Charisse Banning: ::Sits outside under a tree by the lake surrounded by books of various sizes and colors, rolls of parchment, pots of ink and quills, writing furiously, ink splattering in every direction as she hurries to finish her work tonight, since she didn't finish her work yesterday::
Zarek Yeran: ::Wanders out of Charms class quickly, heading down a rather deserted corridor, and outside, crossing the Quidditch Field, towards the lake, Zarek looks around carefully, spotting Charisse near a large tree, and hurries over to her:: Hey Chari, Whatcha up to?
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles as she hears Zarek's voice and looks up at him, looking very alert and awake, a fact that is amazing considering the time she went to bed and the time she was up in the morning and shrugs a bit, carefully setting her quill in the grass, a few splatters of ink on her forehead:: Hi Zarek. Homework... How about you?
Zarek Yeran: ::Chuckles and winces, looking at the various papers, scattering the ground:: Just got out of Charms. Gerrard is taking a nap, poor guys exhausted.
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and nods slightly:: I can understand that. I would be doing the exact same thing if I wasn't just an idiot in deciding to take every class offered and then not finish my assignments... ::Chuckles softly:: One good thing though, Gerrard taught me a trick to getting through Potions which has helped an unbelievable amount, which helps.
Zarek Yeran: ::smiles at Charisse, grinning slightly:: Well, that’s good. I know how you feel in Potions. I do okay with them.. but they can be difficult sometimes. Especially with Snape breathing down your neck..
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and nods a bit, picking up her quill again and looks at him:: You can sit down, if you'd like. Then I'll tell you the trick.
Zarek Yeran: ::Plops down next to Charisse, propping his back up on the tree, looking around, before studying her homework quickly:: Ack.. That’s too much work for one human being. ::Chuckles at Charisse, a hint of a smile showing on his mouth:: How do you do it?
Charisse Banning: ::Shrugs a bit and pushes herself up into a sitting position, having been lying on her stomach:: It's not too bad. I just can't put it off... ::Smiles a bit and looks at him:: Well, you know how you're generally doing alright until Snape comes over and watches you?
Zarek Yeran: ::nods Slowly, frowning slightly:: I do almost great until then.. then it all goes down the drain from the time he begins breathing down my neck..
Charisse Banning: Well, it's no different than when any of the other teachers walk around and watch people, is it? Only he wants us to fail... I mean, we think he does. So then the second he looks at us, we wonder what we did wrong, and then wait for our potions to blow up in our faces..
Zarek Yeran: ::nods at Charisse, chuckling softly:: I don’t know why, but he always seems to have the look that something is wrong.. so I add ingredients, hoping that they will fix it.. then it wrecks the potion
Charisse Banning: ::Nods a bit:: But the truth is that we generally don't do anything wrong... so we just have to keep going as we are, and then get the satisfaction of seeing him sneer when we succeed.
Zarek Yeran: ::nods, pondering quietly:: I see now.. That’s how Gerrard has always done so well in Potions.. he just doesn't let Snape get to him! I'll have to try that.
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly and nods a bit:: That's also how he gets detention so often.
Zarek Yeran: ::shrugs, grinning broadly:: I wasn't wondering how he got Detention. We are both quiet good at that, it seems.
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly and nods a bit:: Fair enough. I can't imagine how I've managed to dodge it... I mean, surely I would have been given detention at least once...
Zarek Yeran: ::shakes his head, grinning still:: I cant picture you in detention. You never cause any trouble when a teacher is near. Gerrard and I would manage to talk you out of detention even if We did get busted doing something.
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly and nods a bit:: Well, that's very nice of you, but honestly, I wouldn't mind it so much sometimes, and I couldn't rightfully sit there and let the two of you serve detention when I deserved it as much as either of you... ::Smiles and shakes her head:: My Uncle always looks at me and says "I don't know whether to be disappointed that you've never had detention, or proud that you've never been caught."
Zarek Yeran: ::chuckles and smiles at Charisse:: Your uncle sounds somewhat like Gerrard and I..
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and nods, chuckling softly:: Like a very healthy mix between you and the Weasley twins, who happened to be one of the top of his year.
Zarek Yeran: ::Grins evilly, chuckling softly:: That sounds like a VERY interesting combination. The Weasley twins are probably the only pair in the school more involved with pranks than Gerrard and I...
Charisse Banning: ::Laughs softly, smiling fondly at the thought of her uncle and nods:: And even they barely begin to compare to my Uncle and his friends.
Zarek Yeran: ::grins slightly, looking off towards the Quidditch Field, smiling:: Speaking of the Weasley twins, It will be fun to play alongside them this year. We're going to have an amazing team
Charisse Banning: ::Looks up at him for a minute before smiling and nodding:: Gryffindor will be unbeatable this year. You're all amazing.
Zarek Yeran: ::blushes slightly, looking at the squid, beginning to emerge from the lake, pointing for Charisse to see:: I hope so. Gryffindor has been unsettled for too long. Last year with Quidditch being cancelled, then we won third year, but during the second, the last game was cancelled, and during our first year, potter was in the hospital..
