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New Page 1
September 13th

Website news

Medals page added! check it out
September 7th

Website news


Wow its been aaaaaages since I last updated but I finally got around to doing something at least. Ive updated the projects page to give some more information as people were getting confused.

Next time update you can expect a member list update and hopefully a Random section with jokes and stuff in it.


May 25th:

Website news


Sorry things have been slow lately but ive been busy with course work. Updates might be coming this week but after that there will be a shortage until summer holidays.

But anyway the members list and info page have been updated. 


April 16th 

Garden news:


Sorry guys i made a silly mistake and deleted the past news im sure it isn't so much of a biggie :(

The last news item was that Hyperfried has become a moderator for our garden board which means we have a little more power