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Changeling Forms -
Below forms of changelings. These shape shifting creatures must shape shift in order for their bodies to control the power they possess.

King Cold -

Form 2
PL Needed: 50,000
PL Gain: PL doubles
HP Deducted: 10%
Other: Enables him to start typing 5+

Form 3
PL Needed: 200,000
PL Gain: PL doubles
HP Deducted: 15%
Other: Enables him to start typing 4+

Frieza -

Form 2
PL Needed: 50,000
PL Gain: PL doubles
HP Deducted: 10%
Other: Enables him to start typing 4+

Form 3
PL Needed: 200,000
PL Gain: PL doubles
HP Deducted: 25%
Other: Enables him to start typing 3+

Form 4
PL Needed: 600,000
PL Gain: PL Triples
HP Deducted: 25%
Other: Enables him to start typing 1+

Cooler -

Form 5
PL Needed: 150,000
PL Gain: PL Multiplied by 6
HP Deducted: 30%
Other: Enables him to start typing 3+

Metal Cooler
PL Needed: Must have at least 2,000,000
PL Gain: PL triples permanantly
HP Deducted: 5%
Other: Enables him to start typing 1+

Cell -

Imperfect Cell
PL Needed: Must assimulate either 17 or 18 (super 17 does not count)
PL Gain: You get their PL added to your own then your power is tripled.
HP Deducted: 10%
Other: Enables him to start typing 2+

Perfect Cell
PL Needed: Must assimulate the remaining android. (super 17 still does not count)
PL Gain: You get their PL added to your own then your power is multiplied by 4
HP Deducted: 15%
Other: Enables him to start typing 1+

Buu -

Super Buu
PL Needed: When Buu Splits if one of the halves assimulates the other they become Super Buu.
PL Gain: You get his PL added to your own then your power is doubles.
HP Deducted: 5%
Other: Enables him to start typing 5+

Super Buu 2
PL Needed: When you assimulate Piccolo you become Super Buu 2.
PL Gain: You get his PL added to your own then your power is multiplied by 3
HP Deducted: 15%
Other: Enables him to start typing 4+

Gopenks Buu
PL Needed: When you assimulate Gotenks you become Gopenks Buu.
PL Gain: You get his PL added to your own then your power is multiplied by 3
HP Deducted: 20%
Other: Enables him to start typing 3+

Mystic Buu
PL Needed: When you assimulate Gohan is his mystic state you become Mystic Buu.
PL Gain: You get his PL added to your own then your power is multiplied by 3
HP Deducted: 20%
Other: Enables him to start typing 2+

Kid Buu/Ubuu
PL Needed: When you die as Mystic Buu you automatically get reincarnated as Kid Buu or Ubuu.
PL Gain: You come back with 4 times the PL you had as Mystic Buu.
HP Deducted: 5%
Other: Enables him to start typing 1+

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-Not Yet Open
This RPG is still under major construction and is not yet complete. Stay tuned to see when it opens.

As soon as you see this RPG we would be eternally greatful if you would advterise it to friends, family, and on other RPGs. The more the members the better the RPG gets.

You can always contact me by e-mail, my e-mail address is Psychotic and my AOL Screen name is Psychotic Health if you ever wish to speak to me in person.

-Vowe To Members
My vowe to you is that this site will be updated every other day max, more than likely everyday. A newsletter will be sent to those who join it about big fights, big events, and anything big that goes on in the RPG. That too will most likely be sent ever other day if not more.

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