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Name: Kain

Age: 24

Race: Brood

Weapon: Scythe

Appearance: See pic above. Under the head piece (face guard, whatever ya wanna call it) he has a scar on his forehead, which extend to bearly touch the corner of his left eye.

Personality: He's cold hearted and uncaring. Like most of his clan, he likes to associate himself with other evil beings on the planet. He's able to take control over other people who have the same personality as he does. Although, some of his clan say that the scar upon his forehead makes Kain some what softer than all the others.

History: Kain is the commander of the Black Dragon Clan's legion. He was once order by his leader, Diablos, to fight a battle with the Silver Dragon Clan leader, Alexander. It was a fierce battle, and it was that battle is when Kain got the scar on his face. That scar wasn't any normal scar, and it caused Kain to be different from everybody else of his clan, personality wise.

Second Form: Elf-like ears, black dragon wings, black pants, no shirt, and arms turn into claw.

Third Form: Black Dragon