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Ok ok. Lately, people have been doing things that I realize needs to be backfired by RULES. So here. READ THESE AND SHUT UP. Sorry to sound rude, but rules are rules, follow them. Please. Then everyone will be happy. ^^;;

1. You can fight, but you can't ever KILL. Haven't we seen enough of that!?

2. Remain IC as much as possible. There are times we will have OOC moments, and IC moments. Look at the topic to see which mode we are set on. Also, if you have to be OOC while many others are IC. Then take your OOC butt into whisper-mode. ^^;;

3. Important You can battle using Paragraphs or Final Fantasy-Styled. One character can even do/say/FF-style/paragraph, and the other can do/say/FF-style/paragraph. I call this a mix.
Also, in order to battle, you have to be registered to this RP and have a FF-related character, real or fake. My point is you can't RP as, like, "Goku" and stuff...

4. Please do not bad-mouth the Hosts. Also, try not to start a fight with them concerning a rule stated here in the rules page.

5. If you tell Aerith that you want to reserve a FF character, you can. Or you can e-mail if you want to reserve one because you need to find missing information. But you can only keep them reserved for 1 week tops. After 1 week, say bye-bye to your reservation.

6. You, and this rule applies to Hosts as well, can only have one real character already on the game. But you can have unlimited fan-characters.

Well, that's all FOR NOW. I am still watching and adding.

<|The "Regs"||The "Farm"||The "Village"||The "Info"||The "Stage"|>