
[Okay these are quotes by teenagers, so they probably aren't suitable for younger children. And anything in [ ]'s is just me commenting afterward8-P Forgive me one and all I mean no harm! ::laughs::]

Jason: Nah, your one of zee family! And anyone who says we're cruel gets,"I love touching small children." on there forehead ::nods::
Me: ::cracks up:: WHAT!? when did this happen? QUOTE!!
Jason: *gets it branded on the forehead I mean.

Jason: Hey....I did not have sexual relations with that glazed donut >.>';; [Hehe, okay but I have pictures proving otherwise...]

Jason: ::blown up BROTHER:: x.x
Me: uhrm.. sorry ^_^
Jason: ::revied eventually.:: Meanie! Don't even listen to bro, that hurts feelings!

Jason: Who are you getting hissy with little girl?

Me: OH HELL NO ::preppy immitation day! Whoo::

Me: No one little girls me. I normally FLASH them but..

Jason: Sis! X.<'; ::prays for you::  And I'm gonna have to have a chat with Mr.ShinRa about this one!
Me: I think not. No praying for me confound it!
Jason: Giving you money! Goading on your behavoir, why what would ma say, if she saw you! Don't answer that little girl! [Scarlets my mother, I dont HAVE to answer that 8-P]
Me: ::draws back a fist::
Jason: You wouldn't dare!
Me: ::does so, right in your arm::

Me: I'm out with two gay guys, Oh yes! ::stares:: ^_^ this is the GREATEST day of my life.

Jason: Heh...^^'; that's nice hey what's that? ::points, puts white clean sunday dress on you, runs off ::
Me: Oh hell NO you did not-_- ::strips, runs around in underwear::
Jason: O.o'; Fine! FINE! I give up, go do as you please. Ya won't hear anything from the bro that worries anymore
Jason: But I'm never calling you a slut, you slut. ^^';;

Chris 1: I like my small penis

Me: ^_^ fun! I'm.. still working on typing out my ramble an I gotta peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-----ncil
Charlie: So... you have to urinate-ncil. [Often and in bed. ::nods, laughs!!::]

Chris 2 [Thats right there are two!]: ::huttles in corner in fear::
Me: WHOO! ::does victory dance:: I'm good! ^_^

Me: I quote without permision ^_^ I'm so gonna be sued

Me: Oh I know! Watch ::tap dances off a cliff into jello::
Chris 2: thats interesting...
Me: Aint it though? I'ma profesional! ^_^
Chris 2: hooray ive always wanted to know a pro stunt person
Me: ::laughs:: Stunt Person? I'ma professional Tap Dancing Suicide Commiter what are you talking about? ^_^
Chris 2: ahh my apologies

Chris 2: so a i!!!
Chris 2: am even

Me: ::laughs:: Yer cheap?
Chris 2: oh yes
Chris 2: i own like 2 cds, the rest dled

Me: Thats great! ::applauds::

Me: actually sleep
Ian: Nah, sleep is kinda like sex
Ian: I enjoy both [Who doesnt? This was in reference to a quiz questions believe it or not 8-P]

Me: "Please, there's something important I have to tell you... there's something people have been saying...

"It involves you and all those inmates."

The results are in! You are 38% slutty which is actually less than the average, 46%.

Tim: Im not a slut at all...I got a 14% ;-;
Me: It must be wrong! I'm at LEAST a 50%

Charlie: Kill them slowly. With Barry Manilow.

Me: Her name was lola she was a show girl
Me: ::sings::

Liz: pizza is magical [Indeed, you go sis!]

Charlie: Charlie! - Now In TECHN ICOL OR!

Me: Is it horrid with its ONE ramble;-; ?
Charlie: Oh, don't worry.
Charlie: I'm sure it will be horrid with all of them.

Charlie: It's lovely. Lovely like suday morning.
Charlie: FUCKING N!

Me: O_O ::backs away slowly::

Charlie: Pictures and Drawings and Paint, oh my!

Brandostep [Uh.just met this guy yet hes already made the quotes ^_^;;]: (_8^(l)  d'ooohh!!!!

Liz: congrats! my floor is...
Liz: *checks*
Liz: not bouncy

Me: ::laughs:: AWWW! Nooo! ::uses a can of instant bouncy floor:: There ^_^

Ian: ::laughs:: Aww, methinks he's good looking
Me: O_O;;;;;;uh...
Ian: ...?
Me: ::laughs:: So the whole thing with you and him WAS true!
Ian: I don't want him sexually, but you know.

Liz: curse his being in perry hall
Me: aww. Hum. ::sends him via mail:: Aww. twells just remeber he fits in an envolope
Ian: Yay! I've been mailed!

Liz: well, its only illegal if you... have sex i think... =P
Me: >_O Oh my I think not! O_O ::laughs::
Liz: heheh yes
Liz: i would recommend not sexing him

Me: me too!! ::laughs:: Oh my

Liz: no underage sexing!
Liz: tsk tsk

Kathy: ( Reno: Uhm... Rufus... you over-dressed... why should I invite you to places when you show up looking like that?! ^_^;; )
Me: [Rufus: Hey! ::slap:: Well I never!]

