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"The future is gone but the past still lies ahead"










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Trainings avaliable everywhere:
Self Training- You can do it for however long you want and the gains are 5% of your powerlevel a day. Energy slowly decreases more each day.

Sparring-Team up with an ally and train together. By fighting each other while powered down you gain 8% of your sparring partner's powerlevel per day. Energy decreases twice as fast as self training and can drain faster if your opponent is much stronger than you.

Gravity training-One of the best ways to train. Simply test yourself under intense gravity. See gravity chart at the bottom of the page to see gains.

Meditating- Finding hidden energy by focusing your mind. You gain 3% powerlevel each day but no energy is wasted.

Move Mastering- Take a move that you have already learned and practice until you have mastered the technique. Time depends on the strength of the move.

Move splicing-Similiar to move mastering this is where you take two moves you have learned and combine them together and master them both as one move. This process usually takes a long time but can change the tide of a fight at any moment.

Weapon Mastering-Same as mastering moves only with your favorite weapon.

A small planet inhabited by insect like creatures. This is a warrior race, which is sad considering the fact they are weaker than Krillin on a bad day. However, they are persistant pest who will make you kill them before you can leave the worthless planet.

Fight the locals: 2 days, 10% powerlevel increase each day.
Arena fighting: (Once per saga)Enter the not so famous Arlia arena fight challenge hear you will fight Arlia's great fighters who are really not that strong but still can be dangerous. 5 days, intial pl gain is 10% then the % raises by 2% each day.
Fight the monster: (Once a week) Thats right the sacred Kuji monster. He's about as scary as the cookie monster but still gives an ok gain. 1 day, 20% gain.


  • Claws: These are gloves that have the Arlians nails attached to the fingers. Can be quite painful but you have to get close to opponent to use them. 3 days to find.
  • Arlian armor: Not the best armor but still helps cushion some attacks. 3 days to find.
  • Scouters(1): Left by a saiyan visitor there is one scouter on the planet Arlia. A scouter of course lets you read one's powerlevel. 14 days to find.

    A planet inhabited mainly by humans. The people are kind of naive to whats really going on in the universe. However, the planet it's self has good resources.

    Survival Training- (once a month)7 days, cannot fight anyone during at the end of the week you gain 20% powerlevel gain.
    Climbing Korrin's tower- Takes 1 day, you only get 2% powerlevel gain for it but must be done to get to the top of Dende's tower.
    Train under Dende- (once per saga)You can do this for a maximum of 5 days. The first day you can 5% powerlevel increase and the gains increase by 5% each day.
    Pendilium Room- Fight against warriors from the past for great gains. Can only be done once per scenario and you gain 30% powerlevel increase.
    Room of Spirit and Time- Can only be done twice. Takes one day but you get a years worth of training. The first time used your powerlevel doubles. The second time you powerlever increases by 50%.


  • Sword: Just a plain old sword. Nothing too special, helps out some in combat if used correctly. 3 days to find.
  • Weighted Clothing: Adds 2% to your powerlevel gains. 5 days to find.
  • Gravitron(2): Allows you to train under gravity. Takes 2 days to install. 8 days to find. Can only be used when installed in a ship.
  • C.C. Ship(2): Holds 4, has room for a gravitron and takes 4 days to travel to a planet. Takes 10 days to find one of the 2 ships on Earth.
  • DB Radar(1): Find a dragonball in 1 day. 17 days to find.
  • Human henchman: 3 days to find- starts with with 100 pl and the move kamehameha.
  • Android henchman(energy absorbing): 5 days to find- starts with 500 pl.

    This is the planet filled with those cocky weird guys who sound a little fruity. The planet's atmosphere is harsh and hard to live in.
    Survival Training- (once a month)Do to the harsh atmosphere this can only be done 5 days. However, it gives a 25% powerlevel increase.
    Arena Fighting- (Once a saga) Fight the best warriors Frieza has to offer. Intial gain is 15% and then 3% more is gained for each day following. Can only do for a max of 5 days.
    Royal Army (once a week) Challenge the Royal Army itself and see if you can win. 1 days, gain 22%


  • Arm blaster: A weapon that enhances your normal ki blast. 5 days to find.
  • Scouter(1): You know what this does. 14 days to find.
  • Changling Armor: Upgrade of the Arlian armor. 4 days to find.
  • Rejuvination Tank: Heals all your wounds in 1 day and gives a 5% powerlevel increase afterwards. 8 days to find, can only be used when installed in a ship.
  • Changling Ship(2): Holds 20 people. 4 empty rooms where gravitrons and rejuvination tanks can be installed. Takes 6 days to travel to another planet. 14 days to find one of the ships.
  • Mutant henchman: 3 days to find- starts with 200 pl and crusher ball.
  • Changeling henchman: 4 days to find- starts with 400 pl and eye beams.