Charisse Banning: ::Follows his finger to the lake and chuckles softly as the squid splashes a group of first year Slytherins who are talking too close to the lake and then nods a bit, eyeing Zarek for a minute:: You do deserve it, though, I can't say that I don't feel somewhat bad for the Hufflepuff team.
Zarek Yeran: ::shakes his head and smiles:: The Hufflepuff team will do great. Diggory always puts together a strong side. They have a great shot at placing in the top two easy. My only worries so far...are that I might get in trouble for knocking Malfoy off his broom. Especially after what we heard him say last night..
Charisse Banning: ::Nods a bit, smiling just slightly at the thought of Cedric and shrugs a bit:: It'll be better with a new keeper, but still. ::Laughs softly, eyeing him for a minute:: Just play quidditch, Zarek. If Malfoy gets knocked off, he gets knocked off. Just ignore him.
Zarek Yeran: ::chuckles and nods, shrugging slightly at the same time:: Your right. Maybe I can put in a good word with Fred and George to have him knocked off, they can do it while keeping it legal. Gerrard mentioned something to me about that when he came up last night too..
Charisse Banning: ::Laughs softly, nodding:: You don't need to ask Fred and George to knock Malfoy off his broom, they'd kill him of their own free will. ::Raises an eyebrow slightly:: What did Gerrard say?
Zarek Yeran: ::shrugs a bit, chuckling softly:: We were just talking about how we cant believe what he was trying to do to Hagrid, and that he should be taught a lesson. Detention wont do him any good.. Not like he hasn't had that tons. From what I have heard.. Dumbledore his enraged. He may lose his prefects badge as well..
Charisse Banning: ::Nods slowly, shrugging a bit:: I can't say he doesn't deserve it, and as horrible as it was, I'm not really surprised that he would do it. He's always hated Hagrid. Both of them half, just because Hagrid's half-giant and loves animals that are, well, less than friendly.
Zarek Yeran: ::shrugs slowly, frowning slightly:: But trying to get him murdered? I didn't even expect Malfoy would be that horrible.
Charisse Banning: You have to understand the Slytherin mentality. ::Smiles just slightly:: It very well may have been me there, had I been sorted into Slytherin.
Zarek Yeran: ::shakes his head, looking at Charisse a minute before speaking:: Even if you were sorted into Slytherin, you wouldn't have been there.
Charisse Banning: ::Frowns a bit and shakes her head slightly:: Perhaps not, but you don't know my family... they could have talked me into anything. We just never know.
Zarek Yeran: ::shrugs a bit, frowning slightly:: I can't see someone as sweet as you participating in anything like that. But I suppose your right...people can be influenced greatly by family..
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly, eyeing him for a minute:: Ah, but I'm really not as sweet as people believe me to be... I mean, I had David expelled, resulting is his direct transferal to Azkaban...
Zarek Yeran: ::shakes his head, grinning now, still looking at Charisse:: You are just as sweet as I think you are, you just have a mischievous side as well. ::chuckles quietly:: Which is a good thing. I believe everyone should enjoy a good prank once in awhile. Heaven knows Gerrard and I do.
Charisse Banning: ::Looks up at Zarek and blushes a bit, frowning though and shakes her head slightly, a shadow coming over her face:: No one should have to spend time in Azkaban, no matter what they do... ::Smiles just slightly and nods a bit, shrugging slightly:: I take after my uncle that way...
Zarek Yeran: ::shrugs helplessly:: He probably shouldn't have gone to Azkaban, but the things he said about you were inexcusable. He is quite lucky he didn't get Sent home in a matchbox instead. : Besides, they wont keep him there long. Just enough to straighten him up a little
Charisse Banning: ::Shakes her head and eyes him pointedly:: Oh, it wasn't for things he said. He did, well, a very bad thing this past summer. Not that it wasn't called for, but he'll be in there for a very long time if he doesn't die in there...
Zarek Yeran: ::scratches his head in confusion, looking concerned:: What did he do over the summer? If you can say, that is..
Charisse Banning: ::Stares at him for a minute, seeming to decide whether or not it would be a good idea to tell him, but seems to decide that he'll figure out something about it soon enough and frowns, sighing softly:: Well, this summer he finally found out about my family, and basically said that he didn't want anything to do with me, then started accusing me of cheating on him with Gerrard, which was absurd... and then he started threatening the two of you, insulting you to no end, and I got so mad... I could barely think straight, so I did the first thing that popped into my mind... I cursed him... repeatedly... covering him from head to toe in boils... My God, he swelled to nearly twice his normal size, if he hadn't have stopped me, I probably would have killed him, but instead he, well, he... ::Frowns and lowers her head, her hand coming to rest on the right side of her stomach speaking softly:: He grabbed a letter… ::Cuts short, choking back a sob::
Zarek Yeran: ::opens his mouth in shock, gasping in the process, causing himself to choke slightly:: Wow.. I never would have Guessed David could be so thick..but what about this letter?
