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There are no set list of professions that you have to choose from in this game. You may freely pick and desceribe the professional background of your character in the background descriptionthat you provide for the GM. However some things are set. In Mutant there are different types of races and creatures that inhabits this brand new world. The most common race in Mutant Scandinavia are the mutated- and nonmutated humans. However they are far from the only races that a player can choose from.

In short one can say that there are two main categories.....

1) Humans and Mutants


These are the races that forms the bulk of society. There are few restrictions or difficulties to play any of these character types.

Click here if you wish to read more about the available options in this category.



2) The Rare Ones

This is a motley collection of odd creatures and living reminants from society long gone. Few if any of these creatures can or will openly display their true nature or background. They are oddities in an odd world. The Rare Ones are often challenging to try out as player. However they also carry the most restrictions. I will limit the number of Rare Ones in the player parties.

Click here if you wish to read more about the available options in this category.






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