Yup! ;)"
FINALLY all the OOC stuff stopped, Adam got the e-mail, and we could resume the Induction.

Ghent tilts his head attentively.
OOC -- You say, "Ok! IC, finally!"
You listen absorbedly to Tamora.
Tamora smiles at Ghent, you and Pete.
Tamora smiles at the Duelists' headquarters, "Friends, brothers, sisters,"
Tamora says, "First..."
Pete straightens readily.
Pete listens.
Tamora grins brightly, "A toast - for your courage and your strength."
Tamora glances at a quiet female servant.
A quiet female servant gives an ale flagon to Tamora.
Tamora grasps her ale flagon.
A quiet female servant gives a mead tankard to you.
Tamora raises her ale flagon.
Kenderaela lifts her mead tankard.
Alkaizer takes a mead tankard.
Ghent raises his mead tankard.
You raise your mead tankard.

[OOC Page] from Ghent: "And the meads have it!"
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "Huzzah!"

Alkaizer lifts his mead tankard grinningly.
Tamora smiles, "To Elsie, one who was of our hearts from nearly the moment she awoke.... only until now shall she be a part of the duelists forever."
You blush smilingly.
Pete takes a juice cup.
Pete raises his juice cup.
Ghent grins crookedly.
Pete blushes.
Tamora raises her ale flagon.
Tamora drinks her ale.
Alkaizer drinks his mead.
You toast the Duelists' headquarters warmly.
Alkaizer swallows dryly.
Pete drinks his juice.
You take a drink of your mead.
Kenderaela drinks her mead.
Tamora says, "Alright then.."
Ghent takes a drink of his mead.
Alkaizer lowers his mead tankard slowly.
Pete grins anticipatorily.
Tamora smiles at you, "You have professed and proved your wish to live by the duelist's code though in truth we think it is natural for you to do so."
Tamora continues, "We have seen evidence of your deep friendship to one another...."
Tamora eyes you, Ghent and Pete.
Pete nods surely.
You smile softly at Ghent and Pete.
Ghent observes Tamora placidly.
Tamora tells you, "We have seen you give aid and support to your brothers when he is in need."
Tamora beams quietly, "We have seen you work to unearth the truth of an injustice with all of your heart."
Tamora finishes, "And, we have seen you display nothing but the utmost honor, loyalty and respect for our Queen and her people with a strong desire to protect and serve them both faithfully."
Ghent smiles.
Tamora smiles proudly at you.
You blush warmly at Tamora.
Kenderaela steps forwardly.
Kenderaela gazes at Ghent, you and Pete.
Pete gazes at you proudly.
Pete smiles.
Ghent regards Kenderaela's owlish blue grey eyes.
Kenderaela raises her chin composedly, "Honor, friendship, respect, loyalty, truth - these are our edicts and the qualities that make a fine duelist. To them we add trust and passion."
Kenderaela gestures softly, "You are three are as one now - you are separate but never alone."
Pete moves from the middle of the room to Elsie.
Pete stands closely by you.
Pete smiles upwardly at you.
You smile tenderly at Pete.
Kenderaela continues seriously, "And though we all make a circle and are brothers and sisters in arms - your triumvirate is your strength. You will find that you will be tested."
Pete smiles at Ghent.
You grasp Pete's pudgy hand.
Ghent moves from the middle of the room to Pete.
Ghent grasps Pete's shoulder rememberingly.
Kenderaela lowers her slender hand, "By others. and by one another. In such times - do not forget this moment. Do not forget your oaths. Trust one another when you can trust no one else."
Kenderaela says meaningfully, "Your friendship and trust is your foundation to all you may achieve together or alone."
Kenderaela turns to Alkaizer.
You smile heartfeltly at Ghent and Pete.
Alkaizer steps forwardly.
Alkaizer coughs freshly.
Alkaizer raises his bright brown eyes to the Duelists' headquarters composedly.
You listen attentively to Alkaizer.
Alkaizer smiles abruptly, "Passion."
Tamora grins cheerfully.
Alkaizer motions his bright brown eyes smilingly, "We are not the ones to wait when there is honor besmirched, when there is trust broken, when there is justice required."
Tamora murmurs quietly, "I love this part..."
Ghent gazes nobly at Alkaizer.
Pete inhales deeply.
Kenderaela nods to Tamora quietly.
Pete grins.
Alkaizer motions his strong hand enthusiastically, "When someone is in need. Act!"
Alkaizer grins outlandishly, "Act passionately in all of these things and allow it to fall into the rest of your life."
You grin quietly.
You straighten proudly.
Alkaizer smiles at you particularly, "Dance, laugh, rage, eat and drink passionately."
