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Hakutou GyoKuei

Hello! And Welcome to the Phenomenon known as 'Hakutou GyoKuei', which includes the voice of the very talented Moteru Kouryou. And I am her very well educated publicist, Ronei Kasinawa, at your service. This is a site used to promote them and also to provide lots and lots of fanservice. So i hope you enjoy everything in here, Ciao! ^.^

The Latest::

Site still under construction. Coming soon with be single character pages for each member of Hakutou GyoKuei.. Due to immediate and unknown circumstances at this time, Moteru won't be making any appearances until this problem can be fixed. We will try very hard to fix this problem as soon as we can. Thanks and keep coming to this site to be posted on the lastest things ~Ronei and The Band

Scheduled Performances ||| Band Bios ||| Lyrics