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Milar Schath

Weapon Details/features: The Rosh`kal is a light and quick dagger which had been enchanted to always stay sharp and almost never break unless under heavy strain of magic. Enter laced in the metal work on the handle a switch is embedded. When flipped a spiked hand guard that encases his whole hand snaps into place. This allowing his to be sure he don't drop the Rosh`kal and makes for a quick affective counter assaulting punch.


Dragons Black Fire - This fire is almost pitch black but burns with the force of a star. The black fire is almost liquid inform and seems to take on a life of it's own. When it comes in contact with flesh it seems to feed on it. Attemting to beat it out only spreads it to what it touches. It has been known to burn for weeks on end after it was first lit and best put out with only one sure way that he knows. (Figure it out on your own ^_^ and no it is like LIQUID)

Rip Gate: Using the wind and Bane arts to there most accurate and deadliest lvl. This ability takes some time to perform the right wordings but once done is almost continuously in play. The Rip Gate is exactly what it's name implies a Gate that was ripped open. Every gate has an entrance and an exit. The entrance forms in front of the user in the shape of a black tear in the worlds. The exit can very to places and locations from in front of a person to right inside a person depending on how much concentration and accuracy could be involved. Since the Rip was caused by high powered winds and is encased with dark energy causing the an explosion of wind infused dark energy out of the exit when formed. The Rip's purpose is transportation, not of living matter but of magic and objects. If living matter were to pass thou it, it would become decayed and mangled with the dark arts. Thou anything else that travels thou it comes out infused with and a deadly lace of the dark energy's. A simple spell could become more powerful and deadlier once it passes thou these rips.

New found Powers:

Crystal Body Barrier: There are three blood red swirling crystal's that Milar wears. One on each gauntlet and one on his belt buckle. They work as a set to protect his body from possession, mind control, and serves as a mental barrier.

Spell Storage: His armor and gauntlets being lined with silver have the ability to store a spell of his choice into the lining. It is sometimes obvious what type of spell he is storing due to the color change of the lining, but be careful if he takes the time to he could have changed the color to throw you off. Depending on the size and strength of a spell determines how much of the armor is occupied with magic. He could store up to 3 small spells with his three parts. Chest plate and 2 gauntlets.

