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Name: Hashan Galanodel

Race: Elf
Sex: Male

Class: Ranger

Age: 115 years

Height: 5 feet
Weight: 90 pounds
Base Speed: 30 ft
Hit Die: D10
Str: 13
Dex: 14 (+1 racial bonus)
Wiz: 14
Con: 14 (-1 racial bonus)
Cha: 8
Int: 10

Armor:  studded Leather ac7

Thaco: 17

Hp: 25

Armor Class: 7

-Long sword 1d8 crit 19-20/x2,
-Composite Long Bow 1d6

-Quiver w/20 arrows
-Grappling hook
-Backpack w/ water-skin
-1 day's trail rations
-Flint & steel
-3 torches
-Rope 50ft

Saving Throws:
Paralyze, Poison, or Death Magic: 9
-Rod, Staff, or Wand: 15
-Petrifaction or Polymorph: 14
-Breath Weapon: 16
-Spells: 16

Ranger abilities:
-Hide in Shadows: 25%
-Move Silently: 33%

Racial Ability:

*90% resistance to sleep and all charm related spells
*employing a bow other then crossbow or when using a short or long sword, elves gain a bonus of +1 to their attack rolls
*60ft infravision
*secret doors (merely passing within 10 ft of a concealed door gives an Elvin character a one-in-six chance to notice it)