Talos Strato [Above Pic is not exact look of Talos. Shorten the hair lose the incubus wings and add big black and red ones on back. and outfit below.]
Talos once angel now pure evil with the power to boost. Feeding off the emotions of fear and lust he has become quiet talented in the way of getting creatures to expose these feelings in ample supply. His main power comes from his ability to enslave the minds of females with the slightest trace of demonic blood in them. His presence becomes some for of erotic pleasure the closer they are to him clouding there minds forcing them to focus on him. When he feels the need to or wants to take pleasure in a new catch he can weave the words in the woman's mind to make her do one of her most basic of desires, to breed. To men including himself the power becomes an onslaught of desires ranging from kill, tear, feed, sex, and pain that can't seemed to be separated causing insanity and sometime self inflicted mutilation. As of recent years Talos has mastered after millenniums to control the voices in his head which he soon found he could control of those sensations in other demons nearby. The feeling of power entices him only further to take pleasure at the expense of others pain and loss. Finding prized female Demoness-es preferably pure blooded he has started a collection of the one's he most enjoys.
Since his existence as an evil being he has made it a constant need to better himself. To do this he incorporates from victims attributes that he finds he enjoys or strengthens him. How he takes them is a manor all his own, for most it involves killing them but now that he's come in control of his mind again and adapted so many others into his being he can do this with mearly feeding on a small portion of flesh or form a womens bodily fluid. ((Basically he's a walking DNA analyzer and takes what DNA he likes to modify himself)) His basic appearance is that of a long black haired male, giant bat like leather black and red wings some times draped around his shoulders or hidden under a cloak. He wears a deep blue trench coat with blood red outlining and matching fingerless gloves. His chest is bare under the trench coat and his pants are almost tight matching blue leather. His eye's are a pure emerald in color but some times a mix of red takes fold on strong mood changes. His wrists have been seen to split open and release a dark black smooth leather like tentacle that lined along it's shaft are spines that only snap open upon his command. These tentacles have great regenerative powers and secrete a green acidic blood. ((Like the movie Aliens meet mortal kombat Scorpion!!))
History: Since Talos long ago was an angle infected by an unclassified demon before it was killed he has a strange outlook on whats good and evil. To him he is the definition of an absolute demon. In his eyes one must experience true good before they can become pure evil such as him. Talos is a demon unlike any, his adaptation is off the charts. When he encounters a demon of pure blood and mostly of rarity now he thinks to himself what they have that he would enjoy having. After he comes to the realization of what he wants he takes it from that demon most of the time killing them and implements it onto him increasing his powers and ability's. In all reality Talos is not just one demon but many pieced together to form one.
In the beginning of Talos's life as an absolute demon he was haunted by his own powers of demon manipulation. The voice constant in his head drawing him to kill and drink other demons, common but pure in blood nonetheless, blood for a type of sustenance to sustain it's lust to adapt and find another demon to manipulate there powers into. This drove him to the brink of insanity many times until one of his more recent adaptations gave him the power to control the whisper in his head and project it out wards into other demons minds. Like an addictive drug but much faster acting the whisper filled every demon near with the since of need to be close to do what he bids. This demon that help control the power in his mind was the first he didn't kill yet did far worse. The queen of blood fang demons was enslaved by him from this power and now cowers at his his feet when he is nearby. Now his life has some meaning to him, not only does he still search out rarity's in the demon world to better himself he also collects female demons as some for of tokens or treasures for enjoyment and sometimes pleasure.
True form: His body becomes extremely large as two twisted red and black horns from over his eye stretch back behind his head. Blood red eye and sharp fangs able to chew thou steel cause anyone around to at least think twice about reaching for his face. His body is lined spines each covered with venom even an angel can't cure. Under the spines thick plates of scales cover him giving him an almost unbreakable hide. His wing now grown to support the extra weight look that of a dragons but the bone is sharp on the top ridge so when flying it can cut thou tree's, buildings, and mostly people without having to stop. At the end of his body a tail is sported with a thick 3 way blade made of his bone rests at the end used to thwart and discourage people from sneaking up behind him.
No true form Pic available