Charisse Banning: … Opener that was on the desk next to him, muttered something about cutting out my liver, and proceeded to do so... he left me there on the floor of my uncle's study, my liver sitting on the desk along with the letter opener... I spent the next two months in St. Mungo's... I was only released with the promise that I would relax... that's why I have the exertion spell on me...
Zarek Yeran: ::gasps again, growling in the process, looking at Charisse in concern, while his eyes flash angrily:: He did WHAT!? Now I wish we would have sent him home in a matchbox..
Charisse Banning: ::Shakes her head a bit:: No, Zarek... I deserved it, I mean, he made sure that I'd survive, which was less than I would have done for him. I'm fine now and he's in Azkaban...
Zarek Yeran: ::Shakes his head in response, seemingly searching for the right words:: You didn't deserve that. You were sticking up for your friends, and he could have killed you, without meaning to even.. but he could have..
Charisse Banning: And I could have killed him, without meaning to even... but I could have..
Zarek Yeran: ::shrugs, nodding silently:: I guess you could have.. though I cant seeing that spell kill anyone..
Charisse Banning: ::Frowns and bows her head a bit:: When repeated over a hundred times with such anger and hatred as I had, it could kill anyone...
Zarek Yeran: ::shrugs helplessly again, nodding slowly:: I suppose.. You didn’t act any different than I would have..
Charisse Banning: He didn't act any differently than most anyone would have...
Zarek Yeran: ::shrugs a bit and shakes his head:: He acted different than I would have. I would have stunned the person, or subdued them in another way.. harming them like that wouldn't have crossed my mind. If it was a male that was doing the cursing, maybe. I would never strike at a female like that however..
Charisse Banning: ::Frowns and looks up at him, appearing to be nearly on the edge of tears:: Maybe not, but he was desperate... can't blame him really...
Zarek Yeran: ::nods slowly, pulling Charisse to him in a hug:: Everything is going to be ok. I'm glad you told me all of this about him though. Are you ok?
Charisse Banning: ::Returns the hug, burying her face in his shoulder for a few minutes as she sits in silence and then nods slowly, whispering something that sounds strangely like "I miss him..."::
Zarek Yeran: ::nods slowly, patting her on the back gently:: I know..
Charisse Banning: ::Lifts her head after a few moments and blushes in embarrassment, shaking her head slowly:: I know I shouldn't, I just... he really was nice to me...
Zarek Yeran: ::shakes his head, looking at her still, with his hands on her shoulders:: I missed Jenny for months after we broke up.. she was even horrible to me sometimes.. I understand how you feel..
Charisse Banning: ::Nods slowly, looking up at him for a minute with a slight smile:: Thank you, Zarek... ::Shakes her head a bit:: I don't know, I guess it's just that he's the only person that's ever even showed the slightest interest in me...
Zarek Yeran: ::looks confused for a moment, looking at Charisse, still smiling, seems to be considering opening his mouth to say something, but decides against it, blushing a little::
Charisse Banning: ::Shrugs a bit, looking around for a minute, half chuckling:: Silly of me, I know...
Zarek Yeran: ::chuckles and shakes his head:: Not silly of you really..
Charisse Banning: ::Looks back up at him with a small smile:: That's alright though. I'm through with relationships for a very long time. It's so much better to have friends like you and Gerrard.
Zarek Yeran: ::nods at Charisse in agreement, smiling:: I agree. Relationships can be a hassle, and tend to ruin friendships more than anything else.
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles just slightly, her eyes sliding out of focus for a minute:: Though, it is nice feeling to be treated like you're the only person in the world...
Zarek Yeran: ::nods sagely, remembering when he was with Jenny.. looking towards the lake quickly to hide a small tear rolling down his face, turning again, forcing a smile as he looks at Charisse::
Charisse Banning: ::Looks back at Zarek, the telltale trail of a fallen tear on her cheek and she smiles just slightly, shaking her head:: Look at us... sitting here wishing we were back in a past that really wasn't all that great... ::Shakes her head:: We're supposed to be pulling pranks and getting into trouble... I'm supposed to be doing homework!
Zarek Yeran: ::chuckles, and nods, looking to the forgotten pile of homework, wincing slightly:: I can help with some of that if you'd like
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles slightly, considering for a moment and then shakes her head slightly:: Thank you for the offer, but no. I should do it myself. I think they may be able to tell the difference... and I'm sure you have work of your own to do.
Zarek Yeran: ::shakes his head:: I finished my potions assignment during charms.. so I don’t have anything extra to do.. oh, If you finish all of your homework, King and Varian would like to go out again tonight, and we'd like you to join..
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and nearly squeaks in delight and nods a bit:: I'll let Ari know. I'm sure she'd be more than happy to join.
Zarek Yeran: ::smiles and nods in agreement:: That would be great!
Charisse Banning: OH! ::Reaches for her bag digs through it for a few minutes:: I borrowed this for you earlier. Hmm... ::Mutters to herself:: Where is it....? Ah ha! ::Pulls her arm from the bag which had disappeared up past her elbow and holds her hand up, a small golden ball with little wings that are flapping wildly pinched between a thumb and forefinger:: I thought you might want to play with that a bit...
