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[ events as she sees them ]

Please take all information you may get from these logs as strictly OOC. I only post them here to entertain, and allow you as a player to have a better look at events that have shaped her :)

Advance warning: these logs are long. I have cut out all the crap I can, but be warned. Also, I've not dated all of them (can't remember!) and these particular ones are pretty old. I try to put them more or less in order, the oldest being at the top. Many more to come!

Log: 25-06-02 - Elsie is released by Artegal.
Log: 19-08-02 - The subsequent arrest after slapping Lance.
Log: 23-08-02 - Elsie is inducted into the Duelists.
Log: Elsie meets with Dame Catharsis.
Log: That messed up situation called "love".