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Being a child of a Military General whom moves from base to base the young Ashley has learned several different languages along her path through different countries. In 2003 her senior year her parents moved to Cairo and she was placed in a strict military school on base located about 20 minutes from town. She always wandered into town via a cab or bus when she could sneak away from her parents. Now that she is 17 her father gives her a little le-way but not much. He expects her to be prompt, proper and always follow the rules, his rules.

Ever know what it is like to be a nomad? I do. I was born on June 4, 1986 to a general in the US Army, at the time of my birth he was stationed in Fort Knox, Kentucky and my mother died that year. She did more than she was able to and she bleed to death when I was barely 4 weeks old. My father had many to help him care for me but every time he moved. So did I.

I was three years old when our first move happened, we moved from base to base in the states and when I turned 12 and was old enough to start understanding and learning more he started to take over seas stations. I have been to Russia, Germany, England, Ireland, China, Japan, Brazil, and many more places. I had to learn the languages just to fit in. but I also learned knowing them helped me to better understand those ‘secrets’ that my father kept from me. I guess because he was my only living relative I didn’t wish to be left out of his life.

I became a straight A student to please my father. But this was never enough; I was never good enough for him. I always heard how I could of done better and how it was that I could please him if I would just try. I spent more time trying to be the best that I soon felt there would never be a place in my heart that pleased him. If I were late, he would beat me so badly that I would wear long sleeve shirts and long pants to hide the marks. Sometimes he would even hit me in the face. I have had many black eyes and had to lie to other ranking officers to look bad that I had gotten into a fight with another in school. Even though I was always the one who took the blame for something. I never did anything wrong. I feared to do anything wrong.

There were many times I was daddy’s little girl, those times were when one of those handsome stud’s (military personal) would look at me and he would quickly divert them from me. Once he had even caught me kissing and flirting with one of the boys. That poor boy had a time explaining how he accidentally fell down a few flights of stairs and then hit his head on the brick. My father was such an ass at times. But he had done well in raising me. I had learned to shoot a gun, learned to defend myself and learned to listen to the tongue of the world. I loved it. I enjoyed it , it was my desire to become a full time linguist.

Three weeks ago my father came home with the news <sarcasm> we were moving to Cairo, Egypt, just outside of the city where there was a base. He was to take over some project he couldn’t talk about. Even though later I would learn of it. So I packed up as I was told… and arrived to my new home.


COMBAT -Ashley was raised by a Military Father living on bases, she has learned to use a gun effectively.

Weapon         Difficulty         Damage         Conceal         Range         Rate         Clip
     Glock 17         7                 4                     J                 20             4                 17+1 


To figure out the diff for a magical effect, you will need to take the Sphere Level + 3 for Coincidental Effects, and The Sphere Level +4 for Vulgar Effects. 

Vulgar effects are categorized as things that simply “cannot” happen in today’s world.  Like Flying like superman, throwing a fireball from the palm of your hand, etc. 

Coincidental Effects are things that can be played off as a random coincidence.  While some things, like using a Forces Level 2 effect to make a dart hit the bulls eye on the board can easily be played off as coincidence, doing it 500 times in a row could be questionable.  Continuous repetition of a coincidental effect may cause some effects to become vulgar after awhile.

Some effects require more then one success in order to create, without having to type the entire system from page 208 in the Mage core book, a good rule of thumb is that every additional target effected needs a success, for extending duration past one turn you will need a success, and for every dice of damage you wish to inflict you need 1 success.  The good news is Mages may take several turns building their effects.  Simply state you are casting an extended effect, and every turn, roll your Arete again.  You may do this as long as you like, but if you botch, the entire effect fizzles and if you get paradox the effect may do something you didn’t have planned.  Simple feats of magic generally only require 1 success on top of the successes you wish to use for damage, duration, and targets.  Standard effects have a base requirement of 2 successes.  If you don’t put any successes into damage or duration or for additional targets, then the effect goes away after one turn.

Level One spheres only allow sensory effects.  Such as being able to be aware of how hot something is without touching it (Forces), knowing what time it is without a watch (Time), Knowing when spirits are around or when someone is scrying on you (Spirit), etc.  With the Sleepwalker flaw, these effects should never be obvious to the conscious mind; they should only come along subconsciously and be easily rationalized. 

To use an effect, you must roll your aręte.  For most Level one effects, the diff is 4.  This is the lowest diff you can have.  Any diff higher then four, can be reduced by burning a point of Quintessence, but you can only spend the amount of Quintessence equal to your Avatar in a turn.

Level 1 Mind does not allow Telepathy or Mind Reading.  It simply works as a more powerful version of Empathy, where you can determine motives of individuals, and sense the intelligence of something.

PARADIGM - Ashley is a sleepwalker, someone who conducts magic without believing in it, and while she tends to rationalize everything and she is not consciously aware of any magic she cast, weird things happen and coincidence tends to follow her everywhere

Explanation of her Flaws

Low self-image - is due to her father’s abuse and always telling her how she will never live up to his standards and such. 
Phobia of spiders - is due to waking up one night with a bunch of them crawling on her when she was a child 
Nightmares - are not every night but enough that she wakes up screaming when she does have them 
Sleeper Flaw –is awakened, she doesn't believe in magic 



Date of Birth: 6-4-86
Hair: Ebony
Eyes: baby blue
Race: White
Nationality: American
Height: 5’10
Weight: 138lbs