Zarek Yeran: ::grins in delight, smiling at Charisse:: Thank you! If we get a chance, maybe I can practice with it some tonight..that would be nice
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and nods, holding the snitch out to him:: No problem... Cedric was putting everything away from practice, so I talked him in to letting me borrow it for a while.
Zarek Yeran: ::takes this snitch, tossing it up in the air, making quick dive to catch it, smiling happily:: This will be good practice even without a broom..
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly as she watches him for a few minutes before lying back down on her stomach and picking up her quill:: Great. ::Dips the quill in an open ink pot and begins to write again::
Zarek Yeran: ::Watches as Charisse works on her homework, tossing the snitch into the air and diving after it, time after time, plainly enjoying it::
Charisse Banning: ::Lies on her stomach in the grass, pouring over her Arithmacy homework, leaning over to scribble a few numbers on a scratch parchment before turning back to write a paragraph on her assignment paper, ink spraying in every direction from the speed of her writing::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Glances irritably at the time and frowns, thinking, "Five more minutes....knowing Snape more like fifteen.." His thoughts trail off and back to the paper he's supposed to be writing a few small tears in the parchment where he got bored and accidentally pushed his quill through, coming to a closure on the last paragraph he scratches his head, wondering if it would be wise to put some sarcastic ending about practical use -and it's classroom application but decides against it and scribbles the first thing that comes into his mind and lazily rolls up the parchment and strides up to Snape's desk at the head of the class, dropping the roll on the front : and he chuckles:: First detention assignment for the year done....
Prof. Snape: ::Looking up from the paper in which he is in the process of pasting a failing grade on he smirks and takes the parchment, unrolling it and scanning the paragraphs before hovering it over a candle, lighting the edge and tossing it into the trash beside his desk:: Very well Mr. Rayne....come and see me tomorrow.. since you finished early I’m sure there’s something else that we can have you working on...::Smiles grimly and goes back to work on the paper, his own form of dismissal for students::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Mutters something under his breath like, "See you tomorrow boss" and turns on a heel making his way out of the class room, bag over his shoulder before Snape could reply, turns down towards the exit gate of the school and hurries towards the only freedom he'll know while under Snape’s scrutiny, sliding out the door waving a few cheerful hellos to other Gryffindors he takes his time striding down towards the lake::
Zarek Yeran: ::lies on his back, tossing the snitch into the air, and catching it quickly, before it evades his back, occasionally looking up at Charisse for a minute, checking on her and her homework::
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles a bit as she finishes her Arithmacy and blows on the parchment to dry the ink before setting it aside, taking another roll of parchment and her Divinitation book::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Strides down towards the tree and sees Charisse staring down between parchment and books and chuckles softly, feeling a slight bit depressed at the piles of his own homework that he should more then likely be doing and then to Zarek tossing the snitch and chuckles, wondering how much he's going to like it when he's trying to catch it again, sets it bag down softly at the back of the tree and jumps up, being as silent as he can and lies across one of the lower but thicker branches, one arm and one leg dangling down, his face resting lightly on the bark::
Zarek Yeran: ::tosses the snitch up in the air, having to jump to catch it before it flies away, stopping for a moment to check on Charisse:: Hows that homework coming, Chari?
Charisse Banning: ::Consults her Divinitation book for a few minutes before turning back to write, her hand soon moving so quickly that it is a blur, and then she squeaks softly as her quill snaps in half, spraying ink everywhere and looks up at Zarek, a few spots of ink on her face and shrugs a bit:: Like normal... ::Tosses her quill down next to her and picks up a new one, dipping it in her ink pot and returns to writing::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Chuckles a bit and shakes his head, watching her as she writes:: Hey Charisse...let me see that quill quick...if you can let it go for just a short second... ::Smiles a bit and reaches his arm down, waving to them both:: I'll be really quick..
Charisse Banning: ::Jumps a bit at Gerrard's voice and turns her head to look up at him with a small smile, holding her quill up to him:: Hi..
Gerrard Rayne: ::Grins at her and smiles:: Hi...sorry to startle you...didnt want to disturb anyone...::Reaches for the quill, sliding off the branch a bit but grabbing it and righting himself::
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and shakes her head slightly:: No, it's fine... How was detention?
Gerrard Rayne: Okay now...::Focuses for a moment and takes out his wand, tapping the quill once and then again, muttering an unbreakable charm he learned in professor Flitwick’s class the end of last year when the professor was letting the students ask anything they liked, the quill shimmers for a moment and then he smiles, reaching down to hand it to her:: Shouldn't bother you again...
Zarek Yeran: ::chuckles a bit, looking up in the tree where Gerrard sits:: Heya Buddy, how was Snape's Detention?
Gerrard Rayne: ::Grins a bit and shrugs, tugging off his robes and tosses them down on his bag and flips around, hanging upside down from the backs of his knees, swinging a bit:: Eh...detention...with was quiet and well...quiet..
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and reaches up, taking her quill:: Well, thank you... ::Returns to writing, half listening to Gerrard::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Nods slowly and smiles, chuckling a bit:: No problem at all...figured it would be more convenient if they didn't keep breaking on you...::Turns his head a bit and smiles at Zarek:: So how did everyone’s day go? Okay i hope?
