
7/10/03: AGAIN with the quotes! 8-P I have no life.

6/26/03: I upated the quotes! Whoop! Funny conversations rock!

6/25/03: Happy birthday Ian! Hope you get your comp back soon!

6/23/03: Happy Birthday Sissy!

6/14/03: Okay I'm putting up the quotes and link page's, I'll move these to the update page soon, I hope. And then I shall get to work on my about me page. One more Announcment:

As of Friday, June 13, 2003 I'm a god mother! My best friend has givin birth to a healthy baby girl!

6/08/03: Background change, I'm thinking about putting in an update page and putting some fan fiction back up. What think ye? Anyone? ::crickets chirp:: ;-;

5/20/03: I put up my first ramble! Rejoice! ^_^

5/16/03: Okay first off.. DONT FREAK OUT! ^_^; I havent destroyed it. I'ma write rambles and kinda just devote the site to them and ramble pics soon. ^_^;  Mph! Aiii, Ivy, Ushcabob [I'm not gonna put yer names up here8-P] Lemme know if you have any ramble Ideas!!!

I have returned! Bow to me! ::evil laughter:: Can you believe it? ^_^ ::beams:: I actually
came back!!