    A planet with more than one sun. It's never dark here so if you have sleep deprivation this is not the planet for you. Filled with a race of green people this planets only good for planting a weird useless plant. Go figure eh?
    Fight the locals: If there is anything the Namek people are good for it's getting their asses handed to them. Join the band wagon and beat the shit out of these green people like everyone else! 2 days a week 15% gain each day.
    Spar Nail: He isn't the best fighter but he is about all Namek has to offer. Once a week, takes 1 day and gives 18% powerlevel increase.
    Guru's touch: Respect your elders. I mean come on kiss ass for one day and you get your powerlevel doubled. Can you beat that? Only can be done once.


  • Staff: You know what I'm talking about Donantello used this as his favorite weapon. Thats the purple ninja turtle. 3 days to find.
  • Namek Ship(1)- Holds 2 and already has a rejuvination tank. 5 days to travel to another planet. Takes 9 days to find.
  • Namek henchman: 4 days- starts with 400 pl and regeneration.

    Next Dimension
    This is where you go to wait to see where you can train when you die. It is separated into five different locations.

    This is where characters aligned as good go when they die and are not worthy of better training.
    Fight other dead warriors: They died how good can they be? 3 days a week, 12% powerlevel increase.
    Explore- Look around see the sites of heaven. Beat up random people without getting caught. Takes 5 days can be done once per visit to heaven. 20% powerlevel gain.

    This is where bad guys go when they die and are not worthy of better training.
    Fight evil demons: Hell's full of demons and they are annoying so beat the shit out of them and move on. 3 days a week. 15% gain each day.
    Survive: Basically walk around hell and try not to get raped by all the other evils of the world. Very dangerous can be done once per visit to hell. 25% powerlevel gain.

    -Goku's Planet
    Good guys that die for a good cause, may be chosen to train on Goku's planet. Advanced trainings are given here.
    Snake Way That annoying road with all the distractions. Must be traveled to get to Goku's planet. Takes 2 days. 5% powerlevel gain.
    Spar Vegeta: Get beat up by the prince of all saiyans. Takes only 1 day can be done once a week. You will have to rest the following day but you gain 30% powerlevel.
    Prepare mind You have to do this before you learn spirit bomb or kaioken and remember spirit bomb can only be performed by those pure of heart so if you learn the move and your not pure of heart then you can't do use it. Takes 5 days. Gain 5% powerlevel gain.
    Wrestle Goku: Take on the man himself in a one on one wrestling match. Can only be done once per visit. Takes 1 day and you will need to rest the following day. 40% powerlevel increase.

    -Janemba's Palace
    Bad guys that have been killed trying to foil the uprising of the pure heart get to come here. Advance trainings are given here
    Hell's mountain: To reach Janemba's Palace you have to go over Hell's mountain takes 2 days. 10% powerlevel gain.
    Spar Evil foes: These are all past villians defeated by the Z team, such as: Cell, Frieza, etc. You can fight them once a week you will need to rest the following day. 45% powerlevel gain.
    Fight Janemba: Challenge the King of Hell himself. A one on one fight. Takes one day can only be done once per visit and you will have to rest 2 days afterwards. 75% powerlevel gain.

    Those who are thought to be essential to the universe's future good or bad, are subject to be brought here to train with Kaioshin himself.
    Journey: Takes 5 days to travel to this Planet. 15% powerlevel gain
    Zed Sword training- Try to wield the great legendary sword. 3 days (once per visit)30% each day.
    Train under Kaioshin- up to 5 days (once every other week), starts off 25% gain and increases by 10% each day.
    Elder Kai's dance- The dumb old Kai wants to dance for you. You have to sit for a long ass time but it's worth it. 1 day, 3x powerlevel can only be done once.

    A planet inhabited by midget genuses, Yardrat is a perfectly place to go if your one of those I'd rather read a book than train kind of guys.
    This planet offers no training but instead any move learned on this planet will take half the time than usual except for moves that have to be learned on this planet.

    Gravity Chart

    Level/pl needed/pl gained
    10x Any PL 2,000
    20x 5,000 3,500
    30x 15,000 5,000
    40x 50,000 10,000
    50x 100,000 13,000
    60x 200,000 20,000
    70x 300,000 25,000
    80x 500,000 50,000
    90x 750,000 70,000
    100x 1,000,000 100,000