Charisse Banning: ::Finishes up her last made up prophesy and hands it up to Gerrard:: Does this sound alright?
Zarek Yeran: ::nods contently, smiling at Gerrard:: My day went pretty well. Had Charms with Flitwick, I learned a couple cool spells there, then came down here and talked with Charisse for a bit
Gerrard Rayne: ::Chuckles a bit and takes the paper, holding it up and then flipping it around so he can read it::
Charisse Banning: ::The document describes in detail the ways that she will die each day, but Tuesday and Friday both say something to the effect of being ripped apart by a troll::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Frowns a bit and holds the parchment aside, staring down at Charisse:: Now I’m not all that attune to subtle hints...but is something bothering you?
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly and shakes her head, looking up at him:: No, Professor Trelawny loves it when people foresee their own deaths... Potter has been doing it for years and getting full marks.
Zarek Yeran: ::chuckles and gives a mock shudder:: I was in potters class for a year in there, The stories he and Ron made up were hilarious, and completely outrageous, yet they always got top marks.
Drago396: I dropped that class after my first year though..
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs a bit and rereads over the parchment, nodding slowly:: Well this should satisfy her...::Points at the paper:: But if you don't mind me saying you might want to straighten out the "Disembowelment" and "Mutilated" the letters ran just a bit... ::Holds the parchment down to Charisse and chuckles just a bit:: Other then that I’d say they're perfectly gruesome... ::Laughs softly and looks to Zarek:: With the lives those two have I somehow wouldn't doubt if some of those stories weren't close to the truth..
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and takes the parchment frowning over it and then nods, fixing the words:: Thank you. ::Reads over it once more and shakes her head:: I was torn apart by a troll twice... ::Quickly changes Friday to being trampled by an angry Hippogryff::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Chuckles a bit and snaps his fingers:: Very good point...i figured you were trying to hint that trolls just didn't like you.. ::Frowns a bit, pondering:: Well they don’t much like anybody I suppose...Though somehow I doubt they are even smart enough to distinguish between like and dislike...
Charisse Banning: ::Rolls onto her back, looking up at him:: Do trolls like anyone?
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs:: Remind me to ask Malfoy the next time I see him.... I’d like an answer to that one..
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly and nods enthusiastically:: Indeed. ::Bursts into a fit of laughter, tears forming in her eyes, she laughs so hard and holds her stomach, rolling around the ground::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Raises an eyebrow and watches her for a moment, starting to laugh a bit before inquiring:: Listen.. I know i've got a funny shaped nose...but you don’t have to rub it in!
Zarek Yeran: ::snickers at Gerrard, shrugging quickly:: Crabbe and Goyle like Malfoy, I guess trolls do like some peoples..
Charisse Banning: ::Shakes her head a bit and speaks after catching her breath:: Calling Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy trolls... that's insulting! The poor, poor trolls...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs and shakes his head, grinning down at the both of them:: Well right you are! Well Crabbe Goyle and Malfoy had better hope that trolls don't get any smarter, if they do they'll be eaten alive to cleanse the ancestry of the trolls..
Charisse Banning: Honestly... ::Sighs and shakes her head:: Maybe we should tip them off.
Gerrard Rayne: On second thought....::Grabs the branch with both hands and slides down, hanging for a moment and then drops, grabbing his bag and flips through his potions book:: Wit-sharpening potion...with-sharpen...Ah hah! ::Points at a page in the book and holds it up, laughing and chuckles softly and grins:: We don't need to tip them off...just provide them with a slight diet change...
Charisse Banning: ::Shakes her head slowly and looks up at Gerrard:: Not a good idea... all hell would break loose...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Chuckles softly and grins at her:: It's only the Malfoys after all...::Smiles and shrugs, tossing the book back into his back and glances around:: But who knows...they do have their purposes...provided great entertainment last night..
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly and nods and then shakes her head a bit:: Yes, it is the Malfoys, but their family line extends pretty far, and before you know it, I will be being ripped apart by a troll.
Gerrard Rayne: ::Frowns a bit and ponders:: Well i doubt the trolls would become that smart...but you make a good point.. it's really not worth the risk.. ::Chuckles softly and smiles:: Imagine Professor McGonagall's horror if one of Professor Trelawny's predictions.. let alone one made by her students came true..
Zarek Yeran: ::chuckles quietly, stretching his arm out and tossing the snitch again, reaching up to catch it with the opposite hand:: McGonagall would have a heart attack if that happened..
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly and nods a bit:: The poor lady...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Chuckles a bit and nods:: Well lets hope that we wont have to worry about that... I’d personally prefer that McGonagall would stay around...
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and nods, sitting up and gathering her papers and books together, capping her ink:: I fully agree, though it would be nice to have a tad bit less Transfiguration homework...
Zarek Yeran: ::nods in agreement with Gerrard:: McGonagall is the only teacher that I can really picture not changing at all. Its good to have a solid structure around
Gerrard Rayne: ::Nods a bit and then shrugs:: McGonagall can be a tough teacher...but with the way she teachers he classes it makes it a little bit easier to deal with the homework..