You beam at Alkaizer.
Kenderaela touches her pouting lips briefly.
Alkaizer quotes the Duelists' headquarters proudly, "Fight passionately. Live passionately. Love passionately."
Alkaizer turns his bright brown eyes to your bright blue grey eyes directly.
You gaze equally at Alkaizer's bright brown eyes.
Pete nods surely.
You nod affirmingly.
Alkaizer queries you seriously, "Do you understand the oath you give? This is an oath for life and binds you together for always. Are you still prepared to offer it- Aye or Nay?"
You glance quietly at Pete.
You glance softly at Ghent.
Ghent turns to you softly.
Pete watches you.
Pete listens to you.
You turn your bright blue grey eyes seriously to Alkaizer.
You smile heartfeltly, "Aye."
Tamora listens to you.
Tamora smiles delightedly.
Alkaizer motions his bright brown eyes grinningly.
Kenderaela smiles at you fondly.
Alkaizer smiles at your face directly, "Do you swear to hold honor, friendship and respect to your Queen, your people and your brothers and sisters in arms above all? Do you swear to work as one and to show by your example to all others who would wish to know who a duelist is and what we are made of?"
Kenderaela listens to you certainly.
You listen carefully to Alkaizer.
You nod sincerely, "Aye, I swear."
Ghent nods firmly.
Alkaizer queries your bright blue grey eyes continuously, "Do you swear to uphold justice and truth? To always strive to do that which is good and right for Queen and the people that we seek to protect?"
Pete listens solemnly to you.
You answer Alkaizer truthfully, "I do."
Alkaizer turns his bright brown eyes to Tamora thoughtfully.
Tamora smiles at six faces.
Kenderaela smiles reminiscently.
Tamora asks you seriously, "Do you agree to give your all in every duel and every motion? To live and fight well and hard and with determination?"
You honestly smile at Tamora, "Aye."
Tamora gazes at you, Pete and Ghent.
Tamora says, "Now, all three of you..."
Tamora recites, "Do you three agree to be one another's strength, to seek to support your brother and sisters in arms. To be three but always as one. Are you prepared to lay down your lives for your oaths and each other?"
Ghent gazes at Tamora.
Alkaizer listens to the Duelists' headquarters intently.
You inhale slowly.
Ghent swears unwaveringly, "Aye."
Kenderaela gazes at Ghent, Pete and you.
Pete vows, "Oi swear!"
Tamora listens to you.
Tamora gazes at you specifically.
You promise heartfeltly, "With all my being."
Tamora beams delightedly.
Tamora grasps her ale flagon.
Kenderaela smiles.
Tamora tells the Duelists' headquarters, "Then we offer a toast to you, and a charge: live your lives within these edicts. Follow them in the name of honor and in the name of our Queen, our people and for each other and you will bring glory and honor to every deed that you do..."
Tamora raises her ale flagon.
Ghent toasts.
Pete raises his juice cup.
Kenderaela lifts her mead tankard.
Pete grins.
Alkaizer lifts his mead tankard mirthfully.
Pete beams happily.
You smile emotionally.
You raise your mead tankard.
With several quick gulps, Tamora empties her flagon.
With several quick gulps, Ghent empties his tankard.
With a few quick gulps, Kenderaela empties her tankard.
With several quick gulps, you empty your tankard.
With several quick gulps, Alkaizer empties his tankard.
With several quick gulps, Pete empties his cup.
Kenderaela summons the bartender, who deftly tops off her tankard.
Alkaizer dryly swallows.
Tamora approaches a liquor bar.
Tamora walks to a liquor bar.
You make eye contact with the bartender, who agreeably tops off your tankard.
Ghent wipes his thin lips easily.
Tamora takes a cavalier hat.
Tamora takes a feather pin.
Tamora turns.
Alkaizer smilingly watches you and Tamora.
You gaze joyfully at Tamora.
Kenderaela watches Tamora smilingly.
Tamora says, "These hats and pins are the tokens by which we are known. The white feather is the integrity of our words and actions - act in good faith for the good of all and for our honor."
Tamora offers a cavalier hat to Ghent.
Ghent takes a cavalier hat from Tamora.
Ghent turns to Pete.
Ghent offers a cavalier hat to Pete.
You watch Ghent, Pete and Tamora.
You smile silently.
Pete turns to Ghent.
Pete takes a cavalier hat from Ghent.
Pete offers you a cavalier hat.
You turn to Pete.
You extend your dainty hand slowly to Pete's cavalier hat.
You take a cavalier hat from Pete.
Tamora offers a feather pin to Ghent.
Ghent takes a feather pin from Tamora.