Me: ::poke:: anything quoteable?\
Me: ::kicks / ::
Me: ::then kicks the real culprit \::

Faith: The world is my bitch!

Brendon: what's up?
Ian: I'm sick like a mofo
Ian: If Ian is sick, than Ian is a mofo

Brendon: o
Ian: Logic and Reasoning!
Ian: Brendon. It was a math joke. Work with me here!

Brendon: yea
Ian: Yea!? Yea doesn't even properly address what I was saying! :-)
Brendon: o

Kathy: ( Rufus: O_O; Uh... Tifa's... erm... ... My name's Alan! *nods* Got that, Reno? )
Me: [Reno: Rufie baby! ::whine:: dont you wanna be seen with me? ::sobs:: ]

Kathy: ( Barret there?! Or is he the weapon shop guy.. )
Me: [Maybe.. A weapon shop next door to the bar! ^_^ SO safe]

Me: FACES! ::Cries:: tu hate me dun ye?
Ian: Never!
Ian: I can't help the faces

Me: Noooooooo! ::melts::
Me: O_O I'm dripping dripping!

Ian: Noooo! ::Condenses you::
Ian: I have condensed you. ::flexes muscles::
Ian: I think they call that...mad skill?

Jason: I'm someone's bitch?
Me: its gonna rain here. Yep! Faiths
Jason: Well........it's happened before
Me: ^_- Do tell
Jason: Um...actually no....it's.....it's my first time xD

Jason: o.o'; Never been anyone's bitch.....seriously this be the first time.

Me: Fine then, ::whap:: You're my bitch now! ::laughs::
Me: ::pause:: What does a bitch DO anyway?

Jason: ::thinks this is quite a lot of bitch talk::
Me: ::in the tone of WAZZZUUUUPPP:: Biiiiiiiiiiiiitch!!!!!
Jason: ¬.¬'; I see...
Me: ::falls over laughing:: I'm amused ^_^ Lets get a drink ::Drags you to the bar drink stool thing place::

Tim: ......why am I your sex slave? ;-;
Me: ::laughs:: cause ye are
Tim: ::blushes:: Thank you ^.^
Me: Yer not my brother or sister me hopes
Tim: IM A SEX TOY! ::is loved::
Me: No no Tim dear, you're my bitch
Tim: ::squeals lots:: EVEN BETTER!

Me: My skull shirt got a big hole in it and I had to take the damn thing off >_O
Tim: ::drools::
Me: -_- and you canne see anything but my shoulderes
Me: and a padded bra 8-P

Tim: ::drools::

Tim: Well it was...now its outta date :p

Me: No it isnt! Its wonderful!
Tim: I know ^_^;; I've just beaten it into the ground already
Me: Unfortunatly I NEVER judge video games by its date. In fact I dun evey think about it. aww. I'm halfway through I think an I've rented it twice
Tim: Nor do I...
Me: Uh you SO just contridicted yerself


Jason: Wow, really? Fun, fun!
Me: ^_^ We made lesbian jokes and drove around and jumped out of the car and assulted random guys then got spontainous and went to Norris City and did the same thing then came back and did it again!

Faith: hehe   I'm so many's first

Kathy: ( Reno: Hm.. he wears both boxers and briefs... and some are silk... now this is interesting.. *examining his clothing* )
Me: Rufus: I feel like flying FREEEEEE tonight! ::throws off cloths; censored block appears::

Jason: ^_^ Go sis, save that magic plant! I don't think I should be supporting this.

Me: Do you like Smashing Pumpkins?
Emily: No I think its mean.

Jason: I was looking forward to hooking me a man! Despite my never planning on saying that o.O

Me: oh?
Jason: Thought it be funny to say..."I have a secret hon...I'm a man!" or something xD If I could call the times that's happened to me!

Jason: Strawberry kiwi! It's fruity!
Jason: ::suddenly likes the color fuschia and ha s a taste in art and fashion:: The glass is clashing with the drink color, I'm so sorry!

Me: ::pause:: okay when I said I wanted a gay bestfriend I didnt mean you! [I love gay men, they're great! I want a gay bestfriend I say! ::stamps foot:: 8-P ]
Jason: But gay people are so awesome, they are always happy looking and fashion equipped and creative!

Liz: yeah... dialup is satan
Me: No, its satans infected hair on his left knee. O_O
Liz: er... yum
Liz: and gross too.

Me: Me? Never! Ever! Only twenty three times and that first one didnt count! I mean ::shits up:: O_O
Me: Oh dear...
Me: ::shuts up:: *
Me: That wasnt a good typo O_O

Jason: ::tries to hold back laughing::....heh.....
Jason: ROFL!!!