Charisse Banning: That's very, very true. I like her almost as much as Professor Sprout.
Zarek Yeran: McGonagall is tough, but she knows what she’s talking about. I bet she’s the toughest teacher around, power wise, besides Dumbledore and maybe Snape..
Gerrard Rayne: ::Smiles fondly and nods:: Professor Sprout is one of my favorite teachers besides McGonagall: ::Chuckles softly and nods at Zarek:: I don't think anyone would really want to test just how powerful any of them are...
Zarek Yeran: ::nods at Gerrard and Charisse, smiling:: I've always liked Herbology.. Professor Sprout has always been really nice to me
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and nods:: She's a sweet lady... ::Hmm's and looks around for a minute:: I wanna do something... I'm bored...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs softly and smiles, picking at a few blades of grass:: I'm up for far as mischief goes it doesn't seem like theres a lot going on lately...aside from jumping Malfoy and his cronies last night... ::Grins, a few small chuckles coming from him as he thinks about the other night, shaking his head:: I wonder if they'll ever get the guts to come out again at would be a shame if they didn't
Zarek Yeran: ::shrugs grinning slightly:: I think Varian is itching to come out again
Charisse Banning: ::Shakes her head a bit, looking at Zarek:: Not until after dark... ::Hmm's a bit:: I have the biggest urge to earn detention...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs and eyes Charisse for a moment, grinning just a bit:: I'd love nothing more then to get at Snape again...
Zarek Yeran: ::nods at Charisse:: I didn’t mean now.. I wouldn't risk that in broad daylight ::chuckles, laughing softly, looking at Charisse:: Detentions never bothered us any. We surely wouldn't let you get it alone ::winks at Charisse::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Grins a bit and nods in agreement:: Detention is no big's deciding how to get it that brings the fun and excitement...
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly and nods a bit, shrugging:: Can we curse Snape? Pleeeeeeeeeeease?
Gerrard Rayne: ::Grins and bounces at the idea:: Yes!
Zarek Yeran: ::ponders for a moment, frowning slightly:: If we curse snape, we'd probably be outcasted, not get detention
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs at the idea of Snape's hair standing completely on end or watching him as he rolls around in a fit of giggles and laughter::
Charisse Banning: ::Frowns a bit and sighs softly and then considers for a minute, her eyes lighting up:: Not if they don't know it's us!
Zarek Yeran: Hmm.. But I thought you wanted detention?
Gerrard Rayne: ::Grins a bit and nudges Zarek:: They might suspect and give us detention but if they don't know they can't discharge us..
Charisse Banning: ::Shrugs a bit:: I don't care about detention as long as we get to curse Snape...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Snaps his fingers:: Did Malfoy, Crabbe or Goyle pick up their wands before Hagrid dragged them off last night?!
Zarek Yeran: ::nods at both of them, flashing his old 'lets get in trouble' grin:: True enough. Lets do it!
Gerrard Rayne: ::Climbs his feet and takes off at a flat run, waving to them:: Come on!!
Zarek Yeran: ::leaps up, taking off at a dead run after Gerrard, the snitch still stuck in his hand::
Charisse Banning: ::Scoops her books and papers into her bag and picks it up, running after them::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs to himself as they run, grinning broadly, his feet padding lightly against the soft turf as they make their way towards the edge of the forest where they had jumped the three the other night::
Charisse Banning: ::Laughs softly and runs after them:: Snape's expecting a shipment of Asphodel... if we could intercept it...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Grins as he skids to a stop near the edge of the forest, staring around at the ground:: Now there’s a good idea...where do they deliver it to? his office? : ::Frowns at the ground, thousands of broken twigs and leaves and shakes his head, glancing around and then at the two of them:: You two see anything around?
Charisse Banning: ::Skids to a stop just behind Gerrard:: To the owlry, where they're sorted and sent on because they're big packages... ::Thanks for a few minutes:: I think Cedric's working there today...
Zarek Yeran: ::pulls out his wand, muttering 'Acio Wand!' a wand, looking somewhat like Goyle’s floats into his hand:: Well, it looks like they forgot one of them at least
Charisse Banning: ::Glances around the ground and then walks over to stand in the spot that she had tossed the wands away from, hopping a few feet away and sifts through the dirt and twigs, grinning as she holds up the other two::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Ponders for a minute:: One of us would need to distract Cedric while the other two search for the package... once we have it it's all over for Snape..
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly and shakes her head at Gerrard:: We can just ask him for it..
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs softly and shrugs slightly:: Well I usually figure the less people involved the better... ::Smiles a bit:: But if you think he wont mind or think twice about it then sure..
Zarek Yeran: ::chuckles, poking Gerrard in the side:: You don’t remember Cedric too well, do you? I doubt he'd miss a chance to annoy Snape.
