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Darius En-Vec

::A man appears before you...he appears to be a young elf but his eyes of experience tells you otherwise...he is in fact over 242 years old. His long black hair is blowing in the breeze with his normal clothing on. His Amakusa blade is sheathed by his side...but make no mistake...for if you upset this warrior then his sword will be runned through you. As he stands there he speaks:: I am Darius En-vec... second in command of the forum TSCO, second in command of the NCB high council, and owner of the Old Time Weapon Shop...I specialize in all kinds of weapons...will buy, sell, trade, and repair. I am also a tester of skills, strength, power, swordsmanship. If you think you can defeat me...then don't be afraid to step up to battle.

GUILD INFORMATION TSCO Forum-High Council/Trainer...Reg ## DE006112...will kill, heal, and rezz. NCB Guild-SiC,24,160 exp. 4d80)) ((Mun is legal))


Amulet of Healing Reg##41I9L-E5


Soul Of Departed Warrior: Amakusa can take his human form and attack his opponent with Shadow techs...this is the only sword that can wield this spell.

Fireball: The name says it can hit one or multiple targets...::you can smell the burning flesh::

Glacial Chasm: This spell allows him to incase his enemies in a glacier. ::All you feel is a cold chill::

Keeper Of The Four Winds: (To anyone who has played Final Fantasy 7...this spell explains itself.) ::Four knightly warriors appear in battle armor...they each have one of the following.. a Battle Ax, a War Hammer, a Titanium Spear, and a Gold Staff. They will attack one each or the same...depending on the spar count. ::Four warriors appear to lay my opponents to waste::

Fire Sabre: This spell allows Amakusa blade to become a blade of pure fire...for example, if I cut your head off with this hot blade it would cauturize your wound with no blistering and no scorched flesh...the devil's fire. ::The cold steel quickly becomes a hot crimson blade to purge my enemies of their worldly flesh::

Judgement: This spell when casted will take the battlefield and turn it into a desolate wasteland. ::As the spell is casted everyone can feel the ground that happens the ground explodes into a volcanic eruption destroying the weak::

Elemental Blessing: These various spells changes your opponents elemental alignment. For example: If your elemental strength is Fire then I'll cast "Arctic Blessing" to make Fire your weakness.

Power Words: These words merely spoken into exeistance can do whatever the word mean. I know of Heal, Death, and, Life. I am learning other though.

Kozuka: This spell allows me to enchant projectile weapons with a magical poison.

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