Alkaizer smiles intently at Tamora, Ghent, Pete, Kenderaela and you.
You gaze smilingly at your cavalier hat.
Ghent handles his feather pin lightly.
Ghent offers a feather pin to Pete.
Pete takes a feather pin from Ghent.
Tamora takes an elegantly carved bronze key.
Tamora takes a black scabbard.
Tamora takes a longsword.
Tamora puts her longsword in her black scabbard.
Pete extends his cavalier hat.
Pete turns to you.
Pete offers you a feather pin.
You take a feather pin from Pete.
Tamora turns.
You hold your feather pin carefully.
You tilt your feather pin adeptly.
You wear a feather pin.
Tamora beams at you.
You grin privately at your cavalier hat.
Pete bows to you deeply.
Tamora smiles at you, "And as your sponsor..."
Tamora extends her black scabbard.
You lift your cavalier hat.
You wear a cavalier hat.
Pete tilts his cavalier hat to you.
Tamora offers you a black scabbard.
Tamora offers you an elegantly carved bronze key.
Alkaizer grins at Tamora, Ghent, Pete, Kenderaela and you.
You take an elegantly carved bronze key and a black scabbard from Tamora.
You beam at Tamora.
You smile openly at your elegantly carved bronze key and your black scabbard.
You shift your black scabbard leftwardly.
You wear a black scabbard.
Pete grins at you.
Ghent smiles brightly.
You tilt your cavalier hat perfectly.
Pete nods properly, "Thet looks about roit!"
Ghent winks at you.
Pete cheers, "'Ooray!!!"
Kenderaela smiles simply.
Kenderaela drinks her mead.
Alkaizer cheers agreeingly, "To our brothers and sisters in arms: May they live and fight long and well!"
You smile speechlessly.
You raise your mead tankard airily.
Ghent raises his empty tankard, "To the Duelists!"
Kenderaela toasts you, Ghent and Pete.
Pete raises his juice cup, "To th' Doolists!"
Pete dances a lively jig happily.
Ghent grins crookedly, "May our swords stay sharp and our tankards never empty?"
Tamora raises her ale flagon.
Tamora drinks her ale.
Alkaizer raises his mead tankard grinningly, "To the Duelists!"
You toast beamingly.
Kenderaela grins.
You grin lovingly at Ghent.
Alkaizer grins at Ghent amusedly.
You take a drink of your mead.
With several quick gulps, Kenderaela empties her tankard.
Tamora moves from the window to Elsie.
Tamora hops to you.
Tamora hugs you impulsively.
Kenderaela turns to a liquor bar.
You beam warmly at Tamora.
Ghent salutes the Queen's portrait, "And to Her Majesty! Long may she reign!"
Kenderaela makes eye contact with the bartender, who deftly tops off her tankard.
You hug Tamora sororially.
You kiss Tamora's high cheek.
Alkaizer honorably regards the Queen's portrait.
Kenderaela smiles at you, "there is no escape."
You hear a knock from the other side of the north door.
Kenderaela winks at you.
Ghent glances to the north door.
You grin amusedly at Kenderaela.
Alkaizer notices the north door grinningly, "A visitor!"
Pete turns to the Queen's portrait.
Ghent grins at you, "Mind getting that."
Ghent winks at you.
You grin at Ghent.
Pete bows deeply to the Queen's portrait.
You chuckle.
You step to the north door.
You unlock the north door using your elegantly carved bronze key.
You beam.
You open the north door.
Abagail arrives through the north door.
You beam at Abagail.
Kenderaela chuckles helplessly.
Abagail bows courteously.
Alkaizer grins at Abagail, you, Tamora, Ghent, Pete and Kenderaela smilingly.
Pete waves to Abagail, "Ferget yer key?"
Abagail grins at you.
Kenderaela smiles welcomingly to Abagail.
You tilt your cavalier hat stylishly to Abagail.
OOC -- Ghent says, "I gotta poof. Sorry I can't stay and dance on the bar with everyone. ;)"
Abagail shakes her head.
You grin at Abagail.
OOC -- You say, "Aww.... take care Dusty!"
Kenderaela approaches the north door.
Kenderaela walks to the north door.
Abagail tilts her cavalier hat to you smilingly.
[OOC Page] to Ghent: "Thanks a lot :)"
[OOC Page] from Ghent: "Anytime. ;)"

Ghent had to poof :(
You close the north door.
You lock the north door using your elegantly carved bronze key.
Kenderaela bows partingly, "excuse me, I must be off."
You smile at your elegantly carved bronze key.
You unlock the north door using your elegantly carved bronze key.
Abagail moves from the north door to Elsie.