Charisse Banning: ::Grins in a somewhat secretively manner:: Oh, I think he'd be more than happy to help... ::Steps over and hands Crabbe's wand to Gerrard, slipping Malfoy's into her pocket::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs a bit and grins at Zarek:: Well, people change, and I haven't talked to him in quite a while...Snape gets loyalty from the strangest of people...but you’re right ::Takes the wand and waves it a few times, chuckling:: Stubby... unbalanced... quite like it's owner I think.. ::Snickers softly and slides it into a small wand pocket on his jeans::
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly and mutters a spell to send her bag up to her dormitory and chuckles softly, slipping her wand into her pocket and pulling Malfoy's out:: Expensive, twig-like, and weak... ::Shakes her head a bit, slipping it back into her pocket:: Come on, lets go! ::Takes off at a run toward the castle::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Grins at the comment and stifles what would have been a loud laugh ::Turns and takes a couple hops before dropping into a run just behind her, pumping his legs hard to come up alongside::
Zarek Yeran: ::hurries off towards the castle, following Charisse closely, grinning broadly, obviously ready for some mischief.::
Charisse Banning: ::Hops up the stairs, skipping through the halls and up a few more flights of stairs, hopping through the door of the owlry a bit ahead of the others and smiles as she spots Cedric moving a sized box into the corner:: Hi Cedric!
Gerrard Rayne: ::Follows Charisse, breathing deeply through his nose and skids to a stop just behind her, slightly out of breath and grins at Cedric:: Hello there old buddy!
Zarek Yeran: ::Grins at Cedric, hopping up the stairs behind the other two:: Cedric! Long time no talk! How have you been?
Cedric Diggory: ::Cedric smiles at the sound of their voices and turns around, wiping a bit of sweat off of his brow:: Hey, Charisse... Gerrard, Zarek... What brings you to the owlry?
Gerrard Rayne: ::Blushes just a bit and winks at Cedric:: You know... uh... buisness...
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and takes a few steps into the owlry, reaching up to stroke Opa as she sleeps quietly on one of the low beams:: We were wondering if that little package Snape ordered has come in yet...
Cedric Diggory: ::Eyes them for a minute before motioning to the box he was just moving:: I wouldn't call it little, what do you have in mind?
Gerrard Rayne: ::Follows Charisse and stares up at all of the owls and then frowns, whistling softly his call being responded to by a snow owl hiding behind two others and he grins, waving to Urza::
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and walks over to look at the box and then up at Cedric:: Well, you seen, Snape's been especially nasty to us lately, especially Gerrard, and we, well... wanted to give him a present...
Cedric Diggory: ::His deep blue eyes light up and he chuckles softly, nodding a bit and motions to the box again:: Be my guest, I'm going to go take a break. Just be finished in half an hour, and let me know how it goes.
Gerrard Rayne: ::Turns his attention away from Urza and back to the matter at hand and grins at Cedric nodding an enthusiastic agreement to Charisse statement, steps over and pats Cedric on the shoulder, grinning broadly:: Thanks bud...always a pleasure seeing you..
Zarek Yeran: ::grins at Cedric again:: Thanks, We'll be sure to let you know. I'm sure you'll be able to hear Snape from here though. I wouldn’t worry about that too much.
Charisse Banning: We definitely will. Thank you! ::Gives Cedric a quick hug which he returns calling after him as he leaves:: I owe you one!
Cedric Diggory: ::Raises a hand to wave to them, slipping silently out into the corridor::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Waves in return and switches his gaze slowly to the crate, a mischevious grin coming over his features again and he laughs:: Oh Professor Snape...such a pleasure to be in potions with you again this year...
Charisse Banning: ::Turns to smile at the two:: Always reliable, that one... ::A mischievous grin plays over her features:: What would you like to see written across Snape's forehead?
Zarek Yeran: ::grins very evilly, glancing at the package with a look of total delight on his face and cackles gleefully:: How about 'A Proud Member of the Harry Potter Fan Club? ::chuckles softly:: No, only joking. He would think the Weasleys did that one
Gerrard Rayne: ::Ponders a bit and looks at the crate and then laughs, eyeing Charisse and Zarek:: Hmm....
Charisse Banning: ::Laughs softly and nods:: We wouldn't want them in trouble...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Grins:: They get in enough on their own... How about..."I wear a pink polka-dot dress under my robes"
Charisse Banning: ::Chuckles softly and nods a bit:: Oohh... I'm not wearing any pants.
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs and nods:: I like that one! Or "I love muggles"
Charisse Banning: Or... There's a pixie in my underpants.
Gerrard Rayne: ::Snickers::
Zarek Yeran: ::snickers quietly: Professor Trelawny, will you be my valentine?
Charisse Banning: ::Laughs softly and nods:: I like it... Ooohh... Or, I love Remus Lupin
Zarek Yeran: Werewolf Power! Or.. Hagrid is my Personal Hero
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs and grins:: Or better yet....! "Gilderoy Lockheart is my role model"
Charisse Banning: Yes!
Gerrard Rayne: ::Giggles madly:: "I didn't listen to mum and my face is stuck this way"
Charisse Banning: ::Laughs and nods, considering:: I want my teddy bear!
Zarek Yeran: ::cackles insanely:: I want my Dumbledore Doll!
