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You are properly wondering what I mean by projects here so I'll explain.
There are certain things we would like to do to make the garden better, make SeeD better and make Runescape more fun. Some of these things might seem strange or too large to tackle but if we all team up and help we can make these things work. No other garden does this yet so  if your trying to point out what's special about SeeD's gardens this is our spot.

Here we lay down suggestions and have a go to see if they will work its usually a great way to bring the garden together as we all work together at a goal. Projects can involve new ideas for events ,the mapping of dungeons to the accumulation of party hats.

Projects so far:

This project it currently no-go because of numerous reasons but mainly because I've been busy lately.
The idea was that we could act out plays on Runescape for SeeD members to enjoy, The play we came up with (Thanks sk8boarder32!) was about a group of Falador guards finding out about the black knights plot to unite the evils of the world to take out Falador and then Runescape. We were going to stage the whole play at once but we decided that there would be so many problems and something would certainly go wrong. So if this play ever gets underway (possibly near Christmas) expect to see short episodes.

How you can help with this project:

Any donations of costumes would be greatly appreciated especially black Armour.
We encourage SeeD's to try out for various roles in the play as they come up we would recommend you be able to type fast with little spelling mistakes, one or two rolls may require telegrab and teleport spells, and also a high firemaking level for special effects.