Me: ::hides:: ;-;

Liz: ahh... memories...i had a walking stick for like a month that i took everywhere
Liz: i named it phil [::pause:: I knew a phil once!]

Me: not hardened yet;-; taste like rice crispy treats without the crispy

Me: "Quite frankly Sherlock, I cant stand you! And further more, my name is Waterson not Watson. Good day!"

Jason: crossdressing...so....templting....uh....I didn't say that! >.>

Kathy: ( lol XD)
Me: [I honestly dont know where that came from but it seemed an amusing scenario 8-P]
Kathy: XD!!
Celces: Oh XD I want your body! ::faints::
Shay: ::mutters:: She has issues.....
Rufus: Isn't she and you the same?
Shay: -_-;;;; Is she and you appropriate grammer?!
Rufus: Ehehe ^_^;
Reno: Hey! Dont pick on my Ruffy woofies grammer! ::slap::
Rufus: ::Frowns:: I....digress
Shay: ::slaps Reno back:: As do I! [Yep, that whole scene came out of my mind alone O_O]

Me: Here he comes again, my evil twin ::shings:: [Gah, shings isnt a word >_<;]

Kathy: Dame DAME DAME de dame *rocks out to a Japanese song*

Me: uh.. okay ::blinks at you:: Ya know until I met you I really believed that us women were the most confusing things in the universe
Tim: ::giggles:: Well...I am crazy ^_^;;
Me: So am I! But ::pause:: Dayum

Me: ::kicks aim:: You damnable love maker to multiple electronice devices!

Josh: Put me in your quotey thing.
Me: ::laughs:: Hai you shall be, I quote anything amusing ::nods::
Me: ::waits:: Amuse me!

Josh: ::laserfights with a hobo::
Me: Uh..... O_O Thats not a hobo..
Josh: Oh my God it so is.
Me: Dude, its wearing a suit!
Me: A clean suit! and it has millions of dollars in its bank acount!

Josh: It's a rich hobo. Duuuuuh.
Me: Oh! Of course! 8-P ::hits self:: Mind lapse

Jason: Hm....? She left, nooo!
Me: evil aim;-;
Jason: Back...yay! ::doens't talk to himself in an IM normally.....::coughs::::

Me:: ::has a tendancy to scream at IM's after people have left...isnt kidding::
Jason: o.o I normally yell at the spam IMs
Me:: heheh...
Jason: I'm hoping one day one will actually reply ^_^';;; that's always fun
Me:: ::shifty eyes:: never play along to the porn spams... they reply O_O
Jason: You've had one reply?
Jason: O.O What on earth could you have possibly said

Me: Eheh... ::runs away:: NOTHING!
Jason: ::appeats in front of:: ^_- Really..now I'm curious...you can tell me, I won't be freaked out or anything
Me: Something about do you sell pine cones with that..
Jason: O.o They said?
Me: You are sooooooo fucking screwed
Jason: O.o wtf?

Josh: Also, I'm waiting for my girl to come on.
Me: Awwww^_^ and at thus point all replies will cease correct?
Me: ::claps:: I'ma update my site for the soul purpose of putting you on it! ::is bord::

Josh: Probably.

Me: aww, nah, yer a human that misses contact with another human thus making you.................... the sole survivore of the moon race..
Josh: Figures.

Jake: aw damn. nice icon where'd u get it?
Me: Some gif place, I think its great. ^_^ I cant remember where though
Jake: too bad, i want a girl w/ cleavage lol
Me: O_O oh my! My icon has cleavage?! ::covers it up::
Jake: lmao
Jake: yea

Me: ::hands to cheeks:: I'm so embarased!

Ian: goddamnbrucelee: *is chameleon man!*
Ian: Woah! Your colors...

Charlie: *goes in to penis color mode!*
Ian: Impressive!
Charlie: Gwahaha!
Ian: It's so realistic, I'd swear I was there.
Charlie: .....O.O
Charlie: You'd swear you were at penis?

Ian: Something like that.

Me: ::attack:: Wheres the penis?
Charlie: right here!
Me: Whooo! ::dances on it::
Charlie: That's stubby.
Charlie: Poor friendly penis.

Me: It'll live! It may not have children or.... sexual intercourse ever again but ::shrug::
Ian: A penis without sexual intercourse..
Ian: Is scarcely a penis at all!

Faith: [In reply to the above quote]  ::giggles like a wee school girlie::

Jason: O.o'; I was a pretty little girl in my youth and all the boys wanted to court me o.o';;;;;;;; I still wear the lipstick...

Jason: I wish I did...I would call that the happiest day of my life

Me: Your friend
Jason is
Tony Danza-fied.
You are friends with Tony Danza. I'm sure you care.

Me: You.. are Tony Danza O_O Who the HELL is Tony danza?
Jason: I'm Tony Danza?! Get it off GET IT OFF!!!
Me: ::falls over laughing:: But whos Tony Danza?

Ian: Welcome to your gender.
Ian: I enjoy Liz more than cat porn.
