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Name: Makter Feltly

General Information

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 23

Familys: He has long since been on his own but was raised by some of the homeless on Nepleslia.
Faction: Independent
Occupation: None/Hacker
Physical Characteristics
Height: 5' 10" (178cm)
Weight: 176lb (79.8kg)

His last profiled description marked him as between 20 and 25 shoulder length red hair and stunning baby blue eyes. His right arm has an exo-skeletal robotic arm that increases his strength 10 fold and also is hard wired as a computer.

Build and Skin Color: Tanish Slightly thin with a slight tone of muscle on his arm's and chest Face and Eye Color: Some what pale face with what seems like genetically defected baby blue eye's Hair color and Style: Red, Long bang's straight and parted down the middle

Distinguishing Features: His eye's are an obvious enhancement of the color blue almost as if painted.

Psychological Characteristics
People that have seen him have stated he has a childlike attitude toward almost everything but extremely intelligent.

Personality: Acts much younger then what his age would say. This due to the fact that he was denied a real childhood living on the street's absorbed in the information the city so willingly displayed and fighting to live to the next day. But now that he seems to being taking care of himself effortlessly he's reliving the childhood he'd wanted to have.

Likes: Anything sweet, the smell of newly crafted components, anything that lights up spins or has other mechanical property's, cartoons.

Dislikes: Sour things, the city smog, people that have proven to be smarter then him though he hardly ever shows his real intelligence.

Goals: To make the best of his second childhood this time with real living friends.


Born and raised in the slum's of Nepleslia in the constant shadow of the military housing facility or The 'Scraper's as some called it. It was a well informed and very active part of town though slum's none the less. Orphaned at the age of three he was taken up and raised by a group of people most of which had no real place to call home so they just carried him along from outer city parameter's to just on the outskirt's of the inner city where security was tighter for the higher ups. Since the people he learned to call his family constantly moved around the industrialized planet he never got to make a friend let alone meet one that would associate with a street rat like him.

Since his life was constantly on the move and he never had a proper education yet plenty of time on his hand's at the age of 8 he started hovering around display shop's and facility's that would allow access to their computers in so doing he began absorbing the knowledge on his own. Some people were amazed to see a filthy kid like him so immersed in learning and being so adapt at it that they often offered their assistance if so needed. It also didn't hurt when he called them sir or mama to give them the impression of self worth.

Around the age of 11 he was accidentally separated from his family group and was introduced for the first time to street fighting. After the gang had there go at him for wager's on how long he'd last before they knocked him out cold he took to learning self defense information and combat training simulators at VR stores. After about 6 months he was able to at least give a slight beating back but ended up worse for wear. Over time he perfected his ability's to fight and armed himself with some light weapons to hopefully keep some distance from anything dangerous.

At the age of 16 he started doing odd jobs for some of the local mobs to earn cash. Most of the jobs were just delivery and pick up but one outta five always ended up with him running away bullet's flying. After earning a fair amount of pocket money he bought his first Networking computer that he could jack into building's and download information on that wouldn't normally be allowed free of charge. After extensive learning of computer's from the information he stole he became quicker at this and learned still more.

Currently he's left the group he had grown up with and now at the age of 23 he's been busted a few times with possession of illegal information but the Officer's are so corrupt in the outer city that you could bribe them and get off without a report. After some wheeling and dealing of information he was able to gain access to the main city of Nepleslia where information seemed to be stored by the space station load. Now with fresh credit and the means to walk around freely without question he'd have to find a way to start gathering his knew source of information and see what else lays beyond.


Fighting and Physical:He knows his way around small arms weaponry and has a slight knowledge of hand to hand combat which his right robotic outer arm puts to good use. ((The right arm is encased with a robotic skeleton there is a real arm under it)

Mathematics: Coding variable's and the basic language of the world is done in mathematics and in this aspect he knows almost everything about it. Though holding so much information in his head leads him to suffer from erratic migraines.

Rogue: Living on the street's he's gained the basic knowledge of how thing's are done down to the mob's inner working's. Some time's people find him fairly charitable with what his slight of hand can acquire him.

Special: Tech Overload - His VR eye screens split to cover both of his eyes like sunglasses. When like this he gets lost in his rage and there are massive power spikes in the immediate area of 100 yards. Outside the 100 yards for the next ten miles the place's are finding power failurs and blackout fequently. He draws the power of a 10 mile radius and then blows all the power back out in every electronic around him overloading them and destroying them besides his own units.