Kenderaela straightens.
Abagail tackles you.
You grin broadly.
Alkaizer grins at you seriously, "Congratulations!"
Abagail hugs you, "congrats."
You laugh at Abagail.
You hug Abagail tightly.
Kenderaela opens the north door.
Kenderaela leaves through the north door.
You beam at Abagail.
You beam at Alkaizer.
The north door closes.
You see Abagail, yourself, Tamora, Pete and Alkaizer.
Abagail glances at the north door.
Alkaizer grins at you fraternally, "I guess I'll have to call you 'sister' now."
You grin at Alkaizer, "I guess so."
You kiss Abagail's cheek.
You kiss Alkaizer's cheek.
You kiss Tamora's high cheek.
You kiss Pete's jowly cheek.
Alkaizer grins reservedly.
You smile emotionally at the Duelists' headquarters, "I..."
Abagail grins at you, "How does it feel?"
You gesture speechlessly.
Alkaizer listens to you compassionately.
You smile simply, "I love you all."
Abagail grins at you.
Abagail hugs you.
You hug Abagail.
OOC -- You say, "Geez, my cheeks hurt from smiling so much!"
Alkaizer grins at you reassuringly, "And we all love you!"
You grin thankfully at Alkaizer.
Abagail nods agreeingly.
You grin at Abagail's face, your face, Tamora's face, Pete's face and Alkaizer's face, "Well, what now? Do we stay and drink here, or do we let the newest addition to the family run riot and show off her hat?"
Alkaizer comments Pete grinningly, "Ghent was right."
Tamora chuckles.
Tamora moves from the middle of the room to a liquor bar.
Tamora hops to a liquor bar.
Tamora sits down on a liquor bar.
You pause curiously.
You grin at Alkaizer, "Right about what?"
Alkaizer comments Pete grinningly, "She DOES look cute in her hat."
You laugh heartily.
Alkaizer turns his bright brown eyes to you grinningly, "What?"
Abagail grins.
You beam at Alkaizer.
Alkaizer rolls his bright brown eyes smilingly.
Pete hugs you happily.
Pete giggles.
You hug Pete sororially.
You grin at Alkaizer.
You adjust your cavalier hat adorably.
You wink cutely.
Pete notices your cavalier hat stylishly.
OOC -- Abagail says, "hey guys i gotta poof before my parents come home and get mad that I am not cleaning"
Alkaizer chuckles smilingly.
Alkaizer grins fleetingly, "I'd really love to stay and help you paint the castle red but unfortunately I really must be off!"
Abagail poofed too :(
You grin at Alkaizer, "No problem."
You smile sincerely at Alkaizer's bright brown eyes, "Thanks so much for coming, Alkaizer."
Alkaizer hugs you fraternally, "Congratulations again Elsie. You deserved this."
You hug Alkaizer warmly.
Tamora smiles cheerfully at the Duelists' headquarters.
You smile at Alkaizer.
Alkaizer flicks his cavalier hat grinningly, "Well a good night to all of ya!"
You tilt your cavalier hat sweetly to Alkaizer.
Alkaizer moves from the window to the north door.
Alkaizer trots to the north door boisterously.
Alkaizer pivots to the Duelists' headquarters.
Alkaizer bows finally.
Alkaizer straightens immaculately.
Alkaizer grins outlandishly, "Good eve."
You repeat grinningly to Pete and Tamora, "Well, what now? Do we stay and drink here, or do we let the newest addition to the family run riot and show off her hat? Considering we now number three...."
Alkaizer pivots to the north door merrily.
Alkaizer opens the north door.
Alkaizer leaves through the north door.
Pete asks you, "Do ye wanna go show off yer 'at elsewhere?"
The north door closes.
Pete grins.
Pete says to you, "Less go show off yer sword an' at whadda ya say?"
You laugh at Pete.
You grin at Pete, "Sounds great."
Pete waves.
Pete bows to Tamora.
You smile genuinely at Tamora's round honey brown eyes, "Thank you... so much. For everything."
Pete opens the north door.
You gaze smilingly at the Duelists' headquarters.
You walk lightly to the north door.
You tilt your cavalier hat partingly.
You begin to enter the north door.
The south stretch of a long narrow corridor. North of here, the corridor turns a corner to the left and heads northwest. You are standing near the south door.
Pete arrives through the south door.
Pete closes the south door.
Pete winks, "Ye kin lock up!"
You grin at Pete.
You lock the south door using your elegantly carved bronze key.
You beam at your elegantly carved bronze key.
You drop your elegantly carved bronze key in your purple felt pouch.
You close a purple felt pouch.
You smile cheerfully at Pete, "Onwards!"