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Zero World: In a world of nothing, fear does not exist...

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Subject:"Ah! My Update"
March 3-(9:48PM) By VegnaStatic
The Ah! My Goddess Section is up and running; my first official section. Don't worry, we won't be posting individual updates when we add every separate section, but yah, check out the An-Glos.

Subject:"Can you dig it?"
February 21-(3:32PM) By VegnaStatic
Alright, we officially have a Link Button! WOOHOO! Mind you it might be a 'wittle' bit too large... but affiliates can deal with it. CAN YOU DIG IT!?

Subject:"Welcome to 'Zero World'... I'm your host..."
February 15-(2:45PM) By VegnaStatic
Welcome, welcome, one and all! This is 'Zero World'; a site dedicated to bringing you media and information of all sorts. Here, you'll find stuff on your favorite video games and anime, and even have a chance to look at works of fans like yourselves in the Fanart and Fanfiction section.