Gerrard Rayne: ::Grabs his sides and laughs, nearly falling over::
Zarek Yeran: ::falls over laughing, gasping for breath:: Go.. Gryffindor.. ahahahah
Charisse Banning: ::Leans up against the wall of the owlry:: Sirius Black is my idol!
Gerrard Rayne: ::His face turns beet red and he plops down on his butt, barely managing to keep his voice and laugh out loud::
Charisse Banning: Ooohhh.... I am Draco Malfoy's Mother!
Gerrard Rayne: Ahahahaha! ::Leans up against the crate, his eyes squeezed shut, a few tears forming at the corners::
Zarek Yeran: ::clutches his sides, gasping for air, while trying to keep up right::
Charisse Banning: ::Tears run freely down her cheeks and she slides down the wall, laughing in a ball on the floor::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs:: We.. we should place a jelly legs jinx on it and then place "Lord of the dance" ::Howls with laughter and shakes his head, wiping a few tears from his eyes:: Oh i'm sure any of these would be enough to infuriate him until the end of the century..
Charisse Banning: ::Sits for a few minutes, gasping for breath and then lets out a long sigh:: Ahhh... how about we do the Lord of the Dance, and then replace it with I am Draco Malfoy's mother after the jelly legs jinx wears off?
Gerrard Rayne: ::Laughs softly and catches his breath, straining to squeak a response but simply nods in response, chuckling off and on for a few moments::
Charisse Banning: ::Takes a deep breath and climbs to her feet, waving Draco's wand at the box, muttering a lengthy incantation, one that would generally be sure to assure people won't break in and expresses the desired results::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Scoots away from the crate taking a few deep breaths and smiles, standing and watching her as she performs the incantation::
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and tucks Malfoy's wand away, performing another incantation, a weak and poorly done one, with Goyle's wand and then smiles at Gerrard:: All yours...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Smiles and nods, stepping up to just before the crate and grins, brandishing Crabbe's wand and waves it a couple times at the crate, muttering a short incantation to make some of the smaller packages in the crate float, hearing them touch softly to the top of the crate he snickers and grins at Charisse:: I think that'll do it..
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and looks at Gerrard:: We should get going... don't want Cedric in trouble...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Snickers a bit and stares at the crate for just another moment and then looks at Charisse, nodding, heading towards the door:: Good idea...i hope Snape has a fun time with his delivery...
Charisse Banning: ::Laughs softly and hops out the door, running down the stairs and to the fifth floor, stopping once she reaches the fifth floor landing::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Jogs after her and lands with a soft tap on the landing next to her and grins, pondering for just a moment and whispers to her:: Where should we leave these?
Charisse Banning: ::Hold a hand up for a minute, signaling for silence and then pulls Gerrard into a shadowy alcove, smiling in triumph and whispers softly:: They're coming... Here, give me Crabbe's wand...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Gives off a soft yelp and skids in next to her, peering out for a moment and then hands the wand over to her, grinning::
Charisse Banning: ::Holds onto the three wands with both hands and closes her eyes for a minute, Ari appearing on the floor before him, holding the wands::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Stares down at her, with a slightly worried look on his face wondering what exactly she's going to do but just stands silently, peering out into the fifth floor::
Charisse Banning: ::Scurries into the corridor as Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle pass and climbs carefully up Goyle's leg, depositing the wands in his pocket before hopping down and scurrying back into the alcove, quickly reappearing as Charisse::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Lets out a quick sigh of relief and smiles at her, chuckling softly, whispering to her:: Very nicely done...
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and bows her head slightly, whispering:: Thank you...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Grins again and smiles, nodding out towards the hallway before smiling:: It really was...but lets get outta here..
Charisse Banning: ::Nods and peeks her head out from the alcove, taking off at a sprint down the next few flights of stairs and through the corridors until she steps outside, stopping at the bottom of the steps to wait for Gerrard::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Takes off down the steps just after her, sliding just slightly on the stone floor and skids to a halt right next to her, grinning broadly and whispers:: That was a stroke of genius...someday you'll have to tell me how you came up with it...::Grins again and turns off down the hallway, a familiar whistle coming to mind again and he walks slowly::
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles at watches after him for a minute, shrugging slightly and whispering to herself:: Just kind of sprung into my mind... ::Raises an eyebrow, wondering if she should follow::
Gerrard Rayne: ::Chuckles softly and smiles, stopping in the hall and turns his head back to look at her, still whistling and then strides back to stand next to her again:: Was just heading to grab my bag...left it by the tree in all the: excitement..
Charisse Banning: ::Blinks a bit and smiles at him, something behind him seeming to have caught her attention for a minute but she nods:: Oh... uh... right... the tree...
Gerrard Rayne: ::Chuckles softly and moves his head a bit and glances behind him and then to her, laughing just a bit:: Something up?
Charisse Banning: ::Smiles and shakes her head, looking up at him:: No, no. Just day dreaming. Shall we go?
Gerrard Rayne: ::Smiles and nods a bit, turning down the hall, studying her quietly for just another moment:: Ahh i see...daydreams are good...and yes i suppose we shall if you like...