(44 XP)
Spend 21 to raise Balance to 4! (this will allow me to also raise Sekhem to 4)
Now...to gain this balance I need to appear before 3 Judges of Ma'at. I can raise it so long as I have no more than 3 infractions against Ma'at. So far I have none that I know of.
(23 left)
Spend 2 on Lesser Talisman (Level 2 Amulets Ritual) (Crafts + Amulets) Diff 7, Sekhem 8.
Spend 2 on Lesser Ward (Level 2 Amulets Ritual) (Crafts + Amulets) Diff 7, Sekhem 10
Spend 3 on Awareness to bring it to 1
Spend 3 on Hypnosis to bring it to 1
(13 left)
Spend 8 to raise Charisma to 3.