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Keltic Wolf, a Biography and Grimoire

Keltic Summons Mystical Fire

Vital Statistics

Race: Demon Lycanthrope (Natural Werewolf/Demon)
Age: 191
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic/Neutral
Profession: Necromancer/Chronomancer/Cosmomancer/Priest of Hades
Titles (italic = past title): Paladin (Vampires of Meyhem), Duke (Peace Keepers), King (Mystic Nomads), Clan Father (Twilight Revelers).

Special Powers
Hellspawn Armor: At Will, Keltic can secrete a black liquid from the pores of his skin; this liquid forms about his body, instantly becoming a thin layer of hardened unholy energy that grants Keltic the following advantages/disadvantages:
  • Shadow Walk: User disappears in shadows.
  • Enhanced Regeneration: User's natural regeneration is increased to work at 2x normal speed.
  • Greater Darkvision: User can see in areas of darkness, including all forms of magical darkness. The visual range of Greater Darkvision is increased to 200 yards, seen as if in daylight.
  • Unholy Aura: Creatures of "good" alignments are unnerved by user's presence. Good creatures of low will/level refuse to attack the user out of fear.
  • Demon's Bane: User takes 2x damage from holy/good based effects.
Hell Spawn Chains: At Will, Keltic may summon forth sentient chains wrought from twisted demon-bone to launch from his palms, pecs, and knees. These chains each have a 1/2 size wolf's skull attached to their front that guides them to their target, howling and biting. Their damage is moderate, but they may be commanded to entangle a foe. Though not unbreakable, the demon-bone is unnaturally tough, able to withstand heavy damage before breaking.
Hell Spawn Cape: Keltic can call a flaming red cloak to emerge from his shoulders at will. The Hell Spawn Cape can shapechange, allowing him camouflage in any surrounding. It allows him to transmute with large mechanical items and other objects at least as large as him.
Darkvision: Keltic can see 100 yards in utter darkness, as if in daylight.
Regeneration: Keltic regenerates health at an amazing rate. The most grevious of wounds (up to and including death) are healed in seconds. Wounds inflicted by normal/magical weapons heal in a time frame of 5 - 60 seconds. Wounds inflicted by silver/mithril weapons regenerate slower (60 - 200 seconds).

  • Holy Magic: Due to his demonic side, Keltic suffers 1.5x damage from holy sources.
  • Protection from Undead: (When Undead) Keltic may be kept at bay by a powerful enough spellcaster using a Protection from Undead spell. However, Keltic is unharmed by Protection from Undead spells.
  • Silver Weapons: (When not Undead) These cause more grevious wounds to Keltic than normal weapons, and these wounds take longer to heal.

Other Facts

Keltic is married to PentaWolf and has three children with her. Their names are Raithe, Sangria, and Sienna.

He is the son of Rune Wolf and Lady Dale, once was the King of a clan ( the Mystic Nomads to whom Strzyz was Queen ) and the Duke of the Peace Keepers of Mystic, to whom Kilmore-Wolf was King and Valencia was Queen.

Keltic always wears a purple satin or silk shirt. He also wears a black spiked leather arm band on his left arm.

When battling, he prefers to use his Promeus Volgard (Enchanted Morningstar) "GateCrasher."

Care to see Keltic Wolf's Grimoire?

( All werewolf Pictures used above are the property of GoldenWolf. None of her pictures may be used without her consent, unless otherwise noted. )

Clans Keltic Has Been In


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