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Kassandria Malory Clan Tremere
Birthplace  Italy Allegiance Camarilla
Background Prince Generation 8th
Nature Architech Birthdate Jan 30, 1330 - appears 19
Demeanor Perfectionist Embrace Date Oct 3, 1349
Description 5'6"
125 lbs
Appearance Raven Black Hair
Crystal Blue Eyes
Blush of Health
Strength Charisma Perception*
Dexterity Manipulation* Intelligence*
Stamina Appearance* Wits
Alertness Animal Ken Academics
Athletics Crafts  Computer
Brawl Drive Finance
Dodge Etiquette Investigation
Empathy Firearms* Law
Expression Melee*  Linguistics*
Intimidation Performance Medicine
Leadership Security Occult*
Streetwise Stealth Politics
Subterfuge* Survival Science

Secondary Skills

Blood Preparation Acrobatics Interrogation
Diplomacy Cooking Mummy Lore
Thanatology Climbing Kindred Lore
Sense Deception Herbalism Camarilla Lore
Masquerade Forgery Spirit Lore
Seduction Research Underworld Lore
Lip Reading Jeweler Garou Lore
Instruction Fast-Draw Sabbat Lore
Scan First Aid Mage Lore
Heraldry Alchemy Wyrm Lore
History Search Clan Knowledge
*Seductive *Attentive
*Sexy *Problem Solver
*Fast Draw *Tremere
* Swords
Spoken Languages Egyptian, Latin, Russian, French, and English
Disciplines Backgrounds Virtues
Protean Allies Conscience
Auspex Camarilla Status Self Control
Celerity Contacts Courage
Dominate Generation       
Fortitude Influence
Potence Resources
Presence Herd
Thaumaturgy Rituals
Obfuscate Age
Temporis Clan Status
Humanity (8) Blood Pool (14)

Willpower (10) Blood Points per Round
Thaumaturgical Paths Rituals
The Lure of Flames   Level 1
The Path of Blood       Dedicate the Chantry
Movement of the Mind  Deflection of Wooden doom
The Path of Conjuring   Scent of the Lupine's Passing
Hands of Destruction   Typhon's Brew
Path of the Divine Hand  Seal the Gates of Blood
Path of Ushabti Wake with evenings freshness
Path of Karma Brand of the Paramour
Music of the Spheres
Evil Eye
The Focused Mind Level 2
The Hearth Path Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion
Mastery of the Mortal Shell Ward vs. Ghouls
Oneiromancy Deny the Intruder
The Bloods Curse Ritual's Recognition
Path of Curses Craft Bloodstone
Path of Transmutation
The Vine of Dionysus
The Faux Path
Level 3
Pavis of Foul Presence
Power of the Pyramid
Transubstantiation of Seven
Craft Dream Catcher
Track Transgressor
Level 4
Ward vs. Kindred
Soul of the Homunculus
Unweave Ritual
Stolen Kisses
Level 5
Enchant Talisman
Stone of the True form
Cobra's Favor
Court of Hallowed Truth
Stone Slumber
Merits Flaws
Blush of Health Addiction
Eat Food Dark Secret
True Love Lunacy
Casts no Reflection

 White Wolf Productions 

Art work done by Others


Attributes 7/5/3, Abilities 13/9/5, Diciplines:3, Backgrounds:5, Virtues:7, Freebie points 65 (as per Dom)          75 freebies as per Age 3

Explanations of the Merits and Flaws that need explanation 

True Love Merit - Kassandria always has since her childhood had the ability to speak with spirits. This came natural to her. As a child she came into contact with one spirit that seemed to always be in her life at some point or another. Why she did not know, nor did she ask. One day the spirit lead her from her home at the time in Ireland, where she was studying, to California where she watched from a distance Elrich grow up to be a man. Her watching him through his troubles and trials and how he always succeeded caused her to fall in love with this mortal. She made her self known to him when he was about 19 years old and from then her love for him has grown greatly. It was not until recently that she told him exactly about what she was.

Dark Secret Flaw - Kassandria has a childe that she has kept in hiding from most other Tremere due to the ideals that they follow. Her childe has learned some of the darker arts and Kassy has worried for her life. Kassy will protect her child at all costs and now being the Prince of Berlin has called her child to her side and will guard her as she guards her love.


Kassandria has long black hair that hangs down to her hips, she isn’t an overly strong looking woman but she does have an attitude when it is needed. Crystal blue eyes that show very little emotions watch everything intently as you never know when something is going to lurch out at you. She usually is dressed in black and red or purple. Sometimes and very seldom can be found in white. She always has a leather coat on and once in a while a chain mail shirt that seems to be the style at some of the clubs. She carries on her a Glock .9mm and also a dagger in one of her boots.